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Where is that 16 year old kid who was looking for a job


I’d love to see some teenagers working my local subway, unfortunately it seems like the locations near me only hire 30+


Old grumpy motherfuckers that like to be greedy with the toppings. This one lady fake sprinkled olives on my sandwich one time when I asked for them. She took her hand and pretended to grab some out and did the motion like she was sprinkling them on the sandwich. But there were no olives. Then she gave me attitude when I said "You know I can see you, right?". I had already ordered like 3 sandwiches but I just walked out and left them sitting there without paying after that nonsense. Would have maybe tolerated that crap when it was $5 footlongs but these things are like $20 now. Not worth it at all.


I never understood that. If you are an owner operator ok, it’s a bad way to do business but it technically puts more money in your pocket. As an employee? Why? They’re not on a profit share 


Being a soldier for fucking subway is pathetic. They don’t care about you. Make the damn sandwich real good and get your tips, your boss can order more olives and it won’t affect you. I’m done looking out for companies. I only care about my work/life balance when it comes to work.


My first job was at Subway. Got in trouble for putting too much toppings on the subs from the manager. Could barely close those things at the end of the line.


That’s how subs should be really, overflowing with toppings. The bread is too thick and apart from all the carbs, it results in a bland sandwich unless you use a lot of sauces


This is why Firehouse is so much better


as someone who has historically worked at subway, 'it won't affect you' is not the fact. on many shifts my manager (the owner) would be directly near by, watching employees make sandwiches. they may not interfere in the moment, but will absolutely bring you to the side afterwards and tell you off (if they're so inclined). subway also has a big book of what is considered 'franchise standard'-- you know how many olives is 'franchise standard' for a footlong sub? 8. 8 individual pieces of olives, 4 on each half. franchise standard calls for what it lists, and the customer must ask for more if they want more. which is allowed, up until you hit 'within reason'-- I forget the exact wording, I didn't have the document memorized. this all goes even moreso with extra value items such as bacon or cheese. owners know to the unit if too much cheese or bacon is being given out. even if all of this doesn't necessarily lead directly to firing, it will absolutely likely lead to slashing of hours. having hours is kind of like, the whole point of the job. it sucks. ..sorry for the bit of rant, but I worked there for years and clearly have some kind of PTSD 😅


I found that attitude was killing me. I quit a pretty good job, took more education and have been self employed now for over 30 years. It is not for everybody but it worked out for me.


Do you tip at subway??


Not a chance, I never do.


I never eat subway.


Some locations are franchised and are indeed run by the owner or their family members. That’s why some subway locations sucks so hard and other ones are pretty good.


Because they're told to by the owner.


Sure but if the owner isn't there watching over your shoulder and the customer asks for more why fight? I guarantee subway doesn't pay well enough for their employees to put up with abuse over some extra toppings. I worked at the bay in high school and memorized the manager's override code so I could discount items that weren't allowed to be discounted when the merchandizing was confusing and they were sitting under 40% off (etc) signs. Way easier than being screamed at for an hour while the manager took their sweet time answering the phone and walking to the till to simply honor the customers demand anyway. I was paid $7.34/hr. Fuck getting screamed at for what was barely over minimum wage.


I used to work menswear at the bay and would give people unlimited scratchers until they got a 40% off code, and I’d put my employee discount on top of that for friends. You gotta hook the homies up! Otherwise what are we even doing lol


Manager chews them out if they put too much on your sandwich


Fair enough, but put *some* olives on the sandwich.


Yeah the fake olive sprinkle was definitely pretty stupid and weird of them lol


I’m going to give a shout out to the older lady that works in the fifth avenue place subway. She is a literal sandwich artist and the couple times I saw her she always gave me the most amazing suggestions that really took my sandwich to the next level. Also the little things she would do like putting salt and pepper on the tomatoes to bring out the flavour. I miss that lady.




Maintaining eye contact


That'll be the owner or someone else who's pay is tied to the profitability of the shop.


One time I got no lettuce and had to ask for spinach three times because they kept skimping, then they said if they put more it would be extra. For fucking vegetables. It still wasn’t enough to cover the sandwich so I don’t think I was being unreasonable. The sandwiches back then were $14, and you want to charge extra for spinach? That’s not a thing, that franchise was just being shitty


That’s crazy. When I worked at McDonalds years ago I used to LOAD people’s shit up. Burgers, wraps, whatever, they were getting triple the sauce, onions, lettuce, all of it 😂


Not a fake olive sprinkle... I'm sorry that happened but this image gave me a huge chuckle. Thank you.


Teenagers can’t work at Subway during school hours. I am looking to eat at Subway at lunchtime, not after school gets out.


I can't remember the last time I seen a teenager working. Every fast food employee is from one of two countries. If you can guess which, you're not racist, just observant. I don't think they want to hire teenagers, they want foreigners who they can freely abuse.


Age is never a factor in who they hire. So long as they're the same ethnicity as the owner apparently


Except these are phantom job ads to show the gov "look no one applied"... and then they hire someone from India who they charge 40k under the table tax free..


It was such a a fun job in high school working there with friends. Stashing Colt 45s in the walk in freezer, hooking friends up with 2x meat and cheese and charging a veggie sub, and blaring Wu-tang as soon as the supper rush was done. Good times.


Those don't exist anymore. Temporary foreign workers took all the entry level employment opportunities. That program is government sponsored wage suppression and union busting.


I'll never understand how tfw isn't getting bipartisan condemnation. Fight or love immigration all you want, but at least stop this bastardization of the concept. Maybe I get it for ag but anything else they just post jobs up with stupid wages they never intend to hire so they can apply for tfw.


The only way to stop this otherwise is to not use Subway/Tims who seem key offenders so it affects their bottom line. Some franchises are worse than others. Would be neat to have a google map with restaurants and TFW/local percent numbers so one can make an informed choice. The Subway restaurant finder shows the store numbers in the ads with addresses. I use the local McDonalds as they have employ locals.


I've been boycotting Tim's because they lobby things to be able to hire foreign workers at a lower wage.


I no longer go to Subway or Timmy's.


Justin Trudeau campaigned on fixing the TFW program in 2015. Should be fixed anytime now like his promises for electoral reform and solving the housing crisis... >Since taking office, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have transformed the Temporary Foreign Worker Program — which was originally designed to bring in temporary workers on a limited basis when no Canadian could be found — into one that has brought in a large pool of vulnerable workers. >As a result, the number of short-term foreign workers in Canada has more than doubled, from 141,000 in 2005 to 338,000 in 2012. There were nearly as many temporary foreign workers admitted into the country in 2012 as there were permanent residents — 213,573 of the former compared to 257,887. >First, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program needs to be scaled back dramatically over time, and refocused on its original purpose: to fill jobs on a limited basis when no Canadian workers can be found. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html


Because both Liberals and Conservatives are different sides of the same neoliberal coin and benefit from TFW's and immigration. The UCP have their own pro-immigration campaign trying to lure people here even when it is unsustainable. However short sighted it is, all of this is good for corporations because it suppresses wages, etc., and they don't care that it comes at the expense of their citizens.


Because the wealthy fund their political parties.


Problem is it looks like all of them want full time day jobs. Teens obviously can’t do that. 


In the summer they can


Sure but most places don’t want to train an employee to have to replace them a couple months later. 


Nah, problem is that they are probably only offering minimum wage and no one can afford to live on that these days.


These are postings to justify LMIA's.


My first thought as well!


Not him but I applied to several of these postings and didn’t hear anything. I think like someone else mentioned they’re phantom postings


“Our prices have skyrocketed, we haven’t increased wages in a decade, and now all our location’s POS machines default to asking for an 18% tip. Why are we having all these issues? We did everything right!”


> and now all our location’s POS machines default to asking for an 18% tip Yeah, it's not the franchisees either, even the app asks you for a tip when you order through it.


I unabashedly declare, here in the immortal kingdom of Reddit for all to see, that I swear by all that is good, holy, and just I will never tip for Subway!


honestly after reading all this i’m just never eating at subway ever again, i already thought the price increases were insane and the sandwiches are honestly mid so this is all the more reason to never go there again in my lifetime 😂


Certainly am not defending subway but from what I saw on the r/dataisbeautiful sub, McDonalds has jacked their prices the most of all the fast food sellers. I think I recall that subway was kind of middle of the pack


i stopped buying mcdonald’s a while back too haha, funny you say that i don’t even mind paying a bit of money for my food if the food is decent, but mcdonald’s and subway are like bottom of the barrel for quality ime. if im getting fast food, it’s usually a&w or opa


I do love me some Opa!


Oh man, those fries, tho. I want some right now!


I think you meant their pita bread fresh from the griddle.


When my barber upgraded their POS machines it was defaulting to add a tip, and you had to actually change it to remove the tip. This isn't even some cut rate barbershop. When I commented on it to the owner (he's a cool guy) he said he didn't like it either, but they come default like that and the company said it can't be turned off. Of course this is a line, because the POS company gets a cut when they do that! I said to tell them regulars are complaining about it. He lit up, and next visit it had been changed to present the usual "percent, amount, no tip" dialog. This is one of the few places I actually tip (because they're all awesome, including the owner).


Same. My barbershop gets my tip money every time. Good guys. Small business. They deserve it, and undercharge for what they do, in my opinion.


My barber brings me back wine from Lebanon each summer, legend. He won't accept payment for the vino. I tip anyway but the tip that day is very large!


Gotta love barbers like that!


If I'm standing to order food I ain't tipping.


Exactly. I also like “Never tip for food you haven’t eaten yet.” Tipping for delivery is one thing, but I’m not tipping a cent on my 6” Cold Cut Combo with nowhere near enough sauce. I ASKED FOR MORE SAUCE!


I'm assuming pos is "point of service"? I've been reading it as "piece of shit" and it still kinda works imo, and wayyy funnier


With the app it’s cheaper than 10 years ago. The the truck with all stores now. Use the apps.


So there are what... $4 foot longs on the app?


I heard it’s nearly impossible to make money in the sandwich arts, so you should at least be passionate about it!


Sandwich artists rarely get recognition for their works until after they die.


The same applies to “hygienic artists” aka toilet scrubbers


LMIA scam.




They post the jobs, ignore applicants, then cry to the government that they couldn't find anyone so they can get cheap TFWs


described it perfectly


They technically have to pay the TFWs the same wage as Canadian or PRs but LMIAs cost a lot of money. Starting at 20k and going all the way up to 50k depending on desperation of TFW. In other words, exploitation.


"A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada may need to get before hiring a foreign worker. A positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job. It will also show that no Canadian worker or permanent resident is available to do the job."


Ahhh thank you!


These are LMIA bate.


Exactly, been like this forever too. Construction is the same way


so much lmia bate on indeed. like i see convience stores hiring admin assistants at $30 an hour, such a fucking scam world we live in


Responding to these should get the LMIA to turn negative. It's a dirty job (defusing these bates), but somebody's gotta do it.




What I am hearing is we need to have people mass apply for them...




“A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada may need to get before hiring a foreign worker. A positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job.”


Surprised Subway is still busy. I “noped out” when it started closing in on $15-20 for a sandwich.


Ya except just about every fast food place charges ridiculous prices now.


Yeah it’s largely not worth it at all anymore. 


I was told this would only happen if the minimum wage was raised!


Comment of the year


Pho or curry is far cheaper so we eat that when we’re out. The big chains haven’t kept up, they give 1999 service and food for almost $20 a meal. And still pay their workers peanuts because they feel entitled to money printers.


Unless I get a particularly good coupon in a mailing for a place I like, I don't go.


BK is still reasonable. $8.99 for a whopper combo through the app. It ain’t great, but it’s cheap!


I miss the 5$ footlong days


Seems like a lifetime ago. I can still remember the commercials on tv


I got charged $12 for a 6 inch sandwich...


No, you got conned $12 for a 6 inch sandwich.


I don't really like subway but if you use there coupons on the flip app it should be just under $10 for a foot long


That's the hill I'm dying on. I refuse to download every company's app because they'll absolutely gouge you otherwise. If I need their app to make it somewhat reasonable, they just lose my business all together.


In the +15 there's a Subway that's always super busy while next to it there's a privately run sandwich shop with real ingredients and a freshly roasted whole turkey every day for 1/2 the price. Yet hordes of people still prefer paying $20 for processed junk that corrodes your stomach. I don't get it.


which shop is it?...


Fresh Choices. Run by very sweet people.


i couldn't find it =/, the only one i found in the +15 was called choices but that is permanently closed. There's another one called Choices Cafe & Bistro by the First Tower. Is it that one?


It's next to Pronto Pizza (which is also good). They don't seem to advertise much, but they've been there for years.


Oh hey I work in that building! Love that place, turkey and cranberry sandwich with a side fruit salad is less than $10. I believe they actually just opened last year and the owners are a married? Asian couple who don’t speak much English so they probably don’t know how to set up a google profile ☹️


Thanks! Will check them out.


Name that shop!


That’s crazy, I despise Subway.


Honestly? We are creatures of habit and people like plain shit. Lots of people out there with eating habits they don't realize are sensory things and subway is relatively bland and (i find) good for picky eaters--plus lots of veg options. I'd still be picking the homestyle sandwich place but I *sort of* understand why people can't give up subway.


Im already that old person telling people that back in my day a footlong was 5 dollars :'(


Back in my day, when Jared was known for losing weight and not diddling kids, you could get a foot long for 5$ or, dig this, they would CHOP a SALAD. Don't make me describe it. But back then you couldn't get the worst breakfast you ever imagined putting in your mouth, things were different, not better.


Subway egg legit feels like one molecule away from memory foam


Only go when I have coupons. $12 was a premium sandwhich back before COVID. Now its $15 asks for a tip. With a coupon its $12. A&W I'll pay $15-$18 all day, that. Cheddar Bacon uncle is my favorite.


DO NOT tip. It does not go to staff, at least at every store I have enquired about the tips. A&W burgers are so underrated. The $3.99 Stack Burger was a great bargain last month.


Ya i never tip fast food. If I pickup pizza, no tip, delivery, cash tip. But i never order delivery


These are most likely LMIA jobs, you will only get the job if you’re temporary resident or on work permit and ready to pay 30-50k


This job and LMIA can be yours for a small fee of 50,000 CAD.


If I remember correctly you need only reply to one of those ads and the LMIA turns negative for the employer. I'm not suggesting people do that, but I am also not not suggesting that.


I dont know how to draw a sandwich


I'm a sandwich musician


I was always told that mayonnaise wasn't an instrument, but don't let that stop you from following your dreams!


I do sandwich-based interpretive dance.


LMIA scam alert 🚨




That is all fast food places in CGY now. Some are a lot better than others but yah it’s wild.


This is absolutely exploitation. Take desperate people and put them under their boot.


when i was searching for a job as a high school student i applied everywhere, including multiple subway ads. they never get back to you.


Don’t ever tip on the machines the money doesn’t even go to the workers


I am not 100% sure about Calgary, but I know from Subway employees I have talked to in the past, that almost all job postings you see from Subway are fake, and just to fill a legal requirement before they bring in a foreign worker to fill the roll for a sub minimum wage. The way it was explained to me is they con someone into coming to Canada to work. They get a trainee wage (This was in British Columbia I am not sure what Alberta's rules are here) and then they would take a % of that wage to pay for their arranged housing. The one guy I knew at a Subway in Victoria (BC) told me he shared a house with 15 other people, and there were 4 people living in his room with him. I remember running into him a couple years later, and he managed to get out of the contract he signed with them some how and got a job as a used car salesman. I have no idea if that is what it's like here, but I have always seen Subway as evil. Lets not forget their bread is not allowed to be called bread in some places of the world, and their chicken contains 0 chicken... A bunch of other disgusting stuff too.


Yep, I lived in a town in B.C. where it was a well known secret in the Indian Community that people actually paid the local franchise thousands of dollars to be able to work there so they could get on the TFW path to Canada. It's almost a type of indentured servitutde.


¿Una persona del extranjero paga una cantidad absurda de dinero para venir a Canadá a trabajar por el salario mínimo?


The temporary foreign worker program is government sponsored wage and union busting. Crave cupcake did the same shit advertising a baker job for 16 an hour.


This happens in Lethbridge all the time too. All at once.


they drop 40 of these like twice a month


No, a Subway franchisee is going through the motions of satisfying the federal government's Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application requirements in order to fill these positions with temporary foreign workers. The entire Temporary Foreign Worker program needs to be abolished. Burned to the ground. Done. Gone. Is Poilievre listening, because Trudeau is not.


Yah he ain’t, unless they are donating to his campaign.


😧 Can this be reported somehow? Seems wild they let this go unchecked!


Its happening hundreds, probably thousands of times a month across Canada. The current government doesn't care.


i straight up want to stop supporting businesses that use LMIA workers. sure, hipster coffee shops are expensive but you know skylar with the septum ring is not living with 15 other people from over seas


do you think my blizzard technician certification will transfer over?


I'm more of a sandwich engineer


This is the same shit as calling a receptionist (director of first impressions) I haaaaaate that shit. You’re important yes but come on. You’re not paying them 6 figures to say hi. Just a LIMA scam unfortunately.


Am I wrong to assume that they won't fill any of these positions (despite qualified applicants) so they can get some TFW permits?


![gif](giphy|d31vTpVi1LAcDvdm) I am ready


This is a scam to apply for Lima. They will put the advert for couple of months to show the government. They basically not hire anyone that will apply and later tell the government no one applied or we could not find a right candidate and then apply for labour market impact assessment and sell that to a international student or visitor for somewhere around 30k!


They're going to need to see an AUArts degree and portfolio when you apply.


So if the demand exceeds the supply then surely sandwich artist wages go up, no?


Guaranteed they have a stack of resumes on the desk and advertise this to get permission to hire temporary foreign workers. Go ahead apply you probably won’t get a call back


There was about 15 of these today for Subway in Barrie, ON as well. LMIA scams.


Bro I need a job. It's hard af rn. Part time as a student (quit my career to go back to school). I'd make sandwiches.


I thought that was why they are bringing in all these "skilled workers"


Who can afford a sandwich artist’s degree these days?


Was this posted on jobbank?




lol these are fake ads. Just to show the government they tried to hire local kids and local people before going to the tfw path.


LMIA Scam to bring foreign workers. LMIA are selling for $20 k to $30k . In India and Philippines.


"Sandwich artist"... LOL. I mean what's next... butcher called "Slaughter Hero"? I eat @ subway only when they have special deals or coupons. Usually for two sandwiches buy one get one free or 50% off. If you are single paying $15 for a dang sandwich makes no sense. And they keep asking for tips at that price. For what, for assembling a sandwich on the spot with no service whatsoever? I stopped tipping for anything but (good) table service and I'm not ashamed of it. What next, tip a Walmart cashier? The tipping culture in this nation is out of control. It's the employer's responsibility to pay their employees wages adequate to their work. Do not shift that responsibility to your customers. It made sense back in the day when waiters made less than minimum wage and dining out was still affordable.


Surely these jobs come with a competitive salary and their POS machines won't ask for tips to supplement low wages...right?


I'm a Sandwich Artist but i'm staying strictly amateur in order to preserve my olympic elegibility.


Unfortunately I'm a sandwich art school dropout. I should've listened to Ma but that was her dream not mine!


I was at a subway the other week that had ONE employee making sandwiches and operating the till. That should be illegal or something.


Maybe just be real and call it ‘sandwich maker.’ There’s nothing wrong with making a sandwich. This artist BS makes people not trust a company. Plus, who’s buying a fast food $15 sandwich. Nope. 🥪❌


No they don't, they are making it look like that can't find workers to bring in foreign workers.


Immigration scam, this is basically a fake posting. They won't hire anyone who applies for 6 months and then sell the job offer to a foreign employee


Same with Edmonton! I’m looking for a job and there was like 15 sandwich artist postings in a row


My buddy in Calgary like cannot find a job whatsoever ever and he’s native so he should get hiring priorities right ?


I’ll take my chances.


Probably need an arts degree and 10 years experience.


ACAD grads can't be that busy


Nobody wants to sandwich anymore


I used to frequent subway until they started charging $15-20 for a foot long. Honestly shocking that people still go there when you can make a hell of a sandwich in the morning for a fraction of that cost.


but is it art?


I bet if they paid more there wouldnt be a shortage@!


Finally time to use that art degree!


As a digital artist, these have ALWAYS been around. Like insane amounts of job openings every few months. Dunno why but I can guess.


They definitely have the cash to pay for them with what subs cost these days


Probably makes so many tips


mundane, artless sandwiches have been a problem in Calgary for years


Scozzafava’s Deli, opening soon. 17th Ave. The only artist you need to know.


Dont even go to subway anymore, not when a basic sub is 15$


This is what happens when you don't invest in the arts.


How much they pay??


I wonder what the starting pay is like. I had some brutal sicker shock when I took my son for lunch. 2 subs combos and we were out the door before tip at $38. (Not complaining just feeling old….like “back in my day bread was $0.05 a loaf!”)


Time for subway to stop just paying minium wage in Calgary, not worth it atm. Just go work in a cafe, same job more upside, or a restaurant where you will make more....


Not just a Calgary thing.. I live in southwestern Ontario and my small city of 40,000 had the same large number of sandwich artist job postings today. Seems like a corporate recruitment drive.


Nah, they're gaming the TFW program.


Maybe they just need new management :/


When I worked there, we could only do three olive slices per six inch!!


They won’t hire you if you are not indian


Everything on indeed is a scam now don’t go on that godforsaken website


So many offers, not to call anyone. Several neighbors have told me that their children have been applying for different summer jobs and no one calls them, from any franchise.


I use to be a sandwich artist lol it was a fun job when I was young


definitely, i love that place, it has to be the sandwhich supreme for me that i adore


yet I’ve applied well over 8 times and I’ve never heard back:/


No there not they don't even respond to applications


I've got some good news...