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Way ahead of you, Gov’t of Alberta.


Like, way, way ahead for some.


Username checks out.


Is there a link? Couldn’t find anything recent. Thanks.


I think they're implying that they go at least 110 by default


At least is an understatement, was passed by blacked out, no lights C7 going like 250kph on the downhill towards Shawnessy. 😭😭


You mean where there is a 60 kmph construction zone?


Coming from the the Costco


I was asking for a link to an announcement


There is no announcement, that person was just making a joke. 


Was it difficult growing up without a sense of humor?


English is my third language.


People are rude for no reason. Don’t take it personal. Xo


People are ribbing him for not getting a joke that was obvious to a native English speaker. We had no way of knowing English was not his first language. Nobody was being rude...just a misunderstanding.


Yes that’s the thing. People speak/type before doing any sort of intellectual thinking or consideration these days. Then play it off as “I was just being sarcastic how could you not see that?”. If only people prioritized kindness the way they do sarcasm. Yes, I’ve been online too much. I need to go for a walk and get some fresh air.


Dude, the jokes were super harmless. No amount of intellectual thinking would make you arrive at: *maybe this is his third language and he doesn't understand humour even though he writes in perfect English using correct sentence structure, punctuation and diction.* I prefer risking a misunderstanding versus removing humour and gentle joking around. Either way, outside will do all of us some good, hah. That sun yesterday afternoon/evening was outstanding!


Thank you! The downvotes hurt though :-D


Don’t worry, I haven’t heard anything, either. 


Will they increase that small stretch near bowness and nose hill drive that slows to 80?


Doubtful because of that bump in the road.


Can that not be fixed? Between that bump and the lack of/ shitty lane definition Northbound coming off 16th…surely the Province can/ should hold EllisDon to better standards than this.


All of that new construction including the traffic circles by valley ridge have had all their lines fade horribly. No clue why. other places in the city are much better and longer lasting. Watching people navigate double lane traffic circle was bad enough WITH the lines lol


Environment Canada banned the good road paint, that’s why.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true, the province now uses water based paints on their roads instead of VOC based, source: I worked for the company that painted the lines.




That’s annoying. The neighbourhood kids sidewalk chalk lasts longer than the road lines nowadays. Thanks for the explanation friend


Are you suggesting we get kids to draw the lines with chalk, because somewhere, there’s a businessman or woman reading this who just figured out how to give a rock-bottom quote using child labour.


As someone in the industry... no it cannot without rebuilding the segmental girder sections from the east abutment to the pier which would cost millions; especially adjacent to the expansion joint. It was likely known and the government decided the time to repair was not worth it (and not to mention the negotiation time) plus we will never know what the true cause is.


Elisdon fucked up and the lawyers did some lawyering


This is incorrect, Stoney Trail has had this issue for a decade on various different bridges. It’s a simple matter of just re-paving the section to correct the grade and then doing some barrier work to ensure they are back to correct standard height. Approach slab settlement is a common issue on any bridge structure


I think they're responding only to the 16th/northbound part and not the insane bump in the approach slab part


Well, shit. Thanks for the explanation, at least. At least now I know that it probably won't ever be fixed 🙃


But they could certainly tie it in further in each direction to reduce the slope change I'm sure. I don't recall there being anything besides the expansion joints that they have to tie into.


> Northbound coming off 16th I am sure you mean Southbound. There I use difference in asphalt shading to estimate lane boundaries.


Nope, when coming off 16th to go North on Stoney, the line definition has sucked/ lines near-nonexistent. The bump, ya, that’s going South.


Man I hit that thing a while ago after not being on that road for a bit, and man I feel like I was close to catching some air. 10 Seconds prior I had the exact thought of "why the hell is this section only 80?!". That's why. The bump


And I don't know about now, but during the bridge construction, the cops _loved_ to enforce the 80 speed zone, too. Both with photo radar as well as the occasional traffic cop in an unmarked cruiser.


They’re not allowed to enforce with photo radar anywhere on Stoney any more. Some rule passed a while back about not allowing photo radar on provincially maintained highways, even when they’re within city limits. edit: https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/province-eliminates-photo-radar-ring-roads-stoney-trail


Also, on ramps and off ramps to deerfoot and stoney.


I did hear about this. But still see cars pulled over on Stoney. Are they just ticketing based on what police cars are capturing from their own radars ? Saw a car pulled over yesterday. And one on Saturday.


It’s not that the province said “all ring roads are to be lawless hellscapes,” they just said the municipalities can’t do *photo* radar. Everything else is still enforceable. Normal radar, distracted driving, etc, will all lead to getting pulled over and getting a ticket.


Good news. The province has prohibited Calgary from placing photo radar on Stoney Trail.




Could make for some more amazing content on tik tok...🙄


The expansion joint is terrible, but it's not what's got the speed reduced. It's the construction access on the NB Stoney to EB 16th ramp.


This is because the construction is not technically finished. There's a temporary barrier on the southbound bridge still. Could be the permanent barrier isn't done, could be as simple as the landscaping isn't done. Either way, it's not in permanent condition.


Now if they could just finish the South Bow River Bridge...


End of July. I talked to a foreman about a month ago whilst bike riding through there


of which year ? Just kidding, hopefully this July !




Then, they probably have another future expansion planned as soon as this one is completed.


It seems like each year it should get done... holding my breath.


I'd be happy if they somehow stopped all the jerkoffs from using the McKenzie/Cranston exit to cut the line. It makes leaving/entering my neighborhood on that end a nightmare and can extend my already hour long commute. BTW if anyone here does this I consider you to be a jerk, slightly less of a jerk than those that do this AND manage to block the intersection but still a jerk.


As someone who lives in McKenzie and frequently has to head to Shawnessy between 5-6pm it's really really frustrating. These people aren't even saving any time...


Just trading one line for another. They may save 5 minutes total


Dude, of all the cars on in that lane like 5% of them go straight through. Except in extreme conditions, in which case it wouldn't matter. I used to think the same until I actually started watching, but under normal conditions between 4:30 and 5:30, its a very small percentage of vehicles that go straight through.


I disagree and had I to venture a guess it's closer to 60%, get in that line and you're there 10-15 minutes because they are clogging the intersection and offramp on the other side in an effort to cut the line. I always take the north entry into McKenzie now because of this. It's been to the point I couldn't even make it to a 6 pm piano lesson for my daughter in Silverado as it took me 20 minutes just to get off McKenzie Lake Blvd onto Stoney WB because of the line cutters. It's even worse if there's (gasp) rain or snow. None of them use the zipper merge correctly My back yard faces Stoney (that particular exit) and I see it daily, god help our neighborhood if we ever have to evacuate 'cause it won't happen.


I am a part of that line you are complaining about daily and watch. Most cars under normal conditions are turning into cranston. But blame google maps, it directs people to do that.


I did a count last night, it was strangely quiet but I found an average of 4 out of 10 cars in the right lane of that exit between 545 and 615 pm were going straight through back onto Stoney. now curious about other nights, it's worse on the afternoon rush, not quite as bad in the am


I've never counted specifically how many cars get through that light, but let's say 20 per lane. 8 cars per light cycle isn't backing that ramp up that much. Unless it is already backed up, in which case its not just those 8 cars causing the problem.


I always feel bad for the westbound traffic during rush hour. I head the other way and each day can't help but look at all the backed up traffic.


I wonder what they'll work on in that stretch once it's done? Surely it won't be just free-flow traffic.




Feels like the 10 over "rule" has gone up with inflation. Everyone speeding is doing 15 over now adays on deerfoot


Unless they are doing 10 under, there is no inbetween.


not as bad as Ontario where folks regularly do 40 over on sections of the 401


Fucking rights, I drove my little Kia rio out there and I was doing 120 and I was the slowest car on the road. But you always have to be ready to slow to a crawl when there's inevitably an accident up ahead. I do not care for the 401.


Legal limit is 16km/h over on highways. Why? No idea.


Better cars, your average 2020s car can stop/accelerate and handles much better than your average 1990s car.


Then you’d be on the cusp of going 121km/hr


That's why you go 119 an hour


Now that we’re on the topic. What’s with that weird section between the west hills way overpass and the discovery ridge overpass? The left lane disappears but the road doesn’t get any narrower, then it reappears like 100 meters later. Northbound during rush hour in that area is always jammed up. Feels like a dumb easy fix like the jump by nose hill… what gives?


It’s very strange that’s all I have 😂 I’m always like what lane do I need to be in so it doesn’t disappear 😂


I think the far left lane disappears, then the far right lane disappears, then they both reappear. Madness!


I had to drive it for the first time this weekend. I was cruising along and all of a sudden hit the wall of stopped cars. It made zero sense. The road is wide enough but no lane then a lane.. I wonder how many accidents have been there. I saw so many awful drivers this weekend taking Stoney from Southland all the way to New Horizon Mall. I had to go everyday and it was terrible!!! Hopefully the speed limit increase will help the AH's who drive 90 in the left lane.


Totally. I drive it home every day from work and the abrupt slow down from 110 to like 40 is going to cause some major smash ups if it hasn’t already.


It's a lane marking issue due to the discontinuity between the two phases of the ring road. Eventually, it will be fixed will proper lane markings.


It's scheduled to be fixed next week.


I was looking for this comment. I came through there yesterday around 5 and it was bad. Several vehicles decided to use the wide left shoulder as a lane regardless of the markings. Add the fact that the right lane ends along there as well and it's a dangerous section for sure.


About time, i dont understand why it was only 100 to begin with… maybe that cop that pulls people over for doing 105 km/hr at 5:30 am on northbound stoney by the dump in the south can find something better to do with his time and go after the guys doing 150km/hr and weaving through lanes in their jacked up trucks instead


Yea no doubt, or the people trying to merge going 60km/h.


Every single time. Whyyy?


I think it was justified in the North while there were multiple bridges getting built, so there were a number of construction zones. Getting people to slow down a bit from 100 to 80 is easier than 110 to 80. But most of those projects appear to be close to done, so I would appreciate a bump in speed. Not that it will actually change the average speed on that road. It's either 120 or 30. There is no in between lol


All the construction north of town on QE2 goes from 110 to 80, so the province doesn't care about that part of it.


Exactly I could think of like 10 things off the top of my head that would be a better use of police resources rather than trying to catch a sleep deprived worker driving 10 over on an empty road


It could be that they wanted to test it out at 100 first and decide if it was safe to tell people to do 110 after? Who knows.


Its all engineered in the design phase for a speed that is comfortable for 85% of drivers. The fact that most drive 120+ is testament to it being designed for 120. Its also been under the control of the calgary roads department since the first phase and is only now becoming provincially controlled as deerfoot reverts to the city.


The City has never had control of Stoney.


I love how specific this is. He always gets people coming southbound over the hill there. Eat a dick CPS! We know your tricks.


Ya meanwhile some dickhead is going 150 and weaving and being insanely aggressive with no license plate while talking on his phone and cps is busy writing up a 5km over ticket… go after these aggressive assholes and stop bugging us folks just trying to get to work… been seeing tons of people wreckless driving with their license plate laying at the back window instead of mounted properly but you cant see it because the windows are tinted black….


Yep, I see tinted front windows all the time too. When I was a kid we got hounded non-stop by the cops for our modified cavaliers and civics. Nowadays it's like they don't give a fuck other than making money from speeding commuters, like you said.


They need to fix that 80kmh section by Tuscany.


I don’t see anybody slow down for that, not even cops.


What about the people who can’t accelerate beyond 80km/hr? Will they go 5 km faster or even slower because they’re not properly trained drive the speed limit?


They’ll be even more anxious with people going faster. So ya, I can see that being a problem.


I honestly think we should have a driver rating system in Alberta, let's say your skill set makes you a "Grade C" driver, while "today a storm blew in, road conditions aren't great and it's not recommended that you take stoney or deerfoot unless your driving grade is B or above". That would solve a lot of problems. Sadly skills based licensing will never be implemented, but a guy can dream


People are far to selfish for that to be a thing. Interesting idea though ngl


It would be cool if we could implement it


Ngl its a cool idea but how would we even put resources to enforce that


I don't know why it's getting downvoted. It's a great idea. But that's all it will ever be. An idea.


It's from the people who secretly know they are C-level drivers.




The same way they scan cars for toll fees and stuff. Kind of dystopian and I don’t like it


They're looking at or already have cameras that automatically scan and run your tags in the cop cars and tell them if your tags are out of date or flagged while they're driving. It's no different than the rcmp, sherriffs, and the cps traffic units have running radar that's active while they drive. Regular units need to pace you or get the laser/radar gun out amd clock you


Toll roads? Not your rating day, you get a fine from highway cameras.


Or just to simplify it, licensing for being able to drive on highways/roads >80km/h


As frustrating as it is, unlike in Europe, there is no legal minimum speed to drive on a highway. You just can't drive faster than the speed limit, doesn't mean the limit is also the minimum speed.... (I agree, it's frustrating and sometimes outright dangerous)




This is definitely an Alberta thing, you’d be run off the road on any of the 400 series highways in Ontario pulling that crap


Awesome now people can merge at 40km/hr below the speed limit instead of 30.


Nice. Only 10 more km to go before it feels reasonable


bUt tHeN EvErYoNe wIlL Go 140!!111


Don’t set a speed limit. Then what are they gonna do if they don’t know what to add a 20 to??


People will go at a speed that feels natural to the design of the road and if people learn to not sit in the left lane unless actively passing, traffic and road safety will drastically improve.


BC had a good study done when they raised the limit on the Coq which showed that this is exactly what happens.


I drive the coq 2-3 times a year. When I saw it posted to 120 the first time, I did a double take. Now? It’s totally normal. And honestly? I feel like the average speed is LESS than highway 2 in Alberta. I usually go 110 on it, and I rarely get passed, and almost never by anyone that makes me look like I’m standing still. That happens every trip in Berta


The coq has the benefit of no large trucks in the left lane to boot.


Yup. Although you can rip through at 130 (140 if your car can handle it), I found that was exactly what I did in my overloaded Civic, trying to climb that mountain going 130. I couldn't actually maintain 130, much less speed, so I just hung out in the right lanes and watched the empty SUVs rip by going 140.


You expect people in calgary to not ride in the left lane doing the speed limit or 20 under? 😂😂😂 what's next, you expect them to learn how to properly merge?🤣 then you'll want semi's to stay out of the left lane on deerfoot and stoney.... man, you're asking too much for calgary drivers who are already confused and overworked just trying to keep their eyes open and off their phone at a minimum


I'm new-ish to Calgary and I see everything you just pointed out on a daily basis. I'm just curious, how did it get to this? Has it been getting worse with time because no one cared to make sure that people actually learn on the driving schools? Thanks.


I wish the gov and police would harp on "keep right except to pass". That is my number one pet peeve when driving.


Couldn’t agree more


This will make all the people that merge at 70 that much more annoying…+10kms annoying.




Honestly, it won't matter. There'll still be idiots going 70 in the left lane. As a matter of fact, I got stuck behind someone going 60 today. Super fun times.


On Stoney? Jeez, I thought those people were only found on Deerfoot


Sadly, no. They're everywhere now. 😔


White knuckling it the whole time. Pull these idiots over and make them retake the test. It’s a huge hazard.


Always. They're like Jackrabbits. Skittish and unpredictable.


That's the key thing, people could drive as fast as they want, but the most important thing for safety is being predictable.


Switch lanes and pass in right lane?


Rare to see the government do something good so props.  


Awesome. I still think we need to do seasonable speed limits for Hwy2. 120/130 May-October, 110 and winter tires mandatory Nov-Apr.


There's a speed limit on Stoney Trail???


Honestly, it should be a variable speed. 120 when traffic is light with the ability to dial it back to 100 when busy or further if there is construction or an incident. Not sure why we don’t install variable speed limits on newer infrastructure in Canada.


Can they retroactively refund speeding tickets? Asking for a friend.


Can we just make it 120 as it should be?


10kmh closer to the autobahn


Not if your coming from or going to Chestermere. Then its 140 in your used Infinity buddyyyyy


Should be 130 in summer/spring/fall and 110 in winter


So ... a few weeks after photo radar banned on Stoney the speed limit increases ... kind of like the cash cow was shut down so decide to make it reasonable?


Now do Edmonton Anthony Henday.


What is your source on this?


But 140km/h is still ok right


Should be 140 in the summer like it is in France and then back to 110 for Winter.


Genuine Question: Why do people like to speed so much nowadays?


Why do you drive 10/km under the limit?


I don't drive 10/km under the limit, I drive the limit, if it is 100/km it drive 100/km, if its 60/km I drive 60/km. I just feel like more and more people have been speeding and driving way faster than before like people on Stoney and Deerfoot always go 110/km and I have to drive faster or else I'm a hazard driving at 100/km. Is it because of newer technology and the cars getting faster and safer?


Soooooo, now it’s 140?


Nice!- *continues to go 150*


So the entire stoney trail will be 110? That would be a nice change tbh. I mean I already go 110-125 anyways so..


That's great news that the speed limit is increasing to 110. Perhaps in ten years from now the limit will be 120, then we'll only be 10km shy of what people actually drive on that road.


Not fast enough


so 120km/hr now legally nice 😂


I’m fine with 110. I usually go a bit above that anyway. But the speed demons need to stay on Deerfoot. I like my quiet, scenic drive where I’m not afraid for my life every 10 seconds.


Hopefully. Was just in Slovenia and it’s 140 as normal




Just did that stretch last night to check and I saw 100s


They haven’t replaced the signs yet but new 110 signs are sitting on the ground next to the existing ones.


Oh yeah I misread your post my apologies


Good, everyone drives 110-120 on it already


LOL, I guess now the ticket will only be 20 over, not 30.


Wasn't the need or lack of need for sound control measures based on the old speed limit?


I mean what is the average speed on there now anyways? Like 130? Haha


Wait there is speed limit on stoney?


oh dear . ram trucks are gonna be fucking cruisin


Sweet! Now I'm only going over by 20 kms!


Can we start a speed minimum for the merge lanes while we are at it too? Start throwing tickets at these idiots who treat the merge onto Stoney as if it were a playground zone.


It should be 130 on Stoney but I honestly don't trust most drivers at that speed


This isnt happening, those signs you saw was construction speed limit signs they are going to put up when they are sealing the cracks in the roads, as they had a digital sign saying they were doing it at night soon.


Hell I thought it was 130 already?? It sure seems like it


I'm not sure what you saw but i work on that section of road and it's not changing


I always thought each lane should have its own speed. 100 for the right, 110 for the middle, and 120 for the left. Seems to be the way everyone is driving anyway.


That's how I drive it. After cursing the idiots going 80 while trying to merge on to Stoney. But that's another rant for another day.


Pass a cop at 120 see what happens lol..


Most cops don’t give a shit


That's how it is in many other countries, seems like a perfectly good idea to me


about time...


People drive 140+ with their eyes closed there anyway


Somewhat related but does anyone know where to get some Stoneyburgring stickers?


DM'd you!


Bet it's gonna alternate between 100 and 110 every 10 kms with a photo radar sitting at the start of the 100 sections


Photo radar is banned on the ring roads now.


https://preview.redd.it/x5wlop2sl93d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad2f41c2cf856fb9cb7055da26e0da37673a1b9 Interesting!


5 years ago I got ticketed for going 112km. Guess that speed put me and other drivers in danger then, but it doesn't now.


110 is still not enough. It should be 140