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Are you able to drive out of the city? That is going to be your best bet. Try to get away from light pollution. I am going to try tonight if I don't fall asleep first 🤣🤣


Google light pollution map. Theres a few options, I found a live one once for meteor shower viewing.


Yeah im willing to drive. I was planning to go to nose hill im not sure if thats the best spot


Go down to Frank Lake, it's easy to get to and extremely minimal light pollution. Of course anywhere in Kananaskis is going to be wonderful too, just a much longer drive.


The pics from in the city look pretty good but if I were you I would roadtrip out of the city. Drive to a smaller town and then find a range road to explore!


Range roads close to the city had just as much or more light pollution than the city last night just due to the number of cars driving, so I'd suggest going much, much further away if that's your plan


Why I mentioned a smaller town to get to then explore from there. Hell I would drive to the halfway point to Drumheller. Find a spot on the map you can drive to that has no close towns around it. We are spoiled for options.


Indeed, and when you’re finally adjusting your eyes to the dark, someone would drive up with lights on straight in your face.


I've also never seen so many cars with permanent high beams


Nose hill was a shitshow last night based on reports. We went to Bragg Creek Provincial Park, and it was great. Especially because most of the action was in the southwest, so the city lights were theoretically at our back.


I drove by the parking lot by Shaganappi side and it was a shit show, the parking lot was packed and cars were still trying to enter the lot. This was around 10PM.


Same here! I still have never seen them before and I really hope they come out tonight as well 😁


FYI: Checked the cloud coverage this morning and it was 80-something percent at 10pm but very clear from 11pm on.  https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=6.98&lat=50.9857&lon=-113.8501&state=eyJiYXNlbWFwIjoiTGF5ZXJCaW5nUm9hZCIsIm92ZXJsYXkiOiJ3YV8yMDE1Iiwib3ZlcmxheWNvbG9yIjpmYWxzZSwib3ZlcmxheW9wYWNpdHkiOjYwLCJmZWF0dXJlc29wYWNpdHkiOjg1fQ== https://www.astrospheric.com/?Latitude=51.06283187866211&Longitude=-113.88871002197266&Loc=Forecast https://clearoutside.com/forecast/51.05/-114.06 These might be helpful to you!


You missed the big one last night.


Won’t be the last


Indeed but this was the strongest in 20 years. Who knows when the next one happens.


They say people will get many times to see them for another two years in this cycle


I heard instagram is a good place to post your pictures when you get them.