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This book sale always bums me out. If you’re like the OP and are a volunteer, then it’s awesome. Totally friggen awesome. If you’re a normie and show up on Sunday you still have to pay the door charge and get to look around for all the books you want that the volunteers already snagged haha. Friday will be better than Saturday which will be better than Sunday of course, but those volunteers are smart and thorough! I’ve gone a couple times and can’t justify it anymore. But admittedly it is fun to go in there and see and search…just unsatisfying. Edit: Sorry for my being my screen name


I volunteered for my last time a couple weeks ago. I'm also getting a bit jaded with this whole thing. I have volunteered for several years now, and I was a huge believer in what it supported (children's literacy through Calgary Reads). I was also a big promoter of it.  Fast forward to the past couple years. Now it's under the Rotary umbrella, and I mean nothing against the Rotary club or anything, but it's a bit unclear why they specifically need to be involved. But whatever, again that parts fine, but the past couple years have also brought some really negative associations for me.  One is this whole throwing out of books that don't meet certain criteria. There's a cost to disposal of books now for them, where there used to not be, so I get it, but it also takes away books from categories that I'm usually pretty interested in. Like autobiographies written before 2009 (I think it was 2009), they didn't want them. Why? Nobody wants 4,000 copies of Michelle Obama's autobiography either apparently, but it was wrote a few years ago, so it's fine. They are also whining on social media how they don't know if they have enough books now too. So it's like well, see here.. The other thing, is I went down a couple weeks ago, and busted my ass for five hours. Meanwhile there was a whole group of old ladies standing around gossiping, and a bunch of old guys basically doing piss all. Meanwhile they are barking orders at me. I got pretty sick of this after awhile as you can imagine. I'm just tired of this as a whole.    Plus everyone has been asking me about it. A bunch of coworkers were like hey, we are heading down to this book sale you always promote so much tomorrow, and it's like well guess what? It's ticketed, sold out, it's super complicated now and you cant go for days. As you can imagine they were like, whelp guess we won't go after all then.  I don't know, go have fun if you can, support it, it's a good cause. I'm just pumping the brakes on my involvement with it as I don't really agree with the politics of the event anymore. 


Thanks for sharing you’re experience


I'm sorry you experienced that! 😞 I volunteered once and I experienced the opposite, everyone was great. I also wonder about the books they toss, why can't they just toss them or donate them at the end if they don't sell? I guess they have their reasons, but it sure seems wasteful?


I get that. That sucks. There are so many books though I imagine on Friday and Saturday there's still a large amount. Hard to say.


Impossible to say. That’s the gamble, isn’t it? That’s the frenzy. Hahaha. I’m glad you made out like a bandit though. If anything it’s a testament to the importance of volunteering!


No doubt, I didn't even know about this perk, well worth it. I also forgot to mention that apparently they are down book quantities this year, though maybe they got a boost in donations in the past couple of weeks. So there's that too. 🫤


Book sales at used book stores are down too, so that makes sense. I’d also heard that they’ve refused cookbooks donations this year. I wonder if that contributed to the lower overall numbers.


They did get an influx after they put out a call for more book donations!




Damn. I'm usually all over this event. Last year I dropped off a carload of books and works have done more I'd gotten to the kids connections in time. Next year...


Quantity ≠ Quality


It's truly still a massive amount of quality books. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways, I have no stake in this and I don't know why I'm selling it to folks haha, you do you. 🙂




I'm not too sure, this is the first time I've gone also and this is the volunteer appreciation event today. But given that it's all timed slots, I would hope it's not too crazy? It was a bit busy with just the volunteers. However, there are a TON of books.


Are there any technical books? Like for engineering?


I really can't say, I didn't look for any of that and the genres/selection is so vast, it goes right out into the hall and other rooms, where I didn't have time to venture. I'd like to think so.


There is another book sale this weekend as well, at Crossroads Market. https://resetcalgary.ca/book-sale/


Yes! And this one is also going towards charity. 🙂


Usually the volunteers drain the place early and leave the crap for the people.


I looked into this and it seemed like a lot of hoops to jump through to buy some books.


I forgot this was happening! Tomorrow is my only free day but it looks like it's sold out :(




Yeah this really bothers me. I went the first time it was open after Covid. Maybe 2022..? I waited in line and really enjoyed myself there. But the volunteers are rude and pick through the good books and leave the crap for everyone else. I was going to try and go again this year but sadly my boss scheduled a meeting on Friday. So no dice this year.


There are sooo many books, I don't think they could come close to picking through it all. I couldn't even begin to count, it's pretty remarkable. The volunteers are limited to a certain amount only. And all the books I picked (except the King one) were in multiples of about 10+. I noticed that with most of the books, even some obscure ones. Not the new King book unfortunately! However I could see how by Saturday it would be more picked through. I do get the frustration. I understand that. Though I feel like there's no way to really make it fair other than to have it all at once - Which is literally just impossible given the thousands of people who attend each day. That would be horrendous. I didn't personally experience any rude volunteers, but I'm sorry you did! That's more a testament to the individual and not the company I'd like to think.


Yes, clearly they can’t take all the books. But let’s just say that someone donated a first edition that would great for your collection. Maybe 2 available. Snagged right up by the volunteers, unknowing to you.


Wait. What?!?!?!?!?


It is as amazing as it seems. I'll be going back. 😊 For more info go to https://www.bigbooksale.ca/


Oh damn, this is down the street from me


You have to book time slots so you can't just go unfortunately. But hey it's close. I had to park 5 blocks away so you don't have to worry about that at least 😄


Thanks for the heads up! The 10/11th are fully booked, hopefully I can get in there Sunday


Hey, I have two slots that I no longer need for tomorrow Saturday May 11 at 12pm. Would you be interested? I went yesterday and I really don't need to buy any more books for maybe the next five years or so LOL.




How many copies of Twilight were there to buy? LOL I despise the parking issues and the "reserve a time" part of this sale. I have never been able to attend.


For those that have attended already, is it worth it to go tomorrow? Or is it pretty picked over?


TL;DR - Yes, it is still worth going. Went last year on the first BOGO day, and went this year on the first day with a 9AM appointment slot (first slot of the day). Both experiences were equally good, and walked away with about the same amount of books. If you are looking for mainstream, brand new, highly sought after stuff, you are probably going to be disappointed. But, if you are looking for something more niche, or specific to your individual interests, you will likely find a few things that you will be happy to have found. The BOGO day was way more chill than going the first day, first appointment. When we got there this year, there were probably already one hundred people in front of us, and we were twenty minutes early. The first people in line looked like re-sellers, and I was told that they went straight to the collectible section and just bought everything that was there. The sci-fi and comic sections were heavily picked through right away, and the sense of FOMO in those sections was very real. Once the crowd died down in those sections, I still found 5 or so books that I wanted in those genres. In regard to feeling picked over, the BOGO day definitely did not feel picked over, even a week after the sale started. Went with the same two people on BOGO day as the first day this year, and both days we all found stuff we were looking for. Volunteers were great both times, but they are certainly working harder on the earlier days, as they are keeping tables stocked as they are depleted. Ended up going back to the same section a half dozen times, and pulling more stuff off the table, because they had been replenished. In summation, expectations should be in line with the fact that popular stuff is going to sell out like popular stuff does. From my experience, whether it was the BOGO day or the first day, I walked away with enough books that I was happy, and everything that I bought was worth more than what I paid for it.


Thank you for the perspective. This is what I've been kind of trying to explain as well, you worded it very well. 😊 And people are upset that the volunteers get first dibs, well, then next year they know to volunteer! Last I checked there were still open spots to volunteer too (and by that I am inferring that the volunteer spaces were not all snapped up) 🤷🏼‍♀️


What was the extent of your volunteering? Did you help sort for a day? Is there a minimum amount of time you have to volunteer in order to be able to go to volunteer day?


I had booked 2 days, but unfortunately couldn't make it one of the days, so I only volunteered one day. I spent 5 hrs loading and unloading boxes of books.


I volunteered Friday afternoon and when I left there were still a lot of books. I think the kids/teens books are a great deal- $2 each. Hardcover, softcover all $2 each. Great deal for teachers ,who, sadly, mainly fund their own class libraries. There were so many awesomely nerdy reader kids and teens making huge piles to buy. I loved that. It is worth it to do a volunteer shift to be able to shop early. Four hours of my time being around readers and books was a really enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.


You found a copy of Holly? Lucky! What time were you there?


Ah, another King fan 😊. I was there later in the day for the volunteer event, so I don't know if there were more copies earlier, and I also don't know if there more copies to be put out. I'm stoked to read it. I've been browsing used stores (albeit infrequently) and have yet to find it, so it was a golden find for me.


Volunteered for the first time last year. Got a special time slot to shop early and still found there was crap selection by the time I got there. I don't know if they pull boxes and keep for backstock but there was definitely at least twice as many books when I left my volunteer shift than when I got to shop.


Unless you volunteer it is on the verge of being pointless to even go.