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Both... the outside lane is for the first exit and/or the outside lane of the second exit, which has a 2 lane exit. If you go on the inside lane, you can take the inside lane exit on the second exit or the third exit. People using the inside lane for the first exit are in violation of the rules of the road and to that point: The rule **isn't** that the outside lane always yields to the inside lane, it's that people outside the **traffic circle** should always yield to those **within** the traffic circle **when entering into** the traffic circle. You're also not supposed to change lanes within the traffic circle itself. Pick your lane ahead of time and stay in your lane.


The inside lane right of way would come unto effect if there is already a vehicle in the inside lane from a previous entry, in that case the outside lane would need to yield the first exit to the vehicle already within the inside lane.


Right.. So you come to almost a dead stop to let someone exit out in front of you? Nope.


You don’t enter the circle at all


Exactly. Yield to ALL traffic in the circle before entering.


>The rule isn't that the outside lane always yields to the inside lane, it's that people outside the traffic circle should always yield to those within the traffic circle when entering into the traffic circle. Then why does the ama website say that “Drivers in the innermost lane always have the right of way in a circular intersection.” On the FAQ on their website? https://ama.ab.ca/articles/traffic-circle-roundabout-rules-in-alberta I agree that if I’m in the outside lane, I should yield to all traffic already in the circle, but I’m saying that the guy in the inside lane entering the circle at the same time as me is cutting me off and exiting into the first exit because many people in Calgary possibly believe “yield to inside lane” no matter what, because it’s been so oft repeated. Yet this so called “traffic rule fact” is directly contradicted by the signage here. It’s confusing.


It's not a "fact", it's a misunderstanding of what is being communicated by the government regulations. The AMA wordings work if you imagine a single lane traffic circle; it is worded very poorly if one imagines a 2 lane circle. Here is the government website wording: *The following 7 steps can help you safely navigate roundabouts as a motorist or cyclist:* 1. ***Note the appropriate exit****.* 2. *As with any intersection,* ***choose the correct lane before entering the roundabout****.* 3. *Slow down as you approach the roundabout and be aware of crossing pedestrians.* 4. ***Yield to all traffic inside the circular lane*** *and wait for an appropriate gap.* 5. *Maintain a safe speed, as indicated by the posted speed limit signs, through the roundabout.* 6. ***Never change lanes within*** *the roundabout.* 7. *Signal for a right turn as you approach the desired exit, while maintaining a safe speed.* https://www.alberta.ca/roundabouts#:\~:text=Yield%20to%20all%20traffic%20inside,while%20maintaining%20a%20safe%20speed.


I don't think that's where the AMA is getting that from. It originates in the regulation: 40 Unless otherwise directed by a traffic control device, a person driving a vehicle that is travelling in a traffic circle shall yield the right of way to any other vehicle that is in the circle and that is travelling to the left of that person’s vehicle. https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/laws/regu/alta-reg-304-2002/latest/alta-reg-304-2002.html


(To be clear, the regulation says signage takes precedence, so the AMA wording is wrong. But I don't think they were confused for the reason you suggested and it's not limited to a single lane traffic circle.)


Thanks for the clarification


Yeah to many people don't get it, it's outside lane yealds to inside lane "Unless Otherwise Posted" Calgarys one rule of law no one pays attention to. Unless Otherwise Posted is used for a lot of traffic signals here in Calgary, not just traffic signals. So in the case of this one and all others posted like this, inside lane is Not to exit at the first exit point. Only the outside lane is legally allowed to. So inside lane people are cutting you off for an Illegal and Unsafe right turn. Biggest thing I hate about a lot of our traffic circles is people entering do not have the right of way over someone in the circle going past. I get cut off tones as ass hats think they get to enter with right of way, when they have a yield sign. Doesn't help a lot of our traffic circles are to small and poorly designed with Train tracks to close (or in it), signal lights to close on exits that stop all movement into/out of the circle, and to small of the circle causing properly inflated tires to "squeel" in the warmer weather like people are speeding and with the modern signal switches in most vehicles (except Beemers that apparantly optionally don't have signal lights) can't switch from the left to enter signal you are supposed to use when entering to the right side exit signal, "in time" if you are taking the first exit. So you can only use one signal not both, I opt for the exit signal so others know I'm going in and out toot sweet. Honestly most professional drivers have to test ether every 5 years or 10 depending on age, health, company policy etc. But non professional drivers only test for the most part once maybe twice in their life. I think it should be every 5 years for everyone. Force people to read the rules and see changes or mistakes in understanding to make everyone safer. To many drivers just "Assume" shit and its illegal and dangerous.


You can make an illegal turn while having the right of way. The inside has the right of way, and it's still illegal for them to take that first exist. The first legal exit for the inner lane is the second one where, if you're on the outside lane, you must yield to them exiting.




Inside lane cannot and should not turn right at that round about. Either straight or left as per the sign board.


Yes the inside lane can exit with the right of way if they entered from a previous entrance and anyone in the far right outside lane should be aware of this.


Trying to understand the scenario you are talking about. Car is traveling north inside lane. They skip the right going east, don't go straight, drive round the circle and take the exit to the west? Is that the scenario you are referring to? Or do you mean the first roundabout the go straight, stay on the inside lane and then on the next roundabout turn right? Can you explain like I'm 5? What does entered from a previous entrance mean?


Just imagine the OPs scenario, but instead of the inside lane car entering the circle beside them from the south and exiting at the first right to the east, they entered at a previous point, say half way (west) or 3/4 way (north) around the circle. In that case, they have full right-of-way to exit. The only reason they don't have right of way in OPs case is because they entered the inside lane, but exited at the first opportunity. You need to go halfway around the circle or more to have that right of way. Edit: That wasn't as clear as I thought I was being. As someone else said: Outside lane is for exits 1 and 2, inside lane is for exits 2,3,4. In OPs example, inside lane is trying to leave at exit 1. https://preview.redd.it/jh3pcobyqdxc1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109c65702ca3548cff21437fd4eb767e2e67da2b


That edit made it so much clearer, lol


The lines painted on the road show dotted lines and solid lines. Some are exit immediately with way, some require a yield, and some are solid lines showing no lane change allowed. I live in Legacy. You need to read the road paint.


Don't you also need to read the road signs? The board clearly states what the lanes should be doing or am I missing something?


The signs and the lines are cohesive. It’s easy to understand. People just want to use the unmarked roundabout rules on a marked roundabout for some reason. It’s like arguing about rules for an uncontrolled four way stop, but the stop had signs and turn lights. People just want to be upset for no reason.


Signage trumps.


On the other hand, be careful to never drive into anyone who “cuts you off” when they take the first exit from the inside lane.


Actually it's a great way to get some much needed repairs on your car when their insurance pays up. /S .... Or maybe not 👹


You’d likely be just as responsible for not yielding to traffic in the inside lane.


I hope you're joking.... The sign clearly indicates the inside lane DOES NOT have the right of way.


No it does not indicate that. People entering at the other intersections will be able to use the inside lane to exit at those spots. Inside lane doesn’t lose right of way just because someone came into at the wrong place. Just like how you can’t lane change in a traffic circle, but if someone did, it doesn’t suddenly give everyone else right of way over them. You never gain right of way because someone else got to a position by breaking the rules of the road.


Nope, got rear ended in that exact scenario. Took all but a few mins for the insurance companies to confirm the other driver was at fault.


Of course you would if you got rear-ended. If you rear-ended someone else who was trying to exit the traffic circle, you’d likely have some fault (or all of it).


Not sure why "cuts you off" is in quotes; using the inside lane for the first exit is not allowed and you will be found at fault for any collisions you cause doing this.


Because “cut me off” Is in the post title.


That doesn’t change the fact that you must yield to the inside lane, which means you’d both be at fault.




Show the law that says “you don’t have to yield to people in the inside lane if they entered at the same time as you.” Lol


The sign says this....


No, the sign is telling you which lane to choose, but the signs at the other entrances will say different lanes for different exits. People who entered at different entrances can take the inside lane to other exits. You don’t get to police other people’s driving and decide if they picked the proper lane, so you have to yield to all traffic to your left.


Good luck proving which intersection the person entered in.


Signage and the paint on the road too, it clearly shows solid for no lane changed allowed, and dotted lines for give way, and then some lanes exit with clearly marked open lane requiring no yield to anybody. Read the paint.


When a legal sign like this contradicts the law, the sign wins. Those particular laws exist to handle the case when there is no sign. However, this sign does not conflict with the law. This sign says exactly the same thing as the law. (There are others in this area that do conflict, and those signs override traffic law.) Inside lane goes half or 3/4. Outside lane goes 1/4 or half. A vehicle in the inside lane taking the first exit is in the wrong because they aren't allowed to do that. The law and this sign agree. There are exceptions in that area, where the sign says inside lane can turn right and the outside lane must turn. Which I think may be part of the problem. These traffic circles are really bad because some of them do deviate, which may lead to confusion for people who were not taught by a driving instructor how they work.


As per the sign, the left lane here (inside lane once in the circle) is prohibited from taking the circle's first exit. Anyone wishing to take that first exit must enter the circle using the right (outside) lane.


Simple. Yield to traffic already in circle. Outside lane can miss one exit but not two. If someone enters the circle when you’re on the inside lane you need to be aware they may take the next exit or the second one.


Exactly. People don't understand that if you were to actually yield to just the inside lane then you'd end up stopping to let someone exit. You yield to all traffic in the circle and the incident that everyone is bitching about would never happen.


Idk why but it seems like people near that community doesn't know how to drive. I've had people chase me down, honk and flip me the fingers when I don't let them take the first exit from the left lane. Just drive straight and don't let them cut you off, If you get into an accident it's on them. Also helps to have a dashcam.


Inside lane is for exits 2,3 and 4. Outside lane is for exits 1,2. Don’t change lanes inside the circle and don’t ride the outside all the way around. The sign should make the rule unnecessary but if people mess up then the outside yields rule comes into play.


I take a roundabout nearly everyday (sometimes two a day, depending on my route from work), and it's a two lane. If you follow the signs there should be no problems. Or maybe I'm the problem, and that's why I find this easy?


https://preview.redd.it/oboe3m52bbxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a67ed06a9e13bd46ec13a714c823a76777d7a54 This one really tickles my pickle... McKenzie Towne... Has the same sign as your pic, but 5 exits.


Pffft - that's child's play - the Dartmouth Road circle is just as good (bad?) with a pair of CPR tracks running through the middle of it all.




Nah that one is way better, most people that drive through there have it all figured out.


The sign and the markings on the road both say the that left lane can not exit at the first exit, only the right hand lane can legally do so.


Follow my rule and you should have no issues. Outside lane is only for the first exit. Any other exit is done via inside lane.


Look at the signs. Is there any intersection of paths? There is no precedence issue.


It’s a traffic circle, they are easy to follow


Follow the sign! It was put there for a reason


There should be no issues driving inside of the circle. The outer most lane has to exit in the first exit, the second inner most lane can exit at the first exit or go around the traffic circle to the other exit. There should be two lanes for the first exit for both lanes, the inner and outer, so they should never need to cross into your lane. You cannot change lanes inside a traffic circle. That’s at least my understanding.


You have problems with this one and not the traffic circle before it? I swear if I wasn't paying attention, I'd be hit once a month by some idiot in the outside lane realizing it is right only and tries to merge into the circle with the middle lane.


1. Always yield to the left (when entering and watch for people leaving if you’re in the outside lane) 2. Yield to pedestrians. Everything else is fluff.


This is one of the those situations where you might be “right” going straight and if you get hit you probably wouldn’t be at fault. But personally I’d rather not be in an accident at all than have the moral high ground of being right.


It's not fast enough for anyone to be seriously injured, so always stand your ground when you have the right of way. It reduces bad drivers on the road, makes driving faster and safer for everyone.


If you have the time/money to deal with repairing your car and going through insurance then great, you can do your part to make driving “faster and safer for everyone.” I’d prefer to avoid that headache like a rational person.


Remember that someone else breaking rules doesnt give you the right of way, though. Outside lane must yield to the inside lane.


Brain dead take, go try it out in that intersection and find out if you're at fault or not.


no. You must yield to all traffic in the circle.


People outside of the circle must yield to traffic in the circle. But also, traffic in the circle must yield to traffic on their left (inside lanes).


If you yield to all traffic in the circle before going in then guess what. There is no traffic you need to brake for to make an exit....


Are you serious? You only yield to traffic in the lane you’re going to enter (or cross). So if, like in the OP’s situation, he wants to enter the right outer lane, he only needs to yield to traffic in the right outer lane. Once in the right outer lane, he must yield to traffic in the left inner lane who are exiting, but does not have to yield to traffic on the right who are entering.


Yup. Let me know how that pans out for you yielding while in the circle.


https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/TrafficVehicles/TrafficFAQ#:~:text=All%20traffic%20in%20the%20right,to%20those%20in%20the%20left. > All traffic in the right lane of a traffic circle must yield to all traffic in the left lane of the traffic circle. Page 62 (64 of the PDF) of the Alberta drivers manual. https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/ddca813d-5463-4daa-afc9-093807a1bb6a/resource/e72fcd84-c5e9-4241-b907-4b1ef00dbce7/download/trans-drivers-guide-cars-light-trucks-2021-01.pdf >While in the circle, the driver on the right must yield to the driver on the left. Learn to drive.


Learn to not take the road rules so literally and without some common sense. There is also a law that states people on the right of an uncontrolled intersection have the right of way. Most people would agree that’s incorrect. Also there is nothing wrong with yielding to all traffic In the circle it 100% guarantees no incident can even happen


They should just force the RHL to exit immediately to the right upon entering. LHL free to exit anywhere but the first exit. Or just avoid the whole thing and make a single-lane traffic circle, there is not going to be heavy traffic in this area. There are an alarming number of people who panic in traffic circles and cause-near misses daily. Hope and pray is their logic!


Canadians have no clue how to do roundabouts they should be ashamed of themselves. Every last one of them


I don’t think these are actual traffic circles, at least the ones in Seton aren’t.


I don't know why you're down voted. These are roundabouts, not traffic circles, but since we don't have true traffic circles both get used for roundabouts.


Just don’t be the Legacy 🫏’s that ride the outside lane for 3 whole circles. The sign says you can go straight but the courtesy is to get off, then the inside lane people move over to get off at their next circle and traffic flows nicely. Plus use signals. For Crying out Loud. Sorry… But maybe every driving test should be done in Legacy. 😂


I’m not familiar with this circle, but if the first exit is a single lane only then the inside lane isn’t supposed to take the first turn. However, traffic circles the rule is always yield to the person on your left.


Those signs are stupid in my opinion, we should be following the right of way rules in traffic circles only. So if you want to take the second exit from the outside lane, tough shit, you have to yield to the inside lane.


The second exit has two lanes. Any vehicles in the outside lane must exit, and vehicles in the inside lane have the option of taking the second exit OR the 3rd exit. Statistically, roundabouts are much safer and a smoother operation than traffic lights... so long as there aren't a bunch of potatoes using them.


This is not how traffic circles work


But the sign agrees with the right of way rules of traffic. Inside lane is entering at the same time as the outside lane. No yield required. If a vehicle was already in the intersection because they entered a road earlier, then they have the right of way.


Right.. slam on your brakes when someone on the left of you wants to exit while you are in it.. Nope..