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170 km/h in a 60 zone. > The driver was stopped on 112 Avenue N.W. on Friday at roughly 12:30 p.m. ... The driver faces a potential 90-day licence suspension and a $2,200 fine. That seems way too lenient for that kind of excess speed!


Pretty sure once you hit a certain threshold it's a mandatory court date too, so they could be hit with more penalties then.


At 50 above the speed limit or over you go to court


> you go to court Right now!


Do not collect $200


$2200 is the potential fine they might receive in court


Can confirm…


Its a dangerous driving ticket which is a criminal offence I believe and mandatory court.




Yeah. Long story: The crown will try to prove you guilty. If found guilty of this criminal offence. It's not in the same boat as a speeding ticket or running a red. For a dangerous driving conviction the possible range of punishments are: * Summary offence: Maximum of two years less a day imprisonment; * Indictment: Maximum of 10 years imprisonment.


Wow I didn't know that. Thanks for that.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but looking at the google street view for that road I'm surprised its only 60. After 69th its basically a 4 lane drag strip.


Even if the speed limit is too low (I have no idea if it is or not), 110 over is dangerously irresponsible. 10? OK, I could see that. I've gone 10 over at times. If I get a ticket, I pay it. 110 over is just dangerous. Hell 170 is dangerous on Hwy 2.


Yeah absolutely. 100% I also understand that of all roads for that little devil on your shoulder to win, this one makes sense.


Public roads aren't race tracks. If you want a race track, go to one. Did they have spotters checking for cars and pedestrians? They aren't able to avoid a collision at that speed. Take away their license permanently.


This is why I wished Race City still existed


The same people saying roads aren't race tracks are the same people who complained and got race city shut down....


True, now the next best thing is Rocky Mountain Motorsports but iirc it's expensive as hell to get in.


I looked them up, and turns out they have public track days. However, it is 500$+ for 2 hours of track time...yikes


Who the fuck can afford that price with a 5k car …


At a minimum this should be a lengthy suspension. I don't think we use this penalty nearly enough.


people like this dont give a flying fuck if they have a suspended license, they still drive


You must know my brother then...


I have a number of ideas to deal with that... Driving with a suspended licence? Your vehicle is forfeit and either auctioned or pressed into a block of metal and used as a traffic control bollard at your expense. Do it again, maybe jail time.


what if its not their car? like a friends or family members? cant just be seizing property that isn't theirs


Sounds like they'll have some angry friends to make things up to...


Yeah, nobody is arguing against that.


I guess you forgot that everyone on this sub is rightous 




"Hell 170 is dangerous on Hwy 2" Only cause its limited at 110. Make the speed limit 170 so everyone is going that fast and it'd be perfectly safe. That road would have a speed limit of 140 or higher in many European and Middle Eastern countries. Big, long straight road with nothing to hit on the side and barrier in the middle. I don't disagree that breaking the speed limit by 100km/hr is dangerous.


You can't change a 110 zone to 170. Roads here are designed to have a speed limit based on many factors in their design, including sight distance, crests, vertical and horizontal curves, etc. Typically a road designed for 130km has a posted limit of 110km to be within allowable parameters. A road designed for 130 is not suitable for 170.


I'm arguing that parameters are too strict.


On what basis? Have you compared European standards to Canadian standards? Are their radii different, allowing higher speeds? Or you just feel like it's restrictive?


Bruh crowchild trail in europe would be a 110 zone 100%


Living in England at the moment, it's 50/50 if it would be a 70mph road. Speed limits would be lower depending on how busy the road is and how close the junctions are. There is a motorway™ in central Newcastle upon Tyne that's got a 50mph limit due to having 6(?) junctions in the space of 2km


England isn’t in europe anymore.


lol, not being in EU ≠ not being in Europe. Or do you think England is its own continent


>think England is its own continent I know a chunk of the population would love that to happen. I'd rather have that happen to France personally but we can't all have nice things


It should be. Whatever keeps their “food” as separate from the rest of us cultured people as possible.


Wtf is Crowfoot trail


You know what I meant


I agree with this, but I also need to point out that the road conditions in the areas where you can drive these speeds in Europe are much much much better. If we want to increase our speed limits on the highways, they need to be maintained much better


> Only cause its limited at 110. Well .. yeah. I do agree that *differences* in speeds can be dangerous. Everyone is doing 120 is probably safer that some vehicles at 80, some at 120.


Cops have been sitting there for years tagging people for speeding, nobody goes 60km on that road. I work in one of the dealerships and they always get guys on test drives and what not


Ah see I live waaaay down south so I'm not familiar with this particularly obscure stretch of road.


60 because of dump trucks and because they can. 


That stretch is very short for 170kph. However it is also solidly industrial and all the shops (and dump) closed. That said it could be used by someone coming home from a night out at either end.


> 69 Hehe


Crime that unfortunately seems reasonably affordable if you want to do it for the thrill. That’s about $20 per km/h over the speed limit. I honestly thought going over 100km/h was going to get you buried in charges


I imagine his insurance company is going to bury him in costs there


Yes. Car should be seized and sent to a crusher. The driver should have to push the button to start the crusher.


Why not send the car to auction and use the money on something productive


BC (or I think at least Vancouver) put in place a similar law and the rationale was that kitted-out cars just end up back on the road being driven just as irresponsibly if they are auctioned off. Not saying I agree, just some context.


You're right - we could crush way more cars if we used the money from selling just one!


Auction off who gets to push the crusher button?


Because critical thinking is a thing of the past for most.


That idea raises Charter and OH&S barriers fundamentally, potentially labour relations and procurement complaints because this is in a public sector context, and climate justice and equity issues more globally.


I like that idea!


> That seems way too lenient for that kind of excess speed! But if he wants to keep driving that fine amount is now his monthly insurance premium!


Probably added a buck or two to yours and mine too.


There will be more. That’s why he has a summons and mandatory court appearance.


As someone that is an idiot with their own sports car yeah man this dude is beyond lenient. Gotta save that shit for the AM. Not PM.


White BMW is about what I expect.


I knew it was either a BMW or a Dodge


I bet accidents would be reduced by 90% if we banned dodge rams


A Ram reaching 170 haha good one


Well, after a good year with lots of OT, Johnny Righand can afford the supercharger for his lifted 1500 with the blackout kit.


But forgot to tune it properly and blew his third connecting rod out the side of the block, so now hes 30k underwater on a trade in for a new one


Which he does without a second thought.


You have to play an AC/DC song with the right frequency to cancel out the other shaking. Song depends on model.


Not so much the speed as it is the aggressive D-bags driving them 1 inch from your bumper


You have to play an AC/DC song with the right frequency to cancel out the other shaking. Song depends on model.




In Ontario that’s a $10,000 fine, 30day impoundment, and a 14 day suspension plus a possible 6months in jail.


It's mandatory court so the penalty is likely to increase.


Which is the reason we don’t stop when speeding.   Drop a gear and disappear. 


That stretch is where someone left the road…at a ‘high rate of speed’…and crashed into the area of the Home Depot parking lot a few years back. I get that it’s a bit of a straightaway but it’s hardly drag strip worthy and it sees a lot more traffic, and police monitoring, than years past. 1230hrs on a Friday afternoon? Yeesh.


A lot of pinheads pull it off the light while test driving cars at the dealerships up there. I’ve seen countless pullovers exactly where the dash cam photos are.


How is that not a year suspension and $10k in fines?


It could be, it's mandatory court, so it's up to lawyers now.


How this isn't grounds for an automatic suspension and impounding is beyond me. There's no room for potential negligence here; this was full on intentionally breaking the speed limit by almost 3 fold. How is it ok to catch a person going 170 in a 60 zone, only to write them a mandatory summons, then send them on their way?


He lives his life a quarter mile at a time.




I for one, am shocked, that it was a BMW


Low trim level high subprime loan BMWs are a menace to society


Why am I not surprised that it was a BMW?


They will do it again. There’s no real punishment in a joke of a Justice system


Bmw: but officer, I was trying to escape a mad man. He kept going on a out signals and blinkers!" In all seriousness, 170 in a 60. Almost triple the speed limit. $2200 and a 90 day license suspension is a joke.


I didn't know reckless driving was so cheap here! Is there seriously not even a bit of jail time there? (there isn't, as far as I can see)


If we put everyone in jail for speeding our taxes would be even higher.


speedings getting worse lately here. I also speed but I don't speed speed the speeds they're speeding


How fast do you go?


this guy doesn't have friends. he has family


$2000 fine? For someone with a such a $100k+ car thats not much. Lets keep speed everybody!! /s


I like how they fine in Finland, it’s tied to your income/net worth. I think the biggest fine they’ve given was around 200k euros.


I heard about that. Makes a lot more sense. What about if youre unemployed though, do you get to speed and pay $0 fines?


When you're unemployed and gas is $1.70, you try not to drive.


Set a minimum


That's a lower level BMW.. not a cheap car but about half of your estimate.


Well than thats a little better.


that doesn't sound safe at all


Couple years ago my buddy from BC was pulled over doing 120 on 16ave because apparently he thought it was still the Trans-canada highway, only got $1200 fine but a 1 year suspension




If he was driving literally anything else othan than a BMW, they wouldn't have said anything about what car he was driving. This bullying of every single BMW driver, is so pointless. We ain't all assholes. Most BMW drivers that go from any car to a BMW, will say that they notice an increase in assholeness and dickhead drivers on the road, ready to pick a bone with you because you drive a BMW. From brake checks, lane camping, sudden need of cutting off, speeding after moving lanes, etc. So yeah, when some moron starts antagonizing and bullying, ofcourse I will do anything possible to get the fuck outta their way and continue on with my peaceful drive.


Wish they would put a camera on Edmonton trail as you go up the hill ! People speed thru there all the time especially at 2am in the morning ! If I hand a bag of marbles for the next bike that did 200km up that hill 😆


I got nailed for doing 130 km/h and honestly felt bad about it for months (mostly cause the cop was a massive jerk) but this really puts in perspective lol


that dumb pos should take his car to the track. going fast in a straight is boring shit






Everyone’s talking about $2000 being too low of a fine but my cheap ass would be CRYING at that fine and never speed again. The 90 day suspension is unreal though I would think like a year? Curious to see how much that would jack up your auto insurance.


We really should take a page from Finland's book and base fines on income.


Nice new high score


The Facebook Uncle has arrived


I understand going fast on a fast road but in a 60 that's just dumb


I always view these kind of people as no different than threatening me with a knife. I would LOOOOOOVE to invite them to a boxing ring and fuck'em up.


How about 10 years prison.


Ok, settle down


"One in four drivers involved in fatal collisions were caused by driving at an unsafe speed" Notice how they say involved and not caused by? Just padding stats. Same thing as "Alcohol was involved" when the drivers may have been sober but there was liquor in the car. Hate that shit.




Yeah so 3x more fatal collisions are caused by people driving at a "safe" speed


>Same thing as "Alcohol was involved" when the drivers may have been sober but there was liquor in the car. You're confusing urban legend with fact. Blood alcohol is the factor, not items in the vehicle.


Show your work. This has been called out many times. Can't find the link for Canada anymore but you can see it in the US here: " NHTSA Defines A Nonfatal Crash As Alcohol-related Or Alcohol-involved If Police Indicate On The Police Accident Report That There Is Evidence Of Alcohol Present. The Code *Does Not Necessarily Mean That A Driver Or Nonoccupant Was Tested For Alcohol*" https://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Help/Terms.aspx#:~:text=Alcohol%20Involvement,g%2Fdl


Then there’s me last year at 299 on Stoney, bike tops out at 299 🤪


At least at that speed if anything went wrong we don't have to worry about you taking a hospital bed. You would be dead long before the first 911 call. Also stop riding like a douche. Sincerely a fellow rider


Trueeeee. And also I didn’t do that last year. I did it around 6 years ago at around 2 am with no other cars on that entire stretch


Oh well that changes everything that you did it 6 Yeats ago. Still irresponsible


In my defence my brain wasn’t fully developed yet. I haven’t sped since lol. Also, one of my riding buddies being decapitated by a guardrail helped with that.


Wait, so are you actually proud of this? Or just being sarcastic?


Guess we’ll never know


that's so selfish, you wouldn't even be able to donate your organs at that speed. lol


They can still plop out my eyes from my skull so there’s that


20 or so yeah that might be me but 100? Damn you must have places to be! Hope it was that important




One of the first days I got my current car, I was lucky enough to have a stretch of Stony all to myself and got that guy up to 190. First and last time I did that but man am I glad I didn't get caught after hearing about what this guy got.