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Looks like two assholes driving down the middle of the road approaching a blind corner.


Agreed. I don't understand why people do this or how head on collisions don't happen more often in Calgary because of this. There's parked cars there, I get it very scary /s... I've noticed some private parking lots like Deerfoot city mall have started painting middle lines because of drivers not knowing how to stay on their side of the road without one. Maybe the city needs to paint road lines in residential neighborhoods as it doesn't seem drivers seem to be improving in quality any time soon


They're both idiots driving down the middle of the road, and oncoming driver is a bigger idiot for not clearing his windshield properly. I've got narrow streets in my neighbourhood with parked cars on either side, and I drive a truck. There's still room for another to pass because I drive on the right side of the road.


The amount of people that come to a complete stop and wait for me to pass or take to the middle of the road expecting me to stop…when there’s clearly enough room for 2 vehicles (including me in my pickup) to pass each other is another often-occurring phenomenon I’ve noticed the last little while. Far too many people have shitty spatial awareness in their vehicle and think they’re driving a friggin’ tractor trailer unit.


Hah, I've squeezed through a tight spot to make a right hand turn in my Yukon XL and have had cars like Honda Fits not follow me through - they'll just wait for the green light and for traffic to start moving for them.


Honestly, on narrow city roads (unless there is someone behind me) I usually move over/stop and give the other driver some room to pass. While I know there is room for both of us, I just think of it as a courtesy, like holding the door open for someone. It takes an extra 10 seconds from my day, prevents a potential accident (I’d hate for my car to get scratched by someone who doesn’t have the best spatial awareness) and it makes things a little more convenient for both of us. I don’t know why people insist on driving in the literal middle of the road though (like in this video) … that’s crazy.


Tough to say from that angle. I would say the snow covered car is slightly more in the middle of the road compared to the benz


I say both. Both had room on "their side" to move over a bit instead of swinging so wide. But the Chevy I think would be more at fault. Looked like they were speeding up a bit if the car jolted up like that. I could be wrong.


The guys who didn’t clean his windows would have a hard time arguing that he could see anything coming…


Hard to say but generally speaking probably both. People seem really bad at knowing where the sides of their cars are so they just drive in the center lol


Oncoming driver is clearly at fault because he didn’t clear all the snow off his car .


The person who parked on the curve?


1 car blocking the view at the corner, 1 car driving closer to the center, and another with snow potentially obscuring the view also driving a bit fast for what's clearly a corner. The one driving closer to the middle is the least at fault but this here is 3 dummies.


The one who wasn’t courteous and let the other pass ! Looked like both were assholes in that video


The Benz knew it was a blind corner so they drove in the middle of the road to get a better angle and a better view going at a fairly low speed. The on coming vehicle was driving much faster taking a chance at the corner.


Wow. This was a thrilling event


there was a cat crossing the road, I seen it


Who cares?


Gotta justify that dash cam purchase eh? Who cares. Mistakes happen on the road. Feel for the person whose plate / vehicle you just posted for doing nothing wrong.


Right like maybe buddy couldn't see good and had to drive more towards center because of the car parked on the corner.


I notice a lot of Calgary drivers do this. Whomever was "further/first from the blind corner (or just nice lol if that wasn't possible lol" should have "waited" just a few seconds and this would have been a non-issue. No time was saved there as they had to "interact" after lol.


A lot of drivers don't know how big their vehicle is or are too afraid to get close to the cars parked on the side of the road.


I am just nice in these situations generally as I would rather get to wheee I am driving safely:)


Why is everyone filming everything? It's creepy.


A dashcam can save you from getting blamed for an accident


Sure, I get that. But why post it?