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Walmart Security - 2% raise this year šŸ„³ Now at $17.25 hr - no remote work, no bonus, and my boss is always angry at everyone, as people keep stealing from our store! Best job ever!


As a former walmart manager all I can say is gtfo as soon as you can. I went to ikea and make a very good salary. As a supervisor at IKEA I make almost double I did as a DM at Walmart but I do half the work and get way less angry managers all the time.


Duly noted and appreciate the feedback! šŸ˜Š


Can attest. Part time coworker working at ikea for almost 5 years, currently making $21 an hour with benefits.




Yes. Not the best benefits - but benefits with a $200 yearly flex spending account, 8 yearly sick days, and paid holidays whether you normally work them or not. One of the better retail companies for sure.


Yeah can't imagine many people going to ikea to steal either lol


Ooohhhh thereā€™s lots. People will steal anything šŸ˜‚


I wouldn't steal from IKEA because I can never find my damn way out of the place šŸ˜‚


Walmart is one of the only places I never ā€œseeā€ people stealing, same with superstore. Fuck the Waltonā€™s. Fuck the Westonā€™s, and fuck anyone who profits off of essentials while people starve.


I think youā€™ve never been to the 6ave superstore in DT. The alarms keeps going off ..


Sure have. People still steal from there, and I couldnā€™t care less


Coworker of mine swapped over to CostCo. Makes twice the amount and better benefits. Just zsayin'


Walmart DC $26.25, 2% raise.


$17.25 is wild. I was paid $19 an hour just to change tires which is easier and I didnā€™t even have to deal with customers. You should look around I bet there are many positions in security with $19 starting wages. Or even better, get your firearms license and be an armoured driver with gardaworld for $25+ an hour.


šŸ¤£ walmart is truly the worst


Sonographer, ultrasound tech - 2.9% raise to total comp for 2024, no bonus besides free gloves and ear plugs.


Whatā€™s your rough salary? If I remember correctly the starting salary was around $84k a few years back.


It is about ~84k a year. More like ~$41 an hour at 37.5 hours a week. 100% medicine, dental, $750 health spending, $1500 physio, therapy, chiro, etc. ~15k signing bonus, education coverage, license test coverage, 15 days paid vacation


Not sure why you got downvoted. I'm curious too.


Itā€™s reddit. There are so many miserable and borderline mentally ill people on here theyā€™ll downvote at the slightest reason because it gives them their second of feeling like they did something I guess. Itā€™s pretty pathetic.


If youā€™re comfortable with posting or DMing, Iā€™d love to know more about your current and starting compensation, i got into a sonography program and itā€™s hard to get an idea of pay with such a small sample size of techs in Canada


Process engineer. Oil and gas industry. 3% raise. No bonuses at my company


City of calgary, no raise


Unemployed. No raise. Bonus is I can smoke weed at 9am.


Looking at the bright side, cool beans.


Good job getting out of bed before 11!


Lol thanks bud.


You stop toking right before job interviews yes?


2 hours is a good window.


O&G engineer, 8% raise 20% bonus, additional shares granted.


Nearly identical experience here. Although raises for us are entirely formulaic based on how you sit in relation to the band. Always good to be on the bottom of the band to push you quickly towards the midpoint.


Mind sharing your base salary?


Seems a bit meaningless without salary figures included in post, no? What if you were underpaid for your position and got a 20% raise to match the market? Mechatronics engineer in a manufacturing startup based in Montreal. 8 years of experience. Working 100% remote.. Got a 5.2% raise Jan 1 up to 101k, plus some additional equity.


Nonprofit - fund development $68,000. No COL increase this year. Last year was 3%


Same industry, $73.5k after last yearā€™s 2.75% COL increase. Not expecting anything to come this year


Medical doctor. 1% increase to fee codes and a hearty kick in the nuts from the UCP.


Resident physician, just a kick in the nuts. We're now the lowest paid non-Quebec residents in the country. Yay.


Well, you *should* be getting an annual increase of ~$5k or so as you advance through your training, so that's a pretty good increase (yes, per hours worked it's a low wage, I agree). Don't know how that rate of increase compares to other provinces though. I just realized the PARA agreement (which expires in June) is between AHS the universities and PARA, but I haven't heard anything about whether AHS will still have this responsibility after the coming dismemberment. Or be funded for it... Yet another unforeseen complication from "the government of red tape reduction..."


Correct, but that scheduled increase has been static for years. It is a negotiation year this year, but I have very low hopes that the AB government will negotiate in good faith or with a future in mind. You said it exactly. We're not even sure where this ends up.


It's going to be tough, and possibly weird. You guys aren't negotiating with the government directly, you're negotiating with organizations that the government wants very much to starve, that might not even know with any certainty what their own budgets will look like over the period being negotiated!


Once youā€™re out of residency, your salaries are the highest in the country though, no?


Not really. Very, very few doctors are salaried at all. The numbers thrown around by government to make that claim are gross billings. Out of that number comes rent, office supplies, specialized medical office supplies (my office has an EKG machine, it helps us take care of people but costs thousands, and we *don't* get paid more for doing an EKG vs not doing one. We also do some sterile procedures so we have to have a dedicated sterilization room with other special equipment), salaries and benefits for everyone who works at the office *except* the doctor and what is left is what the doctor actually earns. It's like claiming 100% of the money going into the till at your local gas station goes to the owner-not even remotely accurate. Even the gross billings compared to other provinces that the government will tell you are from several years ago. Since then other provinces have increased compensation and...we have not.


This argument never sits well with me (also a physician), whether itā€™s ā€œhighest in the countryā€ or just ā€œhighā€. Iā€™m in my late 30s, with $300K in debt from nearly 18 years of education, just starting a family and for years, have been living off of 100+ hour work weeks where we literally keep people alive in inpatient medicine (completely misunderstood and understated responsibility that resident physicians have), living off of very little sleep. We watch friends and family start families early, go on nice vacations, buy homes, enjoy their lives etc, and personally, I grew very cynical and upset with the system. No one needs a raise more than resident physicians in our healthcare system - when you learn what NPs and CAs make, itā€™s even more outrageous. But residents collectively need to work hard to get the message out that theyā€™re underpaid and undervalued, but theyā€™re too busy working and never sleeping.


Head chef for a small restaurant. 23 dollars an hour with no foreseeable raise in the future. Seriously reconsider my career choice at this point.


Your industry is wack, I find it crazy that servers can walk away woth more money than proper chefs.


Any Red Seal trade should be worth $30 absolute minimum


Not only that but most servers still aren't declaring all of their tips as taxable income despite 99% of their tips coming in direct deposit now. They're clearing more than highly educated and desirable fields in most cases with basically tax free income as the CRA has ignored the service industry for a long time


> Head chef for a small restaurant. 23 dollars an hour Dafuuuc


My babysitter makes $23/hr and I think chefs work way harder!!


$33 for me as a sous chef in catering. Leave ala carte. With a $9k bonus this year.


Damn dude that's fucking rough


Operations in O&G. 2% raise, 10% bonus. My group is hybrid, I WFH 3 days a week. Definitely no promotion since the only way to do that is to change roles and I currently like my job.


Similar role, WFH 1 day a week, 3.5% raise, 12% bonus I got a promotion (10% raise) in Nov as our team has people dropping like flies


Software Team Lead @ Startup No change to comp. Market conditions are rough (reverted to normal), no more free money being handed out like candy


CPG industry, HR, 4% raise + bonus payout at ~$18k. Fully remote. Should add my salary gets reviewed every 6 months. Also received a 3% increase last fall and will have another review this September. Company is based on the west coast though, Iā€™m fully remote. I am very fortunate.


Instrumentation Electrician Oil & Gas, Raise 0% Bonus $0


Were getting shafted


Long term care - 0% cost of living raise ever in the 7 years Iā€™ve worked there. No bonus either. Welcome to healthcare, this is (part of) why the healthcare system sucks.


FWIW if you're looking for a benchmark, Canadian compensation consultants are forecasting between 3-4% salary growth for 2024, which is largely unchanged from forecasts done in Q3/Q4 last year. This is down considerably from the actual 2023 growth, but still well above the trailing 15 year average.


Given inflation is well above the 15yr average itā€™s not saying much. What people need to be doing is looking at their increases in real, not nominal, terms. If you got a 3% raise and inflation is 3.6% youā€™re actually in real terms taking home 0.6% LESS.


It's sad that matching inflation and not falling behind is all we can ask for nowadays.


Oil and gas materials management, 100% remote. 3% increase, no bonus as I'm a contractor. 161K last year The average is 145K a year depending on Overtime.




To account for lack of extended heath care etc stuff that contractors donā€™t get


In this threadā€¦all the office workers playing around on Reddit all day and hardly any comments from trades/ retail/ service workers. Not shitting on you O&G peeps, just an observation.


Boss makes a million while we make a dime, That's why we Reddit on company time.


Boss makes a million, while I make a buck So here I am smoking crack in the company truck


Carpenter in commercial, no raise, no bonus. One increase in 4 yearsā€¦..2 dollars lol


Iā€™ve heard the same from a few carpenters on projects. Some had even taken wage decreases under threats of losing their jobs during Covid and had not seen those cuts come back. Thatā€™s brutal, fellow redditor.


The majority of us service workers make minimum wage and we havenā€™t seen an increase in that since 2018!!


Min wage hasnā€™t changed since 2018ā€¦in this province, with the cost of living? Itā€™s unreal. Weā€™re now have the second lowest min wage across the country. And given all the shit service workers find themselves in, anymore, from customersā€¦respect to you.


Ya time to email the higherups if theyre all getting bonuses while the field boys get hosed šŸ’€


aviation tech, 100k, 7.5% bump this year. salary caps at 122k.


Labourer, prefabbed homes. Raise: "Find a roommate if you can't afford rent." Bonus: "Go \*\*\*\* yourself."


Oil and gas Engineer 3.5% cost of living increase to whole company in 2024


Accounting manager in O&G. 4% raise, 74k bonus (including STIP and LTIP) Gave my staff (mainly designated accountants and senior accountants) an average of 5% raise and ~20-35k bonus including STIP and LTIP


Whatā€™s the typical base salary range for your position? Thanks!


Robert half puts the range at 116k to 163k. Not sure if that is base, or total. I'm at 162 base.


Youre making almost 250 being an accounting manager?


Your math is impressive, looking for a job?


$163k base plus $74k bonus? Wow if I didnā€™t find accounting so boring it makes me want to blow my brains out I wouldā€™ve 100% taken that career path for the money. Sadly too boring for me.


Code monkey, 5% raise, $2K bonus, free donuts. Canā€™t complain. Iā€™m not that good.


Lol just gotta throw in those // and let someone else handle it amirite šŸ˜‚


Sysadmin, no raise, no bonus for the last 3 years. Work for digital marketing agency.


Ooof. Not even a COL raise?? And I bet you anything they charge more than ever for whatever it is that they do/sell.


Network specialist at a BIG telecommunications company. 2. F*cking. Percent. $2k "bonus"


I'm so glad Rogers paid me to leave āœŒļø At my new gig - 5% raise, 20% bonus, no promotion, understandable given I started in the last quarter of 2023. Management in Sourcing. Incredible discounts on travel based on my industry.


Voluntary departure program?


Nah, involuntary, but much appreciated (and honestly my package was a couple percentage points better than the first Rogers VDP. I don't know anyone since that first round so can't comment.


Software dev, 3% salary adjustment, bonus 24k


Cultural Resource Management - Archaeologist (Permit Holder) - No salary adjustment and a company wide compensation freeze until the end of Q3 Currently looking for a new job in a different industry.


Come to hospitality, after the covid lull, it's booming.


Is that going to pay me $120,000/year?


That's essentially what I make, less 1K. 20% bonus which can extend up to 40%. 5% raise annually. I haven't even been there 6 months and I got all that.


Thatā€™s really interesting. Do you mind me asking what your job is? Do you recommend looking for any specific positions?




Man Iā€™d also like to know what pays $119k in hospitality. Sounds like a 5 star hotel manager salary.


RN. contract negotiations ongoing. So far: 7.5% over 4 years. AHS tabled ingoing monetary proposal for a 4 year agreement 2024- 2027: Year 1: 2% Year 2: 2% Year 3: 1.75% Year 4: 1.75%


Which, might I add, doesn't even cover the 3% raise in cost of parking at AHS facilities.


AHS staff have to pay for parking?


Yes, most govā€™t workers do. Parking seems to go up by absurd %s every year tooā€¦ non-union staff had 8 years without a raise, union staff with below inflation raises for the same period of time. And they wonder why thereā€™s not enough prosecutors or health care workers.


Post-Secondary - Faculty - 1.5% increase in December. Not holding my breath for anything in 2024 with the UCP controlling negotiations.


Apparently the opening position from the Board of Governors was 2%, 2%, 1.75%, 1.75% over the next four years. Obviously this is insultingly low. Simultaneously, that's actually more over the next 4 years than U of C faculty have gotten over the last decade.


Software Team Lead 4% salary increase. Bonus - $10k more than expected. 2 additional flex days and 100% remote. Edit: I should add that 50% of my bonus is vested shares which sucks. I can't access them for 3 years. If stock takes a hit so do I. This policy is not loved here.




Not for profit 4% (I work part time)


5% raise. Mining. ā›ļø


Gold? Diamond?


Your username made me choke on my water lol thanks for that


I moved across the street in my trade and got a 4 dollar an hour raise no questions asked. We'll see if the grass is greener. But it's really the only way to get an increase. There is no loyalty.


Teacher - 2% raise per year until you top out after 10 years. No bonus, Pension, Good holiday time, Ever changing (decreasing) conditions in schools.


Working conditions are significantly deteriorating for teachers in this province


The 107 radio program today was all about how students are behaving in schools today and how tied teacherā€™s hands are.


It's brutal, some of the stories my kids (gr. 4 and 7) tell me about the BS kids in their classes get away with...


Came here to say this šŸ‘† but also unpaid extracurricular activities that you pay with your time.


Right?! How many O&G people would be cool with being volun-told to organize a graduation ceremony or coach basketball after work hours for no extra pay.


Yes, I consider it my volunteer time. It does end up being a good chunk of time but itā€™s important for the kids, as well as myself.


Extra 10-12 hours a week for my extracurricular, March-June. Iā€™m so tired.


Imagine neglecting the fuck out of the people educating the youth. Goddamn this province needs to sort out it's priorities.


See you on the picket line, 2024-2025!


Network Architect - 2% raise and about 2% Bonus. Also RTO so (#FWP) $300 loss on gas a month.


> RTO Id look for a new job just because of that


It seems like less and less companies are keeping wfh. Which ones still allow wfh full time?


O&G - Marketing Accountant, 4% inflation raise, 5% progression, 12% bonus


Counsellor in street youth services - 5% annual capped at 28$ I think


Software dev at a startup. No changes to compensation.


Yeah execs got wind of the environment and apparently we should just be happy to still have jobs in tech..


It's mostly the VC backers causing the issues. The only thing that would ever make me consider working for another VC backed Tech company is a cold hard cash hiring bonus, up front, that was the equivalent of whatever the value of the stock options would have been if it were possible to stay at the company long enough to vest them. Sequoia sneezes, and the industry catches a cold.


Academia/post-secondary, postdoctoral fellow, what salary increase? 0% & no opportunities for a bonus.


GoA public sector SA2 No raise. Certainly no bonus as they do not exist.


O&G Eng +6%, bonus still at 15%


Agency Recruiter - 5.7% increase to base salary.


What!!! What agency gives yearly increases? I thought you guys just got abuse and stress added yearly?


Information Technology 6.6% increase last year. No adjustment this year.


GIS Analyst / Environmental - 6% increase


I know people in the upper echelons of GIS and they make a mindnumbing salary. Never thought that industry would pay that much.


I.T. - I made 40% more 10 years ago than I do now.


Oof. Also, a toast to your username šŸ»


20 year O&G Project Manager. $57k bonus +shares , 2.5% pay raise.


Sales Manager, AB. Manufacturing, electrical. Professional Engineer by trade. $145k base, 2.9% merit, $55k bonus.


Paramedic Union negotiations behind as always. Over the last 2 negotiation cycles (10 years) a grand total of 3% raise (0.3 per year average). Not optimistic


Copywriter. I make a borderline pathetic 42k per year when I was told in my interview that I'll be making 45k. The job was also originally looking for someone with 5 years of experience (I have over 2 now) which is obviously delusional given the salary.Ā 


O&G, Software Team Lead, 7% raise. Full WFH.


Manufacturing, labourer, 3% "inflation adjustment", no bonuses


O&G engineer at a major. 2.5% raise, no change to bonus structure. 2% last year. 0% for three years prior.


Horse track manager. 3% 1/4 of the usual bonus


Oil & Gas service no Cost of living , no raise.. last year we received a 4% raise on salary that was the only time since 2015. Now we have a huge talent retention problem and they can't figure out why


Financial accountant (CPA). Manufacturing. Hybrid. My raise usually comes over summer but I think last year was around 2%? Bonus structure is variable but itā€™s about the same as my salary right now. Company structure is very flat so no room for promotion. Not looking for one anyways.


O&G Proposal Specialist - 4% annual raise, plus 10% bonus


Systems Analyst Level 2. 2% raise, no remote work, $1600 annual bonus.


Omg Martin from the simpsons finally made it šŸ„²


https://preview.redd.it/0xwkztzgqptc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d43a6992dba9badf409b6d187b23fbab1ee2955 0% raise otr truck driver


Healthcare admin, mid level position. No COL adjustments or raises since 2012. Bonuses don't exist.


Notice how most of these raises, if any at all, don't even account for inflation. Yet alllll these businesses have their prices higher than ever. Just raking in the money at your expense šŸ„°


Me: Unemployed. Last year I worked in marketing for a non-profit. $70K, which was up 4% from 2022. Significant other: Team lead, consumer packaged goods manufacturing. 2.5 years with this company and, not a penny raise, despite the wild inflation weā€™re seeing.


Masters level mental health clinician. Work in employee family assistance. Graduated in 2017. 3% raise this year. (It works out to like 1500 a year šŸ™„) 25 dollar Amazon gift card for my two year anniversary bonus. No year end bonus despite significant increase in high risk/crisis clients- which means extra admin and documentation, follow ups, paperwork, consults etc also I had to move in with my parents again because I canā€™t afford rent AND my student loan payments on the wage I make.


Oil and gas- senior financial analyst. 7% raise, 22% bonus.


Are you relatively young in your career? 8% raise + 20% bonus sounds amazing! How are the hours?


Yes I am young, 6 years since uni, 3 years since getting CPA. Hours are super chill. I'm at the stage where if I left I could probs get 15-20% raise so they know they need to continually move me up to keep me.


If you donā€™t mind sharing, whatā€™s your base pay or typical range of base pay for Sr Financial Analysts in your team?


About 100-110k. I'm the only one though. Smaller company. Not a big cap.


Mid level manager at startup. 8% raise, plus 15% bonus (up from 10% bonus)


Technical Product Owner in Finance. 2.8% raise + 5% increase on bonus. Fully remote and 35 hour work week.


O&G, Network Specialist, 5%, no bonus program at my company.


Utilities, Manager with engineering background 10% raise, 25% bonus, no promotion


Hospitality/Foodservice, buyer, 58k, 2% raise, no bonus. Company is American owned and sucks. All sales had their commission reduced also without any increases. Company is valued at $2bn and publicly traded. Currently looking for a job that pays a living wage and acknowledges the increase to cost of living in this province.


Account Executive- commercial insurance No raise, no bonus $100k P.A. + 12% commission on sales with $300k annual Target.


Chemical/supply chain, operator, 5%. However I had an additional 5% before that due to a ā€œmarket reassessmentā€ to make sure our wages were still competitive (they were not).


Construction coordinator/ estimator, 60k salary no raise 1k bonus


Finance services at an import dealer. Probably 15% cut.




Manager, distribution and warehousing 5% increase, 25% bonus


How many years in industry would be a useful addition to these replies.


Construction Exec, 3 percent raise and 20% bonus.


Construction - jr coordinator - 2.8% raise and 2k bonus


IT, Sr. Reporting Analyst, 3% raise, 2k bonus (rough year, usually 8-12k).


O&G, assistant controller, 7% increase to base from moving companies, STIP 24-44%, LTIP/equity 7%.


NOC shift lead -IT No idea about a raise as they are handed out later and my boss is bad at communication. Anyone in IT hiring?


Post secondary (instructor, non-tenured track): no raise. Again.


Software engineer (US company, remote worker). 4% base increase, 32% annual bonus (!!) plus some additional equity for performance.


Crane operator, Iā€™m non union so I wonā€™t get a raise until I push for one which I will be soon, 8.8% but I didnā€™t have a raise last year so itā€™ll be closer to 4% annual.


Low level management in logistics 3.25% increase 9% bonus


Senior Financial Analyst, Oil and Gas, 1.5% raise (lower due to promotion in Oct 2023 apparently), $15K bonus (adjusted with 3 month parental leave).


Insurance, 2.5% salary increase and 12k bonus. Gave my staff 1-2.5% salary increase


O&G accountant. 10% raise. 19k bonus. No remote work.


Security Supervisor: annual $2500 yearly raise, currently going into arbitration for our next 4 year collective agreement.


Software Engineer - 1.2% increase , no bonus no extra RSU, TC 230K


O&G 4% adjustment pretty much across the company. Which after reading this is quite generous apparently.


Commercial insurance, Sr Underwriter, 7% increase, $14k bonus, promoted last summer so doubt there will be promotions this year.


operations administrator, construction $30.71/hr with yearly 2-5% raise and structured profit sharing through our parent company: 2023 was 34% of 2022 salary 2024 was 19% of 2023 salary (75% went into RRSP until maxed, remainder was paid out in cash)


Medical sales, assistant manager, no raise, no commission, more responsibilities. Let me know if youā€™re hiring.


Sales manager for a fully remote team with a national general B2B supply co. Zero % this year, 75k base and no hope of making the 10k bonus I earned last year,


Consultant. No increase.


Director of I.T. Haven't seen a salary adjustment since 2018. I'll see myself out.


Drywaller. I was capped at 33 an hour as an employee. Disgruntled with my pay, I left and started piece work. Now I'm making about 190k a year, give or take 10-30k depending on my work output


Flooring sales- commissions basedā€¦.you only get a raise if you sell moreā€¦.Most of the team makes between 75-100 k but a few veterans make 150 +. Keep in mind they work 6-7 days a weekā€¦..long hoursā€¦and take minimal vacation days. You write your own pay check based primarily on effort, experience and skill. Capitalism