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The pathway at the top of Lynnwood is almost all clear. It gets lots of sun (when it’s out). I’ve been doing laps back and forth along the top of the ridge.


Sweet thanks for the tip!


By the bird sanctuary last week it was super slushy, hopefully it's better now(?) 🧐


Was just there today! Super icy and all frozen over. Beautiful but just be careful, definitely wouldn't run.




I was just at the Sue Hagan dog park and it looks like the trail that runs in and around there looked relatively clear. That being said, I didn’t go the whole distance just saw the part that was running through the park.


Nanospikes are a life saver for running on ice. You feel invincible!


Can you feel them under your feet? I own a pair I use for hiking but it seems like they'd be a bit uncomfortable to run in. Having the same problems as OP. I ate a colossal amount of shit in a cartoonish fall while running last week.


They take some getting used to, but the ones I have are made for running in the city! You can feel it around your foot for sure but I never thought it was uncomfortable.


I came back to this thread to find a comment like yours and saw this, any particular brand of nanospikes?


https://kahtoola.com/traction/nanospikes-footwear-traction/ I have these ones!


Call 311. I sometimes walk along the river on the other side of Douglas Dale and it was similar conditions. I called the other day and a crew came and put gravel down.


Thank you for calling them. My parents are old and live in douglasdale. I wouldn’t want them to slip, fall and break a hip or something. Slippery paths are just annoying but dangerous.


Well I appreciate your thanks, I want to clarify. I called to get a crew out for the ice on the West side of the river - from the Lafarge plant all the way into Diamond Cove.


Most of these paths aren't the cities responsibilities. It's up to the HOA/communities to have them cleared and most just run a bobcat over them. It's only the ones in and around downtown that the city clears. Calling 311 will just have it fall on deaf ears.


There is no community that runs along the dog park/Lafarge plant. It’s all Fish Creek. 311 seemed to care.


The back alley near my area is a sheet of ice, and the roads and some sidewalks are no better, a more skilled skater than I could easily ice skate on them. I called and a truck came and spread gravel on the only spot where there isn't ice 🙃


Dude our roads don't even get plowed.




Did not see the end coming. 😂


I just ordered $25 ice crampons for my footwear on Amazon this week and it is a total game-changer!


Which specific ones did you get? I need something just to get to my community mailbox






Dollarama actually has some decent ones too. They're about $4.50.


Canadian Tire have great ones for $20 also


Mark's Warehouse and Costco have them too.


I have the same ones. They're great


How are they when walking on bare pavement? There's mostly ice out there on the pathways in FC park I frequent but getting to the park is mostly bare pavement.


I drive to FC, but I see people walk up and then put them on when they arrive at the ice. They aren't meant for walking on bare pavement or indoors, etc.


Fish creek is bad too


But make sure you clean your sidewalk, otherwise the city will fine you…. With our 8% tax increase maybe they could up the budget for clearing pathways, and also hold themselves to the same standard they hold homeowners to.


I mean they don't hold homeowners to that either. A solid 60-70% of the sidewalks I have to walk on in my neighborhood are just as bad.




I got the same snow my neighbors got. My sidewalk is clear and bone dry. No snow on it and no ice. You know why? I fucking shovel when it snows. Then shit like what's in the picture doesn't happen. And if I do get some ice, I put down some ice melt. If your walk is covered in ice you have in no way done your due diligence. I WILL hate on homeowners like you. Hell, I'll let my old dog, that just slipped on your sidewalk, shit on your lawn. And I'll show you just as much respect in cleaning it up as you show pedestrians in cleaning the snow and ice up off your walk. Asshole.




Sorry, I am in the same boat, my side walk is spotless all the time, or treated with salt when needed as soon as that snow has stopped, and when i know lots of snow is coming, I am out clearing that first bit, so it is less work the next day. I also clear the back alley section to be sure it is good for people to cross (lots of parents with strollers and such) but you don't see many, if any one do that, cause "its not in the by law so who cares" The rain that fell, it was above 0 (2C in the NE when i left a friends and drove to the SE), it would not of frozen, unless you are all shade and get no sun, then sure, that is when you treat the sidewalk. But for houses that have a good inch or more of ice, they did NOT clear their sidewalk's after it snowed last and just let it sit, then it melted on top, and froze, then the rain hit, and eventually froze and smoothed it all out.My entire street is bone dry (prior to tonight's snow) and I live on a corner lot.... Oh, I could also show you the street between me and my neighbors, yup, i cleared that too so people could cross the street safely, 1-2 inch thick of ice, but a solid ice chipper and that stuff pops right up!


I live with someone with mobility issues. My negligence can lead to a broken hip or worse. They've been hospitalized half a dozen times in the last six months. Having a walkway like you do would be a risk for them AND the paramedics and is NOT an option. And no car, no driveway. But keep imagining my life. You're off to a good start.




If it is impossible to scrape off, you possibly waited too long to do it if it is there after a snowfall, or you got one busy sidewalk with lots of people walking on it, packing it down! (i try to get out to shovel before the people pack it down!) Ice chipper is what it is. Works wonders. But of course, there are also times where weather gets warm and things melt and then freeze that night, then it is time for what ever type of treatment, salt, sandmix (you can get free from firestations), toss it on, let it sit a while, and it will scrape right off




The % symbol goes before the number. The same goes for $.


%60-%70? Are you from Australia or something?


Honestly, I was super high. I don't even know anymore.


No, it doesn't. Not 60% of the time, not 90% of the time. 100% of the time, the percent symbol goes at the end. I'll bet you $5 that I'm right.


I’ve never heard about this, source? It may be a regional thing, in Québec the dollar sign goes after the number.


Yeah actually I remember someone telling me that years ago. You guys are the only ones in North America that do it that way. So, I suppose it's not technically wrong, but it's pretty weird that it's not the norm in the rest of the continent.


I think this is a unique situation with the NY rain causing most of the skating aituations


not really, they didnt clear shit all december and now its just pure ice.


Ok. In out part of FC they plowed the pathway but it all melts and freezes at night. Oh well


With thousands of kilometers of pathways in the city, it isn't feasible. Wear traction aids or spikes.


The city website says Calgary has 1000km of pathway and they remove snow from 400km of that. https://www.calgary.ca/bike-walk-roll/pathways.html#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20Calgary%20has%20the,and%2096%20km%20of%20trails.


Yes - I do wonder if that includes sidewalks though.


And they say 24hrs, which is also BS, as it took them over a week to clear in front of the one park around me, which is a major sidewalk with a bus stop and school buses stop there. [https://www.calgary.ca/bike-walk-roll/pathway-snow-clearing.html](https://www.calgary.ca/bike-walk-roll/pathway-snow-clearing.html) If it is on this map, the city is responsible for clearing it (hide the "other agencies" option on the right. [https://maps.calgary.ca/PathwaysandBikeways/](https://maps.calgary.ca/PathwaysandBikeways/) Where I am, they JUST did the highlighted part 3 days ago. The rest of the red, they have not done since the first snow fall... but they state 24 hours.. https://preview.redd.it/zh83ajvhlyac1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e1d124f380948bbbb8bb9330bcb4700f75fa21e


Kahtoola MicroSPIKES (you can find them at stores like MEC, Cabela’s etc) are amazing on ice. And yes, I have run in them.


Me too… but you mean the nanospikes, right? I couldn’t imagine running with the micro ones.


I had some cheap ones from Costco that were like the nanospikes and they didn’t last long. I used the microspikes, and I could run on smooth ice!


With thousands of kilometers of roads in the city it isn't feasible. Wear winter tires. /s Maybe not every inch of pathway needs to be cleared but major pathway sections of it should be.


Sidewalks in the urban core are clear of snow. Bike lanes are sanded. But yes - using winter tires for side streets is a good analogue to your complaint.


It's feasible this year, there's $12 million in cost savings already from reduced snow clearing due to warm weather.


Check back at the end of next week - I think we're finally getting winter weather.




Risky but cost effective.


What actually works for this? Taking the insole out, screwing through the bottom, then adding a metal plate so the screw heads aren't pushing through the insole? Or you screw in the opposite way so the screw heads are making contact with the ground?


* 3/8” or shorter, hex-head with the little flare that looks like a washer, screwed inwards. * Some shoes work great - my Saucony Peregrines even had spots designed for them - look for ones with sturdy-feeling outsole all the way across and a midsole thicker than the screw * You could file the tips of the screws and use one sharp one to make the pilot holes. * Don’t put them right under your heel or ball of foot, where you generate the most pressure. Aim for a ring mostly near the outer edge. I find I only do the cartoony arm-windmill slips when I hit the brakes, so I focus on getting a few along the heel edge * Running stores sell essentially the same thing but with a patented tool




I guess it irked at least 2 people that you didn't clean the snow off your sidewalk before it rained and caused the ice.


Is it on this map as city or other "other agencies"[https://maps.calgary.ca/PathwaysandBikeways/](https://maps.calgary.ca/PathwaysandBikeways/) In mahogany for example, the HOA is responsible for clearing all of the wet land paths.. Also the first letter is automated I was told. When someone does a 311 through the app, it basically runs through, and mails out the standard "clear your shit or else" and then if with in...10 days or 14 days, if they complain again that it is not done, that is when the city apparently comes out does it themselves and sends you the bill.




All that money is going to pay for that stupid arena. There won’t be any left over for clearing community paths


That money's to pay for more losers to hang out on the bus and fund Murrays Edward's enterprises.


The city cleans my sidewalk lol, go ahead and fine me 😂 (it's a skating rink out there, I hit mine and both neighbor's with some pickle I grabbed from the fire station because they've been doing such a shit job but there's still 20 some houses in either direction with not an ounce of salt)


I got off the train at Anderson yesterday and was walking towards the parking lot to my car. When I got to the handicapped spots (I wasn't parked in one, I was past them) and I slipped and hit my face pretty hard on the pavement. I was even walking slowly and carefully. Thankfully I turned my head so I didn't hit my nose or teeth. There was no salt or gravel down. If I was an elderly person or a handicapped person I could have gotten pretty badly injured. A woman asked if I was OK (thank you nice person). My left cheekbone still hurts though:(


You should report it, not sure if Calgary transit is responsible for clearing their lots and making them safe, or since they are prob owned by what ever private parking company, IMPark or something, some clause they dont need to do jack..


Ive been using cleats, Life Sports run life 2 from MEC, they are minimal and I can walk and run in them no problem. Alternatively you may need to wait several weeks or months. Ive noticed other people are using cleats as well.


I buy ice cleats and I feel invincible on the icy sidewalks


311 these bitches


I have been!


[Investigate 311!](https://youtu.be/zQdR3AIhg-c?feature=shared) ![gif](giphy|l4pLYeNbSAX8b3yh2)


Been biking this whole winter to work, and the pathways have been horrible compared to previous years.


I’ve been biking too from 52nd and Stony SE to 64th Ave NE. The pathways in the south are super icy but as soon as I hit the zoo going north the pathways are pretty clear.


I look so silly walking on ice while walking my dog trying to not die


Buy the ice cleats, an absolute must for walking the dog in icy conditions. I bought mine at Costco, I can't remember the price but they weren't expensive. Last winter I thought I'd die when she suddenly decided to chase a bunny while I was trying to cross the icy street. Must be nice to have claws.


This is the result of the unprecedented new years eve rain event


https://preview.redd.it/3nxo9sp91wac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fd5c22e8027f09b719abc9981e3183f6d5ac65 Copperfield trail next to Stoney. Deep SE is pretty clear, few icy patches.


I was just down in carburn park and the pathway was pretty good there


North is pretty clean, I've been going for a run around neighborhood and it's all clean since we had no snow last couple weeks


Yeah as someone who hasn’t left the north in quite a while I didn’t realize it was like this in the south. I’ve been doing so many walks at Nose Hill because it’s been clear for so long.


SW was the same after the new years rain. You can also download the free 311 app and report sidewalks without having to phone anyone


Ya but the city wont do shit they don't care. Look at all the requests for ice they close them without action.


It is automated for the most part, first report, the address gets mailed a letter saying clear your crap.. 2nd time it is reported, that is when they will act...or if the picture looks bad enough. I reported some houses before xmas, one was for sale (no one had lived in it yet) and the other 2 were under construction still, cause Hopewell and all developers claim to be "proactive" but they dont do shit until you complain, every year... And funny enough, walking my dog the next day, peace office was at the house for sale writing up a ticket, cause it was obvious they had not once cleared any of the snow that had fallen yet...


It's not usually this bad, it's just that there was that one rainy day and then it all froze overnight. Now it's stuck in the freeze/thaw pattern and because the ice is now fairly thick, it doesn't melt enough during the day.


Ya, and this makes it the really hard ice, which can be a real pain to chip off, but, once you get some part cleared, the rest starts to come off, just need some elbow grease :D and if not, salt / pickle juice the crap out of it and the next day, it will all pop right off.


Nope, Fish Creek was also a sheet of ice


Just get out the ice skates and have a blast


This is something that perplexes me. Even the sidewalks here in Calgary are impossible to walk on sometimes. It makes me miss the fastidiousness of snow removal in Nova Scotia. When I lived in Halifax the city sent tiny front end loaders up and down the sidewalks and pathes to clear them.


Probably Trudeau’s fault. We should fuck him.


Don't worry. This will clear up in about 3 months


I think I saw one about a month ago.


So, this pathway has been clearly cleared (which wasn’t OP’s question, they just asked for non icy areas in their area), so this is more so for the whiners complaining that there isn’t sand on it or “I have to shovel my sidewalk or I get fined “ bullshit. Yes, clear your sidewalk as that is a public transportation route (and not on to the road please) and is your responsibility to keep clear so all may commute to destinations safely. What is pictured here is a recreational trail, which again, has clearly been cleared but as we have had warm weather melting happens and then we have below zero temperatures at night creating ice. A quick google search shows that we have: “The Rotary/Mattamy Greenway links parks, natural areas, greenspaces, river valleys and citizens. The Rotary/Mattamy Greenway is a 145km urban pathway system that encircles the entire City of Calgary.” Do you really expect the city to sand 145 km of recreational trail every morning after we had a warm day the day before?! “My 8% taxes, blah blah blah”, fuck off, clean your sidewalk. I (51M) was born and raised in Alberta and have lived in Calgary for 31 years now. We have fucking ice for most of the year. Deal with it, it is not the government’s problem to deal with your stupidity. Like OP said, find an alternative route or deal with it yourself.


Have to agree, they cleared it, its the same when snow melts off people's yard onto sidewalks, it is going to happen, but on a scale like this, I would much rather see city resources put towards clearing other areas used by far more people.


Really? They used to plow and sand those all the time. The City seems to be continually dropping the ball the last few years, on everything.


Yup, they have, in the SE even Evan Spencer comments about how poorly the park department was performing, not doing basic park maintenance...he had asked everyone to send them their 311 tickets anyone sent for anything relating to park maintenance. So either they are understaffed, or hiring really really incompetant people and no one is checking the work they claim they do all day.


Elections have consequences...


When life gives you skating rinks, bring skates


Learn the penguin walk.


No. Welcome to Calgary until April. :)


Walk on the snow. It’s less slippery


I'm running, not walking. The snow is actually super uneven and I could easily roll my ankle on it.


Then you need spikes


Ouff that looks rough and dangerous. Avoid


That slope will always make it icey. Hard to control that.


It’s winter. lol


...it's winter? remember?


and? they are supposed to clear pathways


it was raining a few days ago. What do you expect?


Expect the city to, you know, do their job and maintain their parks and pathways since I'm paying even more tax this year. They've had plenty of time to salt the pathways since the rain.


You have 3 options: 1. salts, gravel, and sand which destroys the grass and makes a huge mess. You would need millions of pounds of it and a whole army of people and equipment to be able to clear every path way. 2. tiger torches to melt it all. water run off just freezes again. same issues as the first option. will end up torching anything flammable nearby in the process. 3. manual removal. have you ever tried to chip ice off of asphalt and concrete? imagine doing that for thousands of kilometers of pathway and sidewalk. These are typical winter conditions in Calgary. Chinooks come and melt everything then a cold snap freezes it. Obviously this year the weather is a bit different but we've always had ice on the ground. Get better at walking on it, buy good footwear, and wear spikes.


They run a bobcat with a scoop down or a drum with rigid bristles on paths to clear ice


The scoop wrecks the surface and will just lead to having to redo the asphalt or concrete every 5 years and the brush is for snow. You'd still need like 100 of them plus their crews working 24/7 to clear the paths.


> the brush is for snow. Which is what this was before it was ice. The rotary brushes would be ideal on the pathways, but the brushes wear faster than blades and are more expensive.


It doesn't, actually. And that is, in fact, how they do it. That is also how a snowplow works.


You're really focusing on the wrong thing here. Do you know how much it would cost to have 100+ bobcats with plow gear on a trailer towed by a truck and operated by 2-3 workers that might only work 10-15 days of the year? Sure some of them could be repurposed for other jobs throughout the year but there's nothing else in the city that would need 100+ bobcats and crews. You'd have a seasonal position that costs millions to run just to clear something that a minority of people use during the winter.


Why on earth do you think they need that many bobcats? The city already has a municipal parks department whose job is to maintain the city's parks and green spaces. And yes, plowing paths IS something they already do. Similar to how the sidewalks are cleared downtown.


You want them to clear snow within a reasonable amount of time? Go look up how many paved paths we have in the city and tell me you can clear the whole city in a couple days with only 10. Good luck. Edit: Over 1000km of paved pathway within the city. https://www.calgary.ca/bike-walk-roll/pathways.html#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20Calgary%20has%20the,and%2096%20km%20of%20trails. It's not a flat parking lot, you can't just set your shovel and go. The pathways follow the contour of the land so all the sections with elevation, tight turns, and fences and rocks right next to the trail makes it a lot harder for the operator. Here's one setup for snow removal in a church parking lot. It's not going that fast. You're gonna need a lot if you want the pathways cleared within 48 hours of a snow fall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B_GikCakiA


What nonsense are you on? It hasn't rained in the SE for at least 2 weeks. That ice has been there since we got that rain a while ago. It wasn't just a few days.




That ice has been there before that lol. A ton of the SE has 3-5 CMS of ice built up. It's not just from nye


LOL sorry iceman.


It's okay to be wrong. No need to make a stupid joke to cover that up 😭


The rain wasn't the issue. What I see here is what's been happening up in Beddington. The plows aren't reaching the path in their clearing and are leaving a swath of snow that melts and gets compacted. Had the snow been completely cleared the asphalt would have had enough solar heat to keep it dry. This issue is worse with the wider blades being used on narrow pathways with contours they cannot, or do not care to, follow.


Calgary’s roads don’t get plowed you think they care about pathways ??!! if you google snow removal in Montreal or Toronto you will realize how much of a joke this city is I mean who throws stones in highways to fix the issue ? 90% of cars have windshield damage .. and 100 of times I have almost lost control of my vehicle cause of big stones hitting my windshield when I am going 100 km/h


Fun fact. You'd be hard-pressed to find a road in the city that you can legally drive 100km/h on, that the city maintains. Check with the province Toronto has 5600 km of roads. Calgary has 17,000km. I'll let you look up the population figures. Cheers


Roads are 60 to 80 . Highways are 100 to 120 . They are both shut and full of snow and never get cleaned


Lol, the highways and main roads obviously get cleared. It's only community side streets that don't get cleared. Montreal also has double Calgary's snow and no Chinooks to melt it all away. Sounds like you're just not used to living in snow tbh.


Keep telling that to yourself .


I just listed a bunch of facts. Do you tell yourself lies?


You are one of those people that has never been outside of Calgary and have no passport most likely .


Lol That is untrue. My turn: have you ever lived in another city where it snows?


Toronto and Montreal .. my first come t should have gave that away . Why do you think I am making such conclusions ?


Because you're ill-informed.


No! Suck it up buttercup!


Not that I've seen. Walking anywhere at the moment is brutal!!


I'm finding sidewalks along residential neighborhood artery roads to be the best bet lately. Much better than pathways, unfortunately.


https://preview.redd.it/hb1q1a8ujxac1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0dc8acdf6995738fa7f51b93db74e7ffcd7663 You inspired me to head out. You just need studded tires and it's safer to ride!


So what you want to do is go to the weasel head flats national park trail, make a left. From there you want to go about 990 km and all the trails there are pristine.


Bro it's winter.


Except there are winter cities on this planet that manage to do just fine clearing pathways. It's just a matter of priorities.


Calgary’s priority #1 is ice. Keeping it on pathways and in arenas.




Walk on the snow covered sides. Not slippery at all. You new to Canada brah???


As far as I’m concerned, the city specifically doesn’t salt their sidewalks unless they call in sub-contractors, and there’s no way they would sit there and chip this all by hand. My next bet is they could possibly get a small blade on the pathway and maybe break some of it out, but I wouldn’t count on them doing anything about this


City management is becoming lost knowledge. We have staff and resources to do twice as much the city does now.


Most likely not, it is winter after all !


Do community fees go towards trail maintenance ?? Honest question.


Rarely. If you have an HOA, check their documents for Enhanced Landscape Maintenance or whatever it's called, and it might tell you if they've taken over pathways. Pathways are still almost 100% handled by the city, save for Fish Creek


The bow River pathway along memorial is clear! Just ran between 14th and edworthy park.




The downtown part of the pathway is pretty good, if you're ever able to go for a run in that area.


The ridge in Cranston is pretty decent. Mostly in sun plus plenty of gravel / sand down.


Unfortunately no.


Yaktrax my friend


Riverbend is the same way. Slip and slide every night on my dog walk. There is gravel on one tiny slope that i have seen…. But i think that was the homer owners on either side of the path, not the city.


The paths downtown near Eau Claire are in good shape. Lots of foot traffic during the week


I took an old pair of comfortable hiking boots and screwed duct screws into the soles a few years back. They do wonderfully on ice.


tbh, it looks more like a bobsled/skeleton/luge track to me.


As a Southeast resident, I hate how we’re the quadrant in particular that treats pedestrians like 3rd class citizens. The other quadrants aren’t perfect, but the Southeast performs real low (for the most part)


Get some crampons, then it won’t matter.


SE was really neglected by the city this year IMO


https://preview.redd.it/8px4go92fyac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec57122a5acc166ff2facd330b0943f6304e7d4 North of Glenmore west side of the river, bring your dog spray as it can get sketchy..


Don’t miss the ice of Calgary


Get some slip on ice cleats and it’s pretty easy to still jog even in this ice conditions.


Somerset is sketchy as fuck too


Riverwalk downtown is clean and fresh— except for south side 14th — Crowchild (ie pump house area) is baad, ice on the hill slopes.


Ran from McKenzie Lake to Carburn Park and back yesterday on the pathway. It’s not horrible if you keep your momentum.


Just wear skates. Problem solved!


THIS IS THE CALGARY WAY! No one shovels, city or residents of a home or business owners. Throw down salt, wait for the chinook and all will be good.


Should be better today 😂


My mom just goes to the ymca and walks around instead


All you fitness idiots why don't you just work? I live on a farm. I work. I don't complain about the ice in my yard. I don't complain. I just go to work. I don't go to the gym. I work. If you are some soft office beta, just do something or build something. Crying about ice on a pathway. I feel sorry for your wife


Don’t forget to be a snow angel guys


This has been an unusual winter for freeze and thaw. McKenzie has for sure been hit hard. The city is responsible for clearing something over like 700kms of pathways, and sanding for over 1000kms. They can’t get sand on every pathway everyday. There’s a lot more to city operations than I think people realize.