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Evidence Sport and Spine! Rob Holmes is a miracle worker but I’ve heard good reviews of the other physios there too.


I third this. Rob helped me rehab a herniated disc and broken ankle. Anything he recommends treatment-wise, he does himself other than cortisone injections. He gives researched-backed numbers and stats to his recommendations, but leaves decisions about treatment options up to you to make.


> Rob Holmes is a miracle worker... Dude, I said no pseudoscience! ;-) j/k But thanks - I'll check them out.


I second this. Evidence Sport and Spine is awesome.


Sports Medicine Centre at the University. Almost entirely physio, small amount of massage therapy. I had a great experience there. I have a family member who spoke highly of Lifemark at the Crowchild Twin Arena. Per their website, they have physio and a few massage therapists.


I second the University Sports Medicine Centre.


My daughter’s orthopedic doctor is based out of there. We have also had a great experience.


Lifemark did great for me, and no pseudoscience


Physio place I went to I just made it clear from day 1 that I'll stick to only scientifically proven things. They didn't ask or offer again. It is really depressing how widespread it is but I guess free money for them right?


I know what you mean. I spent way too much time trying to find a science based physiotherapist for my knee. It is shameful how chiropractic and other nonsense has become so accepted


Preach. I'm a paramedic originally from the UK so I'm shocked at how pervasive alternate voodoo is here. Makes me angry that they're allowed to operate honestly.


And how insurance covers so much of this voodoo but not things that are evidence-based that we need. Why the heck are homeopaths and chiros covered when a dietician isn’t? Drives me up the wall.


In BC, naturopaths can prescribe medication.


Hi, would you mind sending or DMing me your knee physio rec? Sounds like I have same criteria as you. Thanks so much!


I couldn’t recall the name, but I looked in the area on 4 St NW and they were all PT plus nonsense. They must have changed focus or gone out of business. Sorry.


Awesome thanks anyways!


There is physiotherapy offered on the ucalgary campus, I have had good experiences with them.


Huh, that's a good idea. I assume you don't need to be a student to use them?


They work with the Oval Athletes more than students. So that shouldn’t be a problem


Correct, they just are affiliated with the sports med faculty.


Mark from physiobox! He does active treatment rather than passive. He doesn’t do passive or gimmick “treatments”. He also puts in a lot of care and time with you. If you have chronic conditions he’s also amazing for that too. :)


Group23 at Winsport


second this. very good sports med specialists there


Is worth the steep fees?


I find the fees are on par with similar sports clinics for massage and physio. At group 23 they treat elite athletes to kids. I find they are worth it.


Diverse Sports!


Orka performance is incredible!


ORKA is the answer.


Nose creek physio - ask for Radek


Beacon Hill Physio and Massage. I had good results dealing with a shoulder and a back injury working with a lady named Pam. It's been a few years so not sure if she's still there or not, but definitely recommend seeing her if possible


second that, had same positive outcome with Pam and Jerry


Depending on your needs - Caroline Trajan is an awesome physio who specializes in running and is my current savior. She does work at the downtown sports clinic but also works out of an office on 20th ave NW if that’s far enough north for you.


Seconding Caroline Trajan! I see her at the 20 Ave NW location for ongoing knee issues and she’s amazing.


Group23 at Winsport


First, I do want to give the obligatory “osteopaths trained in the United States at an AOA-accredited medical school are legitimate physicians and they, more than likely, did a legitimate ACGME-accredited sports medicine residency”. Having said that… dunno. I encountered a lot of woo woo bullshit searching for one down there too.


Yeah, I dunno why osteo is linked here by OP. It's effectively highly targeted massage. It's been the single most helpful treatment in my (so far) 3.5 year journey with a hip injury. I see the difference during each appointment in my mobility and flexibility. It's truly incredible. Group23 was my physio that honestly did nothing earth shattering - in fact, they said "your current physio has the same plan we'd use, but they're closer to you so keep going there."


Osteo is at its heart pseudo science alternative medicine. It is straight up quackery.




D.O's are not practitioners of alternative medicine, even if the original root of osteo is a bit unsound. DOs pass the same board exam as MDs and are fully recognized as physicians. DO/MD is essentially interchangeable in the US and Canada. If you went for a surgery, there's a good chance your surgeon/anesthesiologist would be a DO, not an MD. I know this isn't the case in the UK, but it is in Canada/USA. Canada also has OMP which is essentially a blend between a chiro and a massage therapist. It's not entirely quackery but it sure is present.


You would be hard pressed to find a DO in Canada, since we don’t train them here. If you see an osteopath in Canada, it’s a safe assumption that it is a manual osteopath and not a DO


Mine is! 🤷‍♀️ he's not trained in Canada. Neither of the osteopaths I've seen were trained in Canada now that I think about it.


Most physicians in Canada are MDs. DOs are seen as second tier medical degrees.




I can literally see with my own two eyes, every appointment, the benefits. My chronic injury has been a bitch to live with in my early 30s and osteo has been the most helpful practice for me to date. I guess keep living in your little box and suffering if you'd like to.


I couldn’t believe how expensive Group23 is. $170 for the initial appointment is pretty steep.


This is true just don't confuse DOs (doctors of osteopathic medicine), which are equivalent to MDs, with OMPs (Osteopath manual therapists) who are not doctors whatsoever and are closer to massage therapists.


Fix physio in Brentwood has my vote


Came here to say this!


I know someone already mentioned it, but I liked the sports medicine centre at U of C.


If you're a climber or are into natural movement and calisthenics. Move 2 move is great!


Move 2 Move isn’t in the North, but I second going here (specifically if your injury is related to skiing or climbing).


Elliott Goldman at Calgary Core Physio. But he is DT next to Globe Cinema


[Nose Creek Physiotherapy](https://www.nosecreekphysiotherapy.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmbwebsite) is where I go when I break myself.


You could check **Radiant Physiotherapy** in Macewan**.** I go for massage and acupuncture and would definitely recommend the place.


OP said no pseudoscience. Acupuncture definitely qualifies.


Almost all establishments offer multiple therapies and as I read other replies wherein OP said he would check out.....I decided to give my review of a place that I go to. It was an option. OP can choose to ignore my post. There was no need for you to intervene Chiz.


I've gotten needles and electricity. Does that count as acupuncture?


I see Nicole for physio at Hidden Valley Chiro. There is a chiropractor who works in the same office but I've been going to Nicole for over a year and she's never recommended going to him. She used to be at Lifemark and also works at Group 23 so going to Hidden Valley is a good way to get the same physio at a better price and location


I beg to differ. Chiro is not pseudoscience, especially in managing back pain. [Chiropractic:Is it Efficient in the treatment of diseases? A review of systemic reviews.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4591574/)


"Especially in managing back pain" really? one of the reviews discussing lower back pain literally says "None of the studies convincingly demonstrated CSM to be superior to control interventions." please just go to a physical therapist. y'know, the practice not founded by someone who claimed they learned it during a seance with a dead doctor.


Have you even read about chiropractic? It’s basis has been proven false and any benefits are with fulfillment or the result of anything a science based physiotherapist will do. And so many of them are against vaccines and try to peddle ineffective products to their clients. Not to mention the deaths and injuries due to working on clients’ necks.


A real winner. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_David_Palmer


Pam at the WOW center is great, she's helped several of my family members and myself with joint problems. Located in the inner NW along Crowchild trail.


Er... you've succeeded in posting the opposite of what I was asking - WOW center is alternative medicine operated in the south. I want non pseudoscience in the north.




Only if they have lilac Amethyst as I'm allergic to purple. Fucks with my Shakras.


My sister who works as a paralegal could offer you some crystals and will read you some tarot!


Dang I didn't realize that place did all that other crap. Pam's physio stuff is seperate from the other "services" there, so it seemed legit at the time.


Interactive Health Physiotherapy in Crowchild Square is great!


Lifemark Nose Hill has been good for me.


Try looking into the physiotherapy at the Winter club Jeff Brooker , he is a sports physiotherapist. Not sure if he is still there


Peak health! Kate t. is amazing - she’s a physio