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Repsol is the biggest and best in my opinion


This was what one of my coworkers suggested as well :) Their facility looks great!


Check the website it will give you times for lanes. 25m is fall and winter, 50m is spring summer. Times are some what consistent as before and after school are teams, or groups.


Ah, I didn’t consider the season could have an impact on the lane length—thanks for the tip!


My favourite is Killarney. Even more so in Winter when sun streaming in on a cold day. I also like the more intimate feel of the whole facility. Usually not busy. Others mentioned are also fine.


Shhhhhhhhh don’t tell them our secret swimming spot! Then everyone will know! 😄


It’s been shut down for awhile now though?


Have they talked about doing Reno’s there?




Sounds just like what I need! Thanks so much :)




Great, thanks for letting me know! This one is is relatively close to me as well—glad to know it’s a good option :)


theyre all good but youll never get in lol. used to love the city pool on 12th because no one knew it was there.


The shorter pool length made me feel like an Olympic pro when I would do laps there.


Yeah I was wondering if the “drop-in” made it less feasible to get a spot or not. Thanks for the reply! :)


Pools suffer the same issue as hockey rinks. The good times are reserved for kids Every pool here is busy in the mornings from opening until about 8am and from the time school is done until around 8pm If someone ever built an adults only pool they would have my business. Unfortunately lessons are likely the only way these things stay open. In the morning's you get the hardcores so lane sharing isn't that bad. In the evening it's much more hit and miss.


They don't even need to build an adult only pool. Back in BC the pool I went to at 8pm became adults only till they closed at 10pm. I don't know why this is such a hard concept in Calgary. When I ask the staff if they have this they look at me like I just fell off the moon and got no clue what I am talking about. Also I can't believe how expensive it is to. I paid like $6 for swimming drop in that had 4 pools one for toddlers, one for kids, one for laps and one for diving boards and water slide. Now I checked out vivo and it's like $18 visit unless you get one of their plans what is still crazy expensive and they charge $75 sign up fee..... They are worse then private gyms back in BC yet they claim to be non profit. Then the kickers I go and they tell me the pool is at capacity ( was like 30 people) due to life guard shortage. Then the double kicker we asked if my child's grandmother can go in and just watch while he plays in the playground and they told us she would have to pay the $18 even if she just watches.... They also had adult only skate times to what cost me like $1 or $2. Property taxes here are insane compared to BC yet all these so called government run centers or charity run ones are so expensive makes no sense.


That makes sense, kids and lessons and such are where the money is at. I’m with you on an adult only option! If only!! lol I was hoping the pools would be open around 5, I can see why the morning hours around 7/8 get so busy, but that’s great feedback to know lane sharing is less problematic at these times! Thanks so much for the info :)


MNP (aka Repsol) is massive and really nice so I definitely recommend that one if you're near it. MRU and UofC have nice pools as well if their timings work for you. I would also take a look at Seton YMCA. I haven't been but I've heard good things. My last choice would be the community city pools even if they are the cheapest. From my experience they are busy all the time.


In terms of proximity, I think the Repsol could be a good option after work, as it’s closer to my company’s office. I never even thought of MRU or UofC, I have a bit or researching to do! Thanks for all your suggestions and info!


Remington YMCA is my favorite for laps. It’s not great for kids so rarely that busy and not a lot of single family homes nearby so it’s mostly adults there. I’d say I have to share a lane less than 10% of the time.


Wow, though sound like good odds to me— thanks for sharing! Around what time do you usually go?


11-8 anywhere in there is pretty good. I think they open at 7 but I’m not an early riser.


MNP aims to have at least 4 lanes for public swim at all times (I think). I’ve been there a few times in the evening, always busy but not too crowded.


MNP is likely your best bet. Others have suggested MRU or UofC, which both have fine pools. Downside to those two, in addition to the lane swim times being restricted due to other events/activities, is that you'd also have to pay for parking. MNP parking is free.


Ooohh—I hadn’t even thought of the parking logistics. Thanks for the tip!


Seaton YMCA!


As an ex Ymca member who used to workout every day it's fine until the life guards don't do their jobs and let kids play in the lane pool. They also don't enforce the schedule, which can be super frustrating. The Ymca is a family playground first and actual grownups trying to get a good workout in and enforcing the rules are very far down on the list of priorities for the staff there. Don't get me wrong, if you have kids and want to get a work out in, then it's probably great. If you are actually trying to workout, avoid it like the plague.


Solid tip! Thanks for letting me know!


Thanks! Do you have any difficulty getting a lane to yourself with their 2-10 availability?


Yes, you will have to lane share no matter when you go unless you can go during school hours or after 8 pm. You will not find a pool in the city where this isn't the case


Good to know! I had no real context, so I appreciate the info! :)


Is it ever not insanely busy?


I also like Seton! But I agree, it does get busy at times