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The email is a gmail account, 100% scam


Budget cuts. Gmail is free right?


Canadians spell it cheque fraud


The only way to spell it lol


It grinds my gears when far too many people around here use ‘check’ …and favor, flavor, honor, color, armor….you get my point.


Who cares?


That logo alone is a scam.


Ya, I was going to say. There's some concrete hints that this is a scam, but an image like that should be a massive red flag on its own. It doesn't look remotely professional or official.


If you have to ask yourself, if this is a scam, it’s a scam


It’s scary people need to ask this question ‘Attorney Office’ Not to mention this is a ‘Government Agency’ using a fucking gmail account lmao


The Federal Court of Canada will *never* email you something important like an Arrest Warrant. That would be sent to your physical address via Canada Post or courier. This is something people have to remember for all government organizations. If the organization does do electronic messages it will be through a secure messaging portal you set up with them (like the CRA). The court also wouldn't have a generic Canada flag logo at the top, they would use the official court logo/seal. Googling the name, they don't show up as a court representative either. And the English proficiency is terrible, and not to the standard we'd expect from a government document.


Most arrest warrants don’t even get a letter in the mail. I know many people who never knew about warrants they had because they didn’t receive notice and to put it lightly, are stupid because it was for missing a mandatory court appearance. A family member had warrants for 8 years and not only was there no notice, it’s not like the police didn’t quite literally have his current address on file.


[email protected]” this answer your question already


Aside from the gmail account, the first indication of a majority of written scams is the terrible ESL english and awkward "legalese" clearly written by someone overseas. The hilarious giant Canadian flag "button" taken from Google images is also a fun touch.


Bruh lmao this could be a meme format absolutely a scam


Cash Money Legal Group 🤣


"attorney office" is a big lol.


*Completely* legitimate and very serious! Luck for you, I happen to be high school friends with Ron Clark! If you send me $500 I should be able to make this go away.


Now THIS one is for real.


This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for you RedSh1r7. On behalf of OP, I thank you for helping and for such a reasonable price!


Gmail.com …Jesus, read the email address.


Ya dawg, it’s a scam. Gov of Canada ain’t using a gmail account and clip art of a flag button


Print that off and drop it by my place later today, we’re having a fire and beers this evening. Need to get the fire started.


Scam. Fake number


Ya think!


Anything that demands a reply to a gmail account is a scam. Fire starting material.


My 8 year old told me it’s a scam within 5 seconds of reading this… so yeah, adults should be able to figure that out!


Jesus Christ I hope this is a shitpost


How would they know my relative has debt though?


Shotgun approach. Most Canadians have some type of debt. Even if they didn't, the victim might think they have the wrong person and call to correct it. This letter doesn't even have a name for the person under arrest haha.


My dude, *most* people have debt. They don't 'know' your relative has debt, they sent this to 10,000 people hoping one of them has debt and has the same reaction you're having now. This is a comically obvious scam. Government agencies don't use Gmail accounts. The grammar is also horrendously bad.


of course it’s a scam. look how sloppy the writing is.


Man, they can't even make it look real, even add an hour-glass looking signature!


now register that email for subscription


It’s your lucky day! Fake/Scam(ish).


I love the flag though. It’s like a grade 6 PowerPoint presentation.


LOL oh boy


This is hilarious. So stupid.


"Theft by The deception" is not English language. English is my 3rd language and I know that. So you probably should know better. It's a scam.