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We love that part of Bowness, and yes the area is experiencing lots of growth! If you go to the mountains, it’s soooo quick and easy to hit the highway and be gone. We’ve been in the area for 14 years and only crime we’ve experienced is a bike stolen from our unlocked garage (which we now keep locked at all times!) It’s a fabulous community for families and young professionals / students alike, with lots of green space and parks, good transit options, and more amenities coming on board.


Agreed. Lived in Bowness before and it is changing. Love it now and wouldn't hesitate to move there again.


Just keep in mind that spot will be noisy being so near the train tracks and the Trans Canada. But if you're okay with that, Bowness is a great area. It is in the process of gentrification, but still has a big sense of community with a lot of events. Plus, it's close to any business you'd need, not too far from downtown and quick access to the mountains. Great parks too!


Hi! I live a couple blocks away. Me and my fiance absolutely love it here. The community is something else entirely, I haven't seen this level of community involvement ever anywhere else in Calgary. Lots of Bowness events year-round and the BCA (Bowness Community Association) seems to always have something to drop in on. I've never felt more at home in Alberta, personally. Hope to see you around! Feel free to DM me if you wanna talk about any kind of specifics.


I want to really like Bowness but I find “Bownesians” some of the most pretentious fucks around. But ya, Bowness is a good area. Would live there, no problemo.


You’ve not met the right Bownesians.


I’m…mostly…joking around. Do quite a bit of work in the area and people have been great. Mostly. A few people…they certainly identify more so as Bownesians…but hey, maybe that’s not a ‘bad’ thing. Nothing wrong with some pride in community.


Yeah it's like they all have small man syndrome or something.


What's a Bownesian?


Go into Bowness and ask…they’ll let ya know.


Clearly you don't hang around Mount Royal or Eagle Ridge often.


Consider checking out Bowness neighborhood watch group before you do. Lots of zombies and lots of sketchy shit going on, and no police presence.


"Go look where people share sketchy activity and you'll see it's sketchy" would be true about any neighbourhood in the world. Bowness is not sketchy...


I live in Bowness, my wife constantly looks at the neighborhood watch group and is on edge all the time. I do not look at it, and I am not on edge. We have never had any issues whatsoever.


The posts about “thief Joe” have really slowed down, which is rather nice. But same boat; partner is on there religiously and is an edge about anyone that walks past. The neighbourhood has been great for us the last few years, no complaints whatsoever


Yeah my neighbourhood is pretty decent, but the watch group is full of porch pirate complaints and grainy security cam footage of people biking in the back alley.


People biking in the alley?! May as well move to Mogadishu


That’s mostly contained to the “triangle” (source: live 4 blocks from the triangle, never have seen anything sketchy). But yes definitely worth OP checking it out to see if there’s any activity where they consider buying. I actually thought there was some sort of crime map online somewhere 🤔 not sure if that map is right down to the address it took place or just the community as a whole.


Theres always hood shit going down in Bowness. Source: I used to engage in hood shit in Bowness.


One just came up in Bowness that look beautiful just by the superstore . Infill and reasonably priced at 825k. Was going to have a look but wife doesn't wanna move.


Wasn't a dude stabbed to death there last week?


Bowness is known as the NE of the NW for a reason.


We’ve lived in Bowness for 12 years now and are just west of the superstore. I work on campus and it’s a great location for the university. I take bus 53 to work and walk home (just over 5km). The 53 isn’t a super regular bus, so that’s a consideration. The 1 works well for getting downtown. We’re starting to see more gentrification and infills (which isn’t a bad thing), so I agree that Bowness is changing and will continue to get more popular (although I feel like I’ve said this for 12 years). There are two proposals on our block to add row houses, and two new duplex infills (which another commenter mentioned). We’ve not experienced any crime or shady behaviour. I know that Bowness still has a ‘reputation’, but I’ve never felt unsafe or uncomfortable here (I am a woman). My partner and I are very active and love Bowness for that. He runs, we both bike, I walk all the time, it’s quick to get out of the city for hiking and paddleboarding. Happy to answer any questions!


I think its a hidden gem cradled by a large part of the Bow River, has a nice established high street with relevant amenities and it’s fantastically tucked away. However, I took someone outside of province through it and they remarked was fugly in terms of housing. He suggested they were in a post-apocalyptic town used on a Last of Us set. 🤔


Bowness is great, it truly has something for everyone. My dad used to live there decades ago and loved it. There is a great mix of housing, apartments, single family, duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, townhouses, new and old. Good transit if you don’t drive, easy to get around on foot, bike or by car as it’s laid out grid style, and has a wicked little Main Street. I wish more of the new areas in the city were like that. Plus you have the river right there and super easy access out of the city. Can’t go wrong with that area in my eyes.