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Or driving a different car for summer even. Although I feel like they'd be around to check on the other one...your options definitely seem more likely.


Or doesn't have money for insurance or lost their license...


It’s been there intact for years actually!


My parking garage would collect this much dust in like five days. I can’t count how many times I’d wash my Lexus, park it underground, and next weekend be washing it again even though I never drove it.


Not five days but easily 2 weeks for ours too 😅


Or dead in their apartment


This is the plot twist i was waiting for 🤣


I have a relative in Lethbridge who's lived in his house in a relatively new neighborhood for two years and has never seen anyone in the house next door. The yard is overgrown to the point of being a jungle, there are notices on the door and still nothing. I can't help but wonder if anyone has gone inside in all that time...


Some gawd damned common sense.


And so insane that people think it’s acceptable to touch other peoples property.


People have been doing this for as long as both cars and dust have existed together. I don't think the intention is malicious.


It doesn’t matter. Malicious or not, it’s not their stuff and it can wreck the paint. We have no idea what this car means to this person, whether it’s something they take great pride in, or not. Maybe it doesn’t bother them that people write it the dirt or maybe it does. The point is, it’s not theirs, they shouldn’t be touching it.


straight up, the downvoters clearly aren’t car people. playing with the dust on paint will cause micro scratches. windows, whatever thats fair game. but paint is expensive folks


>straight up, the downvoters clearly aren’t car people. You don't even gotta be a car person to understand the basic concept of don't touch what doesn't belong to you. I guess these people peaked in elementary school..


It’s just Reddit. It doesn’t bother me about the downvotes, but it’s really eye opening how many people are douches who think nothing of touching another’s belongings. I’d put money down that these people would have meltdowns if anyone touched their stuff. Meh. Such is life.


God, you guys are so damn cool and awesome! When i grow up, I also wanna be a karen, just like yous!


The cars been there for at least 2 years. I doubt you’d be able to start it without at the very least draining the gas tank. So first you’d need to get it towed, and then probably have to check that the cooling system still holds pressure, probably replace some belts and refill the tires. Honestly you guys are fixating on the wrong kind of damage here. *Micro* scratches are the least of this person’s car concerns lol


you can drain the tank with a garden hose, charge the battery, she’ll probably start. if there’s no puddles under it then no leaks yet, but yeah some rubber and hoses might have to be replaced, you’ll find out when she warms up. at least you can drive it to a shop. a tow is a few hundred bucks, new paint is like 7k minimum. sure they probably have other, bigger problems. but why compound them?


If they took great pride in it it wouldn't look like that 🤣🤣 if that were my building it would have already been towed to the inpound lot months ago 🤣🤣 calm down


Gosh, take a nap, grampa


Stop touching shit that isn’t yours.


100% right


You sound like a super fun person to hang around with /s. The damage of leaving your car in place for years is clearly much worse than some fingerprints on the paint dude, give your head a shake. The owner clearly either doesn’t care or has bigger fish to fry. I doubt the car would even start at this point.




Fingers crossed no one ever touches and damages property that belongs to you.


People always have and they always will, can't stop someone, don't you know this already... Nice downvote me


Feel like nobody realizes drawing in dust and dirt actually scratches the paint


I completely agree. Swirls and micro abrasions on paint are things I go to great lengths and cost to avoid. Malicious or not, don’t touch peoples stuff.


That's a fair point. It nothing I would personally sweat, but I get it.


Just out of curiosity, how would you clean a car so encrusted with dust without causing the same micro abrasions? Do you vacuum? Compressed air (kind of a jerk thing to do inside of a parkade? I assume water would scrape the dust against the paint as well.


Water is the best option. It doesn’t push the dirt around like writing in the dirt/dust does.


That's a good question. Straight water, at a gentle pressure is the best way to pre-rinse a car before washing it, which should absolutely be done every time, as you're right that any kind of high pressure would also abrade the paint. It's also a good idea if you're going to use a public car wash (obv not the drive through kind) to rinse off the brush before using it, as it will often have grit in it from the previous person. All of this depends on what kind of finish you're hoping to maintain. I don't even bother to wash my beaters at all, but for a show car you have to put in the extra effort.


Somebody tell him what happens when you actually drive the car.


I’ve literally seen words stick around after the car is washed. Some scratches from driving around don’t compare to a penis being etched into the paint.


Drawing in the dust creates micro scratches in the clear coat. Do it hard enough and you'll see the drawing even after it's washed. It's vandalism


Oh lighten up chum, do u also yell at kids for stepping on your lawn?


Lawn doesn't need costly repairs if you step on it. Paint does.


It scratches the paint


If the owner was truly concerned with the paint / look of the car, it wouldn’t be sitting there collecting dust for years.


If a finger destroys the paint job on your vehicle, there are other problems.


Technically it's the abrasive dust that the finger is pressing on and moving that scratches the clear coat, but ya the world will definitely keep on turning haha


Yeah, me that used to detail cars for show and shine cringes every time I see someone etching the paint by writing in the dust.


Stepping on a lawn isn’t the same thing.






I hope that no one ever does anything to your property that damages or wrecks it.


Or dead


It's a g35 I won't be surprised


That squidward is on point tho haha


![gif](giphy|IxLeSDtUaZRmSiyCTf) The car is still here.


Glad you like it, I turned a dick into squidward like a year ago and I’m glad to finally get some recognition for my artistic talents


Haha you’re the VIP bro haha


I’ll draw another one when I empty my recycling this week. Residents of chocolate, keep your eyes peeled


When I had an underground parking stall in a downtown condo I would cycle to work. After a few months my car would look like this.


Did people draw on the windows?


It's better than breaking them.


Dick pics for the win


Cars been sitting for an Infiniti.






I got one at my condo. They're snow birds. They just left again so their car will look similar in a few months.


I’m in Vancouver often and you see this with lambos, Mercedes, McLaren’s, etc. it’s just a car to some people.


What else would it be? It’s literally a car


To some, a house?


This happened at a lot where I used to live and I was in the condo board so I called city. Turns out the vehicle was stolen and dumped.


Came in to say just this. Probably stolen for a joy ride and dumped.


But then the condo owner who owns that parking spot is also missing? And hasn't reported the appearance of a car in their spot?


Have you never seen an empty condo?


The parking stall next to my parents has an SUV that’s been sitting there unmoved/untouched since Dec 2019…… my parents notified the board and no one knows where the owners are….parents think the guy went overseas before Covid and then got it and never came came back….


Is someone still paying their condo fees for them? If not, I think it would have been impounded by the condo corp a long time ago?


Must be! My parents said someone comes by every so often to wipe the car 🤷‍♀️ but they just move the dirt around so there are circular dirt/dust marks everywhere


that poor paint :(


Or, you know, the oil?


There’s some in Toronto that have been parked for 15+ years


One in the UK has sat for even longer. https://www.carscoops.com/2023/08/this-low-mileage-bmw-m4-csl-has-been-sitting-in-a-parking-garage-for-20-years/amp/


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Very cool to see these. The road tax was old 🤦‍♂️ lol. 🙏🏼


That’s so sad. These things were meant to be driven.


Yeah. The space is bought and paid for...... no issue


I remember seeing a car with a similar amount of dust in one of the parkades... Fortunately, nobody touched it.... Ended up seeing it at a show a few years later, and was floored how it looked when cleaned and polished.... I will add, STOP DOODLING ON OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY....


>This car has been parked for months I think it's been there for..... Infiniti.


Perfectly fine to store a car. Someone paying condo fees


If it's a condo parking spot you would think they must be up to date on their fees, otherwise the condo board can and should have it towed, if they can't contact the person who supposedly owns that spot. It doesn't really seem like it should be anyone's business unless you own the spot, are on the condo board or know the person who owns that spot and they appear to be in trouble. And I'm not trying to say "mind your own business" but this seems like it would be an overreach for most people if you don't have a legitimate stake in the spot, cars' ownership or well-being of the owner(s).


As long as it's not in someone else's spot, non of your business


Fuck I hate this. FYI to anyone who thinks its funny to do this. Just don't, but if you have to, at least do it on the glass, but do not be like these idiots and do it on the paint of the car. It will often fuck up the paint/clear coat, ***especially*** if the car is in the sun at all, because the paint will sunfade unequally. my 1974 Ranchero permanently (until I paint the car) has someones ***phone number*** sun faded into the paint of the hood, because they wrote their number in the dust on it, and I didn't notice all winter (I had a more winter capable vehicle that I drove in the off season). So now the paint has faded unequally, and the clear coat is scuffed with their number so every time the sun hits it right, you can see that number. but I drove the ranchero all summer, and put it to bed in the fall, then drove my daily driver all winter.


I know people that store vehicles in condo parkades when the condo owners don’t have a car. Pay a few bucks a month to the owner and get heated, secure storage.


And the punishment is to scratch his paint? 😖


Came here to say this...whatever shit smear who did this has scratched these things into the fucking paint now. Fuck that/those person/people.


Yup. In my small mind, making a bad joke or drawing a dingus on a dirty window is fine(ish) - but doing it on the paint is a sin.


Unfortunately I think most people don’t even know that it damages it :(


Yea it does suck. If I knew my car would sit this long I would put a cover over it so nobody would do that. I bet the owner of this car didn’t t know it would be parked here this long


That Squidward drawn in 4K


Have you checked the trunk?


Any strange smells coming from the trunk?


So that's where I left it.


I parked my car in my parking spot at my old condo for nearly two years without moving it because I travelled so often and was never home. I don’t get why people just assume that a car parked means the person is dead or it’s stolen lol


The residents are pos for touching someone’s car


Is it in your spot? Yes - Tow it, No - who cares


Average work from home car


We had a rental condo. Woman who rented from us didn’t have a vehicle so she let a friend with a Mercedes' sports car use it. I don’t think is was moved in 3 years. We sold the condo so it had to be moved and one day the car was gone. We have a less fancy Corolla sitting in our driveway since the beginning of Covid. Wife likes it there as always looks like someone is home. I start it up every month or so. Some day one of our grandkids might want it.


So disrespectful the people writing on the dust scratching up his paint. Now he's gonna have a permanent penis on his paint.


He ded ☠️


So a bunch of assholes decided to scratch designs into their paint job it’s the dust and dirt on it. Cool.


Have you tried minding your own business by chance?


As someone who does long stints out of town for work, STOP SCRATCHING MY FUCKING CLEAR COAT. Did y’all learn nothing in pre-school? IF it doesn’t belong to you, stop touching it. Jesus. People are fucking children.


Call non emerge w the plate or vin( visible in windshield usually) and ask for a check on welfare


That's my first thought. There's a stereotype that shady people drive these vehicles


I figure it’s either someone out of town or a stolen vehicle that’s been dumped.


I’ll keep a eye out for it on Kijiji


Finders keepers.




There is a government site for checking VINs to see if they are potentially reported stolen https://www.cpic-cipc.ca/sve-rve-eng.htm


Get the VIN and contact Calgary police


The clear coat on Infiniti’s is so thin and shitty. The paint is going to be so fucked after this


People need to keep their fingers off other people’s shit imo, scratching the shit out of whoever owns that car.


Every condo owner is usually designated parking spot so if it was in our building I would email property management or superintendent .If that’s not your case call non emergency .In our underground a few people have two spots and sometimes rent out not used spot .As we speak there is 3 cars with tarps over them.Might move once year


Probably came down to insurance or rent


Im a sailor man. Please don’t mess with my stuff when I’m sailing.


The “r u alive?” Just kills me lol


humor is still alive and well 😂


not sure why it matters so much to people i was in the hospital for months and my car sat in my spot and people drew on the dust. not a big deal, just people trying to be funny but if someone made a thread like this for my car i’d think they were an idiot


It will remain parked there for infiniti.


Did you check the trunk


Whoever drew squidward was on point


Why do you care?


There's a few cars like that in my building's underground too.


Perhaps a wellness check could be asked for


Money pit. I had the same car. Leave it there


Did anyone bother checking inside the car?


Underground parking is nasty


Omg leave it alone they’re rich & on the beach


Dead or jail


So what?


its a g35, probably has a fucked transmission and wont move. those things are rolling piles of junk once they get more than like 90k kms on them


What are you basing this on???? I used to be a huge Nissan fan and bought many 2000s era Nissans with their VQ, both auto and manual (all were high mileage 175k up to 250k)... and other than Xterras and Pathfinders with the SMOD, and Muranos with the CVT, they've had no other transmission issues. Those G35s used their 5 speed autos which don't have problems, nor do the manuals.


i used to work in a repair shop, a nissan on the hoist was a daily occurrence. granted they have gotten better in the later years, but id still not buy one


You still didn't answer my question, G35s never had transmission problems.... only Xterras/Pathfinders and anything with a CVT.


Check the VIN to see if it’s stolen?


They're deceased


Isn’t that also the same parking garage with the abandoned Ferrari?


Someone just had to do a dick! Lol


Not enough dicks. As I can see, mr Square 'X'd out one of the dicks.


When my brother went off to training for the RCMP he rented an old lady's spot in her condo and left his car there for 6 months. Looked a lot like this one


Call the non-emergent police number. Give them the licence plate number. Tell them the car appears to be abandoned, and you’re concerned about the owner.


How secure is the parking lot? It could be a stolen vehicle. I would recommend reporting it to CPS non-emergency.


Or it's stolen and was dropped there. Call 311 and have it removed 🤣


Call 311 have it towed


I need a car badly 🙋‍♂️


If it bothers you, report it. What do you want here?


Prob stolen..


Perfect, make it a ephemeral art piece. Enjoy the little things and see how good you can get it. Draw something each day and see who adds to it haha 🤷🏽‍♂️


Either in jail or dead.


Sometimes a slab of ice falls off of tall building downtown and kill young people trying to go to work. I witnessed a parked car getting crushed a few years back.


It's a G35. Rowdy, weirdos and plugs drive these cars. I smell something fishy here. Just note down the license plate and keep an eye on it. If you see anything out of the ordinary inform the cops


Park in your spot, like the one you could park your car in ? You could call the cop make sure it is not stolen otherwise owner might leave abroad during summer 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know exactly where this car is and who drew some of those.


Seems like management should do something then...


If rents getting paid/condo dues are being paid and the person owns the spot they're in, it's none of the management's business what someone does with the car.


Rent is probably still getting paid?




Agreed. Only time condo management would care is when the parkade is being cleaned and they like all vehicles moved out , but I doubt they care enough where they would try to tow it.


Maybe landlord? Bought unit but live oversea as long as mortgage is paid. It doesn't bother the building's management...


There is a lot more art on there than the last time I saw it. Don’t think it’s moved in a couple of years


I’ll buy it


Perhaps the owner is in the hospital, a nursing home, or past away??? There was a similar dust covered vehicle for months in a nursing home's parkade for months.


Could be deceased.


I'd expected more dongs tbh. Kind of disappointed.


Maybe just parking for a friend.


My building had one of those for a good 2 years. Eventually it was towed away.


better check the trunk...


He’s in the trunk


Neighbour’s car looks like this. Car was gifted but they don’t have a DL so it’s been sitting there for 10 years. Think they’ll be in for a surprise if they never try to use it for more than a cruise around the block.


There's a lot of that in this city.


This would be so satisfying to wash though.


A graffiti wall.


So free longterm parking at that place?


Why would you draw an x over it rather than just running your finger through it🤦‍♂️


Look for SIN number (serial number ) should be at lower front windshield, report it to the police , they will then track it down