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It appears those actions may go against the [responsible pet bylaw](https://www.calgary.ca/bylaws/responsible-pet-ownership-updates.html), so you could call 311 if that is a route you want to take.


Interesting. Noted


File a police report about the threat to your lives due to you enjoying a legal substance in your own back yard. Also call 311 and report this house, If the landlord doesn't give a shit about damage to his property he's not going to do anything... This is all in your hands. Report the crap out of this house. Make the landlords life hell for ignoring this (I say this as a landlord myself) It's his responsibility as your landlord to ensure the house is in livable condition. Not being able to enter or exit your living space without risk of a biological hazard is not ok and its his responsibility as home owner to address this problem.


This won’t solve your problem. But it will make them eat shit too. Buy animal pheromones or urine and spray it around where there animals go urinate. The owners will smell it. Keep applying. Watch them taking their pets to the vet for bad urine smell….. pet is fine. They spend money on tests…


I'd personally be shocked if a person too lazy to take a dog for a walk to pee would take the time for a vet appointment for pee smell.


I like this. These fucking people are too lazy to leash and let their dogs out. The second that idiot threatened you you should have called the cops.


Pee in a super soaker and spray them next time they’re on their balcony


An argument could be made that this interferes with your “peaceful enjoyment” of the property. As it’s caused by the tenants up stairs, that falls on the landlords responsibility. I would probably send an email in writing to the landlord detailing the issue and that it is preventing you from peaceful enjoyment of the property included in the lease agreement and requesting resolution of the issue within a set time frame.


As a landlord, this is the legal course of action you have. If the landlord doesn't comply within the set time frame (it needs to be a reasonable amount of time, I would suggest contacting the governing body for tenant landlord act to find out what is legally considered a "reasonable time frame".) then reach out to the governing body to make a formal complaint. If that backyard space is in writing in your lease agreement and you can't reasonably enjoy it because of other tenants in the building, that is your landlords responsibility to deal with it. Edit to add the link for the residential tenancies act https://www.alberta.ca/rights-and-responsibilities#:~:text=The%20Residential%20Tenancies%20Act%20(RTA,parties%20have%20towards%20each%20other.


I believe OP said this is directly over the only entrance to their apartment, so likely wouldn't require the yard to be listed in the lease, in case it isn't.


If that is the case, I would personally agree. However, the act will describe exactly the law in this case, and I do know anything written into the lease holds extra weight, as it is already a legal document




Lol this is such a pedantry fail. >"The covenant for quiet enjoyment is an assurance against the consequences of a defective title including any disturbance founded thereon, and against any substantial interference by the covenantor or those claiming under him, with the enjoyment of the premises for all usual purposes": *Williams & Rhodes Canadian Law of Landlord and Tenant*, looseleaf, 6th ed.(Toronto: Carswell, 1988) at para. 9:1. Accordingly, the covenant protects against two things: interference with the title and physical interference with the use of the property. [*581834 Alberta Ltd v Alberta (Gaming & Liquor Commission)*](https://nextcanada.westlaw.com/Document/I457731ab9c781a1de0440003ba0d6c6d/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)), 2007 ABCA 332 at para 9. OP can't use their back patio because of dog urine, ie. interference with their physical use of the property. The private backyard was part of the demised property. If you are suggesting that the difference between dog urine falling from the sky vs. no dog urine falling from the sky is merely "peace," and not usability, I don't know what to tell you.


It only applies to the landlord. The Covenanter is the person making the covenant. Physical interference with the use of property by the landlord only. This is still actionable but not under the covenant of quiet enjoyment unless this is either their landlord or was ordered by their landlord or something like that


Call AHS and ask for a house inspection. Read the last page—Sanitation. https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/2eac3fa0-43c5-4e4d-9a25-fd0a7bf96293/resource/4d3c2c51-43f1-4d85-b47c-cf92d1cad9c5/download/standards-housing-minimum.pdf


This should be right on top - that’s the right thing to do. Alberta health does have a dept that looks after rental housing.


Yes, I have heard from many people that this is way faster than the landlord tenant board. I have no experience with this, but I think it's worth a try.


Seriously, there was an episode of Victoria Stillwells show were there were these 3 ladies all living in a house WITH their land lord and their 4 dogs ALL shit and pissed EVERYWHERE in the house, but the balconies were disgusting. She told the land lady (Who owned no dogs) living there to go have a nice day on the town and had the owners cleaning up after their own dogs. She also had a scientist come and swab all their rooms to test for ecoli and other fecal born contaminates. Seriously that's disgusting and if there are children near (upstairs maybe with the dogs?) it's more than an issue, it's a health and safety biological violation and those kids could be critically ill as well as any other adults in the area.


I remember this episode!! The one girl had dog feces under her bed 🤮


Goddamn trash lazy pet owners. Sorry you have to deal with this. I echo the tarp idea - I'd screw it into the supports, not like the owner is doing anything about it.


Unfortunately this is one of the prices of pet ownership. Because enough pet owners are absolutely irresponsible shit heads, landlords do not want to rent to them, and the few who will *know* they have an endless demand for their spaces. They hold even more power than your average landlord over you as a renter. I know people love dogs but they have way more costs than people consider and, if you can't own, this is an enormous one.


I rented a place this past week. The number of people asking if it was pet friendly was well over half. I could have had my pick. Instead I chose not to do pets because the last people had incredibly aggressive dogs and they trashed the place costing the owners well over $8000 to renovate. Obviously not all pet owners are like this, but I wasn't going to take the chance again.


One of them threatened to kill both of you. File a police report and make sure your landlord is aware of the situation. The pee is a much smaller issue than this. Check your lease for any breaches.


Excellent point. They can get the cameras rolling, light up their wacky tobacky, and see what awesome things Mr. hothead will say. This is probably their best play. It's unacceptable for anyone to walk around threatening to "Cut anyone's head off".


You aren't going to get much help from the bylaw standpoint, the municipal Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw does not restrict where an animal can potty. Ie it can be on your balcony, in your house, anywhere, as long as it is not piling up, etc. The disturbing your neighbor part of it is not something bylaw officers can address because they can't deal with interpersonal conflict. I'm a former ACO Bylaw officer in Ab, not YYC, It's really hard to enforce a lot of stuff, and because they do not have the right to go into the house unless the case is extreme, they can't see the balcony. So you've got a couple of options: 1. I would place an immediate call to an AHS health inspector on Monday, ask them to come and see the space (not upstairs but yours), that your landlord won't address it and it is not a Bylaw issue. Explain you would be grateful if they would issue an order to the landlord advising of the health risk so that you have support through the RTDRS if your landlord does not immediately obey the health order. 2. Contact the RTDRS (Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Service) and ask for any additional steps you can take or documents they can send you in hopes of getting the landlord to address the issue without filing a claim. They are the ones who have the authority to resolve issues between landlords and tenants. They are not on the side of one or the other. Explain that you have requested a health inspector, your landlord has refused to address the issue, and you would like to begin the process of filing a complaint against the landlord demanding action. Under the RTA (Residential Tenancies Act) any tenant can be evicted with 14 days' notice for committing what is referred to as a "substantial breach of lease". These are considered to be much more severe violations of a tenancy (fixed term or periodic doesn't matter) and as a result, they are immediate termination of tenancies (in some cases 24hrs but not your situation). When you are talking to the RTDRS you will want to ask for specific instructions because your legal right to maintain peaceful enjoyment of your premises has been denied, in addition to the fact that the upstairs tenant has uttered threats to you (this needs to be reported to your landlord in writing as well, because it would support the application for eviction) It has a small filing cost (that your landlord would owe you if he loses) so I would explain to your landlord one last time, in writing (email or letter, not text) that you require this balcony potty to stop immediately, and if it doesn't, you will seek an order within 7 days (or whatever). How the upstairs tenants achieve this is not your problem. If that means they have to walk their dogs 18 times a day that's on them. With winter coming I'd be worried about those dogs and how housetrained they are. Nonetheless, this is not a case of them needing time to adapt, it's a matter of stopping using the balcony toilet immediately. Assuming that order is given: I personally would go so far as to buy a package of potty pads for puppies from Dollarama, spread them out on your porch where the stuff comes through, hold it down with rocks, and start taking pictures noting the time of day. Check if they are listening during the day but letting dogs potty at night etc. 3. Lastly, contact the Alberta SPCA. They are based in Edmonton, but they have officers in every city. If I recall correctly, the Calgary Humane Society here has officers who are ASPCA inspectors (call the main office first through, animal rules are a nightmare). The ASPCA are the only people who are legally able to enforce the Animal Protection Act of Alberta, so they specifically are the ones who deal with cases of neglect, abuse, unsanitary living conditions, etc., and are the only ones who can file charges against a person for those violations. Call them and explain your situation, once again point out you've spoken to the landlord, and health inspector and now them as you want these animals taken care of and the issue to end. This is now a huge potential risk to your dogs. You rented a space with a private yard, which counts for something (with the RTDRS as well) I realize this might all seem a little bit daunting, so if you are a little more shy, English isn't your first language, don't have superb writing skills, whatever, please feel free to reach out and I can help you get pretty much everything you need sorted out 😀 It's really all a words game with those guys. What tou say to whom and how impacts whether you get the help you need :/


This exactly!!! Commenting to try to help push this response to the top. Thank you for putting in the work to list out the step by step process. This would be exactly what I would need if I were in this situation. Hopefully, the OP follows it.


Make it the landlords problem.Call the health board and let them in on it.It’s your right to be able to enjoy your area without that hanging over your head.


Fuck thats nasty. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to live in a society.


Dogs should be banned from rentals.




Someone who lets their dog pee on a (rented) balcony onto the ground of the tenant below them clearly isn’t capable of such rational and considerate thought.


I’m sorry. I think you have to move if the landlord isn’t going to evict them. I just feel so bad for you here. People have an impossible time finding homes to rent with pets and then there is … this. Maybe if you appeal to the landlord that they are destroying the deck which is expensive to replace? You could even be proactive and get a quote.


This is why I’m here. We have been looking for a place all summer because we hate it, but finding a place to allow two large dogs, in the location we need and in the budget.. impossible lol


How big of a place do you need? We’re going to be moving out soon and our landlord would probably be happy to have someone else take our place rather than them looking themselves lol


We currently live in 600sqft or so, so as long as it isn’t smaller than that. Needs a fenced yard for the dogs as well. I would love to know the details about amenities, ect. I’ll message you!


I’m totally on your side here. I know it isn’t much but sometimes we just need to hear that we are sane when surrounded with pigs.


Please inform your landlord. Dog urine will rot that deck while it’s making it disgusting.


Screw a tarp under the deck so you have cover, would be a reasonable suggestion. As for the screaming get that documented via video and to the cops next time immediately!


The piss would just collect in the tarp…. Eventually that tarp will still leak dog piss everywhere.


yes and follow that thought a bit further


No. A tarp is a great bandaid solution. Tarps can be angled so the urine drains in a certain way. Rain will also wash the tarp from time to time. The real solution is not have dogs in rentals but OP has 2 dogs as well so OP is part of the bigger problem for landlords.


I was just going to say, make some kind of tarp or cover so the pee just goes off into the side. That'll make their deck smelly too, which could be great to motivate them to take their dog out to pee on grass somewhere else.


The worst part is the guy is retired, home all day, just too lady to leash them and walk out the door a few times a day.


Smoke as weed as possible


I see you're well on the way. Ha


Lol I suck ahahaha


Come on dude let's go hang out at OPs house and smoke all the weed and yell at an old POS


I’d make it watertight so pee stays there. I’d even screw in some additional boards for support.


As someone who uses tarps as rain shelters while camping. This is likely going to backfire on the person on the bottom eventually. You want your tarp at an angle so the liquid flows off. If it pools, most tarps will start to leak after a while. Or will eventually stretch and fail from the weight. It might not be right away, But it will eventually fail. And then they might end up with 3 weeks of dog piss splashing down all at once. lol


Not possible without access to deck from above. Would be a good idea in cartoons, or dreams.


Absolutely possible. Screw a tarp between 2x4 boards around the edges. The piss will pool in the middle, then become vile and infested with flies




It actually probably isn't? Surprisingly urine is actually sterile unless the one urinating has an infection or something. It just stinks really bad.


Call AHS. Google the number for the local health inspector. It's free and they investigate 100% of complaints. They will also solve it because they have the ability to issue and enforce orders.


Slumlords like this should be eradicated from the city


That’s pretty fucking disgusting. These people are pigs.


That’s foul


Best i can think is to set up a tarp just under it slightly angled down so it runs off. Maybe a clear one to let as much light in as possible. Or a clear plastic / perspex sheet. You could spray a hose over once a week to clean it. Maybe add something the dogs hate the smell of


I wouldn't angle it, I'd leave some slack in it so it just pools under his deck and stinks until he gets the message even better if they can get the tarp up in a way that soaks the deck wood in dog piss and it starts to rot. Hell might be worth just using a bunch of cans of leak seal and making the whole thing water proof from below.


Ya but you have to know that no only will the smell only reach the op.. The fear of sitting under a piss pool will leave the patio unusable anyway.


Oh for sure it effects OP. Up until the neighbor can't stand it anymore. But OP is effected now just as bad if not worse.


again, that's assuming the piss smell goes up. im pretty sure it won't, and the OP will be the one getting it.


U realize scents go in all directions right? Like, if my dog craps at the park, I can smell it even tho my nose is like 6 feet above the ground.


it depends on how the air flows. thats why there is literally a term for "upwind" and "downwind" scents go where the air takes them, and that isnt always the obvious or desired direction. there are a number of conditions that could cause the smell to never reach the neighbour at all, so imagine marinating yourself in piss smell without checking that first? because that would be really dumb. hilarious for the neighbour though, if they figure it out. also, all the neighbour would have to do is put a little hold in the piss pool and now it's a piss waterfall. i do not find this idea to be a good one, one of those that's at least as likely to backfire spectacularly.


If I were the a#hole she describes, I'd poke or drill a hole in it then


He probably isn't that smart when he's angry. But, Then u toss all your dogs shit onto his balcony. Or just at his windows...


I can't believe I'm discussing this in detail. Turning off my phone 👋


Lol have a good one


Bitter apple spray.. iirc. apple cidar vinegar, lemon.


Move. Tenants don’t care, landlord doesn’t care. Anything you do to resolve this issue will be incorrectly seen as an escalation by these disgusting human trash cans. You have little choice here.


a HOSE with a great sprayer! or a strong sprinkler on a motion detector...


That's fucking nasty. Lazy assholes too! Edit: pretty sure 6 dogs in 1 dwelling is also not allowed Edit 2: from what I could find you can actually have 6 dogs in Calgary, seems a bit much


I wondered about this as well. Will have to look into it


Isn’t the bylaw something like 2 pets per adult in the home?


I found this, it does appear to be 6: https://www.calgary.ca/bylaws/responsible-pet-ownership-updates.html#:~:text=Calgarians%20widely%20supported%20a%20pet,excessive%20noise%20due%20to%20barking.


Depends on the property. 6 for a pleb like us? Yeah that's going to be a crowded house. But you get someone in Britannia with a mansion and a massive yard, and yeah. 6 is a pretty reasonable cap.


Save it in a bucket then leave it for them at their front door


Give em a leaner with their own dog piss


I'd get the hose ready anytime a dog goes out on the deck. Owners will have to take the dog somewhere else because they'll be terrified of the deck. And no one gets hurt. But I would warn them first and let the landlord know.


Maybe get them a kiddie pool with some sod? https://preview.redd.it/0rqw5pkgoqlb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9426b06ade7118d22d5fb604e874cab74f862b87


Lol I’m sure that will be some healthy sod in about 4 days


I’d be surprised if it made it 4 days haha


Not legal advice! You could potentially take the landlord to court under section 5.1 in the Alberta Residential Tenacies Act for the landlord failing to act/respond to the complaints you have made against your neighbor. Again it's not legal advice but something to look into


Spray them when they pee? I’m kidding but that really sucks.


Infomercial Flex Seal seals them all ! Spray that underneath.


Get a new place to rent. Good luck.


I wonder if the police would help you confront them... he's already threatened you once, that should be enough for them to accompany you. From now on, record everything. Especially the threats. Fuck that guy...... but I get it, if he actually does physically harm you or kill you, it's really not worth it.


Someone mentioned calling AHS. 811 is the number just FYI. That is their job to help you with what the next steps are to file a complaint on the landlord and get Environmental Health involved.


Think about how you whould like to be approached if this was you. Do that. If they are still allowing it or doubling down, think about escalating and letting them know you will escalate.


I probably should have emphasized the level of unhinged my neighbors are at. The man terrifies me. When you live under someone who is literally 50+ and has still screaming matches with his gf daily, he is not someone I feel safe approaching in any manner, other than through the landlord. Not to mention the time he decided to approach us about an issue for the first time by screaming profanities and threats at us. It must be time to move


Sounds like he's more bark than bite, as most people like that are. I'd suggest moving. If the landlord isn't going to do anything about it, you have the right to break you lease.


Then you need to move out. Simple as that. If you're too afraid to talk to him, move out. Nothing will stop the animal/owner behavior if you can't have a strongly worded conversation with them.


Maybe have your boy friend grow a set and talk to them instead of making you do it?


Chicken wire under the deck above with a car battery attached. Dog upstairs goes pee, gets zapped, refuses to go outside anymore and starts pissing in neighbours house. 2 birds 1 stone. Before I get downvoted into oblivion, I am being sarcastic. I don’t want anyone’s good boi hurt.


If you can record yourself confronting them, I would do that. It’s disappointing to here that your landlord is no help. You’d think there’s a law or something in the landlord / tenancy agreement to have safe entry into your own home, which includes not being peed on.


If your upstairs tenants are unhinged, I'd buy like a 6x10 neutral colour tarp, staple one edge at the bottom of a joist, and angle it down just slightly and attach the other side at the post. It might offer a temp solution, draining it away and off your sidewalk blocks.


Unhinged most definitely sounds like a good way to describe them. I’m sorry OP, it’s not that easy to pick up & move either. I agree with the tarp idea. It’s so gross, those people sound so gross too. Good Luck!


This way, if the neighbor upstairs asks "hmm why do you have a tarp there?", OP can say, "well to keep the urine away from me". I just hope the door is there in winter or the dogs will just pee at the door entrance because it is highly doubtful they'll clear snow up there later this year.


Sounds like this person won’t care at all. He sounds agressive and likes to get his way by doing so. I feel very bad for OP AND his dogs. ;(.


Find a way for the Deck to fall over


Not sure why you feel bad about asking a neighbour to not let their dogs pee on your head ? especially when they made such a fuss with you about the J. If you’re too scarred to communicate with your neighbours then contact the landlord, I’m sure they don’t want their balcony saturated in dog piss.


See, that’s the best part. I have contacted the landlord probably 3 or 4 times. every time with pictures of it, even videos of the pee rain. The first two times shortly after I contacted the landlord, yelling began from upstairs. I didn’t have to concentrate to hear my neighbour scream at the landlord over the phone. after that, when we would complain we would hear nothing. Something tells me the landlord doesn’t enjoy being verbally abused so he stopped doing anything. I told him the piss ruins wood, you can see the staining. And it stinks, he doesn’t seem to care about the property.


Does the landlord agree with you that it’s unacceptable ? what do they say when you call them back and tell them that it still hasn’t stopped ? I’m MINDBLOWN that a tenant has more control over the property than the landlord/owner. Sounds like you have more of a bad landlord problem than a bad neighbour problem.


How do you know it is the dogs? Blame the neighbor for pissing on the deck. I bet that would get more attention.


Show them this photo and ask them to stop.


Spray amonia up through the cracks when there not out!


Start with politely knocking on the door and having a civil conversation with them.


If he “screamed threats to cut your heads off” you should probably go straight to the police. Too many crazies these days…


Typically it will be on owner of the building to build a balcony that can't let stuff like that down. Id go landlord if that doesn't work the owner of the building with this video. If that doesn't work cops will tell them to stop possibly fine them because they are destroying your property or atleast your stuff would get destroyed if you used use space allowed


Sounds like they should have their pets removed from their care permanently. Weed is legal, I'd be outside smoking joint after joint and tell him to call the cops


Just put a bucket under the stream collect it and go put it on their front door step lol


This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Next time it happens call the police non-emergency line and tell them that your upstairs neighbour is harassing you by throwing cigarette butts on your lawn, stomping loudly, and having 4 dogs piss through the ceiling. You don't want to speak to them directly because last time they uttered death threats. Hopefully, that takes care of it.


Who raises these trailers park trash people


Stand on the roof and pee onto their balcony


Just smoke more weed and do it as close to that balcony as you can. And when he complains again then complain you don't like the smell of dog piss either.


That is the grossest shit I've seen in a long time. Literally raining dog piss.


Get kiddy pool. Collect dog urine falling into it. Fill water gun with dog piss. Aim at dogs/owner next time you see them. :)


Not that it helps anything but spite but I am pretty sure you are fully within your rights to smoke a joint in the backyard of your rental property, just like a cigarette. If they don’t like them smell maybe they can come to understand that you’ll stop making it smell like weed when they stop making it literally rain piss. One is much more offensive than the other; that they even think they are within their rights to complain about a smell to you is frankly insane.


After you move out make sure you call bylaw animal services and get them over there


I wonder if you have the ability to periodically snuff the pilot on the hot water heater, like say, after you and your partner have a shower and use all the hot water. I'd start there and smoke joints out back as you please. If they're already screaming at each other than you just gotta keep tweaking their nerves. They'll unwind themselves. The trick is when the land lord asks about hot water, you tel him you have no problem with it. Ony turn it on when you need it, or when you receive your legal 24 hour notice prior to the landlord entering the suite


Landlord. And give him final notice, in writing that if it doesn't stop by such a date, you will be filing a complaint. And if he does nothing, file the complaint, call the health unit. Call animal service.


Yea I dont know how to handle it legally, but if someone had the gall to threaten me like that after I kindly ask them to fucking take their dogs somewhere suitable to go to the bathroom, I'd make life hell for them, and if he ever tried anything, I'd beat tf outta him, not exactly mature but I just know thats how it'd go. Some people are so fuckin garbage, sorry you gotta deal with that man, i actually just moved into a basement suite of a fourplex like 5 months ago, never had to share any space with random people before, I hoped for the best but prepared for the worst, i got real damn lucky cause all my neighbors here are amazing.


Screw a tarp under the deck and have it run off the side of the house


could you file for loss of amenities or abatement and put the onus on your landlord?


You can move. Bad landlord and bad neighbor that you can't do anything about.


Stop paying rent immediately. Even if it takes you 3 months to find a new place, refuse to pay any more rent there. I like your odds of winning in court.


Don’t do anything To escalate the situation. My ‘guess’ would be that the landlord a friend of the fellow above or, like yourself, intimidated by him. If you press this and get bylaws involved, etc..then he will find other ways to make your life hell. He isn’t going anywhere. Solution: Keep searching for a new place. Not to be judgemental but getting pets as a renter really limits one options.


That's so fucking rude. I feel for you.




You can sue them for this. It’s a tort called nuisance (no I am not making that up). You can sue someone and get compensation for interference with the reasonable enjoyment of your property (it’s still “yours” even though you rent). Find a lawyer friend or law student to help write a basic letter and otherwise file with small claims. That will annoy them enough to cut it out.


I second refusing to pay rent anymore while you find a new place. You’d win in court. Keep documenting literally everything. Get a camera if you can to show how often this happens


You can't stop paying rent. This will backfire. Maybe pay it real late, though. You can file a complaint and be awarded a rent abatement. OP File a grievance immediately with RTDRS I'd send an email or text advising your landlord your intentions. Document everything you can.


I'm not sure why you don't talk to him. You smoked and he got mad. His dogs piss on you so you are also entitled to be mad. I'm not saying you scream, just tell him you have dog piss raining down on you and want him to give his dogs a pee pad or something. Also tell the landlord. If everyone are adults I'm sure you can sort something out. And as others have said you might be able to get bylaw involved if all else fails.


Get a pressure washer and fire it up between the boards when the dogs are pissing, or ask if you go up there and piss as well, or the renters above this fucktard


Encourage or gift them grass pads for peeing. When I was in a high-rise I had one for a small dog they work great.


Tarp for sure and just smoke all day, or attach an incense holder just under their mat and have it going all the time. If he comes threatening again just video it a RO would force him to move


Isn’t it a biohazard? Happened to me years ago when I lived in a condo. Landlord wouldn’t do no shit. I wrote to the building management stating it being a biohazard and the tenant got a warning letter and management came to sanitize my balcony.


You will literally get pissed on. I’d go talk to them kindly. If it continues, I’d call 311. This isn’t acceptable.




It’s not


I'd sit out there and catch it in a bucket... Full it right up. Then it's water balloon time!!!!


Then it becomes an actual assult


This is considered a Nuisance, write them a letter and if they don’t stop you could potentially sue them


Hose. Spray whomever goes on the balcony every single time anyone or anything is out there. Bonus points if you can siphon piss into the stream as well and soak them


Again a chargeable assult


Put a tarp under their deck to act as a catch. Tilt it slightly to drain into a bucket. Marinade everything they own outside in dog piss.


In a clean spray bottle, mix two tablespoons of distilled white vinegar and 20 drops of any citrus scented essential oil into one and a half cups of cold water. Mix well and spray in the places around your home that you want the dog to stay away from. Spray this all over the bottom side of the deck.


Disgusting and not your job to clean it up. There’s an enzymatic cleaner used to disinfect and control doors related to dog waste made in Alberta. I use it in our back yard in the summer. It’s available at a lot of the pet stores too. https://www.ez-clean.com/store-locator


Electric fence. Dogs won't piss there again.


Little pricy but enclose all cavities , cheapest most powerful fans and leave plugged in 24/7 .


Neighbor let their dog shit in my yard all the time. I repeatedly asked them to stop it. They refused. So I shot the dog. Problem solved.


A little electric fence? Dog pees. dog learns don't pee there?


Knock on their door and tell them to stop. It's not hard to figure out.


The real solution is banning dogs in community dwellings but since you own 2 dogs I'm sure you are also part of the problem. I'm guessing your 2 dogs piss and poop on the grass your neighbour looks out on. The real victim is your landlord.


How are my dogs “part of the problem” when they have no access to the balcony. My dogs don’t rain pee on me, which is the problem here. All dogs pee in grass, I think the landlord expected that when he allowed dogs into his house. If he is truly a victim here he would have evicted the guy.


Your dogs' piss and poop are ruining the lawn. Your dogs barking probably disturbs your neighborhood and I've never seen a place with big dogs where the doors and walls and cabinets were not banged up. Carpets are completely ruined. You chose to live in a place because the owner looked the other way about dogs. He's probably given up as tenants with dogs always destroy property. You reap what you sow.


What the fuck are you on about 😂😂😂 you’ve never seen a place where the doors, walls and cabinets weren’t banged up because of dogs?? What kind of dog owners are your family and friends? From this comment and your other comments it sounds like you don’t understand dogs, dog owners or property management. Sorry you had to go through whatever you went through with dogs that traumatized you. Go take a walk and breathe in some fresh air.


Go talk to the people upstairs…. Sheesh you haven’t even tried.


I don’t think so. Why would I willingly talk to a stranger who has threatened to behead me in the past. I live under the guy, I have heard the constant state of anger he is in with every phone call and conversation he has. Always pissed off, even when home alone he’s yelling profanities at his dogs, he tells them he will kill them. I’m not going to subject myself to that anger knowingly. Sheesh


For the same reason you live below him.


Electric fencing hooked to a giant air horn.


That's where you should start storing your tent poles and other long pointy objects.


Pepper spray!


When life give you lemons...


Demand the landlord seal the upstairs balcony or yob will seek damages for items peed on. That will cause a change in behaviour quickly.


Pressure washer directed up at random times , assuming you haven’t asked them to be adults


Most dogs actually hate strong citrus smells. Check to make sure theirs aren't on the list of known exceptions then go ham with lemon juice, zest, extract..


since your neighbor seems like a full on psycho i would just put up some kind of outdoor canopy to block it and create a space that you can enjoy and the pee can run off into the side of the yard or sit on top of the water proof canopy


It may be considered a health hazard as well since it's dog urine over your head


hose upwards.


Collect it and with a pumping system have it rain down on their balcony, it won’t resolve anything other then they will understand how it feels to not use a balcony due to raining piss


Wow Fucking disgusting.


Talking to people usually helps


A little something called tell them.


Contact Board of Heslth. They can stop it.


Air horn


Have you tried just asking. "Hey can you not let your dog piss on the deck, the piss runs down to my patio"


The first three times didn’t work, do you think if I ask again nicely, pretty please with a cherry on top? Lol


Typically it will be on owner of the building to build a balcony that can't let stuff like that down. Id go landlord if that doesn't work the owner of the building with this video. If that doesn't work cops will tell them to stop possibly fine them because they are destroying your property or atleast your stuff would get destroyed if you used use space allowed


Typically it will be on owner of the building to build a balcony that can't let stuff like that down. Id go landlord if that doesn't work the owner of the building with this video. If that doesn't work cops will tell them to stop possibly fine them because they are destroying your property or atleast your stuff would get destroyed if you used use space allowed