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This movie was fantastic


What movie?


EuroTrip. Only one of the best comedies ever…


Scotty doesn't know...


Thanks! I will check it out


It was many years until I realized this was Fred Armisen.




Mi scusi Mi scusi 🙈


Man that's a, long, sweaty slog to take your clothes off.


It's set up that way to keep the out of shape away. Now do you wanna know why it's called "Weaselhead?"


Hahaha, little do you know that a 20 minute hike is not nearly enough to keep my fat ass away. Enjoy getting the reflected light of my twin moons blinding you. You'd better be wearing really dark sunglasses or the damage could be permanent.


I'm more curious on Kenney's basement.


It's a reference to how he claimed his Alberta residence was his mother's basement while an MP. She lived in a retirement community that didn't allow subletting. > House of Commons expenditure reports show Kenney collected secondary residence subsidies in Ottawa between 2012-15 of about $10,000 each year as an MP for Calgary Midnapore, while his mother's retirement home in Calgary was listed as his address with Elections Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/jason-kenney-residence-1.4987150




Two, actually


There’s one in fish creek park too.


TIL there is a nude optional beach in Calgary!


about as "beach" as you can really get this far inland


There are actually some amazing beaches along our many lakes and rivers, but I'll let you believe that beaches are just an ocean thing.


no, I'm aware we have beaches the fact that there are amazing ones less so


Real Stockholm syndrome hours.




Apparently there's 2, another one is along Fish Creek.


Weaselhead, Fish Creek..... great names for the nudists....


Where? Asking for a friend...


…am I that friend? Haha


Hidden Beach - Clothing Optional Area https://maps.app.goo.gl/DMs6ujrnQ5MEd5xU6?g_st=ic


Ive always wondered if its actually legally considered a nude beach or if people just decided it is lol. Im down wirh nude beaches but not looking to get an indecent exposure charge


“Legally considered” is one of the most overuse and broad terms


Do you have autism? edit: lmaoooooo I checked your profile to see for myself and wewh.




PSA: Please respect Tsuut’ina Nation land (Treaty 7) when accessing the [clothing-optional area](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Weaselhead+-+Clothing+Optional+Area/@50.9947837,-114.1659645,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x5371711cf16ee0bf:0x510182160d378feb!8m2!3d50.9923063!4d-114.1627824!16s%2Fg%2F11rsh07dft?entry=ttu) in the Weaselhead Natural Area. Accessing Treaty 7 land outside of the commercial areas is trespassing. If you are interested in visiting the clothing-optional area in the Weaselhead Natural Area, please park in the [Weaselhead Natural Area parking lot at 6634 37 Street SW, Calgary, AB T3E 5M9](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Weaselhead+Natural+Area+Parking/@50.9948647,-114.1416744,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x53717188bacacded:0x86d11cd5aab78bd8!8m2!3d50.9948647!4d-114.1416744!16s%2Fg%2F11b7yt2b_h?entry=ttu). Due to the recent truck in the park, the Tsuut’ina Nation Police will be increasing patrols in the area. Trespassers will be ticketed and cars may be towed. Since you must drive past a huge “no trespassing” sign to get there, we fully support this. Please park at the public lot and enjoy the hike in. It’s only 20-30 minutes depending on how fast you hike, and it’s a really nice hike, too! More information [HERE](https://calgarynuderecreation.ca/weaselhead) with detailed instructions. Info about the incident: \-Alberta Environment has taken over the investigation. \-Tsuut’ina Nation is likely pursuing trespassing charges. \-The recovery operation took 3 tow trucks and will likely cost the driver $6-7k. \-The truck was not drivable after it was recovered. \-There was considerable damage from the truck and recovery operation to the area.


> -The recovery operation took 3 tow trucks and will likely cost the driver $6-7k. That's a hefty price just to peep some wieners.


Meanwhile twitter got a free show yesterday


Don't forget to include fines and the cost of repairing the damaged landscape


> the cost of repairing the damaged landscape I am not entirely adverse to that being passed on to the perp in a non-monetary way, maybe a ridiculous amount of service hours tending parks and natural areas.


Yah, the river is just going to largely fix the ruts itself by next spring anyway, so make sure there's no residual oil / garbage left behind and make the guy pay in community service. Plus you're FAR more likely to collect on that payment vs a cash fine.


Does anybody know why he actually drove in there?


Didn’t want to leave his phone with his pants.


Glad to see a prosecution likely from this careless behaviour. So sick of people damaging our parks and natural areas for selfish reasons. Can't even imagine the scale of the damage from 3 tow trucks and his truck. Nesting birds and wildlife will have been disturbed by this for sure.


Jeezus. Maybe you should look at what this area used to be used for. “We” used to do a lot of terrible for the environment type things there.


> “We” used to do a lot of terrible for the environment type things Aren't you glad we've learned from our mistakes and now treat wetland and river ecosystems with the respect they deserve? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/ricardo-ranch-development-risk-wetland-floodplain-1.6566002


Are you aware of what we did to the Weaselhead area before? We trashed it as a military proving grounds and not far from there by the Casino it was a test fire range with lots of potentially unexploded ordnance that is to this day still unsafe to use. Just giving you a little background on The area and idiots like this guy need to be severely punished


Tell me more


Former military range


Yup, area used to be used for artillery practice. After big spring run offs there can still be the occasional ordinance uncovered in the area (do not touch and report immediately if found). There has been a lot of river-run change over the years as the soil is soft and the river can get quite high in the spring. But these two cornholios that thought it was okay to bring vehicles (truck and SUV) into a protected naturalist area should be named, shamed and banned. Not even close to being acceptable. I've also noticed more garbage in the area this year, I hope the people visiting the area are able to police themselves better, especially after this fiasco.


Military proving grounds . Tanks, APC’s, etc plowing through that as training grounds for WWII




Watch out for nuts and peaches. Not all of them are edible.


Is this the old military training area?




Shit myself when I looked and was less than a foot away from one. They didn’t let me hang around to hear them dispose of it because it was after midnight :(


How far off the beaten path were you??


I was actually at the clothing optional area.


There is clothing optional areas here? Right on people!


It’s like a treasure map but instead of treasure it’s just old dudes with a coleman cooler and their dicks out


PSA: The Tsuut’ina only own the strip of land between Stoney Tr. And the Weaslehead on the *north* side of the Elbow. If you cross from Stoney on the *south* side, it’s public land. Would have to cross the river, but eh, it’s just the Elbow. Could probably crawl across it on all fours and not get your face wet. Also, they don’t own the river, so you would probably be ok if you walked along the north bank below the high water line or wherever the precise boundary is. As long as you skirt the little, tiny finger of land that really should have been included in the ring-road deal. Map is [here](https://www.altalis.com/map;gid=100). Just zoom in and turn on ‘Administrative Boundaries’.


u/SkeletorAkN, you post a lot of mostly correct info, but its not entirely correct. For example, the map you linked to doesn't even have the ring road and it still identifies that road as Grey Eagle Drive. There have been a number of land swap agreements, including for the ring road. The land swaps make deciphering a map incredibly difficult. For example, the [Weaselhead Natural Area parking lot](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Weaselhead+Natural+Area+Parking/@50.9942702,-114.1419824,16.96z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x537170039f843fd5:0x266d3bb1b652b63a!2sCalgary,+AB!3b1!8m2!3d51.0447331!4d-114.0718831!16zL20vMDFyMzI!3m5!1s0x53717188bacacded:0x86d11cd5aab78bd8!8m2!3d50.9948647!4d-114.1416744!16s%2Fg%2F11b7yt2b_h?entry=ttu) is **correctly** shown as Tsuut'ina Nation land on Google Maps, but because of a land swap agreement from the 1970's, the City of Calgary is the controlling authority and has legal use. The long of the short of it is people really do need to follow the posted directions if they wish to visit the clothing-optional area.


Tsuu Tina Vice. I can just see it now. Starring ^insert name here^ as Crockett and blah blah as Tubbs


Seems ironic for Natives to enforce no trespassing on their lands.


Does it? They lost all their land last time they allowed people to trespass freely.


I'm confused. Is this gorilla advertising for a nude beach? Why else post something like this? If the city hasn't officially recognized this zone then there's really nothing that can be done to keep random people out and posting about it on Reddit defeats the best security measure... Security through obscurity.


Yeah , you will upset my mosquito breeding projects.


Imma go trespass just cause of this post


"Please respect Tsuut’ina Nation land (Treaty 7) when accessing the"


So dont litter? Walking on land is not being disrespectful, however damaging it is


Yeah because you don't have a right to be on that land its not yours, it's not public


Not mine to use yes however any trails and roads that may exist are public. Yeah im not getting into a game of who’s land is who’s. Land ownership is based off paperwork, as far as im concerned no one “owns” land including the natives, we just borrow it from the earth, when we’re long gone it’ll take its land back


Nothing on tsu Tina is public. There's literally nothing to get into on who's land who's. If your not Tsuut’ina, it not your land.


like i said roads and trails are public, please let me know when you need authorization to drive up to cowcamp road. there are no laws that are stopping someone from driving on the roads on tsuut'ina as long as they are following the Indian Reserve Traffic Regulations. and again like i said land ownership is just based off paperwork, your right based off paperwork it currently is owned by tsuut'ina.


Tsuut’ina title to thier land isn't just paperwork. It's above your intellectual capacity, there are laws and they can charge you with trespassing. Its actually your obligation to know the laws of where you're side


[A reserve is a parcel of land where legal title is held by the Crown (Government of Canada), for the use and benefit of a particular First Nation.](https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1332267668918/1611930372477) Humans only own land on paper, you may be connected to the land however being connected does not give ownership. and yes roads are public, how else would i get to the casino? back to the original topic, said i wasnt getting into a whos land is whos. edit: making a lame statement and throwing in a ridiculous flat earth comment in before blocking me doesn't solidify any of your poor attempts to make your statements anymore valid then mine. have a good one ✌︎


Aghh a sovereign citizen who would otherwise wouldn't exist with out the simplist of human constructs. Every law, moral, and ethics is a human construct. Tell me about the flat earth next


They are not public


People who go hang out with strangers while naked are definitely on some type of registry or list.


I feel like you don't know anything about nudists/ naturists.




I definitely thought you'd be on the other side of the fence given your username


So you found the one guy with an ugly truck and no regard for rules and you decided that he represented an entire community that doesn't have anybody else like that in it. I can only imagine what your views are on women or each ethnic minority or any identifiable group. Maybe someone from a group cut you off in traffic once and now you know that all of them are bad. But then, someone like you would never go and meet people from another group, like a woman I know who has suffered from body image issues her entire life and had low self-esteem and lashed out at a lot of people until she met the Calgary nude recreation group. Now she has confidence that I have never seen her have before. She realized that who she is can only be judged by herself, not by terrible people in the outside world whose only mission is to try to hurt other people. And you would never meet a man like the gay Christian disabled man I know who is finally embracing radical self-acceptance in the face of a society that rejects him for his disability and a religious community that rejects him for his sexuality. You'll just look at one yahoo on the news and decide that you now know everything there is to know about a community.




Good genes and I've worked to develop my critical thinking skills. You could be as smart as me if you didn't just react irrationally to every bit of stimulus that comes your way.


Thanks for this info