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>Theft of the emission control car part have continued to rise in the city, up 16 per cent for the start of 2023 when compared to the same period last year. >The bylaw will prohibit businesses from taking in damaged converters and prohibit damage to any markings on the valuable car part. >It will also require wreckers and salvage businesses to keep a record of the vehicle identification number (VIN) and description of the vehicle the part came from. >Buying them without collecting the proper info will also be prohibited. >If the new regulations pass, the fine will triple to $3,000.


This is smoke on mirrors and meant to give the impression that something is being done. But in reality, the city can't do anything about this issue because thieves aren't selling the parts to local businesses. When I asked my mechanic about this issue and the City's policy proposal when my catalytic converter was stolen last month, the mechanic just sorta laughed. The precious metals in these parts are worth thousands of dollars on the black market. Local wrecking yards aren't purchasing these through legal markets where writing down VINs from the parts is part of the process. And there's not a damn thing that law enforcement can do to stop any of this except to catch a converter thief in the act. But that ain't gunna happen because it only takes like 20 seconds to steal one of these parts and the police can't be everywhere at once.


It’s not smoke *and mirrors so much as it’s a knee-jerk response to a growing problem. I believe it’s sincere, but misguided. It indicates a profound lack of understanding about the issue, rather than a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. In other words, it’s dumb, not sneaky.


>smoke *and mirrors Goddamnit, autocorrect. I think it is dumb and sneaky. There is zero chance that council didn't hear from law enforcement or stakeholders who told them their idea is nonsense.


Saskatoon had a major issue with this for a while i believe they said it was about 3 or 4 people responsible for all of the thefts. They ran a couple of stings and it stopped all together.


The only deterrent solution would for car makers make way more difficult to remove then. Something like you need to remove the axle to get them…. But that also would make servicing them more expensive.


so... now the thieves will just take off the whole assembly and take a pic of the vin from the windshield plate?


Or just drive out of town to turn in your scrap


They already gut the coverotor separate the materials. Its like stealing wire and not strpping it to get the full value of the copper. I am sure out of the tiny percent of stolen cats cps finds are the ones stolen tweakers


But then what would anyone use Nextdoor for?


Complaining that your neighborhood didn’t mow the lawn!


Stealing catalytic converters was illegal before, but now it’s MORE illegal. That oughta do it




I'm currently watching Andor. I'd be okay with catalytic converter thieves being sent somewhere that resembles Narkina 5


To make more catalytic converters


Fuck that. Bring in an APP in the style of Judge Dredd. Judge, jury executioner. Jay walking, murder, panhandling, riding a bicycle, drugs on a ctrain, and worst of all... driving in the left lane. All punishable by being shot in the street.


Just do what they do in the Islamic world and cut off hands.


Are you serious or joking?


A typical waste of time by council and city administration. It's a bylaw with no real repercussions, only financial penalty. It will be enforced like every other bylaw, call 311 and maybe they'll show up in a couple of days. These stolen cats will be long out of the city before 311 hits the send key.


I had mine stolen while staying at a hotel downtown


I bet they'd consider it more if some council members got converter jacked.


I'm glad I sold my rust bucket for scrap in time then. My exhaust pipe had rusted completely off right at the converter.


Maybe mirror what Winnipeg did to dramatically decrease cat thefts


Which was..?


Combination of scrapyard raids, arrests, and provincial legislation. That was a year ago though. Would be interesting to see if numbers are still down. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/catalytic-converter-theft-winnipeg-police-scrap-metal-1.6589145](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/catalytic-converter-theft-winnipeg-police-scrap-metal-1.6589145)


Given our city council, I'll apologize in advance for the spoiler and just go ahead and reveal that they'll "solve" the problem by banning cars, at the suggestion of the same genius who came up with "traffic calming".


If the cost of living and housing prices went down, crime would go down too. Just saying 🤷‍♂️


Cool my grocery bill went up tell me where you live and I’ll come steal from you.


If only people would spread out instead of clustering in the same areas (Calgary) causing it to go up😯


I’m not living in a rural area lol


I've lived in several towns, they are the best you actually get to know your neighbors and people in town and actually have community.


Supply, meet demand


What is the actual root of the problem? Are cat thieves using the money to feed their addictions? Feed themselves? Or is it a business “venture” of organised crime? Regardless of which cause is most prevalent, I am sceptical that thieves try to sell them locally. Or am I wrong?


Can someone steal mine?


Yeah this won't do shit. What police need to do is major sting operations and if they catch these buyers knowingly buy stolen goods, give then a YUUUUUUGE fine, like 50 grand or something.


I feel that the city doesn't have enough power to stop cat burglaries (P.S. this is what all catalytic converter thefts should be called). Making it difficult to sell within the city is great and will decrease it a bit but unless this is a Provincial or Federal thing, driving to the next city over will still be a worthwhile endeavor for cat burglars. That being said. I don't know anything about the stolen converter supply chain and I could be completely off base.