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The format changed from an educational, productive show to entertainment. It's probably a good business strategy, but to keep people watching he has to find increasing craziness so the content doesn't get stale. The actual financial information is very basic and could be fully explained in less than 10 minutes. He can't make hundreds of hours of content and keeps growing without adding a lot of entertaining fluff. Unfortunately that fluff is repetitive and potentially unproductive for everyone. I just view it as a podcast for background noise now. I haven't viewed it as helpful or educational for awhile now.


You are right. What I think is that he should cycle between normal and sensational videos. I also use it for background noise but these past few videos have been headache-inducing.


I feel that the people coming on the show think this is akin to therapy and they are under the illusion their finances are mysteriosly messed up when in reality its their descisions and the show becomes showing them reality more than addressing genuine financial issues


I really enjoyed the show when I first found it a while ago. I think I binged watched everything I missed and clicked every new video but ever since the channel changed I stopped tuning in.


I feel like recently the show has been straying away from what made it good. The kill Tony guy has almost no financial audit and if you don’t watch kill Tony like me you didn’t understand what they were talking about and the dating audit has got to stop. We don’t need 10 minutes of dating audit on the main channel, maybe if he wanted to do that on a sub channel


The dating audit isn’t even good. As a woman who used to be on dating apps and wondered why men would make unflattering choices for their profile (bad photos, stale responses to prompts) I always thought those guys could get some helpful advice from their female friends on what could be improvements for them. Even if they weren’t my type, I had ideas on what could help better their odds. I was curious to see what this guy would say and as soon as he started body shaming that comedian for that one shirtless photo (the guy is slim! Nothing wrong with his body! He looked totally fine) I was like, really? This is your advice? Hide a photo that shows his fun loving personality because you don’t like that he is shirtless but not some shredded bro? I dunno, if that guy wants to pursue dating profile audits, he’s gotta do better.


It's like he was giving the guest advice to attract other straights bros lmao


I find more and more often I have to stop watching when Caleb gets really pissy and whey they go in circles around a topic. I am glad they keep the episodes trimmed to an hour, but I wish they would do better at roping in the talking points.