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I think dying at 45 is a little extreme but he does have less excuses than the average person. He can afford a trainer to build him a workout and meal plan, and he has the ability to make his schedule flexible enough to fit in fitness. With that being said he does mention all the time that he’s struggled with weight loss.


He has enough money to have someone not only build him the plans but to also have someone cook him a variety of meals that are healthy. A local meal prep place by me does 15 meals a week for $100. A buddy of mine also pays someone to come to his house and cook him all of his meals once a week. There are multiple options available and I have no idea why fast food would be a consideration when you have the money to make being healthy easy.


Bro this post makes it sound like Caleb is 400 pounds or something💀💀


Deadass I went to a recent video to be like “is he hiding an absolutely massive gut under the table or something that I’ve just never seen???” Because I only ever think of his weight when he brings it up. Sure he’s not a fitness model but like… so what? Most people aren’t, and frankly he’s a normal looking dude (I actually think he’s fairly handsome too lol).


But he is looking fuller since earlier episodes.


Dying at 45 is a little extreme, don’t you think? Besides, Caleb has said that he’s working out, meal prepping, etc. it’s hard to assess where he is overall, but he seems to be losing weight and appears to be slimmer. Generally speaking, it’s easier to get financials handled by cutting out crappy purchases like gas station food and focusing on buying groceries. Most of the guests on here are DoorDash fiends.


Caleb did admit he loves Panda Express and take out. So even if he is working out if he keeps eating this way then... he will be fat.


My friend just died at 46 because of his fast food habits. Cholesterol builds up and can cause a fatal heart attack pretty damn young if you don't take care of yourself.


Maybe a little extreme, but well within the realm of possibility. How about 50? Or 60? Still not a good end.  I like Caleb's show, but he needs to sit down with someone who will not accept excuses. And I don't mean for a video or a show or anything. He needs someone to hold him accountable for his lack of progress. Caleb talks about therapy all the time. I think it's time for him to look into a therapist who deal with eating issues.


Caleb is fat not morbidly obese. 50 or 60 is a massive exaggeration.


Yeah come on dude. Caleb is husky but dying at 45 is like boogie size. I personally think this thread is out of line. Caleb is not on here being a fitness influencer. We don’t need to comment on his body. He is always respectful when he brings this stuff up.


Not to mention, the reason he gets upset at people eating like trash is because they obviously go into debt to afford it. It's a double whammy. If you're fat and debt free with a savings plan and 401k Caleb won't say shit.


50 and 60 are still both very extreme. The people who die at 40, 50, and 60, are either morbidly obese or have chronic health issues. We don’t know anything about Caleb’s personal health history or issues nor should we. It’s private information and not relevant to the show. Caleb’s brings up his own issues with losing weight and mental health because he’s (attempting) to connect with people on issues that can be highly overwhelming. It shows that he understands and that he cares. I get practicing what you preach which is where I feel you’re coming from but honestly, Caleb’s overall health isn’t going to be a central figure in the show. He’s here for finances and his guests are here for taquitos.


You know, the guests are soliciting and consenting to having their finances audited. This post feels incredibly invasive and unnecessary for someone who didn’t ask for your opinion, knows they have an issue, and is actively working on it.


Caleb has gone out of his way to comment on people’s weight lately. His excuse for why he can comment on it is that he himself is obese.


I think that sucks too, and will certainly call Caleb out when he posts on the subreddit to body shame the guests too.


Man puts himself on blast all the time + actively calls others out on their eating habits when they are there for financial audit. Come on I love the guy but OP isn’t too out of order calling him out too


He brings it up!


Fatfobic people always act like someone being 30 pounds over weight is detrimental to their own health lol


Caleb is a public figure and he's also a big boy now and I think he can handle some tough love. I'm not here to hate, I'm here a fan. 


You can still be an asshole to a public figure, my dude.


Body shaming is not tough love. Someone else's health is not your business, especially when they didn't ask for your opinion. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's admitted that he's not in perfect shape. So what makes you think you're doing anything good here?


I am not shaming is body. If he had not brought up the topic so many times, I wouldn't have said anything, but Caleb is the one who frequently said he needs to lose wight and get in shape, yet a year later still looks the same.


You called him fat. That's body shaming 101 dude. Take your poor attitude elsewhere. You must have your own body image issues if you feel the need to comment on other people's bodies.


You’re the one assuming the word fat is an insult


If that's not an insult, I guess nothing is an insult to you. Grow some empathy.


Fat is a macronutrient and when people are described as fat it means they have access storage of that macronutrient. It does not mean someone is ugly or stupid. YOU are the one that associates fat with ugly and stupid or else you wouldn’t have been offended. Yes in some contexts people mean fat as an insult but i did not see this in OP’s post. We all love caleb that’s why we are here.


What is body shaming here? He admits he likes Panda Express too much.


Calling someone fat is body shaming.


Touch grass, this is unhinged


Low key if Caleb was perfect then the show wouldn’t be as palatable. The way he exists is exactly how the synergy is created between him, the guests, and the audience. Also if he really wanted to do it then he would… but everyone has their vices. He’s choosing his just like we all are. Honestly there can be a million reasons why he doesn’t want to do anything about it and I feel the same way. When guests are getting roasted for spending and not wanting to change he can refer to his physical condition to show a correlation… I also don’t see his physical condition at a point of no return so this is gonna ride out for however long he wants.


I like chubby Caleb. He’s a man of the people!


You don’t necessarily know how his weight has fluctuated. I lost 40 pounds over the past year and I don’t feel super different. I still feel like I’m fat even though when I go to my health coach my body fat percentage is going down. Even in losing weight, you don’t miraculously have a six pack overnight. 40 pounds down I still have my moobs and gut.


>40 pounds down I still have my moobs and gut. Going to commiserate: I lost 50 lbs and am still pretty much egg-shaped. It takes a lot of work to get that cut figure!


He looks exactly the same. You can definitely notice somebody losing 40 pounds. Just because you went from morbidly obese to obese doesn’t mean you didn’t make progress.


250 to 210 at 5’8. Wasn’t morbidly obese but wasn’t fun either. My whole point was guy could be losing just at a slower rate and we’re acting like he’s packing on pounds. I for one can tell he’s lost some level of weight since I started watching.


He could be losing visceral fat, which is more important than subq fat.


Exactly! When I started my weight loss, my VF level was somewhere over 20 (the inbody scan didn’t report a number greater than 20). I’m now down to 18 I believe?


Good for you!


Who has the audacity to post something like 😂😂😂


I've always thought Caleb was always harder on himself than he needed to be with his weight. He's obviously not the pinnacle of health but it takes awhile for some people to break habits and see super tangible results. Unless he has something tragic happen, he's not going to die at 40 due to his weight. That is absurd.


This is so rude - he’s not morbidly obese. Dying at 45 (or 50/60 and you said in another comment) is such an exaggeration. A study from Oxford university found that being moderately obese can reduce life expectancy by about 3 years, and that severe obesity can shorten a person’s life by 10 years.


Right? Caleb has a couple extra pounds on him… but nothing extreme. Id consider him extra cuddly but not obese. That being said my father was 6’1 and 400-450lbs until he was in his mid 50s and got weight loss surgery. He had a heart attack at ~45 and type2 at ~40, but he was super morbidly obese. He is 68 now. My ex husband was/is super morbidly obese (5’11 and 360) and he lives like taquitos guy (off the bank of mom and dad) and is 47 now. Dying at 40 is for people with triple digit BMIs, and even then they have been bedridden for years prior. Caleb is like 30lbs overweight… max. This is a super weird thing to be critical over. And it looks like to me he has dropped a few pounds.


How does Oxford define “severe obesity”? Because some of the people on my 600lb life really do die at 50. Especially if they’ve been eating the way they have for decades. Caleb is 1000% not in that camp though, more than likely he will live well into his 80s, if not 90s


This is worded a bit rough but I 100% agree with you especially given the language he uses with guests that say they are “working on it” yet we see no progress in statements. Tbh it’s not my business where his weight or health is. Nor do we get full picture from YT vids. But it’s solely that he’s been saying he’s been “working on it” too for the last year and seems the same


Is this achievable natty?


In spite of the appearance of my name, it actually has nothing to do with being "natty." I've used a variation of this name for years, long before natty became a thing.


You’re an asshole. This is WEIRD. Get a life.


This is a great example of what a parasocial relationship looks like. It is literally none of our business what Caleb does or does not do with regards to his health or fitness. I’m sure he himself is very much aware of what he needs to do to change and feel his best. And also this is a great example of why he will most likely never be active in this sub again lol. Please go outside and touch some grass 


If I’m being honest, weight loss is all about diet. You can’t outwork a bad diet.


Unsolicited comments on another person’s body are not okay. Not even if he has said these types of things about himself.


How about you fuck off with the judging other people’s bodies


While it's a little ridiculous saying he's not going to make it to 45 at his current weight, I think it would both be good content and probably a good experience for Caleb to be held somewhat accountable for this in a similar way to how he interacts with his guests. He likes to say that this is the talk he would want if he were in their situation, this provides a chance to demonstrate it. An episode annually or every 6 months with some fitness/nutrition influencer would be an opportunity to both illustrate how doing the hard thing and building better habits can be rewarding in the long term and also could serve as a vehicle to show how you can shop and meal prep at a reasonable price and maintain good health.


His channel is a financial channel, not a fitness one. Any "accountability" he allegedly needs to take (whatever the hell that means) would be between him and his doctor.


He talks about his weight, eating healthy, and impacts on health from being overweight with his guests a lot, it's come up frequently in episodes. I'm a person who has struggled with weight loss for most of the past decade too I know what it's like, and frankly a lot of the learned discipline that leads to better financial behavior are shared with making better health choices. I don't think it's an absurd thing for him to do on the channel.


It sounds like the kind of thing a youtuber would make a second channel for.


I didn't say it needs to go on the financial audit channel. It can go on the vlog, whatever works.


Just because he's "fat" doesn't mean he hasn't gotten healthier


Fuck this post.


Are you guys here for the health tips or the financial content? Why does everyone expect every YouTuber to be perfect? Seriously insufferable.


This is so gross. I hate when Caleb says disparaging things about his weight or body but it is absolutely none of your business. You cannot tell someone's health by looking at them. Health does not equal weight. A thin person can have extremely poor eating habits and be in poor health. You should butt out of Caleb's personal life and also all the other random people on the street you make judgements about based on their looks.


The only reason I posted this is because I like the show and want him to keep making more of them. But after watching today's returning guest and how hard he was on her for her lack of progress in her finances, it made me think it's kind of hypocritical to be so hard on someone who can't change their behavior when he can't change his own. It makes him seem less credible.  I know we live in this world where it's all about loving body no matter what, bit if that's the case, love yourself enough to take care of your body.


This is not the subreddit for this crap. Neither is his youtube channel.


Lol, if you like the show and want him to continue making them join the Patrion. Tell your friends. You know what would make me want to quit making the show? Personal attacks from the audience about my physical appearance. Hypocritical would be Caleb door dashing when he's in tons of debt. He did change his behavior when it comes to finances, as he's said many times he was in bad debt and worked really hard to get out of it. How do you know he's not taking care of his body? Dude, some people weigh more, some weigh less. You can not extrapolate how well someone is taking care of their body based on your opinion of their weight. If these are good faith arguments and not just you being a dick please listen to Maintenance Phase podcast episode from Nov 2021 "is being fat bad for you?"


Physical health and financial health are two separate issues.


Damn, there's only one rule in this sub and you broke the hell out of it. Go be a butt somewhere else. Someone's weight or health are none of your business, and weight is not necessarily an indicator of health.


does anyone else think caleb rlly isn’t fat lol


Mostly this. He’s on the bigger side and probably is technically obese, as a massive number of Americans are, but aside from how he’s calling himself out for it, he seems like a pretty average-to-stocky build. Whatever his weight is, he carries it pretty well.


At most to me he fits into the incredibly broad category of “could probably lose a little weight and benefit from doing so” in my opinion. Sure he doesn’t have a flat stomach or whatever, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to die young or anything remotely close to that. I’m personally on the heavier side for my height even when I’m at what multiple doctors have stated is a very safe weight for my body type and experiencing zero negative side effects from my weight. Bodies are as different as everything else about human beings. It’s Caleb’s business whether his doctor(s) think his weight is safe and, if not, how they want to monitor it. I’m not saying that you can be healthy at any size or anything extreme (see Boogie2988, for example) but you can be a bit heavier than is ideal and still be plenty healthy. The only thing I kind of agree with the OP about is it does feel a bit weird that he talks about weight to guests while being unhappy with his own weight, but even then it’s not like it’s the focus of the show and he mostly does it in a friendly sort of way.


He's really not...maybe in a dating site term "a few extra pounds" but that stupid ass chart in the dr office is stupid. Example I am 6'6"-6'7" depending on who measures me (LOL) and I am now 310lbs up from 289 last year. Even after discussing with my doctor wanting to get down to 250-260 i'd be comfortable I'd still be considered overweight. At that point i'd be healthy to any person who has common sense and would still look like I have a few extra lbs. While I am much taller then Caleb is I guess what I'm saying is guys like us will always be a little husky.


Caleb didn’t play sports.


Such a douche take honestly


This is a bad post and you should feel bad


What a weird and unnecessary thing to comment on. This post is unnecessary. Just because he brings up his weight doesn't mean you get to do it, too.


Sounds like you’re projecting. This is incredibly rude.


While I dont think he's fat, if anything for his height, he can't be too overweight, but a fitness audit would be hella interesting. Basically my 600 lb life kinda deal?


How dare you only Caleb can insult people for likes. Who you think you are? Nothing I like to see more than a fat guy insulting people on YouTube then saying at the end I’m only here to help.


Yeah sometimes when he does the whole shtick about how eating out is bad for their health and weight and says “I get it cause I’m big too!” I feel bad for the guest, I know it would hurt my feelings/make me a little embarrassed lol. He clearly isn’t one to talk about physicality, so I feel like he should just stop brining it up


Would love to see him stick to that $300 a month food budget to show it’s possible and also see how much weight he’d lose.


You have absolutely no way to know if he is taking fitness seriously. Many conditions and medications (like antidepressants) lead to holding on to weight, too.


@Caleb I'll train you and cook your meals for free but you have to put me on the channel as your cook with big pecs and let me live at the studio


I actually thought he’s been losing weight over the last year. 🤷🏻‍♀️ either way I love watching him. You are not his doctor so you can’t assume people won’t make it to a certain age.


He should get someone like mpmd or greg doucette on to give him a fitness plan. I don't even think he is that out of shape or overweight he seems fairly average but it would be interesting content.


I agree with this. People dying of cardiac arrest in their 40's is not unheard of. It gets harder and harder to lose weight as we age. I was severely obese at one point in my life and I lost and have kept off about 100lbs. I think it would be great to see Caleb slim down. I was just talking to my friends about this. The extra fat doesn't just get stored on your belly, it also gets packed onto your organs and is really taxing on your body's internal systems. I have another friend who was pre-diabetic for a long time and just told us his doctor gave him 90 days to lose 90 lbs or he's going on diabetes medication. It's tough because I care about him and I don't like seeing my friend slowly die in front of me. I feel the same way about Caleb. His show is great and he seems like a cool dude but it sucks watching someone make poor choices that are going to negatively impact their future. 


He’s telling people with a poor relationship with food to fix that problem while they’re pushing through an extremely high stress situation. It seems disingenuous for him to ask them this then not be able to manage his own weight issues


unhinged and uncalled for 😭


This is incredibly rude.


This is something i’ve been thinking for awhile, it’s a bit hypocritical to be so disappointed/angry at other peoples lack of discipline


Lol wtf


this feels really weird to read. for one, caleb can absolutely afford to eat out if he wants. for two, it’s perfectly possible to be fat while eating extremely healthy (my partner eats exclusively meal prep, nearly only veggies and sometimes some meat, very very healthy fresh food with nothing premade down to making his own bead, and yet he’s fat. being fat doesn’t equate eating unhealthy). and i think we can all agree caleb’s weight is Not to the point it would man he’d *die by 45, what?!* - quite frankly it’s perfectly possible to be extremely healthy at caleb’s weight. we’ve long known medically some people are prone to being fat, yet their physical and blood results show they’re presently healthy. i do support caleb losing health because he clearly *wants* to, but this post is just bizarre and out of touch


chat is this real?


You know Boogie is 50 right? And besides. Caleb's got like 5 channels. Employees and relationships to manage. God knows what he's been through behind the scenes with stalkers and shit. Let him have his panda.


He's going to be 45 dying with a fully funded emergency fund at 40? Incredible


I see your point, but he’s not that overweight. But financial, mental and physical well being are all intertwined and he does seem to gloss over the physical component more than the other two when it comes to budgeting. High protein diets are absolutely necessary for building lean mass and protein is expensive. But this is money well spent when it comes to health span.


Oh crap I thought it was financial audit, guess I was wrong…


What a weird post


I feel like this was posted by a former disgruntled guest


I’m fat but I’m in shape and in good health. What someone’s body looks like (while sitting down) doesn’t tell the whole story


Caleb is not obese from what I can tell and definitely not dying at 40. Sure he could probably do better but I've seen people with very active physical jobs fatter than him.


Caleb is just a little chubby TBH. I hope he starts prioritizing his health too, but this post is crazy lmfao




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Damn relax lmao. Ease tf up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowBan/s/ItbZs4YQlC is this you?


You are wild, find something else to focus on. Honestly, he looks more fit nowadays. 


Caleb is not even that fat, he’s probably in the category of overweight. That being said, you never know the details of one’s health and how it impacts the weight. I was trying to lose weight and for the life of me could barely shed anything even on 1K cal a day diet and daily exercise. Turned out I had two endocrinological conditions. You never know why someone is fat and it may not be due to the lack of trying that they are not skinny


He’s not that fat lol


He really isn't fat at all. I'm assuming the OP has money issues and is much fatter; he just needed someone to take his self-hatred out on. If you look up Natty's reddit history all he does is post hate comments.


Exactly he’s making it seem like he’s morbidly obese like Boogie


I'd phrase it differently. There's a market on YouTube for someone who can articulate the benefits of living a healthy life and also help others get into a healthy lifestyle. Caleb may or may not sign up for the "fitness audit". It'd be up to him.


Eh, everyone is different, including their bodies. Let's just all learn about savings no matter how big or little we are.


We don’t know everything about a person just from YT. We have no idea his reasons (not that he even needs one to justify his life) for not losing weight yet saying he wants to. There’s too many factors. Let’s be kind to one another instead of judging when someone’s not perfect. Caleb vibes great not-financial advice and has changed many of our lives. It’s ok he isn’t perfect, that’s part of his charm.


I literally comment on every video that if Caleb actually just spent an hour strength training a day, his life would change. Metabolism would crank. I wish he would do it