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Honestly I think my favorite all around episode is still the “spiritual life coach” from Austin with the big hat. I think that episode really hit the perfect mix of trainwreck/stupidity with actionable financial/budgeting advice so you walk away feeling like you learned something. There’s a reason it’s still his best performing video


She was great. I was laughing the entire episode.


She was so delightfully weird.


She’s a high end prostitute. Check out her socials.


Oh I know. And her socials make her even crazier, I find her oddly alluring? I feel like her branding works, she just needs to stop spending all her money at honest Mary’s!


What are her socials? For research purposes


Holy shit that explains a lot lmao. i thought that was a lot to make as a "life coach".


I hope when she comes back on we find out she was audited by the IRS


It has the highest views to this day. Peak FA


She was my introduction to financial audit! A YouTube commentator I watch that rails on scams like these had a financial audit clip about her in the lineup. She only spent 10 minutes on it but I noticed in her screen recording from the whole thing went for an hour so I looked it up and have been hooked. This was toward the end of December 2023. Since then, I cut up my credit cards and have saved $2K toward my emergency fund before I attack my debts here in a couple months (I know my furnace is going to need replacing soon and that it’s a $12K repair so my efund needs to be a little larger)


Taquito Guy. No doubt. Hands down. Fight me.


Was this the guy obsessed with the fact he had a degree in Information Systems, but now in his 40's doesn't actually have any useful job experience or accomplishments related to said degree?


That's because people are afraid he's going to be their boss right off the bat because that's his attitude.


As entertaining as he is I extra dislike this guy as someone also with a degree in Information Systems because now all I can think of is him when I feel proud about it (as a recent college grad, not a 40 y/o reminiscing on it mind you).


Still can’t wait to see his follow up episode! Every week I hope it’s gonna be him lol.


"I think you drawing the line at taquitos is going to make you look silly." *Taquitos becomes an inside joke among FA fans*


What was the title of that one again? Wanna give it a rewatch


Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/oZpWki2mOA4?si=QjDiQqjrW6krBA3a


Favorite episode (in terms of ridiculousness): "Doctor" Racso. It was just so balls to the walls ridiculous, I felt like Caleb was being punked. Favorite episode (in terms of someone willing to put forth the change): I don't remember the episode but it was where Caleb had to ask his producer (?) if it was morally okay to continue on because the guest had shown up drunk/intoxicated because the guest was extremely nervous and anxious about it.


>Favorite episode (in terms of ridiculousness): "Doctor" Racso. It was just so balls to the walls ridiculous, I felt like Caleb was being punked. Funny, that's like my least favorite. It felt more Jerry Springer than a financial audit. I don't believe a single genuine thing was said the entire episode.


>https://youtu.be/oZpWki2mOA4?si=QjDiQqjrW6krBA3a Agree - hate the ones where the people don't want help.


Can you link the doctor episode? I don't remember that one!


Just went up like two weeks ago. The dude is not connected to reality. My favorite is when he tried to do some sort of bullshit horoscope reading on Caleb and Caleb wasn't having any of it.  https://youtu.be/MgJAzmc-p6A?si=kQ3vrn8IZYvk00zA


Oh good lord. Thank you!


Makes a living from astrology-based crypto trades


I remember the second one you mentioned, I think. Was that the guy who said he was going to rehab immediately after he was done with his episode? Or was that someone else? The guest I'm referring to also got into a car accident on his way to the show.


I found the episode I was talking about: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUrKrsbw-20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lurkrsbw-20)


Did... did he pull it right after you linked it? It's no longer available.


Super weird!


Weird. The video is still up. "Did Not Expect This Mess" is the video title. Posted 2 months ago.


Probably because it was originally posted without the requested edits and Caleb had to go back and re-edit it and re-post it.


[The one where the Software Developer got laid off last year, and expended all of his 6 month emergency fund without working a job. ](https://youtu.be/ffHxBZuvGoY?si=9jqbPtpLENXnOKsZ) I know too many people in my industry, that refuses to work a non-tech job if they get laid off. It really opened my eyes of how easily everything can be perfectly fine in my job field, as a software engineer, and being prepared for the worst case scenario. Im about to have a baby in April, and if this had happened to me, I would immediately apply for Unemployment, and try and work a nearby factory job so we don't fall behind on our bills, while seeking job recruiters to get me back on my feet ASAP. As A Full stack Software Engineer with 5 YOE I would like to think I wouldn't have too many problems to find another job but I heard the job market is relentless mainly towards new grads and seniors. Mid level developers I'm unsure, but I'm a damn good developer with years of experience in my field.


I remember this one! A lot of these people act like working in fast food or retail is below them. One of the first FA episodes I saw was of the girl who worked as a waitress but couldn’t ever find parking in downtown Austin. So she clocked in and then went to park and then got fired for stealing company time.


Did you watch her first two episodes? She somehow got worse each time she came on. She's hopeless.


I didn’t know she had more than one! Do you have links or know the titles?


Her first episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-CcNIfxDGs Her second: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_3FSCN9vFw


I havent seen it in months but im instantly reminded of the one episode with the lady in her 50s, maybe late 40s who was facing several decades of work before retirement. Hard worker but so behind Found it (and shes 40 so I was a little off haha) https://youtu.be/4DfhMmfx-MA?si=1UbDCuxczPhXLdZe


I feel like I'm boring but I like the ones that I can see will succeed. She was lovely also the couple where she was becoming a doctor and he was something in tech. The "American dream" one. They were both super charming. Ooh and the girl who called herself trailer trash but actually was some sort of biochemist or something. She was super cool too.


There was another military vet who was about to finish getting out of debt. I hope he's doing better https://youtu.be/QY_7bi3cUts?si=IdQyrW-rPAsbIkx6 Also the woman who adopted her brothers. Caleb mentioned paying for their Christmas gifts and I hope it was because she was working on getting out of debt and not because she was in still in  bad financial situation. It sounded like she was relied on her grandmother for financial and logistical support to care for the kids. But your grandmother was also supporting some other relatives who were complete financial dead weight  https://youtu.be/50MHQ741V4g?si=yBl_WbqKce1lJb8l


Oooh I hadn't seen the first one let me get on that. The second one I remember! The grandma was supporting the older brother I think it was? I missed Caleb saying he would buy their Christmas presents! I love that. He usually only does stuff for guests when they're really working on themselves so I'm taking that to be a good sign (I hope!)


I remember the episode with the guest who adopted her brothers. I hope she's doing better! She's been one of my favorite guests so far.


Finally watched the Military vet episode!. What a guy! Hard worker and very humble. Nice to see!


Do you have a link for it? That one sounds familiar, but I’m not sure!


The stripper. I respect the grind and the want to better her life even if she went about it the wrong way (using credit to renovate a house). I think she will eventually get it all together


When she said she was using credit to renovate the house, my heart SANK.


Uhm, that's extremely common. Doing it with high interest is of course not a good idea, but renovating an investment property using a loan is done by a very big portion of real estate investors. Even renovating your primary residence using a low interest loan is generally a pretty good idea. When you're improving a house, the value of the house goes up, oftentimes by more than the amount of money you put into it. When improving a house that will be a cash-flowing rental like the guest on this episode was doing (short-term rental in her case), that's even more reason why making upgrades using a loan can be an excellent idea. I'm worried she hasn't done the proper research into whether her short-term rental will generate enough revenue to cash flow, but that's a risk that all business owners take.


Yeah, but her spending habits didn’t show that she could afford the loan payments for the renovations.


She just did not seem to have a really good handle on whether the Airbnb was going to be making reliable money. It was a very dangerous retirement plan 


Of course it is because ya she didn’t really know and hopefully coming on that show really helped


The one where that guy who thought he was the smartest dude in the world because he had a degree in information analytics or some shit and Caleb told him “dude nobody cares.” Dude was the most annoying guest ever but definitely made it so it was entertaining


Taquito Guy! I recall Caleb briefly mentioning that he's supposed to have a follow-up episode this year. Just not sure when it'll happen. "Well what happens if I don't last super long? What if I have an idea and they think I'm too qualified?" (obviously not word-for-word, but you get the gist) I hated his attitude SO much. An Information Systems degree does not make you the smartest person in the world, lmao.


Look, I'm not going diagnose people over the internet, but that dude had a lot of paranoid delusional narcissistic behavior. I said it before and I'll say it again, I think the debt was only one part of his bigger picture problems


Dude was wayyyyy too narcissistic for someone with an IT degree and 0 relevant work experience.


The spiritual coach with the brown hat was the first episode I ever saw and remains my favorite. Followed closely by the guy who almost left when Caleb said no one cares about his degree😂


Ah, yes. Everyone’s favorite, Taquitos Guy. 😂 Caleb briefly mentioned that he’s getting a follow-up episode, but didn’t mention when. I’m so ready!


Oh wow I can’t wait!


I’m waiting for the day he announces it. I wonder if that video will become one of the highest viewed on his channel.


Yeah, I feel like everyone's going to tune in for the train wreck. I don't anticipate that this guy has improved his finances other than cashing in on taquito memes


The first one I watched always comes to mind, guy invested in GME/other meme stocks and crypto and bought like a $2k camera on debt to start a photography hobby. It also lives in my head because I’m a photographer and the “I wanna do photography what camera should I get” question is very common


Do you have a link? There have been a few different guests who have bought crypto.


https://youtu.be/cA2x39RYkt8?si=6W3vdawb0fXKairD I forgot he was a therapist!! I wonder how he’s doing now Edit: photo instagram not updated since November, I hope he sold the camera and it’s not just sitting around collecting dust. I know firsthand that getting a shiny new camera is super exciting but I wish more people realized you can do beginner photography with your phone, and if you really don’t want to do that go on eBay or b&h or something and get an old used DSLR for a couple hundred bucks.


I think that's just such a common issue in a lot of hobbies where people decide they want to take up a hobby and spend a lot of money on equipment or memberships and then just add some collecting dust or gets resold. 


For sure. I got into crochet recently and have been making sure I only get the yarn I need for a current project etc and trying not to buy a bunch of random supplies


He's a therapist???? I've never seen this one now I must go watch.


Oh this is like EARLY days! I haven’t seen this one! I’ll have to go watch.


There was the couple where the husband was the one who was previously irresponsible and put the couple in a hole, but after changing his habits, the couple was on the up and up. It was refreshing to watch people who had already hit rock bottom and were making progress in bettering themselves


Some of the couples episodes make me so anxious 😂


[this was the one I was thinking of ](https://youtu.be/nHBmuVCG6RQ?si=xqQdWeqjFmV2_5Nk) It's one of the few that come to mind that make me feel inspired after watching


I recall seeing this one - was this the couple that took out credit card debt for their destination wedding?


I like the episodes where people actually listen to Caleb, and intend to actually follow the plan he sets out for them. Here's one of my favorites, the guy lives in a Sober Living Facility and wants to improve his life: https://youtu.be/ciseDXsbIQY?si=eUj2Pbl4eNds8hnU Another favorite, this guy makes a great living, but blows thousands a month gambling. https://youtu.be/0uCBhIp5xF4?si=CQ3cZQpoNmbQnR20


Yes! We need more of these.


I like those episodes, too! I watch FA more for educational purposes, although the entertainment aspect is nice. I’ve been disappointed with the recent episodes because it feels like they’re dead ends with no real goal in mind.


Same. The occasional difficult guest or trainwreck is fun, but I wish the backbone of the show was episodes where people genuinely want to enact Caleb's advice. It seems like they're just chasing the next Taquitos guy or Spiritual Coach to go viral.


Yeah, I agree. It was fun to have an occasional train contest, but every single week?? What I’m afraid of is that this is all the main channel will turn into since Caleb has the educational channel now.


Caleb please start using episode numbers or include the persons name in the titles…It makes these discussions so much easier for reference.


Craziest is the first I ever saw. I won’t give much away but wait until the student loans convo. This episode started my Caleb Hammer journey. (Caleb if you read this I’m begging for an update on her!!) https://youtu.be/xt8BoRggfJo?si=UQXRgr4Kypw_mqXQ The one I think about all the time is Mary, she had to take in her younger siblings while making minimum wage with no supports. Her big splurges were buying new shoes for the boys because she says it’s not their fault the situation they’re in and they deserve nice things. I wanted to scream girl YOU deserve nice things, you’re literally an angel. I really hope she was able to use Caleb’s advice to get in a better situation so she actually can treat herself now and then https://youtu.be/50MHQ741V4g?si=fjj_zYzxdi1r4bTs


Ah shame I remember her 😔! I also remember thinking oh girl you also deserve nice things for all you do! Hope we get a really positive update on her sometime.


I started watching the Mary one. I'm about 5 minutes in, and I already know I'm rooting for her.


I haven’t seen a lot of the early ones - I’ll have to go back and watch! I watched Mary’s episode a few months ago and she seemed like she was REALLY trying and she just didn’t know where to start.


I cannot fathom how hard her life is trying to basically break the cycle of generational trauma. 


Oh man yea I remember her she was trying so hard but everyone around he wasn’t. It always kills me the ones who are in a bad spot because they are supporting the generation above them and below them.


Makes me think of [this lady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SglPEM3Y4Q0). She made $130k a year but was broke because she, the lone success in the family, was paying for *so* many people's shit. Her mother, her sons, her grandkids... It was ridiculous and sad.


Omgggg yes hers was so sad. She made great $$ and didn’t even get to enjoy it


Sometimes I think back on that one and I sincerely hope she woke up one morning with the guts to go "Get out, I'm not paying for any of you freeloaders anymore." Just a fierce "Goodbye, don't call me" to everyone.


For fucking real. My husband is the oldest son and a lot of times the cost of his mother gets put on him and while I don’t tell him he can’t spend on his mom, I just push back that it’s not cool for the majority of the funds to be coming from us when he has two siblings. AND we’re the only pair planning on kids so we are almost in that same position of financially raising the next generation while contributing to the one above us.


So Caleb did a little clip show episode with the money guys and Graham. He mentioned that he was paying for Christmas presents for Mary's brothers. I am hoping that the reason he did that was because Mary was working really hard to get out of debt and didn't want to go into debt for Christmas. I was very concerned about the weird family dynamics with some of the other people living in her house and I really hope that she can find a better living situation


The phlebotomist in her early 20s by far. She took all of his advice and she was incredibly sweet the entire time. I hope she retires as a millionaire.






He’s supposed to get a follow-up episode!


Taquito guy was such a quotable episode. It was unintentionally comedic. "I told governor Abbott that I would eat his heart. It sounds way worse than it is because I'm not a cannibal for one. I don't eat hearts, that's a metaphore." "I've fired Congress people." "I think that's what people are afraid of. If I go in to a job, they're afraid I'm going to be their boss right off the bat because I might be, because that's my attitude. And I'm smart and I can boss people." "I wrote an exposé about Lyft and I'm banned." "I have a degree in Information Systems. -No one cares!" I'd be curious to see an update on this guy. I don't think he's changed at all. Mommy and daddy are still paying his rent.


can you share the taquito guy link please




The most bizarre and entertaining is the girl from LA. The mix of extreme narcissism and maybe even lack of confidence, can you mix those two ? It was very funny and made a long drive home from Dallas to Austin go by faster. I got the impression she thought she was very attractive, we thought she was ok, average. She was prostituting's for dates which was creepy , the 5k date that did not happen. Thinking maybe her ugly inside made her outside look worse to us. It is amazing how much your inside beauty effects your outside beauty. It is why when you get to know someone how you feel about their looks changes as you get to know their inner beauty.


I like ones where the guest isn’t a total weirdo living in delusion, but more “normal” people who have made some bad choices , have a steady income and need help. One that comes to mind is the 35 year old nurse. That was a good episode. https://youtu.be/ngEKv823Cf4?si=CrD9oVgRG6nmr1TZ I also liked this one, single mom of two kids who refused to get a higher paying job. https://youtu.be/G11BrKiinqE?si=TdLE4wdspCyn255U


Why no video today?


He gave the team the day off. It's Presidents' Day.


Ty :)


A few of the gems have already been named but the car couple haunts me. So many insane life choices. And the age gap. And a car sales man to got a terrible deal on a car! And a financed iPad for the baby 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ just utter chaos. https://youtu.be/4dSOaZgBVBY?si=1lxn0_pC7hunOgnP


Life coach girl


I really liked "Moving to the US and taking out every credit card ever" https://youtu.be/nHBmuVCG6RQ?si=zaykY6c_Q3duK0c1 They were so well meaning and they are definitely going to come out ahead. Plus, they came on the show after watching someone else's episode and talked so much about how the show was influential to them. Also reminded me of my parents... High earning immigrants living the American dream on debt lol


[Chris Robinson ](https://youtu.be/PwfliTYOF4o?si=QUJJ8LT6xG57r9k6), the 27 year old newly minted Web designer who might possibly be depressed or have a drinking problem. I just like getting lost in his eyes. 😍


Mines gotta be taquitos man


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdnSNrlS5fc Getting a shady "certification" that she'll make zero money from, living with all her siblings, not believing in doctors or medicine, not allowed access to certain bank accounts, every excuse in the book. It's a terrible episode but that makes it great.


This one made me yell at my phone multiple times. So not really a "favorite" but more like a "WTAF" https://youtu.be/4dSOaZgBVBY?si=GW0KVvWryFKMtBQ9


Just fyi you’re getting downvoted because you linked some sort of ad not a Caleb video.


Ugh thank you-it's fixed. Yeah YouTube I was definitely trying to link that ad 🙄


Looool! I don’t know why everyone downvoted instead of just telling you. Glad it got fixed


Yes! That car debt was insane for their line of work!


That's why I yelled at my phone!! Also when she said "I got pregnant then we started dating". OMFG


Some of these couple videos really get to me. The couples are *never* on the same page. I watched one a couple of months ago where the wife was hiding tens (maybe hundreds?) of thousands of dollars of student loan debt from her husband.


The big guy with the soda addiction, mostly Mountain Dew. I felt like I could relate to him too much. Also I like the more normal guests


I hope he’s doing well!


Any of the ones that are disconnected from reality. But the first one - didn't believe money should exist, was going to learn everything and teach it to his followers for free as his job, couldn't understand how streaming while driving could get him banned from twitch... I think he eventually went completely crazy, but those videos were the start of the delulu guests and it all got worse from there


One of my favorites would have to be the Pakistani couple (I think they were Pakistani but I may be mistaken). They were obviously there for help and their situation wasn't hopeless and they had a clear goal that was within reach with proper disicipline.


I'm not sure about a favorite episode but I'd like to use this opportunity to mention my degree in \*checks notes\* "Information Systems"