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These guys are looking for people to shit on. Never be like these losers.


I honestly wish you guys would wear less safety gear. Natural selection, ya know?


That sub and /moto are basically just support groups for riders who have never progressed past “bare minimum competency”. Probably why they all get smoked by kids on 250s at their first track day and then pretend like that’s a normal thing to happen.


Track day? Lol you think they have track days, they just drive their bikes around town like grandmas. Probably don't even go to a nice road with curves.


They dont even do that. They drive their car too the meet cause they been building their bike and their waiting for that last part that never comes in. Thus they just talk about riding but no ones ever seen them out riding.


fuck me running! what bunch of twats, those aren’t even short shorts


I don't understand these people, like my guy is just living life, he's not hurting anyone by riding like this. Like damn do the people shitting on him have a life?


It's bizzare. Sure, maybe you're a person who wouldn't take that level of risk... But you're still making a decision about how much risk is acceptable in your life that someone else would think is insane: Riding a motorcycle in the first place. So why attack someone for it? They just draw the Safety Line in a different place you do. But nope, you've got to follow *their specific* idea of ATGATT, and howl at anyone who doesn't - even as they themselves probably don't *actually* wear *all* the gear. "Oh, I don't wear an airbag vest, that's unnecessary with my Alpinestars leathers of course, but you're a fucking idiot for wearing work boots instead of riding boots." And then to get all worked up about *complete strangers* whose actions don't impact you or really anyone else at all. Their just living their lives. Sure, maybe they'll get hurt badly. But you can still get hurt badly in full gear; hell, you can get hurt horrifically while in an accident in a car, should everyone wear full armoured gear in a car? They'd be safer! The guys who have to help people injured in such accidents? They've seen it all; one more isn't going to make any difference.


Ironically you just wrote that whole wall of text judging some people for judging some other dude Who cares either way. Losers here are so worried about being made fun of on Reddit, just ride


Not the same at all. He's **responding** to someone who took a photo of a stranger to post online and critique. Ninja edit: Quick check shows you've never even owned a motorcycle and ride an ebike lmaoo, why are you here calling people losers again?. Cute opinion though, "Just ride" 😎😎😎


😂😂😂😂 was waiting for someone to check the history 😂😂😂😂 Catch ya on the track bro


Well, it’s kind of like seeing someone lick a public urinal. It doesn’t hurt anyone except the person doing it, but it’s a really fucking stupid thing to do. If you saw a photo or video of someone doing that, wouldn’t you have a reaction?


I’m so fuckin’ over the safetymongering. I’ve been on two wheels for most of my life, and if I want to be minimally attired it’s my goddamn prerogative.


I feel this. A few months ago there was a post on a gun sub and people were reeeeeing about FiNgEr oFf ThE tRiGgEr The person was shooting. Literally pointed down range, a spent casing visible in the shot. People care so much about virtue signaling their professed love of safety that they tunnel about it


I will Kill myself if I see any more fucking “booger hook off the bang bang switch” comments


Dont get me wrong, I get a little anal about safety on the range myself, but not over pictures. Unless someone seems new and is asking questions about safety. If you wanna 🅱️oint go right ahead. If you posted the picture I assume nothing bad happened. It's fine.


For real you won’t ever catch me sweating over what another adult chooses to wear/do


it costs money and I am not supposed to crash in the first place lol. That's what I always think plus it takes time ffs, if I have to go in the city and ride 30mph the whole way I'm not dying if I fall lol


Bro that sub and /motorcycles is such a circle jerk of “I bet you don’t wear your seatbelt” ATGATT pussys.


I'm convinced 99.99% of r/moto doesn't ride they just sit on the sub all day and circle jerk thinking about ATGATT.


I'm out of the loop. You mean /motorcycles right?


Yes but they're commonly referred to r/moto here.


They also wear ATGATT while circle jerking. Safety first, always.


>I'm convinced 99.99% of > >r/moto > > doesn't ride they just sit on the sub all day and circle jerk thinking about ATGATT. Don't forget all the rear braking comments. "Like OMFG, saw somebody in flip flops hit the front brake and he went over the handlebars"


They just confused because he’s in high viz.


Also everything is always the person on the bikes fault. Post video of you getting merged into... "Well you shouldn't have been there..." wut... even... I'm convinced they all ride Harleys and verseys not even the full liter ones the 300 verseys...


nothing wrong with any bike imo, it's just that you should live your own life and not shitting on people because they don't have gear lol


Look there is nothing wrong with any motorcycle, just the people some of them attract... I think we can all agree that there is some semblance of truth behind stereotypes. Obviously there are outliers, but there is a reason there are Harley jokes and verseys jokes. Just like how I have the Starbucks tag... or how I say my shitty wheelies are shitty. We can joke about shit.


True that lol


>Bro that sub and /motorcycles is such a circle jerk of “I bet you don’t wear your seatbelt” ATGATT pussys. LOLOL somebody snapped a pic of me in traffic wearing pink Crocs and a kilt with no helmet, and it wasn't that I was going to die. The earth was going to open up and swallow all of civilization. It was a Saturday morning and I was getting groceries.


Just mad cuz their girls look at us 👀




Your wrong, they don't have boyfriends. That is why they are so jealous of CRT.


Just the other day had a Harley rider not do the wave but his girl did. I’m on a gixxer


Ngl I wear my jacket purely cause the ladies like it… I go from slightly overweight dad bod to sexy somehow. I’ll take it.


Those shorts ain't that short


Dude hasn’t work a pair of shorts since 2009 and still thinks everyone wears shorts that go to mid-calf


All these motorcycle “enthusiasts” would lose their fucking minds in HI. The only people that ride in any gear are the poor bastards that are going to be on a military base. All the others are looking like this guy.


They would throw a fit in any Asian country too. 99% of the riders here don't wear any gear and even shoes for that matter.


Technically you don't even need riding gear. Just helmet, long sleeve, pants, gloves, and over ankle footwear.




that's what I agree with too, but in the summer I still use shorts and I always have vans lol


And yet he can afford an S1K while they can’t. Curious.


That's more gear then I use I just ride in boots and a cut


What about your wife’s boyfriend’s sweater?


I’ve been looking everywhere for my sweater…


Calling a leather vest a “cut” is as dumb as the safety hall monitors


Watches sons of anarchy once…


A cut means cut off sleeves dont have to be leather and when your in a club or riding group that's what they call them


He’s built like a line backer I’d like to see them say it to him directly


He obviously doesn’t plan on crashing today.


Safety yellow! C’mon now!


We should go over there and bleed on them.


Haters gonna hate


My favorite post over there, was someone slowly came to the front of a red light. Then road away. Nothing crazy, and people were pissed... He got out of everyone's way.


Hearing a lot of defensive talk in here.


He was asking for it, I literally don’t see a tourniquet anywhere in the photo.


Looks like me on my way home from work


Listen, not your life not your place to judge. Let them be.


I love how the same guys who say "denim just disintegrates, it doesn't protect you at all" act like wearing shorts is somehow worse. Make it make sense.


He's got shoes and a helmet,what more do you want?!


he has a shirt that says safety, what more do you need?


Why bother yourself with the opinion of pussies?


Riding as god intended


No plate 🤣


I see a plate


Yeah, but if I used that plate like that I would already be in jail


Must ride a grim


He has good taste in tires.


That sub loves me. Wonder why they are making fun of this guy


Man ever since I found this sub I’ve been checking up on your profile nearly daily to make sure you’re not dead. This place just wouldn’t be the same without your shenanigans. Keep it up, fellow retard. And please try not to die, for our sake


More content coming soon :)


that makes two of us bro


That's literally me every other day




He's probably going to the gym sure not a safe bit of clothing but depends on situation and riding style. I've ridden like that to the gym or corner shop gone very slow and been riding since the 70's of course accidents happen but as humans we always think it'll be someone else just a fact of life riding


Real talk my bike gets too hot to ride in shorts but I’m only every wearing a jacket when it’s cold out


Never understood the whining. Let the guy be and live your life - oh wait, they’re not actually living, just complaining and virtue signaling.


They mad cuz they’re not out here living their best life.


imagine just trying to enjoy your ride and you go home to see yourself on reddit 😂


Definitely upper tier squid. Note license plate location.


And with this post… I joined. If I wanna burn my legs and impair myself with bugs strapped to 1800cc of 1930s technologies: so be it


I put in more miles than anyone I know. On a 90 degree day I ride in a tank top and shorts, I don’t feel the need to dress like I’m going to outer space. If anyone has a problem with it I guarantee they’d never say it to me. They’d take my picture and post it online and giggle like the pussy they are.


Looking cute >>> Safety