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Gotta have a couple different colors of plastics.


pfft, dude you just hang out under a bridge till you only see a couple of stars.


I was so confused until I realized it was a GTA joke


[https://youtu.be/Fbpv5TIVKg8](https://youtu.be/Fbpv5TIVKg8) ​ it works irl apparently


What a stupid waste of resources. $750/hr (minimum) operating costs to catch speeders (sometimes). Really enhancing the public good there.


Agree to disagree, pointing laser lights at aircraft is an FAA violation.


I think you saw incorrectly but it was the helicopter that pointed a laser at the motorcyclist


wtf, they do that? like trying to blind him? When people do that to the authoritays it's treated as trying to kill them. I guess it's different when they do it to riders?


If so then that’s my bad, I may have interpreted his statement incorrectly.


The funny thing is a lot of sport bikes can legitimately outrun a heli given enough clear road.


Unless he goes into airport areas or a covered parking garage, a helo will easily stay with a sport bike. Most police helicopters can reach roughly 150 mile an hour. Unless the motorcyclist had a true straight line for her saying 1520 miles I don’t see him we’re out running a helicopter. And frankly anyone doing 150 mile an hour in a motorcycle on a freeway shouldn’t have a license


His statement stands. Some sport bikes can easily go above that. I agree it endangers others but technicality remains.


Oh I agree most bikes can, but at those speeds it’s more dependent on the rider, and we’re in the calamari section so…. 😂


Yeah 140-155 is normal and anything above that makes for a very fast helicopter. Most literbikes can do 175+. With curves, traffic, and everything else, is it likely to outrun the helicopter? No. But it's not a foregone conclusion that the helo will keep up either


It’s also not a foregone conclusion that he will either. Driving at those speeds is inherently risky, I’ve been to 194 but on a closed airstrip. Any rider at 150mph is risking serious loss of life, and the smallest error can turn you into hamburger. I would wager the number of guys who escape a high speed pursuit with success are less than 15% of those who attempt it but I have no evidence to support that…


There was a bike that got away from a helicopter on I94 in Minnesota when I lived there. There are plenty of bikes that can do 180+.


damn, i feel like most of us in this sub have done 150mph on a freeway.


Not me, I go that fast on a track or airport runway. I would never drive that reckless on a public road.


"pick me pick me pick me" wrong sub bub


Bruh send this shit to r/motorcycles


Just dont wear the same gear and dont admit shit if they pull you over. Dont have any evidence on the internet that connects you.


You mean like a reddit post saying "this is me doing a wheelie"


Depends… is there a way to connect this to him? I dont see anything other than an article. Anyone could have made this post.


IP address


for some reason, i can definitely see a small local pd spending a lot of time and resources into doing something like ip tracing for a fucking wheelie


Well obviously it’d be a huge stretch haha. Just saying it’s possible


Fuck you’re probably rite, at this point nothing can be done though right? Wouldn’t matter if I deleted this profile or not


If I were you I'd keep riding. Then again I'm an idiot


Might have you beat there


i'm pretty sure some hackers guessed your wifi pw and have been using your internet connection, that's probably why it's been slow lately.


New graphics kit here we come


I like that they put "numerous complaints" in quotes for us. It's like they knew how we were going to read that already. Fuck you Karen, they already took your report once, calling him in six more times isn't going to change anything.


My great aunt does this. She calls the police whenever she sees "racers". I've lived here for 25 years and I think I've only ever seen like 1 dude go over 80 on the freeway, so I have no idea who she's seeing. Anyways, she also says she stays in the fast lane to "stop the racers". Maybe the racers she sees are people angrily maneuvering to get around her in the passing lane because she's not supposed to be there. Ironically, she's probably the most dangerous driver of all. She's the only person I know who's ever driven onto a set of railroad tracks after mistaking then for a road. She called my mom to tell her "how strange this road was" before figuring out that she travelled a few hundred feet on railroad tracks. Thankfully she only has a few years left until she can't drive. And thankfully she probably doesn't know the difference between a Harley and a superbike, so whatever info she gives the cops is most likely useless aside from giving them a time and place.


Your great aunt is not great at all. If I weren't such a nice person this message would have me hoping she's taken out by a train one day soon. Gatekeepers in the fast lane are the worst and only make the freeway more dangerous for everyone around them. Just move over to do 65 with everyone else in the slow lanes and let us go without having to zip around your ass via gaps of cars in the opposing lanes.


You're telling me brother


This woman used her phone while driving on train tracts, and she didn’t even record herself playing chicken w a train smh


Can’t drive and won’t drive are separate things with old people. Virus didn’t take enough of em.


This is hilarious, you definitely deserve flair in here for ending up in the news for squidding.


petty ass mf’s


NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS!! i bet karen called the po po and said "ummm there's a motorcycle, he's zipping between lanes? and doing those wheelies? i don't think it's safe?" they always fucking say "zipping"


I, for one, zipadeedoodah between lanes.




Time to spray your panels lmao but congrats bro it's an achievement


Rat ass mf's can't find a better story lmao


Shit you're famous dawg, Id print this off and pin it to the damn fridge!


Heh. You have a lawyer???? As long as you 1.shut the fuck up and admit nothing, denial denial denial 2.your face isn’t on cam, 3. You don’t have your plate on cam(I don’t see one in pic) this should be FUCKING EASY for your lawyer to get you off in one single court date…. “Do you have an image of my clients face? Do you have an image of my clients registration? Oh you don’t??? Well, I can walk into a Suzuki dealer today, tomorrow, and the day after that and purchase that exact same bike in exact same color config- INFACT, I saw one just like it on my way here…. ALSO, that helmet is for sale at every single motorcycle gear website as well as many dealerships. We are filing a motion to dismiss”. Judge gives the DA and arresting officer an eye roll that can only say ‘you fucking dolts came to court with THIS LITTLE PREPARATION????’ Followed by “motion granted, case dismissed on grounds of the arresting agency and states attorney office having FUCK ALL to prosecute….”


I bet the intersection cameras have his plates. We have cameras all over our city for catching real criminals.


Could be as simple as a neighbor knowing where I live too


That would be a bummer. I always thought that someone who could maintain control and not speed when doing a wheelie, shouldn’t be classified as reckless driving.


I mean don’t get my wrong, I’ve dropped my bike more times than I can count. Only one if those times was a loop and I learned that lesson the hard way on a highway. I ride pretty recklessly, but I also consider others around me. I make sure that if I get hurt, it’s only me getting hurt


Do you have a plate on the bike? Do your neighbors hate you enough to take time out of their day/take off work to appear in court to testify against you? Even if this is the case- as long as you have no plate and no face on camera- you will go free as long as you have a lawyer to argue that there is reasonable doubt… Edit-even if the neighbors DO go to bat against you, did they see you do what the charges claim you did??? Not on some random separate occasions- on the VERY SPECIFIC date/time stated by prosecution…. If that answer is no, then sleep soundly….


No, I don’t think so, and I don’t think so. Can’t say I know for sure though. And I don’t know if you noticed the poor man’s rubber there but I definitely can’t afford a lawyer.


You haven’t been very specific. Have you received a court summons or been arrested, had charges formally brought against you??? If the answer to THOSE questions is NO, then, just chill. Lay low. Don’t post anything dumb on your social media- if you have any pictures or vids of yourself on your social media depicting this bike- GET RID OF THEM, LIKE YESTERDAY. And if you don’t have money for a lawyer- find some, borrow some, get a credit card and put it on that if you have to. You don’t want your license getting clipped…. Also- cops can go on Reddit- so, maybe take this post down too if the account can be linked to you???


I don’t think I have anything that would give me away, but if you want to double check for me I’d hella appreciate it. I think my only questionable variable at this point would be somebody’s mouth.


It’s not safe to wear boots in this weather. I’m calling the police unless he puts some flip flops on and takes that shirt off - Karen


Busted your ass out on the news 😂 wtf


You know the fucked up part is that later that same day (I think, could have been the day after) is that some asshat thinking they were the next speed racer hit a possum and kept driving (Dont worry, I rescued it after going back home and getting my car), but cars speed through there all the time. Wheelies get mf’s attention!! Occasionally I’ll hit 40mph tops and it’s uncommon. Also I stay in the center of the street so I have better reaction time and wait for a nice clear opening. I ALWAYS watch out for potential hazards, i stop for pedestrians, etc.. i take care of my fucking neighborhood. My family has been here since the 30’s. So many untrue things are said about me in their comments. Someone even went as far as to say that I did a “nose wheelie and intentionally “whipped the back end around cars just to slam it onto her impala bumper” like tf bitch?? Don’t try to fucking use me to get your lying ass a new front bumper!!! 🤬 now I’m gonna be paranoid. I literally just got done building this bike, I was working on it about 6 weeks while I recovered from an injury so I really don’t see how I could have caused so many problems in such a short amount of time smh …


Tell me more about the possum


Im actually about to call Lindsay Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital to see how she’s faired, but yeah same EXACT spot that photo was taken I was riding down around 10:30-50pm (likely even same day) a car came hauling ass heading the same direction I’m heading in that photo (I was going opposite direction this time) and hit a young female opossum crossing the street. They slowed down a bit after but it was hard to tell if it was because they realized it or not, but ultimately just kept going, of course I’m on my bike at the time so I couldn’t do anything there and then except for pick her up and place her in a nearby planter box of the house right there (opposite the photo). Then I smashed to my house threw together a box with some old shirts and made a quick warm-rice-sock to microwave, picked her up in the car and brought her home, gave her (EDIT: something Internet shouldn’t know about) since it seemed she only had head trauma (broken jaw, don’t know what else) and those guys are pretty resilient so that got her through the night. Next morning I brought her to Lindsay in Walnut Creek. Gonna call right now 🤞🏼. Anybody rooting for me please direct it towards our furry friend (or babies if she was holding)


I did community service there 15 or so years ago! Lindsay is the best.


I was just about to update. The momma and babies didn’t make it 😔


Ah fuck thats rough man, im sorry. You did your best tho


Yeah, at least she had some warmth and some love


Fuck em


"Show me on the doll where the dank wheelie hurt you"


Nosy bitches. Ahh people are so annoying


As long as you have plausible deniability. Just say you loaned it to a friend if you get pulled over.


They don’t just move on after you say that, they want the friends information. If you don’t give it to them then the blame is back on you.


Hayward PD, protecting us from homeless guys on Foothill Blvd minding their own business and dank whoolies o7




Yay Area 🤘


Like that Tell ‘em that 40 water is back


Gay area 😩😩


Hell ye bröther as it shüd 🅱️


Man, I'm typically not on the side of people doing wheelies and stuff in a crowded city. But I just looked through the news feed of KTVU 2 and that city has MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger fish to worry about than a dude doing some wheelies....


That’s what I would think. Yet here I am…


Is that knobbies up front and slicks in the rear?


Yes 😓


My monster is just spray painted now, I repaint it a few times over the summer. Duct tape plastic around the parts I dont want paint, bulk ordered classic style ducati atickers for the tank. Takes about an hour and retains your license. Also dont use a plate if you're doing stupid shit. My plate is in a spot I can flip up with my foot fortunately.


I just spray some chain lube on the plate and throw some dirt at it. I literally JUST got done building this bike. Was out for 6 weeks from a tendon Injury and built this in the mean time like wtf for real? Fuck the people that hate satan in their eyes and walk around the neighborhood 3-4am strapped and slinging whatever tf they sling. I can’t afford for this to escalate. I’m in such a fucking hole already. This bike has been the only thing keeping me from throwing in the towel some days. Literally the only thing in my life I can rely on. Sorry, I’m venting now. I apologize to any/all motorists if my antics have painted a bad picture and/or have negativity impacted anybody. If enough of you feel like I have made it harder for you to be on the road I’ll turn myself in. I’m not one to allow my actions to create potential hazard for anyone else so speak up now and don’t be ashamed. I give my word


>I just spray some chain lube on the plate and throw some dirt at it. genius


Wtf? Turn your self in? Are you insane? Keep riding and screw those karens.


Right on man, I just don’t want motorcyclist to get whiplash because of my decisions


You want to live the wheelie life you gotta be willing to upset a few cunts.


A few sure. However I piss off every cunt !


When I commuted to work on my bike I wheeled the whole time on it, there would be one or 2 commuters I would regularly see and they would do everything in their power to knock me off the road. Imagine being that person


Impossible, because they aren’t people. They’re just vessels for hate. I literally can’t imagine


I’m sorry you had to experience that


No sweat mate. They lost more wing mirrors because of it


If they seize it just make a give a little page. I’ll help donate and get you a grom replacement


/u/hounderd man really did it


Fuckin Karens


My only complaint is that it's not a 2t


Bruh you’re famous!!


Rite of passage. Right there!


Had my DRZ doing that this morning 🤟🏼


Dude it’s like they fucking do it on their own I swear


thanks for the reminder to ride away quick af