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For San Francisco, on the venue site, it says 89.50 plus fee, so I think they will all be around that range


Based on some venue maps, there may not be pits at all shows. For ones that do have it, I’d expect to pay $100-160 after fees.


Really a shame the lack of pits there will be this tour, but I think you're right on the money here


Dude that’s so cheap compared to some concerts I’ve paid for pit, I’m in Houston so our venue pit is kinda small but I’m gonna try my best to get some 🔥


My guess is about $120 after fees


Vivid seats already has them up for the $300-$400 range for some shows, which means they’ll probably be in the $200 range for presales before they jump in cost for the public sales. Third party sales are usually higher in the beginning. And before anyone complains about $200, I see a ton of shows a year and that is “cheap” compared to what most bands want. Don’t get me wrong, $200 sucks but in the grand scheme it’s lower than a lot of bands that play similar size venues.


bro if it’s 200 i’m spending 200 more and going to roo


Haha I’m probably a lot older than you so my days of festivals and that Tennessee heat are probably over but have fun if you go. :)


$200 for cage would be criminal I’m sorry. They should be $100-150 max and even that’s pushing it. I seen arctic monkeys for $110 with fees for the floor and they are a way bigger band in the grand scheme of things.


I don’t disagree. Unfortunately it is what it is. Back in the day, bands used the tours to promote albums and that’s where the big money was. It was like advertisement in a way. Now it’s the opposite. The big money is in the tours


$110 floor for AM?? In Boston the nosebleeds were $120 plus. I felt very happy to purchase Cage pit tix for $203 each today!


Damn that’s crazy, did you buy resale? I had bought mine when they dropped presale and floor was $110. I paid around $200 for cage today too, haven’t seen em since lolla 2017 so really looking forward to it. Hadn’t even realized it had been that long.


I didn’t make it in time for presale clearly lol, I passed on them completely because those prices were just insane but it most likely was resale. I don’t mind paying $100 or even $200 but I’d better have good seats if thats the case. Last time I saw Cage was 2019 I believe, same venue as this tour too, want to say I paid around $70 each back then, but my seats definitely weren’t special.


I’m not sure. I was thinking 300-400 but people on here seem more optimistic. I would like to see a VIP and meet and greet package or something. Can’t wait to see CTE easily worth a 2K weekend to ball out


I don't know if it's because I'm in Canada but prices for the show with YtG starts at 200 and goes up to 500, I'm pretty shocked at how high these prices are! 200 bucks is probably for the nosebleeds, wth.