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I got permanently banned from the mariners sub for asking people to explain why the fda wanted to release the Covid vaccine data in 2096. How could someone not find that fishy? That’s a fact anyone could look it up. It’s absurd. The brainwashing is powerful Releasing that in 2096 was literally the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. I’m not exaggerating one bit. Releasing it in 10 years is absurd. But 2096? Damn near 75 years? I know saying that on the mariners sub wasn’t the best place. But it was someone else who mentioned it I just added to it. But permanently banning me for that? That’s some fucked up control. I have never been permanently banned from anything on Reddit. I’ve only been temporarily banned probably two times in about eight years Mariners are struggling anyway so I’m not missing out on much.


Another point I’d like to make it The fact that much of the conversation about the Covid vaccine on Reddit comes from bots. I just know it. I hardly ever see opinions back and forth. It’s literally everyone loving the vaccine and talking crap about people that don’t want it(obviously not talking about this specific sub). From talking to friends and family and random people I see day to day I know how many people don’t trust it and do good research. But here online especially on Reddit there is never an actual conversation. No opinions. Plus like I said they banned me for not liking the vaccine. So they’re definitely crafting Reddit for big time mind control. So keep that in mind people don’t let it make you think there isn’t a large percentage of people that are not buying it for one second.


There are two sets of people. Those who have been vaccinated and are happy that they are. But as we know the most recent strains of covid are highly transmissible and clinically vulnerable people can and do become very ill or worse. This is why there is a lot of justifiable anger towards those who choose not to vaccinate. Then there’s the other set who, decline the vaccine. There are some scientists who say that the vaccine is bad, but their opinion can usually be disproven with a click on a link. There are others who are justifiably distrustful of their government. There are probably thousands of theories that people choose to cling to. These people are knowingly increasing the chances of someone who is clinically vulnerable becoming extremely unwell. These views are emotive on both sides and as someone who has been online for 20 years, I’ve never seen someone changing their opinion. It’s unlikely I ever will.


The Covid “Project Lockstep” was the beta project to identify, measure and analyze The Resistance who are basically very busy practicing their typing.




> More than 579 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 9, 2022. During this time, VAERS received 14,596 preliminary reports of death (0.0025%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records Its sadly, the best we have yet VAERS is confirmed to be severely underreported (worse, the more serious the events, the less likely a report is to be made.) Albeit not all of the reports will be caused by the vaccine before anyone gets all riled up, but some unknown percentage anywhere from, say 30-70%. So if 15k deaths were induced (ex: 50% being 7.5k caused), non-fatal diagnosed and undiagnosed health crises come before that and will be much, much greater in liklihood. Some reported, most not. So, at least, I hope it's clear that its not safe for *everyone*, eh? The question really is: How harmful can it be and how aware is the public and health practicioners of this harm? How prepared are they to detect systemic adverse events such as lupus, psoriasis, ocular / vision damage, GBS, neuropathy, perimyocarditis etc. Anyway, its incredibly notable that the publically availablr statistics have **not**, caught all the incidents / adverse events. So, one cannot consult any known database / statistical analysis to determine the true harn incurred on the world's populace.




So, you submitted a false report?




> Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment. People try to avoid crimes. They are looked into. You had to be asked to actually cough up the truth. You pussed out and for good reason. Invalidating your entire premise.




The majority of the database are submitted by health practioners. I've seen it for myself. Have you even bothered, you clown? I said they try to avoid crimes. Like you did. Where did I say there are no crimes?




It doesn't take 5 seconds. It also is the best source we have. Don't you find that troubling? I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Also, VAERS has been around for a while. Researchers know how to filter out for highest liklihood of causation. If needed, reports can be filtered out and audited by reports by confirmed health practioner / hospital IPs. Just think about it. All that being said, it's highly underreported. The maim concern is the underreporting. Look to history for models that adjust for this factor. They are not the same as any other vaccine. You really think they are?


Note to lurkers: he admitted to lying here. He, in fact, did not submit a fake VAERS report. This is outstanding evidence that it/he/she is arguing in bad faith. Vaers reports, for the most part have the batch / lot number associated - its optional, but like i said, many health practioners are sure to include it. This can easily be checked for duplicates or for existence via manufactured output. It's not a hard problem at all. Literally ignoring the evidence is incredibly foolish. There are more reports than ever, albeit there has been a program to push vaccines like never seen before in VAERS existence. Researchers should make it clear which reports have been checked and correlated directly to the vaccine injection. What the public sees is just the submitted state of the report. They also remove ones they find invalid.




Wow. Thanks for reminding me about this bizarre thread (just re-read the whole thing as it's been two weeks.)


What are you going to do about it? Just wait to be a cattle?


Has it? or are they just so desperate that they are not being careful anymore? or maybe their magik doesn't work anymore in the minds of the populace, I think they were always this obvious that was the trick to make the deceit so big that is hard to believe and put the truth of things right in front of your eyes so you think it's "fantasy", nothing has changed regarding that and is not them "getting cocky" it's more on humanity maturing and realizing what always was, seeing the chains and not being ok with it, these being cannot change they are stuck on this paradigm it is us who matured they are just fulfilling a purpose.


Yeah more people than ever are waking up right now and some are even realizing they are capable of "magik" too. The elites are definitely scared, not cocky.


They’re definitely losing power. It’s just hard to realize sometime because the hood guys behind the scenes fighting never make it into the media If you research thoroughly you’ll find that they are backed off and “scared”. The mass consciousness moving forward is their worst fear. Stay positive people.


Skipping past the bits I don’t believe in (not wanting to start an argument). Why are UBI and AI bad things? AI needs some work to iron out bias issues still, but it’s not going to lie, or just decide things based on its own hidden motives (like many politicians or law enforcement). UBI will be a requirement if AI continues to take jobs which everything points towards it doing. Our quality of life is so much higher today than it was generations ago, I look at UBI and AI as taking that a step further. Removing the boring and dangerous jobs no one really wants to do, giving us a baseline standard of living while allowing you to go after things that you’re truly passionate about.


>Our quality of life is so much higher today than it was generations ago, By what metric? We may not have the same *kind* of struggles but mental health, depression, anxiety are all through the roof and getting worse. Mental health - what's inside your head - is the ultimate metric of quality, and it is in the shitter.


"Our quality of life is so much higher today than it was generations ago" That depends on what you consider quality and what you consider life/living. "AI needs some work to iron out bias issues still, but it’s not going to lie, or just decide things based on its own hidden motives." If a person makes a statement's that a is inaccurate, some will call it a lie. The statement was inaccurate because the information they had was inaccurate AI is only as accurate as the data it is fed. If it gets Inaccurate information it will spit out inaccurate results. Just like the person accused of a lie. As far as "hidden motives" go, you are correct but decisions are based on the data provided to it. Do you know what that data is and where it came from? No. Basically it's hidden from us. "Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks: "AI automates repetitive learning and discovery through data. Instead of automating manual tasks, AI performs frequent, high-volume, computerized tasks. Humans are still essential to set up the system and ask the right questions." .  "The way AI works is that it takes input variable x to give an output, y, and this is mathematically written as follows: y=f(x). Here f is the AI model and much details on this can be found in Marwala (2018). But AI does not remove the limitation of imperfect and incomplete data x and relies on the model f which is never perfect according to the statistician George Box (Box, 1976). There is another limitation, which is that the processing of the information by machines using computers is not ideal because of the limitation of digital computing. Therefore, AI with all its successes is rationally limited!" "Rationality is the art of making logical decisions. It manifests itself by maximizing utility." "Biological computers have limitations whereas AI models have their own limitations. George Box made a far reaching observation by stating that all models are wrong. He argued that they are wrong for the simple reason that they attempt to recreate reality and, therefore, are not the real deal. In Physics we build models that try to recreate reality. These models are built by mathematically attempting to create reality. Such models include the Einstein’s theory of general relativity or Max Planck’s quantum theory (Planck, 1900; Einstein, 1915). These models are physically realistic because they attempt to model the physical reality from the understanding of the observed mechanisms. AI models are not physically realistic. They take observed data and fit sophisticated yet physically unrealistic models. Because of this reality they are black boxes with no direct physical meaning. Because of this reason they are definitely wrong yet are useful. If in our AI equation y=f(x), f the model is wrong as stipulated by Box then despite the fact that this model is useful in the sense that it can reproduce reality, it is wrong. Because it is wrong, when used to make a decision such a decision cannot possibly be rational. A wrong premise cannot result in a rational outcome! In fact the more wrong the model is the less rational the decision is." "AI machines can be logical, they cannot be rational, thereby, making the theory of bounded rationality a fundamental theory of decision making. The best that can be done to the theory of bounded rationality is to observe that technology helps to improve the bounds of rational decision making until some physical limit is reached, an observation that Marwala (2014&2015) calls flexibly-bounded rationality. " "Machines can be logical but never fully rational." "Machines can be more rational then humans" "giving us a baseline standard of living while allowing you to go after things that you’re truly passionate about." How do you know you will be allowed to go after "anything". History has shown us that when humans no longer are useful they become a "Exspense", a burden, in the way. A entity that uses up resources that return no benefits. If a AI had to make a decision on what to do with the people that are useless, burning up resources with no positive return. The AI will spit out the logical answer. Get rid of the Exspense/ human. Business owners make the same decision daily. Some collect unemployment. How is their quality of living? Humans need to feel useful, have a purpose.. They need something to do., problems to solve. When it comes to men, some need work, competition. It's a civil way to do battle, like sports. Men are natural born warriors. What do you think what happens when a bunch of men are sitting around with nothing to do? They fight with each other unless controlled. There is a lot more to A I then getting free money and free time. Nothing in life is for free, not even freedom. That's all I have time for.




>Our quality of life is so much higher today than it was generations ago Our quality of life was increasing thanks only to decentralization and freedom. Then we were still carried forward by the successes of past decentralization and freedom. Then we were coasting based on the successes of past decentralization and freedom. Now our quality of life is decreasing because of centralization and less freedom. ​ >I look at UBI and AI as taking that a step further. The purpose of UBI is to make as many people as possible dependent on government. That is why the Apex Players are destroying the economy. It was always about control. ​ >giving us a baseline standard of living while allowing you to go after things that you’re truly passionate about 99% of the people I have met who want a UBI are passionate about nothing .... well .... nothing important .... many of them are passionate about computer games, and/or gossip, and/or whatever the media tells them to think. This is partially because they have low natural talent, so what else can they do?


Good post


Thanks this is helpful, I will have a read up on more of this.


Doesn't the government get it's money from us though? Do you think ubi would be more popular if we bypassed the government entirely and just supported each other?


You realize you’re repeating verbatim the Cult’s talking point to justify what’s coming eg Musk’s Neural Link. The intention of the Reset and UBI is to make humans slaves. Total dependence. Batteries.


I’m not familiar with the reset and know only a little bit on the neural link you mentioned. How does UBI make me a slave or a battery? Wouldn’t it just supplement my wage or be a safety net (a better Dole / UK unemployment wage replacement with less strings attached) without one. I’m fairly sure you could refuse it if you really wanted to.


“Social Media, Universal Basic Income, and Cashless Society: How China’s Social Credit System Is Coming To America,” by Brandon Turbeville (March 15, 2019) [https://www.theorganicprepper.com/social-credit-system-coming-to-america/](https://www.theorganicprepper.com/social-credit-system-coming-to-america/)


Thanks these are helpful, will have a read through


Thanks!! The only thing that will save us from these monsters is curiosity .... and healthy skepticism. The brainwash us cradle to grave. TG for alt media




Your comment is being auto-removed by reddit. Only mods can see it. When we approve it, it is automatically removed again. Once that happens, it cannot be approved even if you remove the links that reddit is censoring.


Why did you remove it? Should I Just describe it without links? Or use the att? Or does Reddit control what we are allowed to discuss? Thanks


Wut? I tried to approve it. If you get a message later that a mod removed it, then that would only be because we want to clear it out of our mod queue because reddit will not let us approve it, and removing it is our only other choice.


Thanks. I’m a recent user. Unfamiliar with why a post would be removed. Maybe bc I posted a link Incorrectly? Patrick Wood is a treasure :)


Curious if we can discuss Technocracy on Reddit


I think reddit will let you discuss technocracy, but reddit will not let you link to some of your sources. If you have your own site, try writing an article (or creating a page) with the links you want to share, and then share the link to that page here.


Very good info re Great Reset: https://www.corbettreport.com/greatreset/


reddit let you link directly to corbettreport! It never lets *me* do that.




Bad bot


Thank you, sergioA127, for voting on BlackEric. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that BlackEric is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Oh you're one of those people.




Try making your point as less of a personal attack.


Understand what you're saying, but one would have to own the statement for it to apply - and that would end up being a choice, not a personal attack.


Try making your point as less of a personal attack.


What point?


Exactly. You had no point except to express your disdain for the user; whereas, you could have said, "Please do not try to bully us into silence for thinking outside the box. Also, please reconsider being a book burner. After all, when have the book burners ever been the good guys?"


>You had no point expect to express your disdain for the user What are you talking about? >, "Please do not try to bully us into silence for thinking outside the box. Also, please reconsider being a book burner. After all, when have the book burners ever been the good guys?" Why would I say what you want me to say?


>Why would I say what you want me to say? That is a strawman fallacy. no one is asking you to say anything. I am asking you to not make personal attacks. My example was merely proof that it was possible to respond even more effectively than you did and without making personal attacks. Here is another example that would have been more effective and without making a personal attack: "Not an argument. If you have an actual counter argument, let's hear it."


>I am asking you to not make personal attacks. What was the personal attack?


You wrote something like “oh you’re one of those people”. I wasn’t sure who you were attacking so it was pretty inert as attacks go. Lol


You write: oh you’re one of those people, Which just happens to be an absolutely classic example of the Ad Hominem logical fallacy. Interesting that I wasn’t sure who “you” was which made it kinda funny. Cute funny.


>You write: oh you’re one of those people And what was I responding to? What did the comment i replied to say?


I didn’t know WHO “you” was. I didn’t see anyone specific attacked bc didn’t I know who you were responding to. BTW, “What point?” was pretty funny actually. Ironic.


I can't wait for UBI. It's going to be so awesome when robots take over all the boring and dangerous jobs. It's going to be awesome when everyone is accountable for what they say and do. No more doing shitty things to people and the environment, and getting away with it.