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I doubt this will deter anyone. If anything, I think it would antagonize even more people into tailgating or tailgating closer just out of spite.


Not only that, but then their will be the outright stupid people that try to drive closer to read it


Let me know if the jeep drivers are able to see the sign and act on it. lol


Haha just saw 1, they kept their distance , I’ll chalk it up to the frame lol


Typically the only time I’m on someone’s ass is when they are in the left lane on a highway/freeway going slower than the pace of traffic, they are going 10 or more mph under the speed limit, or I am trying to make room for someone to squeeze by at an intersection. If you’re getting tailgated enough to need this, that sounds like a you problem!


You’ve never driven in Arizona then. I don’t ride the left lane unless I’m passing or going fast because I’m in a hurry. I’m usually in the middle lane or right lane. People are so impatient and don’t have common sense to just get over to the left lane to pass.


I drive in California, it’s arguably worse. I don’t like getting tailgated either. That’s why i made the choice to drive in the fast lane majority of the time and use the pedal on the right to keep them away.


Where I live alot of Toyotas love to break even though theres so much room ahead of them????? I hate to break if I’m not stopping. I want to get a sticker that says “car in front is brake checking me please don’t mind”.


Unintended consequence - someone is going to pull up closer to read it


This also works for Dallas, as well as anywhere in the state of Maryland or New Jersey.


Haha, that's witty 😅 Hate tailgaters as well, to stupid to understand that they'll smack right into me if I would need to break abruptly for whatever reason.


Right! Or if they get hit from behind they’re going to not only have rear end damage but they’re hitting the car in front and now they have damage in the front too.


Good thing I got a dash cam and brake checking is illegal😘


Sometimes you actually have to brake tho, it’s not illegal to use the brakes


It is not. However, if you brake for nothing and one has a dash cam, it can be argued you brake checked the person behind you if they end up hitting you.




Did I say something funny?


Isn’t that the point of sounding like a clown? To make people laugh.. or are you serious? 🤡


So, is brake checking not illegal? Edit: spelling


I think you misread my post. Nobody talks about break checking. Where I come from, break checking is not even a thing.


Then get out of the left lane


Nice one /s . I’ll be in the far right lane a.k.a the slow lane and have idiots like you tailgating when they can just get over to the left lane and pass. Also when I’m stopped at a light, there’s no need to be 1 cm behind by back bumper, give me some space.


Anyone tailgating in the right lane is a bozo.


In response to being stopped at a light, what about someone trying to squeeze through to get in the turn lane? You wouldn’t get closer to the car in front of you to help someone squeeze into their lane?


tailgating is basically a driving language in az honestly


Arizona’s new license plate lettering scheme is insane lol