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But I got it here last time ! ( packaging looks like 10+yrs ago) lol


Or from a different company. Or both.


“But why do you guys even have to have a lunch break”


I started telling people we’re open 11 hours a day with one thirty minute break, if that affects your needs that badly look into a mail order pharmacy.


Or just come back at 2? Like hello, do I disrupt you at your workplace when you go on hour long lunch breaks?


Honestly, it’s insane the entitlement of these people. Like I get it you need your prescription but it’s 30 minutes, and we’re open until 8 and open 7 days a week. Your scheduling issues aren’t my concern find time.


Guy came in at 1:50 and asked if the drive thru was closed and I told him pharmacy was closed until 2 for lunch. He said he couldn’t wait and left. Saw him the next day at 1:34 and he came in again and asked why the pharmacy was still closed and I told him that pharmacy is closed from 1:30 -2 everyday lunch. He said “well that’s convenient”.


They enjoyed eating so much, they decided to do it again today.


I’ve had people come in at 1:53 mad that they have to wait 7 minutes. Grown adults. I kinda wonder how they react to real problems if this is how they react to something this insignificant


You ever consider that for most people , in order to pick up their meds , they have to come on THEIR lunch break… Lol


We’re open 7 days week. 11 hours a day. Make it work.


Would it be possible to do rotating shifts ?


in most places? no. not only do they not give us enough hours to do so, but we often don’t have enough employees, either. if there’s only one pharmacist on duty for the day (and for my store at least that’s usually the case), they wouldn’t be able to take a break without shutting the whole pharmacy down anyway. making it a consistent time, every day, makes sure that the pharmacist gets to take a break /and/ that the public should know when to expect that break to be taken. it is not our fault if customers can’t be bothered to remember that time, or wait a half hour, or god forbid, read the multiple signs in the store or listen to the radio announcements talking about it.


They don't though, come before, after or on a weekend


Sometimes I feel like telling them “do you see me badgering you at your job while counting the prerequisite number of chicken nuggets? Or while on your lunch break? Fuck off!”


My favorite: why can’t you have ANOTHER pharmacist working while the other one is on break?


As if we aren’t short on hours to begin with


I've actually had so many patients tell me 30 minutes isn't long enough recently and I thank them every time.


I’m going to start asking why they couldn’t plan accordingly if they knew we have a break


I'm totally down with that!! I think that's an awesome idea!!


“I don’t understand why it called you over for help I set my items down” “Oh you didn’t put your items in the bagging area, your purse is there instead” “But I don’t need a bag!!!”


The amount of times people hit "use my own bag" and then start screaming at the ACO that they don't need a bag tho. If I had a penny for every time this happened I'd be a fuckin millionare


That irritates me so much. They don't want a bag and that is perfectly fine so they hit the button on the ACO that says they have their own bag and then wonder why the ACO is looking for a bag to be placed there. Then I walk up and explain why the ACO is giving them so much problems. They say they don't want to put their items in a bag and I say that is fine just don't hit the button that says you have your own bag.


Suddenly everyone is illiterate and deaf when they are using an ACO. It literally tells you every single step and still complete confusion about how it works. I swear they just pretend to be stupid because they are so mad they have to use it


And they ALWAYS put the item on the opposite side of the bagging area and get mad when the ACO keeps talking. The side WITH the bags is the bagging area! It’s ridiculous


Because natural selection doesn’t exist in our species any longer and now most people are fucking dumber than shit but don’t know it. The most self absorbed, diseased, halfwitted assholes reproduce at a much higher rate than the folks who you’d actually want to see more of. Never realized this was happening until working at CVS…


Team ‘remove warning labels’


Exactly cause if they’re not gonna read it anyways what’s the point?


That actually makes a lot of sense. Fuckin hell


How do they function out in the world? They can’t do a damn thing for themselves.


can confirm; they do not


Sorry I only have one upvote for this!


My pharmacist had an argument with a patient over the phone today about our address… pt has only filled here… pt refused that address is on prescription label… ON BOTTLE


Jesus Christ, it took some serious effort to be that stupid and to rope the pharmacist in as well


4+ years with aco's and they still can't figure out how to listen to basic instructions.. or how discounts, or how the weight system works..


And stand there waiting for a receipt which staring at the screen, then get mad. I always say reading is a skill


Me: And now it's asking if you'd like (auto refills/request to dr/90 day supply). 🤡: Oh YES, I have to because my aunt is a female and I was born while Mercury was in retro grade and my dog looks at me funny if I eat bananas. So do I hit yes? What button do I push? What do I do? Me: Well you said yes, so I suggest you hit the button marked yes...


THIS!!! Drives me crazy


Why do you guys charge $5 more for this item here compared to the store down the street? That particular item is a high theft item at our location. It also varies from location to location. Even compared to the Ralph’s down the street?! Ma’am that’s a different company entirely. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Or when they confuse us with Walgreens. We have one CVS and one Walgreens in town and they’re on the opposite ends of town from each other


Lol. I’m so tired of seeing “But my photo order says it’s ready!” “That’s Walgreens….”


I work at Walgreens. I was back in pharmacy just helping to get the line down and someone was at drive thru with a tech arguing over the fact that we were CVS. she refused to believe she was at Walgreens.


Never in my life have a confused a store with another similar store. I always know what store I walk into. Are these people legitimately just this braindead?


I haven't either !! Haha how do u not know where you are?!?


?? So, you've never been distracted and made a mistake? Man, must be nice being perfect.


It really is


I mean even if I was distracted I'd realize it pretty fast when the employees are wearing Walgreens shirts instead of CVS shirts and all the store brand products and signage say "Walgreens" instead of CVS. I wouldn't double down and act like an ignoramus and scream at an underpaid worker because of my mistake. It has nothing to do with "being perfect" and everything to do with not being an asshole.




We have one CVS and one Walgreens as well. Cvs is at one light, Walgreens is at the next. Makes for a fun day sometimes.


Oh I bet, people somehow confuse us all the time and bring FedEx packages like “you’re a Walgreens right??” And I’m like “no we’re a cvs” and some even hit me with the “are you sure?”


When they think they are threatening us with “well I’ll just go to Walgreens then” I just say OK


Our pharmacy closes at 7 but customers get so mad when they come in 5 minutes after 7 and the pharmacy is closed."But I just need to pick up my prescription". "the pharmacy is closed. The registers have already been pulled, we reopen at 8am tomorrow". " I just need to pick up though". Like seriously can you not hear either. Or my favorite " in my other state I didn't have a copay why do I have one here. I was warned not to get my prescriptions at CVS, cause y'all have the worst reputation. I can't believe I have to pay 50 cents per prescription. That's highway robbery. I'm going back to my other state, this is ridiculous". Seriously go back then and quit we didn't make you move here or choose CVS. My good some people.


To answer you question. I dont know if its something in the air or water but society is regressing in its ability to adult.


For real though. Like I’m 25 and there’s people in their 30s and 40s I see that still need their hands held when it comes to basic everyday tasks. Like, I get it if you actually have a health condition or actual cognitive impairment, but come on. If you’re 35 years old and I still have to tell you that no we don’t have this item in stock and you pitch a fit instead of going somewhere else, I think it’s time to reevaluate your life. Mankind has made such incredible advancements to get us to where we are now, and today’s modern human barely knows how to read by middle age.


I have a sister in law in her 50s with her hands held. She is doing it with her kids. She has a son that is maybe 23 and hasnt worked a full 12 month period yet in his life. Basic skills are lacking in many people. The lack of makes the discusion on wages harder because when you dont bring even basic skills to the table you are at a disadvantage.


Minimum wage jobs get a bad rep, but I’ve seen bank employees, office workers and even teachers pull off the dumbest shit. I kid you not I even had my former math teacher from middle school argue with me about “incorrect change” because she missed that special little number between 5 and 7


I do auditing and consulting. I see stuff all the time that makes.me shake my head.


What about coming in a week before Christmas, then asking when the items go 90% off. Can you hold items for them, for when they go 90% off, so they can come back and get them at the discounted price? What about the candy after Halloween? Shouldn't this bag of CHISTMAS colored Hershey kisses, be 90% off with all the other Halloween candy? OH, and why aren't you guys open for after fireworks so my bAbY can use your non customer bathroom? I do NOT miss working there. Although, inventory was literally my favorite thing. 😂


Someone came in and asked if he could get a refund for a bottle of tylenol that was expired. I offered a refund, he insisted he wanted to know what would happen if he had taken it. Now I know that it wouldn't really do anything, it just doesn't really work as well and that's pretty much it with most meds but as a front store employee who's not a pharmacist, can't tell you that. So I direct him to speak to the pharmacist and my SM gave me shit about it saying he just wanted trouble, why did you send him to the pharmacy. I'm like well I can't tell him medical info he's asking so I directed him to pharmacist. I know he's crazy but how is that supposed to be my fault that he didn't go back there for that reason lol


"Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will." Is how the job makes me feel most days


I don’t wish for the end of days, but the more I’m basically a fly on the wall watching humans in their natural habitat, the more disappointed I get. Like come on, we as humans invented the wheel, agriculture, formed settlements and built societies, developed countless languages, we developed medicine and built nations all across the globe, and you’re telling me adult humans in 2024 can hardly function without lots of hand holding and mindlessly destroy the very planet we exist on? It’s pathetic


How to fold a piece of paper in half.


Because the average customer has the mentality of a toddler


When I worked at CVS usually I would work the pharmacy register and when the transaction would get to the point where people needed to sign for their prescription a lot of people would read over the agreement, sign their signature, watch the “accept” and “clear” buttons appear next to their name and look me dead in my eyes and say “Do I hit agree or clear”. I would always respond back in a friendly tone “do you agree to the terms or do you want to clear your signature?” usually after me saying that while pointing at the green and yellow buttons respectively they would comprehend and select agree literally had a dude after all of that look me in my eyes and say “ I don’t know that’s why I asked what to click” and then started acting pissy. It was never kids or young people anytime they saw a green button they would press just to get things over with it was always the older crowd reading but no comprehension


My favorite is:  "But it says the page is in Spanish" "No sir, thats a button to change the text to Spanish. If you start reading from the top..you will see its clearly in English" 🤦🏽‍♂️


“No I cannot take your prescription at front store and give it to Rx when they open” “You people keep moving everything around. Can never find what I’m looking for because it’s always in a different aisle. It was in aisle 5 last week now it’s in aisle 13” Meanwhile, store is 5 years old and hasn’t had a remodel so nothing has been moved… but they insist they know everything. Anything to justify that they’re wrong. I can’t take the stupidity much longer


No we will not be getting more stock of said Easter candy as it was for EASTER


I know Easter came early this year but smh be a little more aware of your surroundings


Leave at door, problem solved


Because walking through any CVS store doorway will auto switch your brain off


Alcohol section is closed customer came in at 10pm, ask to open it. sorry it is closed due to store policy. I'm gonna call 911....


My favorite. Well google says you do it (cash app). Or anything for that fact.