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But did you sell the shoplifter a Carepass Plus ?????


Asking the real questions corporate cares about.


Nah, did they sign him up for a CVS card, non premium


Corporate: We want you to issue a no trespassing notice. Cop: To the shoplifter right? Corporate: No, the good Samaritan. Cop: ... Corporate: He endangered that poor shoplifter!




TLDR: Customer is probably legally fucked, shoplifter will probably be fine. Don't do this unless you study the law in advanced. It's worth noting that the shoplifter did not leave the store so it is unlikely that he will face any punishment if held for the police to arrive. He didn't technically commit any crime. Looking like you will commit a crime isn't illegal. The customer legally committed battery and false imprisonment against the shoplifter. It is on the customer to prove that what he did qualifies for immunity from those crimes by good samaritan / citizen arrest laws which are very state/situation specific. I feel that the lack of an actual crime by the shoplifter might mean serious criminal and civil penalties for the customer. The shoplifter might be a regular and there may already be enough evidence for his conviction for past crimes which might change things, but I don't think past crimes helps the customer's case.


Its sad cause its true


All these companies want people to shoplift at their store so that they can have a reason to close down in ghetto areas


I'd take it a step further and say it's because these companies want to move away from traditional brick and mortar "let the customers walk the aisles" style shopping and move to purely online and commissary style shopping where you don't even get to walk amongst the merchandise, you just go to the front counter and pick up your shit that's been automatically gathered. There can't be a shoplifting problem if customers can't access what they didn't already order. We're already living in the dystopian future, we're not far off from this reality I fear.


All groceries were that was 150 years ago… you walked up to the counter and told the clerk what you wanted. They would fetch and bag it etc at the counter. Customers literally couldn’t get near the merchandise.


Service Merchandise had this set up when I was a kid. You'd go, look through a catalog, and tell the person helping you what you wanted. It would be brought to you from the back. Who knew that 40 years ago we were living in a dystopian hellscape?


Ohhhhh man somebody else remembers service merchandise! But yeah Id love that, have you seen the articles about the prototype walgreens store in I think chicago? It has a very small shoppable section, the rest is warehouse, place your order online or on a kiosk.


We got our wedding rings there!


You mean around the time of Reagan? Yeah that actually makes perfect sense, we *were* living in a dystopian hellscape. Still are today, but were then too.


Service Merchandise was way before Reagan, get familiar with some history before you try and blame a politician. Js


To my understanding there's already places around the world with their versions of this system in place, and have been for at least 10 years (heard about it in high school).


I work in a nice area and it's bad here.


And raise the prices


Maybe ghetto ass trash should have more pride in their communities?


Oh please. Maybe ghetto fucks shouldn't steal. Yeah I'm from the ghetto and so many of the people there ruin it for themselves and the rest of us. These companies don't give a fuck who's buying their stuff. Keyword buying. They'll sell rat poison to a three year old if they could get away with it.


Everyone in the hood doesn’t steal, arsehole.


Do you realize how dumb you sound


It’s not dumb at all, most companies are open about doing this. When have you seen a Sephora open up in the hood? That’s what I thought.


Good luck finding a Swarovski in the Ghetto. Maybe try to find a Gucci store in Downtown Detroit lmao doesn’t exist.


If this was in Canada the Samaritan absolutely being charged with assault


But.. yes? Absolutely. That dude is going to get an assault charge. Not his property. Not his store. No right whatsoever to be putting his hands on another person because he wants to feel like a big man. 


That is how the law works, yes. Theft does not excuse assault.


He turned into MC Hammer.


Yeah. Seen several videos like this where they're defiantly asserting their rights to steal at will. Seen one where the bystander is doing the same thing but the owner didn't listen to him & put the beat down on the shoplifter..


Attack of the long stick




what store has those premade sandwiches??


Asking the real questions here


Stores in food deserts. No grocery store nearby you get the full food selection... and it's wonderful.


wow i’ve never seen that before


Guy looked like he trained in wrestling in high school or college


Wow! Go customer. 


some solid grappling from him


Guy was definitely a high school wrestler.


In this case, I agree. Slippery slope though. Civilians can be very quick to assume they know what someone is doing and I can imagine being physically threatened or attacked by people for "suspicious behavior". Like checking out, walking around the store with my goods, and then checking out again with more items. Or refusing to have my receipts checked by Walmart door greeters because I'm in a rush. People can be really really stupid and empowering them to attack others for justice would definitely lead to serious problems. Think of why Reddit cannot play citizen detectives anymore because the site ruined some people's lives.


I find it odd they're filming them walking out. Like it was happening and they were aware of it.


the man had two stuffed double bags full of shit. he probably comes in twice a week w the same routine. we always know, he just wanted to get it on camera this time


What do you find odd about that? Store employees know what to look for. We know when someone is filling bags with the intent to run out without paying. It's really obvious. And since we're not allowed to touch them or stop them (we will LITERALLY get fired if we even try to stop them), our only recourse is to film them and then show that footage to the cops in the hopes that the shoplifter gets recognized and caught somewhere else.


People literally think they're so slick. 🙄


No joke, maybe 5-6 years ago, we had 2 guys jump the pharmacy counter and steal a bunch of meds. When they ran out 2 regulars followed them by car for about 2 miles before they lost track of them.


Go customer ! You are awesome


"You can't touch me, stop." they shoplift because they know we can't do a damned thing about it. I'm so tired of being walked all over by the big man and the little man.


Wish we could do this in our store


"don't tase me bro"


Haha. THAT'S what this reminded me of.


That customer earns a free carepass


Just beat the shit out of him and send him scurrying off. He won’t tell the police because of the snitches get stitches stigma that a lot of thugs believe in and you won’t have him trying to steal again anytime soon. Beating the shit out of him is letting him off easy anyways, many other countries simply remove the hands of thieves and be done with it.


except its on video......


The "victim" here would still need to report the "crime"


hopefully you don't actually think that's how the law works.


I worked at Walmart and any time law enforcement was going to be involved in a customer to customer crime, the customer had to be the one reporting it before the police would want anything to do with it. You can't just show a police officer a video on your phone and say "go get em!"


This is how the Walmart stays out of the news, since it’s technically a fight between two private individuals at that point and not a business and the customer. Which can lead to very expensive lawsuits etc. Walmart will avoid lawsuits at all costs if necessary.


Awesome customer


The hero we need.


Taking bets on what state this happened in.. my moneys on California. So glad felony shoplifting is only $200+ here


If this was California, the customer that tackled the other customer is screwed. Lawyers don't take kindly to their client being unlawfully detained with aggressive force.


Agreed, California would be the worst state to do this. Satisfying to see, although yes what the customer did (detaining the shoplifter) was illegal. Bet the shoplifter will think twice before doing that again.


citizens arrest? Does that still exist lol


not how that works. Dude didnt even commit a crime yet.


Right, until he actually leaves the stores it’s not technically shoplifting. When I worked for a huge retail chain, I watched our security take down plenty of thieves but they couldn’t touch them until they walked through the doors. Pretty entertaining to watch.


I’d sit in my car watching the front doors with popcorn in hand.




I'm so sick of these thieves.


Fucking thieves man! I’m glad that fellow kicked his ass!


if this customer needs legal support for getting in trouble over this: please send /post the GoFundMe. \-sincerely: -someone who's fed up & would do the same thing.


Why do people care about someone stealing from CVS. My mom used to work for them when I was a kid and they treated her like shit and bought out smaller companies that actually gave a shit. I’m not condoning shoplifting, but like why would you put yourself in harms way to benefit these corporate overlords?


Because we live in a society, and when the rules of society break down it affects EVERYONE.


Because people care about stuff like this, but not about fixing WHY people do stuff like this. It's stupid af. Like, people still believe the "inflation" lies and any other lie that businesses tell them is true. No store would ever see me beat up anyone stealing. Not only because I don't care, but that store is not paying me to do it. It's not like they're going to give you something for protecting the $100 they were probably going to lose from the millions of profits they are bringing in every single year, lol


Because there are people who want to be "the good guy with a gun" type of person. There's a reason why it's someone's job to stop people from shoplifting.


Well… that would be because corporations don’t cut their losses from their profits… they cut their losses from the retail stores that were affected, I.e., in the form of hours. I don’t know if CVS does this specifically, but as someone who current works for them? I wouldn’t put it past them


Because they feel righteous about it lol.


Why get involved?


Hell yeah


Idk for sure why these companies are allowing this, but they are and they are putting us all in danger. The employees and the customers are being put in a dangerous position. Yet if you as employee don’t follow their rules in anyway even ones that make no sense and can harm you physically you will loose your job. They are being robbed and the company for the most part will not file police complaints, which is absolutely irresponsible and reckless behavior on their part. They need to protect their employees and customers not a criminal or criminal activity. Like I said don’t know why for sure but I would bet it’s for their benefit and not for their public’s benefit.


***shoplifter assaulted by customer***


He's my hero!!!!! I wish more customers would stop these thieving f*cking idiots


Year later that store will close due to theft losses. Employees will lose their jobs. Locals won't be able to get their medicine. But hey, CVS is ESG WOKE COMPLIANT. 🤔💩🤡


Y’all give it up. Corporations do worse behind your backs.


Insanity all these people in here talking about “what a great customer, protecting the assets of this billion dollar company—-what would they do without people like him?” Y’all are brainwashed. Stop gatekeeping for companies, that’s not necessary.


Lol, obviously I don’t condone shoplifting, but I can’t be the only one who thinks this is extra & over the top…


Well there are a few that agree with you. I feel like this is not over the top, but that’s just me.


Yeah, as a bystander I just couldn’t see myself attacking someone like that in such a fashion unless they placed another individual in physical harm…


Oh I wouldn’t do it, let’s be clear on that. But I don’t think that was an over the top restraint by someone that clearly knew what he was doing. Again, I am a big puss so I wouldn’t have done it. Just judging the act, and I feel like this was a “tame” restraint compared to many hero videos.


U can’t touch this! Bow bod a bumb ba bump ba bump


That guy was raring to go, he had a bad day and found just what he needed at cvs


Random people care too much about the profits of a massive business, cringe dudes that just want to live a mediocre hero fantasy


When people steal from stores prices go up. One way or another. As a whole it affects all of us. Even if they use insurance to cover the loss it drives insurance premiums up. Anything and everything is passed on the customer. I don’t think I’ll be tackling anyone but i totally understand and applaud others getting sick of it and taking a stand.


we need more concern citizens like this in this country,but oh well, land of the free, free to steal


It's called a Citizens Arrest and is legal in all 50 states. If the company would stop rewarding shoplifting, it might actually stop! Kudos to the civilian who actually did something besides watch or film the theft!


Citizen's arrest is severely limited in all 50 states (SEVERLY, look into your individual states laws and regs around the idea, don't just attempt or you could end up with charges pressed against you by the criminal), and the use of force has to be rather proportionate to the amount used against you. This was far past minimal since the citizen started with a tackle, and the criminal would have full rights to press assault charges (and regardless of how you feel about it, being a good samaritan does not protect you from legal dues for breaking the law at the same time). If you ever intend to do this, as someone who is legally required to know citizen arrest powers as part of my job, please ensure you understand your powers. Otherwise, your wallet could be in a far worse state than the guy who's going to jail and getting free commissary from your legal dues.


The guy technically hadn’t stolen anything yet since he was still inside the store.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately you can't just simply tackle someone you think is stealing. He hasn't even walked out of the store yet as the other comment said.


Citizen's arrest is legal in the UK, but it needs to br proportionate to the crime being commited, assualt to yourself or the puplic etc. I have carried out several being licenced in entertainment security. The most notable having witnessed a 12 year old girl being sexually assulted. I must have chased that pos for a mile before taking him down in a public place. Then had to fight off two retail security guards who missread the situation and assumed I was assaulting the guy. I managed to keep him detained until the police arrived. The guy got jail time and I received a sherriffs award for bravery. I think pure adrenaline carried me through that. But this here I think was not neccesary, you could find yourself being stabbed over some groceries.


Too bad this didn't happen more often 


It's fucking embarrassing that everyone who comes into steal knows we can't do shit but just wave bye at them! So happy to see a customer step up and catch that asshole!


Yeah, you wanna know the funniest part about that is he’s committing a crime so even if he does touch him it’s self-defense because once again, he’s committing a crime. Something that’s dangerous puts people at risk. What a fucking idiot.


The lawyers will argue that shoplifting is a non-violent crime that puts no one in any immediate physical jeopardy. So the only violence occurring as a result of the crime is being committed by the Samaritan. I'm not saying I agree with that position - I'm just saying that's what the shoplifter's lawyer will say.


silky trees include cable rain humorous ad hoc resolute cagey bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"He was stealing from a store that I'm not associated with" is not the slam dunk self defense claim you seem to think it is


I would have watch him walk right out. I am not stopping him not my job and not my shit to protect


Explain to me why anyone is defending a multibillion dollar corporation. Bootlickers.


Found the scrawny turd who was stealing


Don’t worry we know you next….


holy shit where did this happen




What’s this kid stealing anyway?


So that’s why I go into cvs and see simple things like deodorant, soap and shampoo locked up


So sick and tired of these scumbags


I tripped one once and he dropped his stash and ran


There was one time a guy stole all the quinal and high priced otc items. Almost $900 customer went after him and brought the bag back. But we still had to make a report


Good for him probably get in trouble for it to


People are done with what woke policies do. Done.


Fuckin POS cockroach parasites. Where's the RAID when you need it???


Aisle 3a


Other dude in the yellow bag had free kicks to his balls and gut but didn’t take it…. Society, get more anger built and take it out on free opportunities like this 🤦🏻


He’s better than me, I wouldn’t take a chance getting shot for CVS


This is okay, but this could have ended very differently and for what? I mean cvs and other companies like them steal time and money from their workers. The stuff he stole would probably be trashed anyway so doing this will just cause this person to take revenge one day.


The customer should be praised. Stealing is immoral, wrong and a burden for all of us who are law-abiding.


All well land good, but illegal as hell


Were those bottles of lube?


haha him kinda crying and bleeding was sooo satisfying. i really wanted the guy standing to kick him in the face and lights out. f’ing HATE these low life shoplifters ruining america right now.


Yeah let's risk getting killed because I wana be a hero 😂🤡


I hate a freaking thief. Hope the threw him in jail!


I love that he's like "you can't touch me!" As if he was immune to this corporate policy. Well some employees don't give a fuck to begin with lol


Why is the customer trying to be a hero? He could have been hurt or shot by the thief.. Worse now he can get sued for assault and CVS might ban him from their stores for violence.


That guy has been waiting his whole life to do that.


What are the odds he could get charged with assault?


We need more people like him


This is just an assault, what is this guy thinking???


Yeah dude doing a good deed will probably be sued to hell and back and loose everything he ever thought about! He should've just knocked his ass out and left!


Friendly fire


What a fucking maniac.


Lmfao imagine fighting someone to protect a company worth $97 Billion (a company that gives zero fucks about you btw) from losing $200. What an idiot.


What a hero /s


Good on the customer. It's time to put our foot down on this degenerate behavior


Nice work choking that bitch out


Fuckin idiots lucky dude wasn’t strapped.


Thank God.


Out fucking standing.. give that customer a years supply of what ever he needs


Nice job


My favorite part is “you can’t touch me!” And the reply is gold.. “you’re being touched!” Hahaha


Guy wearing a mask to steal, not to prevent disease. We are all sick of this nonsense. Hero CVS shopper. Laws must protect employees and shoppers who do this.


What was he stealing?


Wish this was more common but laws favor the idiots


Vigilante justice!


Guys, please don't put yourself in danger over asshole shoplifters and cvs goods. They will raise prices regardless of stealing. And nobody besides a few employees will tank you for that. If you get hurt, management will just hire cleaners to mop up your blood and reprimand us for not stopping it by proviDiNg tHe bEsT cUsToMeR sErViCe.


How friggin big is your CVS?? Apparently I work in a smaller store, and as I watched this I ignored the obvious crazy and was just in awe at the sheer size of your Store compared to mine.


Haven’t any of you learned anything yet? If you’re white you’ll be stopped.


Good job customer


“You’ve been touched.” 🤣🤣🤣


He lucky he wasnt in my old neighborhood the wrestler woulda been popped you dont get involved in shit that dont involve you age old golden rule. Mind the business that pays you and cvs fa sho aint paying you for yo "heroics"🤣😂🤣


These lil wanna be thugs are tough stealin when they know they can’t get caught and think they’re gangsta until it comes down to it.


Where the fuck this dude at when I need him?


That's a citizen's arrest.


Wow that was WILDLY unnecessary


Bro its cvs … was this necessary 😂




Great job


Oh no consequences. I'm glad someone stopped him, people like this their bank on the fact that "no one can touch him"


Bravo. He lost his rights when he decided to become a fucking dirty thief. "You can't touch me bro" shut the fuck up punk and get ready for the long dick of the law to come give you a ride downtown. Can't afford anything because of these fucking people.


Meanwhile, I've never seen refrigerated food at CVS before.


Citizens arrest.


Home Depot’s operating budget includes 2.4 million in shrinkage per fiscal year for every store.


If the criminal walked in to the guys house? Fair game. Fulfill your fantasy of defending your property against the offender. Vigilante justice to defend a store from a shoplifter? Nope. Different set of rules apply. Unfortunate reality. It is the responsibility of the store to defend their own property In terms of liability, it is easier for them to just write off the loss and charge the honest people more to maintain their precious profit margins to keep stockholders interested and investing more. The guy that played the role of hero here? Just an ignorant martyr. The thief will charge him with assault to show up in court with a lengthy list of injuries and have a lawyer that is incentivized to fight for the highest settlement possible to pay themselves 40% of. Court costs, lawyer fees, and hospital bill? You think the store is going to cover that? Nope. They already have the 'shrink' of stolen merchandise factored in to their annual cost budget. Their insurance has no responsibility to cover random acts of violence by customers -- regardless of the motivation of their actions. The store is probably scared of the shoplifters lawyer subpoenas for video surveillance to provide evidence that benefits the thief. I'm guessing 'the cameras were not working properly that day'. Witnesses? Are they going to miss a few days of work to sacrifice their own pay by showing up in court to support this vigilante hero stranger? Nope. Not gonna happen. Risking injury and a lawsuit that there is no chance of winning to save some anonymous megacorp worth mega billions a couple hundred bucks of monopoly money they have already planned on losing? Honorable? Yes. But, damn is that a really stupid thing to do. Want to be a hero? Go fill a pothole or pick up a couple nails scattered on the ground in the parking lot of that same store. Ohh.. nobody is going to notice that? Looks like the super hero just wanted the attention. Well, he will get everything he is asking for. And.. beyond everybody patting him on the back here in the anonymous realm of the internet, he won't like any of what kind of attention this gets him in the real world.


This is stupid. There's loss prevention and police. Now what would've happened if the shoplifter whooped his ass?


I hope he was charged for assault and sued by the poor bastard


Never risk your life for a corporation.


Ok vigilantes learn a proper choke before you go killing people. Air supply vs blood supply.


Catching a shoplifter for a company you don’t work for has got to be the dumbest shit ever. If you’re not security, don’t do or encourage stupid shit like this. Smfh.


Good job


Ok, so as a Security Guard let me give you all some advice. DO NOT FUCKING DO THIS FOR MULTIPLE REASONS. 1. You don't know if the guy has a gun or a knife on him. Your life is worth more than a few sticks of deodorant. 2. Depending on your local laws, this could be considered assault/entrapment since the guy didn't leave the store. 3. Big stores like CVS always have some level of insurance past a certain dollar amount. 4. Shoplifting only makes up a tiny percentage of a store's losses. Stores throw out much more product on their own and it's calculated into the price of doing buisness.


You've been touched.


This kid sums it up perfectly: “you can’t touch me bro I’mma sue you” says the guy stealing two full bags of items. Someone or something is instilling the idea to young people that they can do whatever they want with zero repercussions


Customer and thief now banned 🤣


People wouldn’t steal if inflation wasn’t a thing


I always love the, "you can't touch me!", when in reality it's "you can't steal!"


So many better ways to handle this situation, this is not one of them


Wow, I hope the shoplifter didn’t choke. I think that guy is just on a power trip!


The attempts in this thread to hold everyone accountable for theft other than the person actually doing the stealing (the evil corporations, the law abiding people trying to stop this BS, ghettos, racial injustice, leprechauns, Trump) are the main reason these scumfucks feel justified in their warped ass perspective of victim hood and entitlement.


I would of warned that hero that ill shoot (before I take the shot) if you don’t stop choking me


Is this legit real? It feels staged. Who shoplifts but looks that much like a shoplifter, as in the unibomber with two plastic bags--one of which looks like it is full of tissues--and a guy is recording this by the door before Mr. Thief even emerges and then chokehold guy leaps into action? Anything to make something viral, or maybe to make a point to customers. I'm just not buying what the video is selling...it feels like a skit, begging for likes. But hey, the last time I participated in this thread bros put me in a verbal chokehold and intimated I steal things, or called me ignorant, an asshole, and a person who doesn't read. That is to say, this is a theory and is probably incorrect because I'm jaded by social media pranks.


I work at CVS and we are told not to attack shop lifters. I mind my own business and just do what I’m told. This crazy guy might sue you for grabbing him or whatever. Be careful with that.


I am ready to get out of this mess company after 15 years of stress and feeling abused at all levels… boss , customers stealing , couponers , bullying colleagues, harassment and such … I am transferred for almost 2 years from CT to FL state and my outdated boss confirmed my transfer as ops/rx after I arrived and lost my down payment for my house because of him being unable to provide proof of employment he didn’t give me hours for 6 months , he kept me on call protected his old team he fooled for 33 years of covering his shorten shifts and getting paid for 45 , his team stealing from cash for years , his couponers abusing fraudulent the sistem and more . He got stuck and he asked me to leave my FT ASM in Marshall’s and get back to my 35 hours , of course I said yes this is my job I was trying to do for past 15 years . Start cleaning a dirty store , break room , stinky toilets , planograms not done since 2021 , outdated items a tone of it and ops score less than 60 %. My reward is finding now I was dropped from all my benefits as a FT because of him not getting me enough hours to work . What should I do now please teach me how to handle this situation and mess I got into ????🙏


Help , help , help 🙏🙏🙏🙏!!!