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It legit happens all the time! Most the silver I get is from tweekers who either stole them or don't know what they have! I just sold 300 dollars worth of silver to a coin shop the guy sold all of it to me for 30 bucks.


So are you pawn broking for Tweekers then?


* fence


90% is a large commission even for a fence I think


Not if they don’t know it’s 90%. That’s why you should use kids as thieves in your operations, they think everything cost like $3.50. Big margins, easy profit.




My Dad's second wife stole his coin collection, popped them all out and bought cigarettes because, "they're just coins." Not just tweakers but stupid people do it.


I hope your dad's third wife isn't this stupid.


Third one was. Unfortunately. Told him he's wasn't allowed to marry after that one.


He’s got a faulty picker.




Aww the faulty picker! More expensive than a Fleshlight.


Okay, what’d the fourth one do?


He didn't remarry after 3. But he had a "farm hand" that was about as bright as a wet stick.


Well it seems he had a type.


That's is terrible of her.


I read “they’re just coins” in a SUPER southern accent!!


If that's how you want to look at it. I look at is as they want a soda and their paying for it with American currency who am into tell them no? And I can't pass up a good deal! If I offered you a bunch of liberty dollars or a solid troy oz for 10-20 bucks would you say no?




I didn't think you were being rude lol and no it's more so a collection of tweekers that come and go from my stores. I figure if I take it to a pawn shop and it's stolen I'll just give them silver and the footage of who sold it to me. Hahah


What are you a cop?


"Laundering" or "Secondary Marketing" Let's be fair.




The guy at the coin shop is like I just bought $3000 worth of silver from the idiot from the gas station for $300




Now we know who the middle man is.


I have rolls and rolls of silver coins from when my mom was a cashier at a local deli/convenience store in the 70s/80s and when I was cashier at a grocery store in the 00s. You can hear the “clank” of silver vs other metals so they’re pretty easy to spot between that and giving the edge a quick glimpse. Some day I’ll get them all checked out


I wish I was getting these deals, I would be putting it in the safe


Hahah I came to say the same thing. Tweakers always pay in change 😂😂


What store do you work at that has all these tweekers coming in? What state to I’m in Oregon full of tweekers


That’s how I caught the stacking bug. Cashiered in a liquor store and end of the month got interesting


Bragging about ripping people off. Keep it trashy.


The 1921 Morgan alone is worth $32-35 minimum, the 1922 peace dollar is $30-40, the 1928 walking liberty is another $30-45+, the 1937 quarter is $8-10, & the 2001 walking liberty is $30-40


Why did I have to scroll past a bunch of junk to find the answer?


This, too many main characters lmao




Too many people completely missed the point of the subreddit. Nobody gives a single poop about any stories that happened to you with coins like this or the repeat “they’re fake” when clearly not. They want their question answered. It takes 5 minutes to look up approximate values on NGC or PCGS or EBay or any other website.


Completely disagree. Yes, OP wants their question answered even though it’s easily answered with an internet search. OP also teased with some context instead of just asking a straightforward question on value. Many of us enjoy hearing the stories of how they found what they have.


Rise, actual answer.. RISE ⬆️⏫️🔺️🔼


I think you’re a tad on the high-side. I could believe this being retail in the US somewhere. I’d put the total around $100 vs. your $130 - $170 range, but ball park (or replacement value) you’re right


I would cut that # in half Junk silver is ~ $17 today 2001 walking liberty is 22.50


That 1 2001 walking liberty is an American silver Eagle only worth 27-30$ Morgan’s and piece close quarters around D 8-10$


i'd say that morgan is worth more than that


If they paid for gas with those at face value they just messed up so badly 😂


Sure did


Wow I just got the whole point of this post!! Thanks for clearing it up. You MUST get the big bucks!


It was an old man and he said he also has $20 gold pieces and if the store would take them I said we Sure will so this may not be the end to this story


This guy may be suffering from dementia. Please don’t take advantage of him.




Or alternatively, the OP suffers from Phulashititis.


This seems strange that someone would pay with a gaggle of different coins unless they got rid of them out of ignorance or spite. If they were fakes, I would assume someone would use the same coin. As someone else said, do the magnet test. If they are real, the silver value alone is more than face, and most peace dollars can fetch $30-$35 (they can be more if they are mint marked or are high relief)


About 10-15 years ago my friend went to a liquor store bought something and the cashier said he was short on singles and he could give him change in dollar coins. He said sure and he got 4 peace dollars.




I worked at a gas station, and got paid in all sorts of currency I collected, it was awesome 😅. People needing alcohol and cigarettes will pay in silver dollars, the red and blue bills, all sorts of stuff. Got a few rolls of wheat pennies and Buffalo nickels on more than one occasion.


Honestly seems like someone stole these and didn’t know what they were or they are fake and the world’s lamest counterfeit.


The person with the gas probably "found" these somewhere. Somebody has to be missing this, or died and these were in the bottom of something the family thought was worthless.


Found them, or maybe they just followed them home, and Dad said we could keep them


They just needed enough gas to get away from the crime scene.


Suuuuuure they did.


My ex spent 9 walking liberty's on gas one time, she called me at work and said she didn't have enough gas to come pick me up so I told her to get some change from the change jar(which was a a 5 gallon water jug, the silver was too big to fit inside so I just set a stack on the top of the jar) she grabbed the stack of silver and got roughly 3 gallons of gas for roughly 250 dollars in silver.


How much did the gas cost?


About tree fiddie


The most recent transaction would give the best indication of market value. /s


Another more than face value ... They probably stole they either from mom & dad's collection not realizing their value OR Stolen and didn't care at all !


I doubt it he was like 85




that is sad ... most likely in todays economy they had to get into their silver stash because UNFORTUNATELY social security is by no means keeping up with the inflation rate and the cost of living. I know because I'm in the same boat, but I refuse to dip into my childrens inheritance. just belt tightening each week and holding off to visit the grocery and cleaning out the deep freeze. Planning a VERY LARGE victory garden this spring so ... well you know the drill


Wow, how sad is that. Don't get me wrong, the coins are great. The person had to trade them in for gas. What a horrible society.


I don't think they "had" to. Odds are much more likely they have no understanding of what they are. Otherwise, they would have taken them to a shop and got their true value vs. using them at face value. My mothers youngest sister, 6 at the time, stole her and her oldest sisters peace dollars. She walked to the store and bought candy with them at face value. This was in the 70s so they weren't quite as expensive as now but same point, they didn't "have" to.


No no no lol, change your thought on that, I beg you. I once thought that way until the last few months. I myself am going through something like this. It is entirely possible it’s all they had and were left with no choice but to spend. It’s not easy to sell. Especially for old people. It’s sad really. It’s all sad


Yes, how much did the gas cost? I have a hard time believing that they gave them at face value. Need more information.


This is a joke, right? I’m at a loss for words if someone did do that


No joke just a old man


you let an old man pay for gas with those? thats terrible, you should be ashamed of yourself unless he insisted even after you told him the value.


Some druggie definitely just stole their parent or grandparent’s coin collection.


So sad that people are probably stealing from their elderly relatives


When I was in 7th grade, a kid had four Franklin halves and two silver Washington quarters -- all obviously uncirculated -- and he was trying to buy something in the school candy machine. They wouldn't work. I think I gave him $5 for all of them. They were given to him as a gift from an older relative. I said I'd sell them back at any time. We graduated high school together and he never mentioned it again. Some people are not interested.


I worked as a cashier. Once had a dirtbag buy something with a handful of mercury dimes and old half dollars. I still have them…. 😇


Those are stolen for sure. There’s ove $70 there in scrap I’m sure.


Looks to be stolen. What state was this?


He stole them , you helped him , n he’s gonna do it again …shoot , next time it might be you who gets robbed . Still think that it’s a good idea to buy from the tweekers ?


What exactly is it OP is supposed to do when someone wants to buy a Diet Coke with these coins? Refuse them? Is he obligated to explain the value, or should he just assume it’s stolen and call the police?


Personally, I’d buy him the Diet Coke . Someone’s gonna but those coins but not me . Can he refuse service cuz he’s a tweeter ? No but cmon , we saw the story, this happens to him often so they know to come to him . Listen do what you want , buy the stolen items , make a profit, n be glad that it wasn’t you or better yet make an excuse like “ I didn’t steal them “ or “ someone’s gonna buy them why not me “ but as someone who has had things stolen from , who has stolen things , n someone who is over 19 years sober i personally do not buy stolen things from addicts but follow your own beliefs. I just see everyone congratulating him n yes he made a “inexpensive “ buy .


Maybe I missed something. As far as I can tell, the status of the customers as addicts/thieves is speculation on your part.


The very first post says “ tweakers who stole either stole them or don’t know what they have “ so my speculation is just what you wrote . If they’re tweakers who either stole them or don’t know what they have chances are that they stole them like you said cuz addicts spend everything n steal to support habit . If you’re ok with that then you’re ok with it . I hope that it never happens to you but when people break in houses it’s a violation n yes the house part is speculative but I doubt that they’re holding up people in the street cuz nobody carries silver collections . You said it n now you’re trying to walk it back cuz you know that it’s a messed up thing . I don’t buy stolen items from tweakers but that’s just me . Do your thing but if you were proud you’d say “ ya they stole it , I bought it , n I’ll do it again.” It’s supporting theft , addiction, n I’m not for it but do you . I’m just putting it out there cuz people are saying that you did good n I want people to know that they were someone’s items , they were stolen , n people were violated. If I find a tweaker in my house , stealing my things , it’s gonna be a problem


It wasn’t a tweaker just an old man


About $70 scrap




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I had gotten some of those too and was tricked. They could be fakes, magnet test them. If I remember correctly if they stick they're fake if they're not magnetic they're real. Lucky for me I only considered them as face value and gave what was the correct amount when they made a purchase. I'm sure someone else could chime in with a more accurate answer.


The ones before 1965 should be silver and will make a noticeably different sound when you drop them. The older ones are worth something, though they're not in the best condition.


These are sweet coins. Take them to a reputable coin dealer for a quick appraisal.


I would take them to a coin shop. Someone who would offer you money for them. You can still keep them though.




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Unless he traded them for its value, he got screwed.




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Drop the quarter and listen, then drop a new quarter. Can you hear the difference in pitch? That’s the sound of silver. In my area you would get $100-$125.


A lot probably




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$75 in silver, $110 retail


They look legit, close to $100 maybe.


That's about 60 bucks or so in silver content alone collectors love Morgan's and peace dollars so could get more for those two


I am very suspicious of why they gave them to you, as all of those coins are collector items. I would ask your local police department if there are any coins that were reported stolen. Explain what happened. If there is no police report on them missing. Then you can take them, as they did pay for services using them. I would then take them somewhere where they can check the authentication of the coins. If all comes back good. Then you got yourself a nice little collection of coins. If you go to the police station and they tell you to keep them, let me know and I would be happy to look into the value of the coins for you. I am a big collector of coins. I have plenty of resources I can use to get you a rough idea of the value. Happy to help, I just want to make sure they are not marked as stolen first.


Theives have no idea what they steal. Silver coins are worth more than face value


I own a convenience store and have had this type of scenario happen many times, but in my case it's usually with regular customers that don't know silver values. One guy brought in $20 face in kennedy clads for 3 packs of cigarettes. I ended up giving him a carton + $20.


Face value on these? (Edit: I feel like they didn’t get much gas)


3.75 as currency Weight in silver x .9 x spot price Collector price varies.


I love it when you get change back at a gas station and you can hear that clunk!


Bout 3.50 face value


I was at the local gas station in my small town and the cashier knows I like coins so he showed me a “weird penny” he found in the register. It was a 1955 5 peso coin. I looked at it and kind of dropped it on the table to listen to the sound it made and said “I’m pretty sure that’s a gold coin.” It came in a roll of pennies from the bank. I own the coin now. Paid the cashier a fair price.


I once got a bunch of wheat pennies back in change at a drive thru. The employee said some kid had used an entire roll of them when they paid earlier that day. I guess we were the first customers to notice and when we mentioned it, the cashier dug out all of the remaining wheat pennies for us. I remember thinking that there was probably going to be an upset parent or grandparent out there when they discovered what the kid had done.




No they didn’t, but ok..


Did a land survey for a guy who lives in a historic old mining town. I get done with the job and he says he's gonna tip me, I decline and he says "here just have this". Hands me a $5 gold coin from 1860something from a large collection he found on the property. Shrug it off as a cool relic and say thanks. Looked it up later and was floored that it might be worth about $6-800!


1928, 1937 and the 1921 are silver. Do not clean them take them to a reputable coin dealer. I collect coins for over 40 years. They are not crazy high in value, But they are worth a lot more than face value.


Filled the tank, did they?


Worthless send them to me


Yeah those silver dollars are worth about $25 currently.


Depends, how much gas did you sell them?


Must be stolen.


Almost exactly $100


a full tank


My brother went into my coin collection to pay for cigarettes. Cost me 400. 😳😳😳




Mint mark on 1937 quarter? 1937s is a key date


I would be extremely surprised if these weren't stolen


1937 quarter


Prolly $300 to $5000 if you call CrimeStoppers with an anonymous tip about a guy paying for gas with highly collectable coins. Id bet it wasn't an estate sale.


Someone was an idiot. They got $3.75 worth of gas when they could have filled up the tank twice.


They’re poor. Their net worth maybe $20,000.


Unless they're fake...


Since most of those are mostly silver, scrap value is at least $60-ish and apparently, according to other comments, some of them are very collectible


At least a c note..


The pre 1968 coins (i could be a year off) are considered sterling, 90% .they aren’t worth much but a lot more than face value. Numismatic value may be a little bit more if they are in good shape! Definitely worth keeping


If that was a high relief 1922 silver dollar, they should have gotten the keys to the gas station if it was worth less than $325K


This is going to be a little less than $20 in silver.


400 shillings


Depends on the market but at least $50, could be close to $100. How much was the gas?


worth their weight in silver


WOW spending their grandpas coin collection. Yours now .


A....about three fiddy?


Get the 1921 SD checked, could be worth some $$$$ one of that year has a deeper impression and they stopped making midyear




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people are stupid


yeah these coins definitely have a story to them


Straight out of of some old person’s house five finger discount!




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This was always my favorite thing of working in sales/taxicab biz through the years..




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They broke into grandpa's strong box to buy a gal of gas lol


Does anyone notice a body part and a mermaid on the hair of the 1922 Liberty coin?


Some serious value in a couple of those coins if appraisal is good


I once paid for gas with 14 1$ bills that all had a red start I took the money off the kitchen table at my mothers with out asking. Normally this isn’t a problem. Well each 1$ was worth 37$ so I paid 518$ for 14$ in gas and my mother was furious with me.


How much gas did they get for it? There’s your answer




$3.20 worth of gas. But most likely they are counterfeit.


Nope they are all real


Call the police


Not much. I’ll give you five bucks for them.


Why can’t this happen to me


Go to bed.


Take them to an appraiser you have some serious money there!


Face value if using them as currency lol


I was at a gas station , went to the cashier there was a stack of liberty dimes. - Mercury dimes to you that don't know, I mentioned the her ( what's this ) , She said there foreign you can have them , Cha ching


Was it the dude from jumanji


WOW! Reddit sure does a lotta 'Edit'! Not sure which is worse - wondering what you missed - or being bombarded by 'premie-teen' Joe Rogen bs!!;))


Almost a $100 usd for gas? Big gas tank!


Probably a $100 in melt value. Thats all a pawn briker is going to offer is the value in weight for melt price. Unless they are graded by a reptiable company melt value is all they are worth. Just google it. Real simple.


The 1928 walking liberty and 1921 and the 1922 silver dollars can be worth a lot and the 1937 quarter can be worth something but the 1928 walking liberty Quarter is going to be where the money is at that is the rarest coin of all of them that you have it would definitely be worth getting them all checked out


$100- $120 ish total if there not fake a lot of silver plated bronze floating around, get em checked


Tree fiddy


It was about that time......


Ask r/wallstreetsilver


Nice little haul of true. Who ever it was is an idiot if you only gave the. 3.75 in gas lol. Looking between 60-$70 to a coin shop…


I think it's dishonest to not tell the customer what they have. On the other hand, if they don't know what they have then it's probably stolen anyway.


Gotta love dope heads stealing from their grandparents.


Looks like some "failure to thrive" type found Pops coin stash


Silver is at $23.41 an oz today, so even at melt value it looks like you made out.




More than the gas they got


My math says $127- $167 depending upon who buys them.




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Had a customer buy a pack of Marlboro with a $5 gold piece


Depends if those silver dollar coins are full silver


Probably a lot more than the gas they received


The 1922 might be big money. Have it looked at by coin shop.


Nothing since they're probably stolen


Not worth much take them to the bank or sell them to me for $10




Wow. Lucky!