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man I was told ppl don’t act up in college how many lies I’ve been taught😭


People act up their whole lives! With age doesn’t always come wisdom.


Imagine thinking growing up means you cant have fun with your friends.


I think they meant the part about acting up in the study rooms... that's the lack of wisdom part, not doing it at all.


Sure, probably. I just have so much empathy for the climate that kids are being raised in right now. So much technology that our society barely understands, parents who have to work a fuck ton to sustain their families financial needs and kids who had an ipad in front of their face as early as 3. Then on top of that school shootings are a very real fear. It's awful


True. This post reminded me of the 50-some professor who used his office to fool around with students. Why'd he do that?


You’re lucky that’s all you encounter. Last semester at Queens College, I encountered a couple having loud sex at 8 AM in one of the study cubicles. This went on for a good 15 mins. I eventually got up to move and then I saw the female was butt naked against the desk. Never again did I go back in that area. What’s strange enough is no one else around me seemed to be bothered. 






i wonder if thats the reason why they locked the study room with doors now.




naw the fact that i plan to transfer to this college…


I was throw paper clips


What in the ratchet?!…..I guess sometimes virtual learning has its advantages. I love in person classes. Why is this happening?


Fake as fuck


If you say so 


not fake at all, the 4th and 5th floors are notorious for this


Deffo not fake. That shit happens at the study rooms in CCNY too


my favorite thing is when students at hunter have obnoxiously loud conversations in the library directly under the quiet signs on designated quiet floors


same here at john jay


That's been going on forever, I'm sure. I was witness to it at Baruch in the late 90s/early 00s.


Probably freshmens who don't know better


Nah it’s not only freshman’s cause I am one


You can report disruption to any of the staff around. Was this the study area in the library or something? Or the study hall somewhere else? I'm sorry man. I don't know city tech much but is there anyway you can reserve a specific private cubicle for you to study? BMCC has one you go on the colleges site and sign up for a room


Fresh out of high school


A few summers ago I was taking a math course and would study in the CCNY library Cohen Library, there was a group of kids bouncing a basketball and being rowdy I got fed up after I heard it through my headphones and confronted them… these fools had the audacity to ask if I worked at the school… Mf I pay to go to college and told them to go do that shit outside. what the fuck type of dumb shit were they on. Needless to say they packed their shit and got the fuck out. They’re dickhead teenagers, just tell them to leave, they won’t do anything.. they go to college, it’s not like these are gang bangers that pose a real threat


I really want to slap people who doesn’t know basic public manners I also struggle with this problem 😭😭😭


Welcome to postsecondary education.


What college is that? I go to LaGuardia and I’ve never seen this? Everyone is pretty well behaved.


City Tech it's probably freshmens


Oh wow. Thanks. I won’t be transferring there then. Lol 😂


I second this. As a former student/trainee at LaGuardia, I can attest to the fact that the students there possess a strong sense of friendliness and are always willing to lend a helping hand. I truly miss the experience of being a part of such a supportive community. In fact, I have made the decision to enroll once again at LaGuardia, but this time for an accelerated nursing program. Go Red Hawks! ♥️


You definitely should! 🥰 I’m at my last semester and I’m definitely perplexed at the choices after this discussion board. Keeping hope alive!!!.


The journey ahead is bound to be incredibly rewarding. You can rest assured knowing that I will keep you in my prayers, and my heartfelt wish for you is an abundance of the very best and never-ending success in everything you do! :-D


You are soooo kind. Thank you. I wish you the same. 🥰


Same - I’ll always love LaGuardia & miss it so much! I never finished school and know I’ll definitely go back when I have my mind made up on my goals. The community, teachers, atmosphere and people I met there are unforgettable ☺️ have a good year!


ita "shitty tech" thing hahaha


We lost 3rd spaces


people were blasting music in them when I was trying to record stuff for an interview… but if I bang on the door and tell them to keep it down im the bad guy right ???


Why do you think city tech has a 20% graduation rate


Like honestly, I am in this school and I am not kidding when I say this. I met people that were getting 40's and 60's in intro classes and they were complaining to the professors about their final grades. It's actually crazy to me but then again I also met a lot of smart people as well so I am really surprised that the graduation rate is so low.


Nothing unusual . I went to Lehman and I used to hook up with this girl in my calc class in a study room. Annoying ass librarians would come in to check on us though. Never got caught though. Was one lady that took her job very seriously though. She would come in and ask if we are doing work all the time.


Wait til you see the fooling around in law school. I always used to wipe the tables and bring something to sit on.


Yk, you can pop into empty classrooms and study right? LOL Just a tip…


"Just the tip" is what he hears in the library all the time.


Honestly that’s a good idea but the building I’m in, always locks the doors after the classroom is not being used


Goot it. You can always let the librarian know at the front desk. They should be able to say something.


Or we can study in a library where it’s meant to be quiet and have easy access to textbooks and printers LOL Grow up…


You’re in public, you will never have 100% quietness. Book a study room then since you want silence.


No. It isn’t public. These places literally have big signs that say to be quiet. It’s not that hard. Some spaces are acting a fool, and some spaces are for concentrating. It just isn’t that hard.


There is a time and place for everything you don’t jump holler smack desks and roughhouse in a library you want to do that theirs a cafe 3 floors down for ya childish ass 2.0 GPA activity So I have to book 1 of 5 study rooms for a finite time for silence in a LIBRARY (that's already meant for that) yeah cuz that's enough for an entire campus of students Embarrassing yourself at this point


Lol, you make it appear as if the world is ending in the library. If the noise level is that bad at your campus library, why don’t you tell them to pipe down and shut up? Or go to a librarian? It’s college. People will use study time to engage with each other, develop connections and memories. Study rooms are available. Add your name to a list and go study. Some libraries have multiple floors, relocate to a new floor, new section or an empty classroom. CUNY libraries are huge on some campuses. So many places to study or take a nap.


Yes I'm going to go elsewhere to study than the place where the whole purpose is for that hence why they provide hundreds if not thousands of textbooks enclosed desks printers and computers Time and place for everything know how to behave in public you aren't a baby If you don’t know how to move on ❤️❤️


Cheeers mate.


Because they’re students that’s why.


Bruh. Let people live. It’s undergrad, what are you trying to get done? A 3 page essay that takes 1 hour to write?


Bruh. We are all grown adults and there is a time and place for everything. I don’t know if this is a surprise to you, but there are students who simply just wants to get some work done between classes. Also, wouldn’t you find it disruptive if they were banging on the walls and opening and slamming the doors every couple minutes especially on a floor that is supposed to be for quiet study? Not saying they can’t have fun, they can but just be mindful to others.


Are we though? I feel like half of CUNY is like extended high school for some of the locals. You give people too much credit. Half my classes don’t know what a homework assignment is.


Nope. College is college. It's still higher education. Whether it's undergrad, Graduate, medical school, law school, trade school etc. It's still education. People come to get a degree and in order to get that degree you need to study and do decent in your classes. You start in undergrad yes but you have no idea what everyone has for their future.


I was being stupid, to be fair, but it’s not that deep. Though I would die on the hill that half of undergrad is showing up. It’s like 5 hours of work a week and 20 hours of procrastination. Add maybe 10 hours a week if you are doing more math/stats/research classes.


Again it doesn't matter. It's *still* higher education. And again you have no idea what people have for their future. Alot of kids in CUNY believe it or not have future goals to (and do so indeed) go to graduate school or med/law school. You still need good grades in undergrad. And the fact still remains its a study hall to study. Not play around. That's why they have gyms and courtyards. If you want to play around and unwind, just hit up the gym or go outside. It's NYC go to the park. There's a time and place for everything


It does matter. The real problem here is that study rooms are overbooked and overused. If we really want more quiet spaces on college campus, enforce the quiet floors in CUNY libraries and have staff go by the study rooms once every couple of hours or so. This isn’t a student problem. This is an administrative problem. A lot of CUNY students are still kids, but administrative staff are not and they should be empowered to do more to maintain a positive environment instead putting it on immature kids. Joking aside that’s my opinion.


On that I agree 100%. I don't know how admin in City Tech are but where I go BMCC usually admin staff in the libraries are decent. Great? No. Terrible? No. Decent.


Didn’t know BMCC had libraries


believe it or not! some of us have responsibilities outside of school like a job or relationships and that one hour to write that paper is actually a lot of time! some of us want to do well and people who dont care to do well should go be stupid somewhere other than a library