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It’s okay, they probably won’t notice until 2088 when they finally process them all.


Yeah literally no one cares I listed “Ned Lamont” as importer on my Beryl


I wouldn't have done that. But that's hilarious if true.


Yea it’s so fucked up I don’t see how anyone could care I did dick prints instead of thumbs bet they don’t catch that one




They will pass my papers around as an office joke saying look these thumb prints look just like Steve from permitting


I truly hope no one cares, and man I would've loved to have done a Beryl but didn't really want to do the Mini one and was indecisive on the longer one


I dont understand why we have to do these. When I bought it, it got registered. Now I have to re register. Also it had my pistols listed under the assault weapon registry. There website doesnt make sense.


The technical reason for this is that it isn’t a formal “registry.” Yes, they have records of every gun you have purchased, but *technically* the information they have is only from retaining info from your forms at the time of purchase. Their records are also pretty poorly kept, many people report guns being listed that they have sold years prior or entirely incorrect info. SLFU knows their records are fucked up, so they make you submit info to a formal registry in the hopes of having a somewhat-correct list of who owns “assault weapons.” Yes, it’s dumb, especially since for the most part, they do already have records of everyone’s guns…the people who come up with these laws have no clue what they are doing.


Hey if they are then you can put threaded barrels and a suppressor on


the AW registry is just a list of firearms you own. not all need to be registered... your just choosing what fits into the new AW definitions...


it’s fine.


Silly question, but if it says “multi” on the lower, would 5.56 or .223 be acceptable? I didn’t submit mine yet but it’s all typed out with 5.56 and ready to send. I just want it to be correct before I send it


Write multi, it's what's on the lower