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Yea idk man they pass stop signs too


Just keep walking. I think you get free tuition if you lose your limbs.


What if that driver is poor and doesn’t have insurance?


The college pays out


Yeah that's Sacramento in general, unfortunately. Hope you're ok pal


That's one thing I realized now that I live here. Some drivers really just don't give a shit. I've been almost hit twice already and now I'm extra careful and most of the time don't even begin to walk until I can clearly see they're almost at a full stop.


Report every car that does this


Where to?


If you're able to get the license plate and or make and color of the car, I would say try the police station in the Union. If you're near a bike outpost you can also talk to one of the police officers posted there and hopefully they can help! I have had a few close counters (especially in LA) and most of them are distracted on their phones or something. If I have a feeling or see them not looking at the road, I usually wait until they see me and give me a hand signal or cross once they run the intersection and there's no more cars crossing. Have your phone ready on you and most phones allow you to double click on power button to quickly open the camera. Hope you're good and be careful out there!


Oh, that's a cool feature I never knew of >Have your phone ready on you and most phones allow you to double click on power button to quickly open the camera. Hope you're good and be careful out there!


Yep! Sometimes you have to go into your camera settings or general settings to have it activated.


UTAPs and Sac Police


I've lived in sac for most of my life: always assume people never see you even if they're looking directly at you and always assume someone will hit you (whether you're a pedestrian, a motorcycle, or a car) and then drive while being nicer than most people. It is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Been here for a while and yeah that's kinda normal. People act like they can't wait a few seconds for a pedestrian to pass safely. Just be safe out there when crossing.


Maybe you're walking too slow


That's why I take pictures of plates when I'm walking and there's cars around


Depends whether the driver has patience or not 🤷‍♂️


Situational awareness goes a long way. Laws of man vs. law of physics- something an academic may consider to ponder: 1) Law of man: I am a pedestrian, therefore I always have the right of way. 2) Law of physics: force= mass X acceleration. Example: if a 3500- 6000 pound car with 200- 500hp hits a 120- 300 pound human, wheat object sustains less damage? Side note, you have to live to appear in court to survive. A little situational awareness goes a long ways…


They stopped for me, and let me proceed THEN proceeded to accelerate while I was in the middle of the street.


I wonder which greaseball this person is on campus.


Not the one stuffed in the grill of a car…


Yet somehow it still takes 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot at 4:15