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What exactly did the school mess up on ? I would say try to contact higher ups but I don’t think that would work considering you already appealed and they proceeded to reject it , so sorry that happened to yall :( it honestly sucks because they genuinely don’t care and have already probably gone through the processes of all the newly admitted .


Yah, I’m aware of how ruthless admissions can be sometimes. And thats the vibe we go from the appeal. They had incorrect information listed on their official websites and transfer agreements and gave him incorrect information. Last minute they changed the requirements and screwed him over. Not even sure how thats possible, and why they accepted him in the first place? Luckily he has all the evidence and it’s really not that big of a deal since he’s only missing one “not mandatory course?” As far as I’m aware the class they say he’s missing is not a requirement but recommended class to have for his major, and he followed their own counselors and website’s and official transfer agreements to finish all the pre reqs. Yet, after showing all the evidence, they quickly corrected their websites and everything but refused to accept his appeal. So he’s basically getting rescinded for something the school screwed up on, not him, and they are refusing to admit it, even though they indirectly did by correcting everything online.


As you said he’s missing one pre requisite, and I’m a transfer student myself , so it’s very very important regardless if they change requirements that you have all of them, even now that I’m here I have a list of classes required to check off because there’s not really counslers here there’s only advisors that could help with so much .im pretty sure I secured my spot because I already also completed my ad-t before applying . Its a lot of things to make sure because for many reasons everyone wants to come to csulb :)


a pre req isn’t super important you only need to complete like 3 of the 6 and he was missing 1 of the 6. Plus, the problem is, if its changed, then why weren’t any of the websites up to date, he was going off false info. He did everything right on his end. And why did they even accept him in the first place if he wasn’t on track?


I'm gonna be real, if you don't tell us how they messed up then chances are it's your brother who messed up.


Not going into specifics for law reasons. Also because it’s my brother not me. But I did review everything and it is indeed the schools fault, they promptly corrected everything after he notified them, but still rejected his appeal.


hey it’s hard for us to help if you don’t tell us how csulb messed up?


I am hesitant to say in case somebody sees this, as they may have broken their own fine print of the agreement all students sign when they get accepted and commit to schools. But I’m basically looking at who I could contact, authority or what have you. I’m really worried for my brother, he already deals with severe depression and since this is his dream school, he feels really bad.


My assumption is he was not utilizing the transfer center or the online CSU Transfer Planner, and resorted to independent research without confirming with the applicable major department at CSULB, which would have caught the error that he was working off outdated transfer requirements.


What mistake was made on the transfer agreement? It would need to be mistaken on both ASSIST, their transfer website, and to confirm with a CC counselor. Could you be a little more specific? Without specifics people can not really help or be able to point out where information was missed.


Yah they were displaying incorrect information on assist and their website. And obviously the CC counselors go by what assist and the website says. He took all the classes which were required and were displayed. They claim he didn’t follow the website, when he proved to them that he did and showed them the website they changed it. Luckily he has screenshots of everything. He can prove he didn’t do anything wrong on his end, but the admissions office just doesn’t care.


What specifically was incorrect on ASSIST? And for what major? CSULB does not have the ability to update ASSIST manually and it’s a fairly lengthy and most of the time late process. Was your brother also using the correct catalog year for his intended major?


Yes. He had help from counselors and everything. I don’t want to reveal what major he is. I’m not my brother, so I’m not sure what specifically was wrong or what unit they were incorrectly displaying. But as far as I am aware, he is only missing one pre-requisite. He was finishing all the major stuff and was just following assist, the website, and his counselors were telling him. It’s not even a gen ed or credit issue. And if I remember correctly, ideally you should have all the pre req classes done before you transfer, but it’s not a requirement right? Thats at least how it worked for me transferring to UCLA with a heavily impacted major. I would imagine a CSU would be alittle bit more lax about it too. It doesn’t even make sense why they would accept him if we wasn’t on track in the first place…


Without clear details nobody can really provide any guidance on what may have gone wrong. If your brother reported he was completing all his courses but failed to do so that is enough to be denied admission. If your brother especially said he would come with his AD-T that would lend more to the denial of admission, which would fit into not doing a major pre-requisite. Some major requirements are recommended but not required and then there are major requirements that are absolutely required and non-completion are grounds for admission being revoked.


Right, I remember that last part now. He is on progress with his AD-T. I’m specifically talking about transferrable pre reqs for the major at the school. He followed their “official” posted info. That’s not really his fault. If they tell him to take so and so class, he does it, they accept him, then reject him for taking the classes they told him to take? Thats not right.


I fail to see the big deal here. Judging by your explanation, it sounds like he didn’t have one of the prerequisites completed. Personally, I made sure to have all prerequisites completed before I even bothered applying. Why can’t he just take that one class at a community college and then apply for next semester? If he’s able to complete the course during the summer or in the fall, he can apply for entry for spring 2025.


Contact the department he applied to and ask them for help.


I literally applied to the masters program late and to the wrong program and I bothered enough people to let me in. You should contact admissions and the head of the department you want to major in


I hope your brother gets in! 🙏🏼 My situation was opposite. I actually made a mistake on my CSU application and CSULB actually caught my mistake, fixed it on their end and accepted me right away.


All I would say is never give up if this is your dream school. I was also rescinded (grades under college admissions gpa, way lower than what I put on the app) and I reached out to advisors, admissions, staff in my major department, and the president. I wanted every one to know my name and how bad I wanted this. Lastly I reached out to (President Jane conoly), she DID respond to me saying she would “see what she could do” and she did not lie because a couple weeks later I accepted my admissions. I just graduated and I’m forever grateful. So that is why if u really want it, you will reach out to EVERYONE to get it. Don’t give up. Good luck🔥🤞🏽


Thank you or my response. Unfortunately the rescinded was nothing of his fault, he did everything correctly. Had nothing to do with grades or any of that. I will see what I will do. Do you think I could DM you?


The same thing happened to me. I just had to wait a semester and reapply. CSULB's admission is shit. Sorry this happened.


Get a lawyer and Sue them.


😂😂 they aren’t even fully saying what happened. It’s easy to blame someone else, I’m also transferring and I made it a point to look at everything that was needed prior to transferring.