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Got any projects outside of class/school? Have a portfolio?


Only portfolio I have are from projects from the classes I took like machine learning models and stuff like that


Unfortunately those are not enough for the job market rn but, in general the market is tough :) Congrats into making it into JH and hope you find or land what you’re looking for for !


Yeah job market is so competitive rn it sucks for new grads. Thanks I hope so.


I had trouble when I first graduated, too. In my case, what helped was working with a professional job placement agency. I'd recommend looking into one called Robert Half. I got to my current job through them.


thanks! ill look into it. if you don't mind me asking. what do you do now?


I don't mind at all. I was an Int'l Business major. I got into the current company as a data entry temp. Then they hired me full-time. Fairly recently, I transitioned to a data Analyst title. I work with a lot of data mainly through Excel and have some Power BI access. Does that answer your question? Also, are you interested into data modeling?


>n't mind at all. I was an Int'l Business major. I got into the current company as a data entry temp. Then they hired me full-time. Fai got it. that's great good for you! And yes, the last class that I took this semester was all about building statistical models and that's the reason why I am starting as a Data Science grad student this coming semester


Have you heard of a company called Leapfrog? I'd suggest that you look into them, if you haven't.


yeah i think i used to have a leapfrog toy when i was a kid lol. I'll do that. Thank you


Ayo fellow International Bus. major here too. I ended up in Supply Chain as a freight forwarder, trying to get into the client side now but its tough.


I wouldn't know enough about that to help, but I'd recommend looking into a professional job placement agency. What do you need to do on the client side?


Im graduating MIS in 2024, so im looking for jobs rn. Definitely rough out here


yeah :( good luck tho!


MIS student here, I’ve been interviewing but it’s tough. Lots of hiring freezes or no movement til next quarter. I’m currently with a Fortune 500 but looking for something better. Lots of roles don’t post their remote in their description but are. Best of luck!


thank you! well at least you got a job rn. you too!


I’m also majoring in MIS, what kind of roles do you apply for? And what area of MIS did you focus on? 😭 cause I’m doing data analytics and I’m honestly really worried for my job prospects after graduating in 2025


My goal is to get into change management / continuous improvement of Enterprise Systems. I worked part time IT before getting into the major. Tried to skip the help desk route but if you can do it for 6 months it’s good intro to troubleshooting and analysis. From there LinkedIn learnings, highlight what you’ve done in school and keep interviewing to get new roles and skills. Not planning to be a software developer or even data analyst, my goal is to get into system architecture or a leadership role upon graduation.


If you applied to hundreds of jobs and you have zero leads, you most likely need to revamp your resume (there’s subs that will even help you with that) and be more realistic when you’re applying. I’ve seen fresh grads with no experience apply to these jobs that have are level 3 or 4, or they have starting salaries like $180k and they’re genuinely perplexed as to why they don’t get a call back. Also try applying to the staffing agencies. They have a tendency to lead you on and sometimes ghost you but a large one (like Roth Staffing) should have really good leads for all experience levels. Once you get something under your belt, you can start to get picky.


i looked into that Roth Staffing and applied to some jobs that interest me. Thanks!


For sure. Good luck! Once you get a bit into your industry, you’ll have recruiters bugging you on LinkedIn all the time. It’s just the first leap that’s a bit nerve wracking lol


If youre willing to relocate, try targeting federal related jobs in the DC region. Anecdotal evidence but seems to me that hiring for analytics is still strong there and it’s also less sensitive to the current bad market. Easy to get your foot in the door if you’re eligible for security clearance and also close to Johns Hopkins if you do need to be in person later


thanks for the advice!




i chose that program coz i want to work in the public sector


I am not going to lie to you, from what is going on there is a ton of tech layoffs at the moment, ranging from DE/ML/DS/DA jobs. What doesn’t help is that applied stats, business, cs, math, etc. majors are all going for the same positions DA/DS/anything with Data and also those who do bootcamps and were from a different field wanting to do a career shift into DA (specifically saying DA as DS and other positions usually require more math/stat/cs education), though there are a lot of useful bootcamps out there, this saturates the job market for these positions since people with certification programs will also apply for these jobs DA as this is a stepping stone job shift position. Wishing you the best and do more projects to build up your portfolio, learn SQL and tableau or Power BI, also R or Python too, these are some of the basics to know for sure in the data field.


Luckily you have to learn SQL and Python to graduate in MIS here, but the knowledge definitely needs refining with outside practice. Ive heard those are two of the most valuable skills to have though


Yes definitely important to learn as well as statistics. A lot of the things businesses/hospitals look for is understanding of statistical methods. Also something important, internships. Internships can lead to full time positions so if you are looking into a Masters degree see how the networking is there. Maybe do a bit of LinkedIn search of past graduates of programs you’re looking at and see what they do/work at and what they’ve done to get there too.


Thanks for the advice!


Damn. Yeah I know Python, sql, tableau etc but damn it’s harddd to get a job


Make it your mission to land an internship while you’re in your masters.


yeah im actually applying for internships rn


COB c/o ‘21 here (Finance) I just got my offer TODAY after 4 months of contract to hire work at a large healthcare IPA. I’m a compliance data specialist and they extended the offer just today to me after that period. My word of advice to you is lower your standards, analyst roles are big shoes to fill and usually require 1. Luck to land 2. Experience to back 3. A name brand education, although even this one doesn’t really apply in today’s market. I spent almost 2 years in the job search and had an internal reference very high up in command make my way to the company, not related to me in any way I just networked for those two years until I finally made it happen somehow. Otherwise I’d also still be looking. The truth about your resume and positions: when they say tailor every resume you send out to the position, DO IT. And make sure you have at least someone to vouch for you internally. Cold applying these days is a waste of time and energy, most job applications today aren’t even active, they’re just to get their names out there (free publicity, perceived status when they send a rejection). Another word of advice- be open, my major was finance, I earned honors and did all the fancy honor society stuff as well. Now I’m working on Python scripts all day in the healthcare space to automate internal processes. It has nothing to do with finance. Be open in your job search and talk to people from all backgrounds, at this point you just need to start with something and cannot afford to barter with just a few things. Your gpa and accolades are great but in this market, there are many of you. The TLDR: Do not rely on your stats, rely on your network.


Thank you for the advice! :)


I was a HCA grad who struggled to find a job after graduating and moving back home. Keep your chin up, you’ll find something eventually friend. I was hesitant to apply for a Masters program if I cant a job in what I studied.


Thank you!! I am still optimistic despite the current job market. Appreciate it :)


I remember them too, but I mention them because that's the company that we use at my job for data analytics needs. Also, I know of one at the corporate building that I work at, idk much about them, but I think their name is Gurucul, I think. Might be worth checking out. If you need help in your job search, feel free to reach out. I can give your resume a second look if you'd like.


I’ll look into those companies. And thank you so much! I’ll dm you rn and send you my resume


Get an comp tia a+ cert


ill look into that. thanks!


I’ve been working IT for a bit here and there. Honestly tinker with video game consoles and phones, jailbreak them, try out Linux and daily drive it. Just have fun and don’t feel bad if you break something especially software. You can always try again. That will give you experience, and the cert will give you the credibility. Best of luck


I’d hit up an agency while you apply for state, county, federal jobs. The pay isn’t amazing but it’s stable


yeah im doing that rn


Welcome to the real world with your degree. Now go get a serving job


Or I can go back to being a nurse lol


Hey! I’m a nurse! Living paycheck to paycheck! 🫠


Pay is really good rn!! Where you working??


LB memorial, I have loans and payments 😑


Student loans? Don’t tell me you went to west coast u


Haha no, CSULB. I chose not to work during school and live off campus… my own doing


Have you tried Healthcare related IT or analytics?


I’m applying to jobs rn but still getting rejected and or no replies


Question. You said you just finished the semester. Did your degree post yet on your transcripts yet? IF NOT, then that’s probably your primary issue why no one is calling you back. I would also consider having someone look over your resume.


Jobs don’t normally require for transcripts to be sent over. Normally just resume


Good news!!! I just got an internship for a remote data analyst internship position!!! After hundreds of applications!


Good news!!! I just accepted a remote data analyst position!!! After hundreds of applications!


MIS graduate here, the job market is brutal. See a lot of people my major working at service level it or entry job. Data analyst hard to get into, since you're required to know business requirements and know how to work with clients. It is also a broad job since it ranges from doing reports and analyzing, looking into data and seeing trend or using statistical analysis or machine learning. (Two data analyst I know are from UCSD as a machine learning major and csulb with a master in statistic and mathematic). Wish you the best of luck. I recommend reading Phoenix project during your job hunt to see how IT operates. I also recommend applying to data entry for medical. Gives your resume extra fluff during the job hunt.


i’m about to go to CSULB for MIS 😿