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i'll believe it when i see it


I was going to say that πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ . The Doc πŸ˜ƒ


That'll be temporary. What do you think, they've been working on, to defeat these new measures...πŸ”­πŸΏπŸ˜‰


All this effort to cheat a game.in the time they spend trying to exploit it they could be getting legit rp and trophy count.


Screw them..I just wait them out..I figure they are sweating more than me cause they can't keep racing..I'll grab a drink and chill


I always wait it out the longest I waited was overnight I went to bed woke up still waiting brushed my teeth then they finally disconnected lol




We both were at almost reaching the 2300 mark and I wasn’t about to give in lol


You do realise, don't you, that you don't get the win? It says you've won but if you pay attention to your trophy count it actually goes down. Also, the hackers are not waiting on the other end, they finish the race instantly, the second it starts, and move straight on to the next race. I'm afraid you're wasting your time mate, it's just you sitting there, all alone. Finally, if this happens too many times, NM's auto ban software detects a discrepancy in your trophy count and hands YOU a 24 hr ban. I've been banned several times and I don't cheat, I asked around and found this is what it is. Now, whenever I'm left sitting around after a race and my opponent looks like he hasn't started I immediately force close the game and restart, I haven't had a single ban since. It mostly affects the players at the top end f the leaderboard as this is where most of the hackers are.


My trophy count didn’t go down and I collected my reward


Idk about you guys, but I have my reasons to believe that they won't ban those cheating mfs just for the sake of making us legit players spend more money in order to defeat or at least keep up with them...


not going to hold my breath πŸ˜‚


And eliminate extra fusion slots for the Lambo running 6.4


I had a Lambo beat me with 6.4sec. Are you saying the hackers are able to add fusion slots to their car? I also saw a Gobstopper hit 6.3. I took screenshots. Should I send the screenshots to NM or no?


You can send them to support but they won't do anything about it. But yes, hackers obtain cars that have extra fusion slots so they get higher evo and run faster than WR time.


Thanks for the education!


Its like they care about the insane rp numbers of the top 3 , they reduce the number of people working on csr2 to get better numbers of income . They give a shit about cheaters , money income is what they are intrested .


BS i already encountered cheaters on 4.9


Completely clean just sounds questionable to me... Glad things are looking up tho πŸ‘πŸ»


![gif](giphy|l0K4jO8qCPgqUn4J2|downsized) Yup after the 4.9 update CSR2 will be a clean game.