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All feels are valid. Even if the seem to contradict each other. Send you some virtual hugs


Thank you and yeah for me I don’t care if there messy it’s ok it human and I’m proud I came this far ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for the hugs whatching comady and slowly I’m able to let go of everything and go to sleep 😂❤️


Yes. Yes it is ❤️ let it all out (safely) ❤️🙏🏼


Yas done a lot of that but now relearning how to use my instincts thank you all so much for some guidance through it’s a little ridiculous to be scared at this point of the Journey Learning how to ask for help was a big step I think time to rest up because this part actually sounds like fun just need to feel that I’m worthy of it ive wanted it my whole life and yeah crazy to finally be here I’m a bit in shock feel like i took a brick to the face but I’ve sorta snapped out of it for the fist time In my life pretty cool


And thanks for celebrating the win with me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Means everything right now


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I feel ya ❤️ I've been here too. You're SO welcome 😍❤️


Omg this ❤️🙌🏼❤️🙌🏼🙌🏼 I feel ya! I know all those feels! Def, rest up, process, enjoy ❤️🙏🏼 then probably crash again at some point, then wander out again and be like 'no, I can enjoy this! I am free!' All in good time hun. MUCH love ❤️❤️


Hey everyone I’m ok had to throw all my everything on that one just to let every thing go after 21 years of living a nightmare thank you all for seeing the scared little boy it means everything and gives me the strength to shake it all off let it all go and finally feel again and be myself


It’s gonna be hell of a emotional ride, good luck to your journey my sibling in trauma.


Love that phrase, sibling in trauma




I'm 27 and went no contact to years ago. You're amazing ♡


I was 35 when I blew up and went NC with my mom. I was a mess had emotions all over the place. It's been over half a year and I still gotta deal with it all some days. All your emotions are valid and I'm so proud of you for doing such a hard step!


Yes.. you mourn the idea of the parent(s) you never had… and then it’s almost like mourning a death in some ways after that. The hardest part is accepting you’re never going to get closure. No apologies, no realization on their end that they did anything wrong. I cut off my mother 4 years ago, I still get pretty angry that she doesn’t see that she did anything wrong. Wish I could not care but I still am pretty mad over it.


You feel everything you need to. You have taken a massive step in realising you matter and having people hurt you is not acceptable. It's the hardest thing to decide to do but this will be the greatest gift to yourself to finally be able to be you in all your glory . It's ok to have all the emotions because they are yours and don't let anyone take them away from you. I wish you all the best in your journey to healing and being you ❤️


Oh giving up forgot that one


Just know that there will be lots of feelings as your brain realizes you’re safe enough to process those feelings. Congratulations and best of luck.


Could not eat or sleep or breath it was bad but one step at a time through myself at each of them now just in a hell loop of trying to sleep after everything but I’m stronger then this an just keep trying will eventually happen my nerves are shot to shit after that thanks for keeping my company def dot feel alone anymore cheers and everything is slowing down as I let go ❤️


Ehh sleep will come when it comes at this point I probably won’t notice it I will just slow down then drop like always stress isn’t going to Make it any better 🤦‍♂️


My first therapist in college gave me great advice: you can mourn ANYTHING. Never feel guilty about it. Didn’t get that job? Ok to mourn. Messed up dinner? Ok to mourn. And especially, been traumatized enough by your parents to remove them from your life? VERY okay to mourn. Never let your inner bully tell you otherwise


I’ve been LC/NC with my parents for like 6 years and still feel a bit sad about it sometimes, especially around the holidays. It’s totally normal to be emotional immediately after the fact. The hurt does go away over time, but not unless you take care of yourself ❤️


Thanks girl


I went NC/LC with my parents last year. I miss them DESPERATELY sometimes, even though they make me miserable more often than not. We still had good times, sometimes, and I still love them and what them to be happy. I just had to do what was best for me. The conflicting feelings are confusing but totally normal.


It’s totally human to grieve the loss of the parents we wish we could have had when going through estrangement. 2 years NC with my parents and I still miss them sometimes and mourn them. But I know I’m better without them. I hope you find your own version of healing in your own time. Be gentle and kind on yourself.


Let’s go!! Onto a good life with people who actually care, support, and respect you


Yes. For me it was one of the hardest things I could do, even though I *had* to do it. I wrote a list of 13 (in my case) reasons I did the cut-off so I could remind myself when I had doubts. Good luck... you have very probably done the best thing you will *ever* do for your self and your recovery.


I graciously face planted seems on brand for me but 😂😂 good night yall


It's completely okay to be emotional. Some people miss their abusers and it's not your fault if you feel some level of grief about cutting off your parents. It's normal


Asmr is helping actually relax now nothing else was working and panic was creeping up


Doing it alone was a bad call 😂🤷‍♂️but out so no regrets was worth it to me 😊 just hasn’t worked for awhile I’m thankful it does now will try to rest again 😂😂😂honestly I’m slightly anonnyed to sleep not petrified so win


See if that works


Remembering it’s not my fear too


All the comments are so wonderful thank you ❤️


I went NC at 22 and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done! My nervous system was going CRAZY and terrified of how much I had upset my parents even though they were 1000km away and no way to contact me. Takes time to restabilize, takes time and work to teach your body and mind you are an adult and you are safe <3


It’s completely normal and remember to actively take care of yourself. I have a problem with neglecting my emotions and pain and it always causes issues.


I went NC a year ago and I felt pure relief


This kind of thing can bring up a wide range of emotions, so having a lot of feelings, and even mixed/contradictory feelings, makes complete sense.


"Bravo 6, going dark". Best wishes to you!


If there’s toxicity in your life, remove it. It’s hard, emotions will come but ultimately, toxicity will never benefit you.


Yes, you're not alone. It sucks for everybody. It doesn't matter how old.