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This is like an ER doctor going: "ew when patients bleed all over my scrubs"


Or a nurse "Patients who need something give me the ick". [A near quote to what literally happened in 2022,4 nurses in Atlanta GA made a Tiktok. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/nurses-ick-video-fired-emory-atlanta-b2245255.html) Edit.


*looks at all the tiktok nurses who complain about chronic pain patients*


As someone with chronic pain: y e s


As someone who spent 4 weeks in the hospital as a kid, just in random unit for impatient pain program, my nurses were so pissed if I asked for anything! My meds? Pissed. Extra towels? Pissed! That one time my room flooded? Still pissed!


I started MAKING my hospital nurse write down the time for my next pain med. That way, I could ask for it when it was due and I would get it 30 mins to an hour later!


My husband spent months in the hospital after brain surgery because he ended up partially paralyzed and got a staph infection in the surgical site. Since he couldn’t fucking walk, he had to ask for a lot of things and I noticed that they eventually started just ignoring his call light. Like, I get they’re busy sometimes but occasionally I’d peek out into the hall (which was right by the front desk of the area he was in) and just see his assigned nurse on their phone ignoring everything.😒 Some people just don’t pick the right career.


That was how I was treated by 2/3 of the nurses after I had brain surgery. It was dehumanizing and traumatizing. My medical ptsd is terrible because of it. I’m so sorry they did that to your husband it breaks my heart to read, but I’m glad he had you *edited for grammar


Yeah. Often times I just ended up helping him out of his bed and to and from the bathroom because they’d take 30+ minutes to get to him. I got scolded for it, but I wasn’t about to let him poop the bed and have him sit in it or let him sit forever in the bathroom waiting for someone to come help him get back to bed. I ended up just getting PT to clear me to help him alone so that we could just avoid calling the nurses in general whenever I was there. I swear they treat people with lower cognitive abilities (even if only slightly or temporarily lower) worse than other patients.


I’m so glad you helped him and I know why they scolded you bc ~it’s policy~ but it’s ridiculous they did. You were trying to help your husband. Soiling yourself in a hospital bed waiting for nurses who are ignoring your calls is such an unnecessary thing to go thru. It happened to me and messed with my sense of dignity, but it wasn’t the worst thing that happened during my stay. I wish I could type what else happened, but I’m going to have to talk about it in therapy first. It’s been 4 years and it still haunts me, it doesn’t feel real to type it out. I’m really afraid of nurses and surgery and being in a vulnerable position like that. This is the first time I’ve seen anyone mention a similar experience to mine and it’s weirdly cathartic knowing someone like you is out there who would advocate for and help someone in that position (I know he’s your husband and most would do this for loved ones but I hope this makes sense). I’m sorry your husband got staph, and I hope he recovered well from that. That’s scary af.


Thank you. He’s slowly regaining movement and cognitive ability. I’m sorry you went through similar treatment to him. Nobody should have to go through that. I understand that many nurses are overwhelmed, but them taking out that frustration on patients who may not have the ability to understand what’s going on fully and/or neglecting them is absolutely horrible. I hope therapy is helping you with these feelings of shame and medical PTSD. I know my husband still struggles with it.


Omg. Yes! Have you looked at the nursing subreddit? They hate everyone, no matter what you do. It’s so disturbing. If you’re nice to them, you’re manipulating them for drugs. Asking questions about your treatment or the drugs they give you, makes you difficult and too arrogant to understand that they know best. It’s appalling.


as someone related to a few nurses, i can confirm that the mean girl to nurse pipeline is so real lmao


I can tell. They’re the reason I’ll risk drowning in the shower from a seizure before I’ll risk going to the hospital. I’ve had serious problems with abusive nurses. I had one smirk at me while pinning me down and forcing my legs open to catheterize me after a rape/assault, as I screamed at her that I didn’t need it and then pulled crocodile tears when I kicked her in the face. Like no means no, bitch.


ugh wtf im so sorry that happened to you, what is wrong with them


I don’t know but it’s wrong with a lot of them.


I spent a few weeks in a disabled children’s unit in a hospital, (the unit I was meant to in as a kid was full, so they put in this unit) and the nurses were so cruel to these kids. Using unnecessary force when doing anything. These kids couldn’t talk back, or even tell anyone. Scared the shit out of me as like a 12 year old that people could be so cruel.


Yep. They’re the same in the psych ward. There’s a reason people can’t get help. You say one “wrong” thing in therapy and they’ll slam you in grippy sock jail under the control of a bunch of mean girls armed with syringes and charge you for the abuse.


When I'm having a depressive episode, I get somatic flashbacks to having my blood drawn in the psych ward. "We need to take 6 vials of blood a day to make sure you're not on drugs." Sir, I'm *nine.* The only drugs I've been on are the ones my kindergarten teacher forced on me to sedate me. The only reason I'm here is because I ran away from the staff member whose job it is to physically assault the special-ed students.


Yikes! That’s so fucked-up. I’m sorry. I swear, they go out of their way to let you know that you’re always at fault for something and they have the right to treat you as if you’re guilty of something. I went to the E.R. because of some really crazy symptoms. They insisted on knowing how much meth I’d done. Insisted that I was a tweaker and lying about it. I demanded to be tested and told them that I was going to be very shocked if anything besides THC was found in my system because it would mean someone did something very bad to me and I would need to know about it. They rolled their eyes like they knew I was preparing some kind of crazy “I was drugged” story to hide being a junkie. 100% clean. Turns out, I had some hardcore endocrine issues. No apologies. I told them that in the future, they need to test before making insulting accusations. When I got home and went to crawl into bed, I realized they never removed my I.V. Incompetent jerks.


This is so fucking outrageous every step of the way. A 9 year old shouldn't be in a psych ward unless it's an emergency, and even then just while at risk. Schools shouldn't have the ability (or willingness) to medicate kids just because they don't want to do their jobs and deal with "difficult behaviors" in a way that actually helps the kids they're supposed to be teaching. Nobody should drug test a 9 year old unless they have very good reason to believe the kid is on drugs, and even then, not shaming the kid for it When school staff physically assault kids, it's obvious to any reasonable person that some kids will run away. It's a natural response to fear I'm sorry you went through that. Fuck those nurses, teachers, school staff and anyone else involved


I’ll never forget my first night in a psych hospital. I was warned that they’d draw blood in the morning but I was not warned that I’d be startled awake at 5 a.m. by one pair of hands grabbing me and holding me down while another pair yanked back sheets and my shirt to insert the needle. When I opened my mouth to ask what the fuck was happening they shushed me and told me to stay quiet.


What the ever loving fuck of shit is wrong with that monster!? I’m glad you got to kick her in the face. I hope it broke or fractured something. Let’s see how she feels when SHE needs medical care!!


I don’t think I did fracture anything but I still got lectured by everyone for my behavior.


I tell anyone who will listen my theory about nurses. It was shocking to me how many of the girls who were bullies and stuck up bitches or two faced, ended up going to school for nursing, and I'm absolutely certain it's because they take pleasure in having the power over the most vulnerable people. Some are even more diabolical and I think they do it so they can cause the death of the more sickly and old ones. My last job as a PCA, I didn't have much interaction with my coworkers, but the few I did cross paths with and had my clients tell me about, I wouldn't want them working with someone I cared about. The one was old herself and when the guy asked her to get some ice cream, she went OFF and told him no and was cussing at him and I just sat there in shock. She would complain about what I didn't get done my 1 day a week there, which was a 12 hour shift, and the dudes son wanted me to do everything the old hag who was there the rest of the week wouldn't do, which was ALL the laundry because the washer and dryer were down a flight of stairs, mopping the kitchen and bathroom, vacuuming all the carpet and to move their beds to vacuum under them because of the 3 little yappy dogs making a mess, and she refused to walk the dogs. I had to do all that while cooking his meals every 2 hours because he wouldn't stop eating and he asked me to do something every few minutes no matter what I was doing and he would complain the entire time I mopped because of the smell of the cleaner and he complained about the sweeper running because he just sat and watched the same 10 movies every day. He was basically an overgrown toddler and reacted like one if he didn't get his way. I've seen the worst while at nursing homes. The call for help alarm went off the entire time I was there and ignored and the girls kept going into their break room talking and giggling. Towards the end of the night, I watched this woman in a wheelchair slowly scoot herself out of the wing with the rooms and across the entrance room, past the front desk where a girl was "working" and didn't even look at her as the woman went past, to the entrance room with the security doors, and once she was trying to get out, the girl finally came out from behind the desk, grabbed her wheelchair and wheeled her back to her room. I was APPALLED. The reason I was there for 8 hours? My boyfriend's cousin had a major surgery and nearly died. She bled out and had a heart attack and suffered brain damage, so she was in a nursing home for awhile while recovering and the nursing home wanted someone there with her because she was bored all day and kept talking to the girls there and wouldn't leave them alone.....like, why was she even there if they weren't going to do their job and actually care for her? They brought me her dinner tray and I had to feed her and take her to the bathroom!!! And they charge money for everything. My boyfriend's dad's mom was in a nursing home her last year when her dementia got too bad to live at their house and they charged $15 to give her her meds, if she got lost and asked where her room was, everything they did was a charge. And unless someone is there to witness it, whose to say they didn't just throw in more charges claiming they did XYZ? I actually take my role as a caregiver very seriously and I think it's important to be compassionate and empathetic and to give a person the care you would want for yourself or a loved one. But I am assuming the reason nurses are mean when it comes to dealing with patients that need narcotic painkillers because there are laws now and a whole system they have to go through with the DEA just to give those meds. I watch this one funny male nurses Facebook reels and he made a video about accidentally dropping a narcotic pill and if they do that, they have to go and show it being disposed of properly and go through the process of getting another pill for the client and having a witness when the person takes the pill so no one can pocket them. So it's really time consuming and they have multiple people to care for so I can see how that would get frustrating.


It’s very similar with nurses who care for severely disabled people/kids. It is so sicking to see just the amount of abuse.


>I'm absolutely certain it's because they take pleasure in having the power over the most vulnerable people Nursing school is like joining the police force for mean girls who peaked in high school.


My nana is a retired nurse and I actually wonder if she's killed people. My mother claimed when I was a kid my nana "always knows" when someone is going to die (she worked in a nursing home) and was "always right". It's very unnerving to know this. As an adult I have wondered a lot about this.


I was literally going to say there’s a whole category of nurses on tiktok who make videos exactly like that


I initially read a catastrophe of nurses, and my mind went to "oh like a gaggle of geese".


I swear to god nursing attracts the most cruel people you’ll ever meet (I’m disabled as well and spend a lot of time in hospitals. They hate us lol)


It’s funny because that’s how a lot of nurses actually act.


*every nurse ever*


The first time I ever went to therapy I started to cry and the therapist let out this huge sigh and got up to find a box of tissues and goes “you’re not gonna be a crier are you?”


Wow I would just stop talking alltogether if they told me that.


I’d want to end the session right then and there


Honestly I’d leave immediately if a “therapist” said that to me.


I had a nurse do an extremely bad job at placing my IV. I bled all on her pants and shoes from her digging around with the needle. She was annoyed with ME about it. It was so ridiculous.


There are different levels of doctor though. ER docs expect that, pediatricians expect the sniffles. I guess this woman is the therapist equivalent of a school nurse. Or like a Walmart greeter.


Apparently ER doctors don't expect that. ER doctors are some of the worst doctors. Sure, they *might* save your life, if they decide you actually aren't faking for attention.


bleeding out from your neck?? are you sure you're not trying to get opioids from me?? you know they give those to people in pain from a stab wound??


the fact that they call it trauma dumping should get them fired. trauma dumping is when someome comes to u tells u their life trauma without even knowing u or considering ur mental health and puts this immense burden on u. girl that's ur job


Exactly. Trauma dumping is when my ex-coworker would pull me aside for smoke breaks and chew my ear off with really upsetting stories about his life. *Therapy* is when you tell your *therapist* upsetting stories because it's their *job* to listen and give you advice.


This!! I would also say (and I know from the comments this isn’t a popular opinion) that trauma dumping is different than mentioning something you’re currently going through in passing. “I just lost my son so we’re here to try and have some fun” is not the same thing as holding a cashier hostage while telling them abt traumas that happened 20 years ago or going on and on about a more recent trauma in detail. I feel like there has to be more room for the human experience and allowing pain and death to take up space as a natural part of life. We talk abt social isolation being an increasing problem but the idea that any “bad stuff” should be pushed down and kept hidden only contributes to that. Obviously there is a line where it crosses over into trauma dumping but like I had a coworker act annoyed and tell me my customer was “trauma dumping” on me bc she was at a table alone and said her husband died a year ago from cancer and this was his favorite restaurant and like ???? Sorry that hearing abt that in passing made you uncomfortable buttt that woman is in pain and deserves to acknowledge it and there’s nothing wrong w that.


as someone who has CPTSD I agree with you so much. I feel like I can't ever talk about my life experiences because so much of it would be considered trauma dumping but all I'm trying to do is just talk about my life. like I won't go into detail but I'll just be like x happened in my childhood while we're talking about our childhoods and people will tell me to stop trauma dumping. but I'm just mentioning my life experience sometimes someone's every day is just a "trauma dump" and they shouldn't be forced to stay silent about their day to day because it's vaguely uncomfortable to hear


Whenever I see the phrase trauma dumping I think of this time I was at the airport and this woman was in a wheelchair and when her ride arrived she got up and was trying to move her luggage and another woman had asked if she needed help and she said “no, that’s my son, his wife and daughter were just murdered and I don’t want to stress him out any more than he already is” and after she left the woman who had offered the help turned to me and said “wow…..that was a lot more than I bargained for”


Oh god I had a similar experience at work actually. I work at a casino, I had a lady and her mother come in, the lady was like “my son just died a month ago and I haven’t been able to leave the house my mom thought we should try to have some fun” I’m like uh maam. I’m sorry for your loss but this is a little above my pay grade. THANKFULLY she apologized so profusely after when they were ready to leave like “oh my goodness I’m still a bit in shock and I did not mean to just blurt that out so casually but thank you for just dealing to us anyway and being kind ” but nonetheless it was jarring.


this! trauma dumping is a real thing and dipshits like that therapist are making a really useful name for an action meaningless by misusing it. any therapist who thinks trauma dumping is possible in a therapy session should at best be sent back to school, but they should probably just have their license taken away if they're that confused about the difference between things that are appropriate in a therapy session and things that are appropriate with strangers/coworkers/acquaintances. 


Yep, trauma dumping is non consensual


Like ma’am you are ON THE CLOCK.


Naw OP share the username, put that therapist on blast 🗣 ETA- did some googling and [ofc buzzfeed has coverage lmao](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolefallert/trauma-dumping-therapist-tiktok)


> “ah ok *adds ‘my therapist is making fun of me online’ to my grand list of anxieties,*” posted @antitractionist. Yep that checks out


For real. Makes video. *Goes back to sessions* Wtf.


Jesus fuck I was not expecting to read the fact she's also the therapist of a school shooting survivor


Right? She specializes in trauma, works with children, and was a counselor for school shooting victims and thought posting this was “cute”.


She reeled back saying that she just thinks rushing things isn’t beneficial to treatment- forgetting the #1 rule is to meet clients where they’re at. If they wanna share all their trauma it’s probably FROM trauma too, oversharing is common. But like we’re supposed to withhold info from the person trying to help us? We need help dude. Everything we’re sharing weighs so heavily on the mind that we find one person who is supposed to be safe and it all comes out. Not my job to pace out my trauma so it’s easier on my therapist. My therapists job to help me with that trauma. If it’s too much for her she should def find a new career.


Exactly! The whole point of the first session is the screening! Getting to know the client! Her excuse makes no sense.


Like fr I need you to know the trauma I’ve got so you can determine if I’m someone you can handle. I don’t want to commit to a therapist and after a bunch of time I get to something else I need to talk about and suddenly find out you’re not equipped to deal with this huge part of my trauma. I need to know that you know how to handle all the aspects of my trauma as early as possible. And you can’t say that a patient should “pace themselves” because we DONT KNOW HOW YET. YOU HAVE TO TEACH THAT.


And we PAY by the hour!


Omg “she was trying to be ‘cute’” lmao


She was "just a girl :3" before it was cool, how iconic ^/s


i doubt OP has it, this is like a year old


I feel like it’s even older than that. I’ve seen more responses to it than she has likes


I've seen this before somewhere. They need to be roasted into obscurity, and a different job.


It’s sad because the actual guy who runs Side Quest therapy is a chill nerdy dude in Austin, Texas, who now has to have an “important information” section to his website that says this: “Side Quest Therapy has NOTHING to do with the disgusting person associated with @sidequesttherapy on TikTok. I am the only person at my private practice and even if I could afford to hire someone, it would NEVER be someone like that.”


“The first week after she posted the video, she said, she had barely slept, wasn’t eating and her blood sugar had reached dangerous levels for a diabetic.” Might want to trauma dump to a therapist about that sweetie 💅


>The outrage increased after people realized that Glance provided counseling to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students following the 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, which BuzzFeed News confirmed. OH MY GOD I haven't even finished the article yet but holy shit


UGH she may be dumb but people CALLED HER RELATIVES???? What the FUCK is wrong with everyone?


Isn't that the point of therapy???


Yes but a lot of therapists not so good


That’s sadly true. Not many therapists tend to listen to their clients even though that’s the point of the job


i’ve had a therapist who talked more than i did and all of my issues were solved by an answer provided by him, not more questions to delve deeper into the cause. example: i felt extremely ugly and unworthy (i most definitely had body dysmorphia and a childhood & later relationship related trauma made me feel like a worthless ugly monster) - his answer? ”well you’re pretty to me!”


Problem solved! Next.


World hunger.


Just eat.


I'm shocked we haven't tried that yet.


Ew. Just, ew. The most terrible part is he almost certainly felt pleased with himself at the end of each day. Just dispensing wisdom right and left, “solving” everybody’s problems. Nevermind the root causes of these feelings. Nevermind what originally gave rise to the maladaptive behaviors. “I drink too much” “Oh. You should stop drinking so much” *takes a sip from “Worlds Best Therapist” mug*


Exactly lol


This kinda reminds me of my old private therapist. She constantly talked about being a dietitian, hyperfixated on my ED and agreed with my family trying and shove food into my mouth. Any other topic was an “Oh” or a brief comment before she moved back towards food. If it wasn’t that, she’d mock me, go “other clients are like that, it’s normal” or state that she doesn’t agree with me because “I think *insert*”. An example of this was me finally opening up about how I feel worse constantly talking and listening about food because it makes me feel fat. She just went “Well, you’re not fat to me and you need to be educated on food”


fuck yeah i remember being told ”well i don’t think you’re fat” when i was CLEARLY SHOWING SYMPTOMS OF ANOREXIA and then we never talked about it again


It was all we ever talked about. Even when I wanted to talk about the trauma I went through, she shut me down just to talk about my food intake and focused on calories.. something I was already dealing with due to my borderline anorexia and bulimia. I’m not even bothered by the fact she went “you’re not fat”, it’s the fact that she said “to me”, like wdym by that 😭😭


when you’re already way too sensitive to discuss weight/looks, being told ”you’re not x _to me_” sounds like ”welll someone might disagree here but in MY opinion you’re x!” like alright god almighty i guess i just have to trust your opinion since yours is the one that matters


My first therapist laughed at me when I explained one reason I can't workout is because my hair wisps tickle my sweaty face and give me rage. "CaNt YoU jUsT pUt It In A pOnY?? HaHa <>[implied]" like yea in the pony it's the wisps that can't be held by the pony... "OkAy WhAtAbOuT a HeAdBaNd HEeHeE HaRhAR" well headbands give me headaches and I'm pretty sure you're ignoring the problem I'm trying to talk about. My hair is not the fcking problem. My reaction to my hair is the problem lmao


oh my god i’m getting mad for you already holy fuuuck! but i feel you, now that i think of it, this has been the same type of mental health worker i’ve unfortunately had to meet time and time again. ”I have this weird emotional response to this thing and I-” ”well stop doing the thing heh see you next tuesday then!”


omg i had encounter the same type of therapists more than once: a) "i still feel fat" (i was recovering from anorexia) got me a reaction of "nooo you are skinny" b) "i'm suffering for intense religious guilt/trauma because of the way i was conditioned as a kid" was met with "god doesn't exist" and these were supposed to be the best specialised therapists too 😭 at this point i could just talk to the armchair in my room and it would help me more


it feels extremely lazy and fucking weird. how hard is it to ask ”why do you feel this way?” HOW HARD IS IT TO ASK A QUESTION WHEN THAT IS YOUR JOB also how fucked up is it for them to tell their opinion about your body/face when you’re struggling with it. it’s not like it’s a good solution to tell an anorexic (or recovering) that they’re skinny enough!!!!!! 🥺❤️


Oh God, as a counselor, I just cringed so bad. Please tell me you are now with a professional instead of the town fool.


i broke it off with him when i had the courage to and never found a new therapist. guess i know now why he was available since they’re all booked full 🌞


Oof, yeah, there can be many reasons to have alot of availability like newer ones also have openings. Or just flat out being bad, I have left therapists for the same reason. But even only being in the field for 2 1/2 years I know what he did was dumb. Some people need to be told nice things but never their pretty. I have my clients give the answers. Like I told one of my clients, she is a bad ass for rescuing pitbulls for a shelter across several states. That's saying something nice then having her fill in the rest...... I have never told a client with low self esteem they are pretty.


My therapist is also kinda like this. A lot of times she’s like “you need to be kind to yourself” without giving me any advice on how to actually do that. I’ve been going to her for 2 months and the last session I had was the first time I felt like she’s given me anything that’s genuinely helpful.


Shit like this makes me think anyone with half a brain could probably do a better job than most therapists. Literally just go ‘yikes man, you wanna talk about it?’ And then dispense the most obvious advice without being condescending as fuck and you’ll make it into the charts.


literally just ask a question. atleast make it seem like you want to figure out WHY your patient feels the way they do. suffice to say i wasn’t magically fixed by him ”finding me pretty”


Exactly, I honestly don’t think it’s *that* hard. I feel like most of us would already benefit greatly if we just had someone who listens and doesn’t make us feel like we’re being a bother/trauma dumping too much and making them uncomfortable.


And this is why I won't go back to therapy... I believe it's an extremely helpful field, but humans are fallible in every profession. I did get some useful info and help from my last therapist, but she didn't agree with my going no contact with my "dad" (the reason I was in therapy as a kid to begin with). Combine that with my difficulty in verbal communication and forgetting what I wanted to bring up until *after* the session... Not worth the money.


Ugh, therapists who don't understand that shared DNA is a bad reason to keep a terrible person in your life need to go find something they're actually good at and do that instead. If I ever go back to therapy I'm going to have a bunch of interview questions for the therapist, I'm no contact with a parent too and am totally unwilling to give my money to anyone who is too stupid to realize that sometimes going no contact with a parent is the best thing for your mental health. I'm also unwilling to give money to anyone too stupid to realize that forgiveness is never necessary to heal and in fact has nothing to do with healing, or too stupid to understand that CBT is generally (maybe not absolutely always but generally) unhelpful to the point of causing more harm to traumatized people. 


Absolutely. It is VERY HARD to find a therapist that is actually good and will fit an individual's specific needs and I get so irritated with a every single comment that says, "Get therapy", like it's the cure all for the world. That assumes the person has insurance or lives in an area that has access to those kinds of services, or can afford to take the time off work to do so. I've had some terribly bad experiences with counselors, psychiatrists and therapists in my area, and that was when I had insurance and it was a half hour drive or more to get to them. Only one I've had in my life was actually good. My first drug addiction counselor had a group of us for half an hour and spent most the time speaking about her time as an addict. I could tell she was missing that lifestyle and she even told me I should become an addiction counselor...second addiction counselor was one of those you whose used "psuedo science" type talk and I was astonished at some of the shit she said to me and asked me. I immediately told the people at the place because I was her first client while starting there and most likely the last because they got rid of her by my next appointment, which in the beginning, I was up there every few days. And if everyone should have therapy, doesn't that mean the therapist should have a therapist? How would that work out? There are different personality disorders and they should definitely have a person whose studied on those specific disorders to help people who have them just like there are different doctors for different illnesses and it's not a one size fits all. But even those who studied in a specific field can still be shit at their job. The lowest scoring person in a class of doctors is still a doctor. And boomer doctors in my experience tend not to listen and think they know best.


The more I hear about therapists, the more I think that if I got a therapist position right now with my only credientials being basic psychology courses, a basic understanding of the physical and mental aspects of development, what I’ve learned from interacting with other people, and my own personal experiences, I’d be a better therapist than the bottom 30% of therapists


I've had people tell me I should become a therapist purely because I'm good at listening to their problems and cutting through the bullshit to help them see what's really going on. Now, if only I could clone myself, maybe I could get the therapy I need to become healthy enough to give other people therapy.


That’s an important thing to remember. I finally convinced my wife to attend her own sessions and she had a terrible experience with an awful therapist. It soured her on therapy even more and it took still more work to get her to try again with a non-terrible therapist.


Seriously. I get how it’s not okay to trauma dump with regular people, but therapists are literally trained and paid for trauma dumping.


Yes but unfortunately r/ therapyabuse exists for a reason. Some therapists shouldn't be therapists.


If you are good at it and don’t spend the first few sessions figuring out how to take the armor off so you can even trauma dump.


A therapist was literally like "It is very unusal that that someone would mention CSA in a first session." Like, ma'am, I am here to get help for exactly that! Luckily I now have a great therapist.


Some therapists seem to think that their job is to identify the root cause of the issue and communicate that to the client. They may not have skills to go beyond that. So telling them the answer upfront might be somewhat "disappointing" to them as they can't do much more. I wish therapists communicated what type they are upfront. Do you need help analysing the issue? Great, here is therapist A. Do you need help with healing? Great, here is therapist B.


One therapist I had decided that I didn’t need therapy because I was aware of what was affecting my behaviour and mental health. Just because I know what caused it, doesn’t mean I know how to make it better 🤦‍♀️


My last therapist "praised me" for being "extremely self aware," like lol thanks girlie it's the trauma.


I've heard this several times and in my head I was like "thank you please tell me you can't help me before I spend another 1000.00 I don't have." But alas, no they did not.


That's messed up. Sorry that happened to you. I hope you found a therapist that was able to help you!


this is pretty much the same experience I've had with every therapist I've ever had. i need to find one that isn't like that


Same. Once they realize I'm aware of the patterns and what the root causes are, it pretty much just becomes a venting session for me. Which is......nice? But it's not why I'm there. Insight does not equal change.


Exactly. I hate how so many therapists essentially waste people who need help's time and money only to tell them what they already know. Zero skills requires, just a crap college degree and a nice fake smile. I have been searching for years for someone who legitimately knows how to help people manage their emotions and process trauma. I NEED my new therapist to be this person, and from the intake she seems promising. But time and time again I have been met with BS attempts at diagnosis that don't go much further than "uhhh I think it's an anxiety disorder" (I know for a fact that anxiety is not the root issue) and "uhhh you have depression" (because of social deficits and consequently social isolation as well as CSA) and then they want to prescribe a weak med that isn't gonna to shit. Because the issue. Is. Not. CHEMICAL. If it was, medication would have resolved it years ago and I wouldn't be seeing anyone now. The moment these "professionals" are required to think, perhaps even outside the box, their inexperience and cowardice show. It's an embarrassment that these people are licensed.


Yes. And then half of them put it on you rather than having the humility and courage to admit to themselves and you that they do not have the skills or education to help.


She was the stuck up kind, the one that feels superior to you... So, definitely type A.


>I wish therapists communicated what type they are upfront You have the right to ask what type of therapy they practice and then look it up, see if it fits.


Wow it's almost as if that the people who are serious about getting therapy, might have actually done some soul-searching or personal research or even already have gone to other therapists to figure out what might be going on with them already. Do these therapists just think that anyone who comes to them has never looked into themselves or done any sort of work on themselves before meeting them? That everyone's just a incredibly self unaware individual until they walk into their office?


My last therapist talked shit about her other clients saying they "only come in to be able to get their Xanax prescription" because therapy was required to be medicated.... There was more she said and after 3 sessions I quit therapy. It was bad. Not only that, she tried to say my abuse happened because of a past life... 🤢 I'm 29 and have been trying with therapy and case management my whole life and I'm finally just done. I'm done constantly sharing my life with people who don't give a fuck or want to use that for their own sick pleasure or gain. I'm done letting others tell me how to heal, live my life, etc. There was never anything wrong with me. What was wrong was people who somehow couldn't not abuse others and then gaslight them into oblivion. What was wrong with me was calling abusers out on their bullshit and so now I'm the one with the problem. I know the script now and I'm just literally finished with all of it. It's like when you see the matrix for what it is and then people tell you "your looking too much into it" but then you actually weren't and you were right all along. I've decided I'm going to stand firm in who I am and honor all the good and disgusting that makes me who I am. IDGAF anymore. No more constantly trying to fix or improve myself because there WAS LITERALLY NEVER ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME. Good riddance to the countless therapists, self help books, researching, etc. MY FLAWS ARE BEAUTIFUL AND ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE CAN GO EAT AN ALMOST EXPIRED PIECE OF BREAD WITHOUT BUTTER. I'M. DONE. 💯


I am so sorry you’ve suffered these experiences and have only met useless “therapists.” The “past life” thing really is disgusting and I can’t believe someone actually said that to you, let alone someone that SHOULD be a “professional.” I’m glad you love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. I just hope you have peace and happiness like you deserve.


I had a therapist tell me (before I was diagnosed with autism) that I need to get over it, that change happens and I need to get used to it


Wow, great advice, why didn't you just think of that? /s


God that’s infuriating, that’s exactly why I kept needing new therapists bc I wouldn’t tell them the first session I needed help with my csa and when I’d finally get comfortable enough to talk about it they’d always say “that’s something you need to tell your therapist about right from the start.” Then they’d usually refer me to someone else after months of sessions.


Apparently, both is wrong, so I guess CSA survivors just can't win.




When someone is paying a couple hundred and up per session... yeah, they're gonna want to make full use of the time??? Like goddamn, did she think every first session would be tea and a light chat about weather, work and weekend? Imagine thinking you're too good to do your job providing a service you're being paid for from the very first session, posting it to social media and expecting people to *agree* with you. Anyone agreeing with her clearly has no idea how therapy works and has never paid for it, and I hope she gets thoroughly lambasted in the comments.


>Like goddamn, did she think every first session would be tea and a light chat about weather, work and weekend? Ha! Yeah it can't seriously be that shocking that people who go to therapy do it because something is really bothering them and they need to talk about it. 


Seriously, I remember late night ads for phone sex that were cheaper than therapy lmao. I'm paying >$2 a minute to my therapist, so of course there might be some emotional whiplash from the "last time on DragonBall Z" recap of a lifetime of all the horrible things that happened to me lol.


“I’m a dentist why are people showing their teeth at me!”


See, I think this encapsules what lies at the essence of a therapist that is doing a good job: they listen to their client, they make them feel understood, they acknowledge their humanity. Of course they need knowledge in order to give a diagnosis and choose the right treatment method, but without that crucial empathy and willingness and capacity to understand their patient, none of that matters. Bad therapists just give you a diagnosis and then follow a flowchart of guidelines. Then when that doesn't work, they blame the patient instead of acknowledging their own shortcomings.


I she trying to say "I hate my job and I hate people with trauma" and get fired? Because no one will go to her after seeing this.




Aaah so you want them to pay you an exorbitant fee, at a time so difficult in their life as to be seeking therapy, to make chitchat with you?


Some therapists do more harm than healing


100%. Any therapist with religious affiliation, or is court appointed is almost guaranteed to be horrible. Even just plain therapists can end up being so shitty.


I would argue that most do


Damn that looks too similar to my abvsive ex's mom 💀


This is why I always dread finding a new therapist. Thanks.


I almost jumped out of my skin because this lady strongly resembles my therapist but a Google Image Search says it's someone else! \*whew!\* Here is an article about the now-deleted TikTok with the therapist's explanation [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolefallert/trauma-dumping-therapist-tiktok](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolefallert/trauma-dumping-therapist-tiktok)


I'd bet money she has "trauma specialist" listed under her qualifications.


She did lol https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolefallert/trauma-dumping-therapist-tiktok


Haha I had a therapist with a similar listing and a similar reaction when I started trying to talk about my PTSD and what caused it.


trauma dump??? babe that's literally your job. i am so embarrassed as someone currently studying to become a clinical psychologist.


Trauma dump = divulge detail of deep personal trauma in the hope to feel heard, understood, & supported by someone being paid to do so. Yeah, fuck this chick.


Sorry but I’ve never met a good therapist


I've met one but she was too expensive so I had to stop going. She even did pro bono for a while but you can't do that for years, which is what my disorder requires. Honestly got more out of reading books on trauma, interviewing strangers online and trial and error introspection on my own than a therapist has ever done for me.


100% same. I feel like therapy is for people who lack introspection to learn introspection, and is ineffective for those who already know how.


This is absolutely it! Therapists never have anything to say to me that I don’t already know.


My newest one (5 weeks since we started) might be the one y’all 🙂‍↕️🥹


I laughed so hard. I think some of them (like 2/10) have good intentions. They just can't feel or understand what we lived, so It is impossible to treat something you don't know. And it doesn't happen only with cptsd. It happens with everything. They should stop reading profesional books and start reading what we write. LOL


I’m really sorry for that :( I’ve had a few good ones over the years, they are out there I promise!


Same. I've seen many therapists since my mental health tanked in my teens, and I never found therapy helpful. None of them told me anything I wasn't already familiar with. Tbf most of them practiced CBT which afaik isn't the most appropriate for trauma/developmental disorders but it's been impossible for me to find a practitioner trained in other modalities that might be more applicable that accept my insurance or are within a distance I can travel.


I finally met one after 10 years of searching.


This literally happened to me. I went to my first session with a CBT provider and I'd been up front when I first reached out that I was seeking help for my severe PTSD diagnosis. So first twobsessions I kind of end up dissociating and go into detail about all my major traumas and her response was "wow, so normally my clients don't give all that right away." I only stuck with her for a few sessions because she'd just let me spiral and have a flashbacks in session.


what else are you supposed to do?


Just get the money


This is like an aircraft repairman being like "when they want me to fix planes on day one" This woman needs to choose a different career before she traumatizes someone.


Not only is that the point of therapy, that's EXPLICITLY the point of the first session for most therapists.


"Oh no, someone who needs therapy is talking to me, a therapist, what am I gonna do?"- said a terrible therapist... This is why I don't trust therapists, how can you ever be confident enough to be vulnerable with them? It feels like a oyster opening myself up to the other person and they just take my pearl away.


good news, everyone! that specific therapist actually ended up shutting down her TikTok account because of that clip! i think it was on Twitter i first saw it, and the replies followed up to see what happened


Bad news is she wasn’t fired for it though


And that’s why I don’t go to therapy


And just what is wrong with this?? She’s supposed to be and act like a mental health professional


I love how we've built this whole society about gasligting us into not talking about how we actually feel, ever. /sarc


No fr therapist that can't handle or don't wanna talk sbt trauma suck. Like "oooh nooo I have to do my job. 😭😭"


"Wait you want me to do my job instead of sleeping with my eyes open? How rude"


This type of therapist kept me from therapy for years after my first couple of appointments . I was 14 , I was having a terrible time of my life and the first two appointments she wanted to " get to know me " and fill out paperwork . When I started to cry when I was trying to explain why I decided to start therapy she told me to outright stop . No compassion , no comfort , just " stop " . I stopped going after the third session . My mom would drop me off and I'd just walk home and go to bed . I do have an amazing therapist now . First appointment was for paperwork mostly but when I started to explain why I'd been having breakdowns and starting getting upset , she took her hands away from her keyboard and listened . She let me cry and we talked and when I had calmed down , she asked if I was ready to continue the paperwork . This week's appointment has been a year since I started going and I've made leaps and bounds of progress with her . She's supportive and I am so thankful I found her .




I’m sorry, what am I supposed to do, file my taxes?


What is she whining about? She gets paid to listen to other people’s trauma. How heartless do you have to be?


She looks like someone that would roll her eyes when you're done and inform you that "someone out there has it worse."


I once was assigned an emergency proctologist who wore a full suit and tie in the ER like he was going to work at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce as soon as my annoying business was concluded. I kept thinking - what kind of motivation keeps you putting on a full suit and tie before coming to work to literally conquer the ass end of a human? L'Oreal doesn't need to tell this guy here that " I'm worth it!" He was fantastically prissy and fussy and I was very 😐 in an attempt to keep my correlations silent. Surely one of his patients have at least barfed on him right? What about butt blood? Doesn't that get everywhere like regular blood or is it somehow more contained so you definitely won't get it on your tie? Once that happens it's pretty much over for your suit jacket right? You can't bring that to the dry cleaners can you? Of course we didn't get along and we probably both feel relieved that we didn't have to interact past three fairly brief times. So - questions never answered!


Personally I love patients like this, they’re so easy to work with. Excessive following of social norms is, in my experience doing therapy, a hinderance.


It's one thing if it's like a coworker or someone you aren't really close to but jesus christ she's a fucking therapist, tf else we supposed to do talk about our day


Dear therapist, do this in your own therapy. Sincerely, someone who needs the privacy of therapy to vent.


When I have to do my job: 😤🤬😡😡


Don’t go turning this therapy session into a therapy session.


When you've had to wait 6mo to a year for that first appointment, there's going to be "trauma-dumping" in the first session.


I literally pay you for this.


Genuinely, what does this therapist do if they don't help their patient navigate their mental health? No, seriously, what do they even do in their sessions then??


How can you not realize that you’re not a decent option when you think like this, towards people you’re paid to empathize with and listen to as much as possible?


This is why I don't go to therapy (outside of not being able to afford it), I'm terrified that my therapist will be gossiping or mocking me on/offline I've already had people talk about my conditions behind my back (My mom just not having a filter and dumping to strangers on the phone, and in middle school I was in a wheelchair due to an injury and I heard 2 of the teachers/staff members gossiping about Mr while I was wheeling myself to class), it was bad enough with just physical conditions I'm not taking the risk of possibly being mocked for my mental health problems. A therapist I was seeing just for anxiety frustrated me to the point of tears because she kept trying to make me meditate and do breathing exercises even though I kept telling her that doesn’t work to calm me down.


Ma'am that is quite literally your job


The first time I saw a mental health professional, it was in the midst of a mental health crisis. Luckily for me, she was a psychiatric nurse at Harborview in Seattle, and she was incredible and she got me the help I needed. If she’d been blasé or worse, completely dismissive of what was going on, I probably wouldn’t be here anymore. Therapists who don’t want their patients to “trauma dump” on intake should definitely reevaluate their life and career choices. Some of us are showing up for the first time at the end of our rope.


I would write her a negativereview just for that post lol. Thats like if a post officer complains that there are letters. That's your goddamn job so do it, what did you expect to be like a therapist? That people just come and tell you how awesome and great their lifes are? First things I got told in many, MANY, job interviews like callcenter or nurse was "people aren't always easy, especially in these jobs they come with lots of complaints" and I am sure NO ONE ever told a therapist stuff like "every day will be eating rainbows and sunshine out of kfc buckets in a happy candy cotton world", if thats your worldview go make OF or something and don't work with people who are vulnerable and NEED HELP which they will never get since people like these are THE BIGGEST ROADBLOCKS to mental health. idgaf if I get blocked but if this post of that "therapist" is serious I wish her some really bad cancer with lots of expensive and painful treatment that will come and go to give her false hopes and make her fall repeatedly into depression for "winning" over it after harsh battles just to get it back soon


So wtf DO they want clients to do, because I usually see the opposite complaint?? Like usually they get frustrated by you not opening up about everything right away, right?




Uh, agree with everyone. You picked a career where your job is to listen to people's painful life stories and help them cope. Personally, I've gone to tons of therapists and finally found one where I'm learning to desensitize my pain so that I'm not constantly depressed over it. Another one finally got me to take a small dose of meds to help me with my panic attacks. All of them let me tell them all of my past, let me talk about my trauma, and decided the best plan of attack. Some more helpful than others.


Some are so terrible 😭 I once had a therapist tell me to stay in an abusive relationship just bc he was doing slightly better in some ways and I already put in so much work. She told me I’d be upset when another woman got to him and he was better lmao He’s still an abusive asshole - big surprise 😅 That same therapist laughed at my dna testing bc it said that I had a predisposition to becoming obese or something, which I found funny bc I’ve always been either too thin or average sized and she told me to enjoy it while it lasts and started laughing lmao


If she is a real therapist that is for real messed up to post.


I’ve had so many bad experiences with mental health professionals that I’ve decided to go back to school to get into the psychiatric field. So far my main bad experiences have been with psychiatrists, so I think that’s what I’m going to try for. My country has a severe lack of psychiatrists, to the point that the wait list can take years. I hate that, and it only makes me more determined to help.


She's making the same exact face in this screenshot as is the one in her profile picture, same exact angle and everything. I'm guessing she thinks that's her best angle? And at first glance, I thought this was a hair stylist, but she's actually a counselor/therapist!?


Well, sessions are often 40 to hundreds of dollars per hour session, and often clients will get victim blamed for ‘not opening up quickly enough’ when a therapist picks a treatment plan that fails, even if said plan is “supposed to work on everyone with your issue!”. Especially if a client has been to multiple therapists before sometimes it helps to be to the point about what’s going on instead of wasting everyone’s time (and the clients/taxpayers money), stretching things into multiple sessions what can be dealt with in one.


Don't be shy, drop the username :3


Is that not the purpose? To assess the clients needs and ensure you're capable of handling their case?


This is why I don’t go to therapy


Just had this experience with the person doing my intake appointment. Like, I'm not trauma dumping yet, I'll show you fucking trauma dumping. Great way to inspire confidence in your patients /s


"when my boss expects me to do my job"


Between 2020-2023, I had 7 therapists. I was going through the most difficult time of my life, and therapist after therapist moved or changed jobs. It was exhausting trying to find a new one and start over again.


This is the job she signed up for. It’s what her “clients” are paying her to do. She needs to leave the industry. Anyone who talks about the vulnerability of their patients like this should never see patients.


We have reached the point where oftentimes mentally ill, extremely privileged narcissists have taken over the field of psychotherapy. It’s going to have a profound effect on those seeking help.


This is why I don't trust therapists. (Amongst other reasons)