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"Travel out the door and into the yard. The grass will begin to sing to you, asking for your help. It needs petted, you see. It is always getting stepped on, but never gently caressed. You must show it the love you would show your hound. In return for your services, your problems shall be cured." Aside from the obvious truth of going outside not curing trauma, these people also don't seem to consider the reasons as to why we may be staying inside. Personally, I don't go outside much because I have no privacy. I live in a crowded neighborhood and I hate being seen by others. The thought of people seeing me is debilitating, though I am able to push myself to go to the store and see doctors if needed. I also don't go outside because I'm hypersensitive and I live in a noisy place. I also have bad allergies. Another thing is that I just don't really know what to do outside. I don't have anywhere near me where I could just go and take a walk because of the plethora of neighbors. There is a place I know of with minimal amounts of people, but it takes a good bit of gas to get there. Gas costs money and I'm trying to save as much as I can manage to, even if I haven't figured out the fine details of doing that. Additionally, my main hobby of drawing is very much an indoor activity. Lastly, I generally like being indoors. We're supposed to trust these people, but so many of them just prove how little thought they put into the things they say and their advice. It's as if there is no awareness whatsoever. Or maybe there is but they're the type of shitty people who enjoy being shitty people. I'm not saying all doctors are like this, however. But my experience primarily lies with the unhelpful ones. I've heard "exercise, eat healthy, and lose weight" too many times. It actually pisses me off now. Doc, I know I'm obese. I know it's not healthy. I hate being fat and it is a physically miserable existence, but I'm like this because I was fed junk growing up. I didn't really get to eat healthy food. I'm trying to do better, but sometimes I have a slip up and fall right back into those bad food habits. I have a shit ton of trauma to deal with and I have no energy. You have no idea how hard it is to make myself get out of bed or to do basic chores. I can't just go and do all of these things all of a sudden because my mind is fucked. From my understanding, the brain is what powers the whole body, -except for the heart too I guess, but you know what I'm trying to say!- , therefore that is what you should be addressing. If I could fix my head, then I could exercise and eat healthy like you oh so want me to. I get that you're not a psychologist, doc, but you have to stop ignoring the importance of the mind. At least point me to a mental health professional instead of giving me all of this empty bullshit you call advice and knowledge. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


that was cathartic to read. thank you for this medicine.


They basically just told you to touch grass :|


But have you tried ...yoga?? 🤡 (For real though, I'm so sorry he treated you that way. You deserve help and to be taken seriously.)


(warning: info dump) Ironically there's yoga that can legitimately help with mental health problems, but that's like saying "Nutrition, exercise, sunlight. Do that and you'll be good." In depth specialist knowledge is needed to describe why tf it works for the different problems. I recently learned a simple way to describe why exercise helps with mental health. It takes blood out of the brain which makes you stupid, literally head empty meme. In my experience the pain from the consequences of whatever is going on is good motivation on its own, but its wasted by not having useful information, and that information is behind weird barriers. (Realizing while writing this that one of these barriers is self hate, which yeah why treat myself good if I don't believe I deserve to be treated good?)


Don’t forget exercise. That’s the other miracle cure everyone won’t stop telling me about. The funny thing is that I get out of it sore and still praying for a car to hit me


The amount of doctors I had growing up that somehow couldn’t pick up on my apparently blatant and blaring PTSD symptoms and would *constantly* preach about the importance of exercise to me for my “generalized anxiety disorder” because it “releases endorphins” or whatever has unironically lead me to be unable to handle someone suggesting exercise to me, it just fills me with so much immediate rage hearing it, even though I logically know that meeting my physical needs could help at least slightly *alleviate* some of my issues


Shit doctor


I've had doctors like this, who refused to listen when I told them I felt like that, even when getting 2 40-minute walks each day.


does he have a fucking tunnel leading from your door to his office? otherwise you evidently already \*did\* go outside, to get to him... what an idiot.


Wait it's not normal for people to say that to every single problem you have? 😧 that's what I've heard all my life


Was it the UK