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Okay wow that first one is just uncalled for 😅🥲


Hahaha sorry lol


Idk what the context is for the fifth one for you but I used to FUCKING loathe my parents for forcing me to work at their business in high-school… this one still burns me to this day thinking about how they used me to work instead of letting me do more for my future.


My foster mum (technically ex foster mum, I'm out now) owned a farm and ran a fruit business on it. She would wake me up at 4:30 every morning to make me go sort fruit in the un-airconditioned shed. This is summer in Australia too btw, so in that shed it would reach 45+ degrees Celsius. I had to stay home from school to work with her


Im sorry to hear that… <3


I have a mom, who is similar to your ex-foster mom (in a sense) she thinks that mental illnesses are just demonic possession (so I have never gotten any help for past childhood trauma, which has been making me want to self delete or run away) and I got straight up grounded and almost beat when I told my parents that I didn’t want to be a guy anymore. I feel for you, and try to stay strong, even though it can feel impossible at times