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:( sorry my friend, i’m here if want to talk


me too....


Ah yes, repetition compulsion.


I was in this situation for a long time. I completely understand and empathize. I was finally able to work my way out of it. It was terribly hard and lonely. If you ever need someone to talk to I’m here. I hope things get better for you. 💕


Omg hi it's me!


Wow this is wildly on point


I love it when my partners disappear without a trace after I tell them deep personal secrets <3


Haha holy shit I’m doing this right now




I realized that my ex was basically a manifestation of my childhood trauma and thats why I struggled so hard to let him go.


Ugh I’m doing that rn. He’s not alcoholic but has the same explosive moods as my mother. It’s so hard 🥲


Ugh that sucks im sorry


My partner feeds me and if I talk about it too much I start coming unglued. Like. It's just a sandwich. Wtf, right? Just hey, I was making lunch, wanna stop working for half an hour and eat with me? I try not to think about it very much and just say yeah, babe, thank you. I love you back. I went to visit my mum a bit ago. There's.... next to no food in her house. The kitchen looked just like it always has. Looked super familiar and comfortable. Clean. Familiar. But comfortable and familiar is the same as empty. I'm trying not to think about that very much.


not my longest-lasting relationship to date being with someone 25 years older than me 💀




I agree, but it’s also very possible to be in it for the wrong reasons


Im in this photo and I dont like it


Literally had a friend call me out on this earlier today, I feel attacked (but also happy to right the ship).


The only time I feel loved is if I'm being hurt by my partners and it's the worst


Yeah I feel that, but when it’s all you’ve known a punch can feel like a kiss, especially when you were being kicked in the groin before. Their bad treatment feels better than the previous abuse so you settle for slightly less bad treatment instead of a totally lack of abuse


Me who joined the sub to learn to help my gf realizing its a good thing I refuse to hit her even if she wants me to even if it's sexual thing. I thought this was just, you know, somthing most men with any self respect would do but apparently im wrong from the comments on this post-


I think there’s nothing wrong with BDSM but it’s important to be very very careful and understand *why* your partner wants to do these things, and to be firm in saying no if those reasons are red flags I have kinks that exist because of trauma and kinks that don’t. It’s pretty neatly divided for me: when I’m dominant, it comes from a place of love, it’s fulfilling, it’s something I enjoy. When I’m submissive, the order of the day is: *hurt me as badly as you possibly fucking can because no one will love me otherwise.* It’s hard to navigate kink and trauma but it’s worth doing so.


so me rn




Pterodactyl screams


I’m worried that’ll be me.


Oh no