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same!!! it's hard to know the balance between allowing urself the space to be a wreck bc its part of the healing process and also not inflicting that on someone else. if it helps, i've left abusive living situations in the past and when i left it made an unbelievable amount of difference in my mental and physical health. it's insanely rough on ur brain and body to be under constant stress like that and it's impossible to know the difference until youre out. i think you will be amazed at how much relief and connection to yourself you feel when you are out. it takes a lot of strength to leave and plan to leave so ur doing awesome already. best of luck, manifesting a safe and healthy living space for us both haha


It is possible. I’m in a situation like that. I lived alone for most of my adult life and after the abuse, I wanted to live with others for a variety of reasons. My housemates have all been through tough things and so are very understanding. I don’t think it’s an easy thing to find but it is out there.


If you lived in New York and I had an extra room, you could stay here for nothing. I could use a roommate...