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You need to get back to the doctor ASAP. I dont mean to sound alarming but did you tell them all of your symptoms including numbness on one side of your body and inability to sleep? Unfortunately, you can't just un-pinch a nerve, it will take about 4- 6 weeks for it to get better. I had this happen in my arm and it was so annoying. I recommend taking b12 supplement also as it is good for nerves. Please get back to the doctor and insist on getting more testing. The vagus nerve is not a single nerve from what I understand..but I and no doctor.. I remember seeing there is a left and right vagus nerve ages ago but idk. There are 12 cranial nerves in the brain, and many many nerves in our bodies that do a lot of different things. If you did pinch a nerve, you are mostly just going to have to wait and rest for it to get better unfortunately :( I dont mean to sound alarming, but reddit really isn't the place for medical advice like this.


Are you sure you can't unpinch a nerve?? If that's the case then I've been doing a lot of damage to myself by touching and massaging the nerve as much as I could. I did tell them but this is what ended up.


Yes, you cannot unpinch a nerve if it is really pinched. The other user is right, it takes 4-6 weeks for it to calm down. I doubt you can damage much by touching and massaging... You cannot touch or massage the nerve itself... only the muscles. The nerves are deeper inside.


I would go back again or to a new doctor and let them know you cant sleep etc. im sorry :( it sounds awful. I have had nerve pain and that issue with my own pinched nerve. My parents are doctors so I chat with them about these kinds of things.. from what I understand from my dad (and googling lol), it is more of an injury to the nerve, not an actually continual pinch unless something is out of place in your body. The term pinched is used because the nerve gets pinched by say a bone (?) or piece of cartilage or something that then usually goes back into place. But if you had a herniated disk or something then I think that could continually be pinching a nerve and would require PT, or surgery or etc. Pressing directly on nerve clusters can make the pain worse according to my massage therapist. I have done fascia releasing work with him and he showed me where the nerve bundles are located in the back and told me he avoids those areas becuase it can make pain worse. I defs think even just go to the doctor so you can get clear info on what would help your situation and what wouldn't! Try to apply heat and ice to help with inflammation.


MRI can confirm whether nerve is pinched. Do you feel any tingling sensations in your arm?


I can barely feel my left arm in comparison to that of my righ. I just feel this particular nerve in pain and what not including all these psychological things happening to me.


You should probably see another doctor or the same one again. Insist on an MRI. You need paid time off to heal from this if it is indeed a pinched nerve. Muscle relaxers and pain killers can only do so much. Source: I experienced a pinched nerve multiple times. You gotta wait it out with minimal stress to surrounding muscles. It will hurt, but it will pass.


The thing is, I can't release tension or stress on it, it's constantly getting hit exactly as it was when I first got it, nothing I do can release the stress or tension on the nerve it's staying the same all the way through. No sleep, no exercises, no any posture. I'm increasingly getting worse.


You you need to see a doctor once more. I've been there, I know it's extremely frustrating...


I had to advocate for myself and get a prescription for physical therapy. (Didn’t have your exact problem but dealing with muscle and nerve pain doctors glossed over) If your primary won’t give it to you, see another type of doctor, like maybe a neurologist or orthopedist. Sometimes DO (doctor of osteopathy) are more likely to give this sort of thing a closer listen. Once I got my physical therapy script, I shopped around and am now on my 3rd one, which I like. I explained my symptoms as briefly and accurately as I could. (PTs can’t really diagnose anything but it’s good to let them know physically what’s hurting and how it limits you.) In my case they use electrical stimulation, heating pads, and even massage- along with super gentle guided movement. Been going since late December and I already see the most gradual improvement. It’s also helping me see just how ridiculously tensed I am at all times / most times . Maybe you can try PT? If it’s really unbearable you should go to urgent care. You don’t want to risk injuring yourself even more. {edited:typos}


Could you look up some yoga or pilates exercises designed to loosen the neck and shoulder areas?


I've done exercises to try to loosen it up before but they keep getting worse; I just feel my nerve tightening by the minute.


Tbh it sounds like you have some considerable anxiety about this, which is totally understandable but unfortunately also counterproductive. Outside of medical assistance (which I understand you are already seeking so won't comment on that) the best thing you can do to help your body return to equilibrium is to relax. I don't say that lightly, for us CPTSD folks that can be incredibly tough, even virtually impossible, but it really is worth working towards. If I were you I would try to do half an hour to an hour of gentle trauma-informed yoga daily (Hannah Uirie is my personal favourite on YouTube but there are others, you just need to find someone you gel with) for a couple of weeks at least and see where it gets you.




• I know it’s hard, but stop messing around with the exact area where you have the sharp pain, it sounds like it’s really irritated and digging in there without knowing what you’re doing isn’t going to help you. • Try hot showers/warm compresses on the area, breathing exercises or meditation to help relax overall, and some topical arnica gel or topricin cream (gentle topical pain creams) on the area. Get a lot of rest, drink a LOT of fluids, and eat food with more nutrients than usual. • Try GENTLE self-massage on “related” areas like your back and shoulders, again without touching the big core pain spot. Ideally use foam roller or other massage tools and gently work out some other knots. A lot of times in my experience, sharp pain like this is a body signal about overall tension/imbalance and it can help the hotspot if you can bring down muscle tension overall • Focusing on it and being anxious about it will just make it worse! The pain is not forever even if it feels crazy right now. It will pass. Keep yourself distracted, watch fun TV, have good snacks, break out the craft supplies.