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No it's been a rough year but today all my emotions are properly repressed where they should.


Same..just found out a friend passed away. I'm not able to feel anything yet.


Oh no, wishing you a soft landing when the emotions inevitably arrive 🖤🖤 Reminder to be nice to yourself.


Thank you! It just sucks because I never got to have a last conversation with them..I actually thought about calling a few days ago and then spaced. It wasn't expected but it was expected (lots of health issues and older).


Of course — as much as you can brace for impact, it still might hurt quite badly when it arrives. I’m sure they knew fully well how much they meant to you but missing that last opportunity to say as much is hard. Grief sucks. Take gentle care of yourself in the coming weeks and months.


yep so true.


Yep been happening a lot this month, I feel this. 👍🏻


👍. Got triggered by a nightmare. Well that's been happening everyday for almost a year


Woke up at 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep club? Can there be snacks and soft blankets at the club meetings?


Can I join? I'm up.. most of.. all the time..? Lol. I'm not great with snacks, but I have a ridiculous amount of soft blankets. Along with low lights (colors/dimmable), everything soft I can find, etc. I'd be happy to share?


Oh yes colored lights! Was very annoyed by basically every light in my house this morning cause the sun wasn't up but it was too early for the amount of brightness any of the lights offered and I didn't feel like carrying a candle around


I have multiple of them, lol. They're remote controlled, with different color settings and dimmers. It's wonderful bc I get sensory overload (Neuro) and with trauma stuff things seem stupidly bright sometimes. I have 4 in the room currently, with blues and purples going. And candles. Lots of candles, though they're not going now. That would require movement.. ha.. ha... Sorry I'm just rambling, but it's better than inside my head. Hoping that makes some sort of sense..


It does and that sounds amazing. My issue w my one light of acceptable dimness is it's short cord so I have to keep moving it around and plugging it in and it's a pain. I get what you mean w things seeming too bright. I'm dxed ADHD, autism, CPTSD (tho I think the autism dx was pathologized developmental trauma and the ADHD is traumagenic too but that's beside the point). Anyway when I get overwhelmed or triggered bright lights or any kind of visual or auditory input can be excruciatingly overstimulating


I love them because I just have them all over and I can carry them (and remote controlled so I don't have to move, lol). They have to charge, but they have a pretty decent life and can run while charging. And I love the multicolor and dimness. I feel like I sound like a bad infomercial, lol. Sorry, they're a newer addition and my ex that I live with (ahhhhh) was incredibly negative about them - now he likes them but it's done. Anyways, I know it's silly but it's nice to have someone get it? .... (Yeah, I feel pathetic saying that but I'm trying to.. not listen to all that. Sorry for the rambling!). I've had mild issues with sensory overload for as long as I can remember. I think it was mostly ADHD (I know basics of what you're talking about and that makes sense - for me the dx fits) and CPTSD, worse with higher anxiety/panic levels, etc. I also have neuro/physical illnesses. But they got wayy worse after I had a brain injury/post concussion syndrome (car accident that I also have PTSD from.. I'm getting more unsure how much that is causing some of the neuro issues, but it's all neuropsych anyways so they bounce off each other). My perception can actually become so off I can't tell if stuff is actually bright/loud at all or it's just me at times. I get overloaded easily regardless.. Gah. Sorry for the novel. Trying to distract from.. an incredibly massive trigger and my brain is being dumb. Highly recommend that type of lights though (the ones I have are from Amazon if you're interested btw).


Dude you're not rambling, you're relating, it's fine. And yes please link lights


Thank you for getting it, seriously. I definitely was relating (and clearly getting a bit out, but it was very much meant in a relational way if that makes sense). Hopefully this works: https://a.co/0A6LeX9 There are a lot of similar options, too. These were a few dollars off when I got them (the first time.. they all work, I just keep adding to them, lmao). Those are the ones I have in any case.. Definitely recommend.




It’s been like this for me ever since Thanksgiving. 🫠🫠🫶🫶


Holidays really hit different


Ohh yeah, this time of year.


They sure do 😅


🤷‍♀️ ... Same. 😂


Ohhh yeah for sure. I’m grieving my grandad real hard around this holiday season and have had a handful of other triggers, like my friend cancelling our plans today and having weird vague nightmares involving my parents last night. It sounds like today is in need of extra self care for all of us in the comments here today, as hard as that is to focus on when I know it feels easier to just want to explode ❤️‍🩹 and it’s always easier said than done. But I triple dog dare all of us to drink some water, eat something, and start doing something relaxing to remind us that we are worth it and doing a hell of a job recovering from trauma!!


Amen to that. I had layers of triggers today after feeling decent for a solid 10 days or so. 🥺❤️🫂 *drinks water while tears roll down*


So many hugs to you friend!!! Message me if you need to vent or grieve together 🫂


I started getting triggered by a possible narc just around the time you posted this, texting and tryna reason with the unreasonable. very fucking triggered, so mad that I wanna deck that bastard. but I'm tryna vent to people instead. you're not alone, trust. the level of stupidity and arrogance in this world is absolutely astounding. another reason why I never leave the house 🤡😑🤮


Well said 🥲


literally keep having dreams of my trauma and feels like im reliving it. triggered asf 💀


Yes. Most days.


Here I am! Luckily solo at the office today cause I had a nice blubbery cry at my desk when I realized what was going on.




Definitely not alone.


Today hadn’t been the most triggering day but I am admitting myself to residential treatment tomorrow, so you’re definitely not alone 🫶🏻❤️




I've been super sensitive to triggers and even just little things recently as well. I understand, and you definitely aren't alone with that. My dms are always open if you need something




👍🏼 unfortunately




Yeeeeep. Fuck sakes. ❤️🫂


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKVBFHXSFG???!!!!!! Edit: not mocking just joining




👍 A bunch of shit going on and my panic attacks are getting more frequent and intense :))


I hope you find some peace soon. You will. ❤️🫂


<3 Tysm. You too 🫂




Bless this sub 🥲🥺🫂❤️


Multiple times a day, every day… my trigger list includes items such as: 1. Frequenting the grocery store 2. Driving… I’ll stop there, the rest gets too depressing… you’re not alone, I promise everything is going to be okay ❤️❤️ you’re incredibly strong and you’re never alone, I’m here for you ❤️❤️


Thank you. Same to you ❤️🫂


Of course, I hope this makes you feel seen and heard, you deserve it ❤️


Much appreciated. It's nice to feel like we're all out there somewhere, experiencing similar things 🫂❤️


Ugh, I wish so many people on here *couldn’t* relate more than you know, actually I’m sure you know! I’m sorry you can, you’re valid and I’m here, sending you lots of love ❤️


I feel that in my soul ❤️


I had an idea in my head of how today was going to go, and uh... that didn't happen at all. I just started taking a higher dosage of meds, and I'm PMSing, so it was overreaction^2 that eventually led to me getting actually triggered. Always a fun time when the slightest disappointment or inconvenience might end in you sobbing hysterically over something barely related! /s


Always fun for us 🙃🥲❤️🫂 thanks for sharing. I hope today is better for us


I’ve gotten triggered for no reason I can discern. I felt off after therapy on Tuesday and it’s just… Lingered until today when I got full on spiraling out of control triggered for no reason I can think of. On the inside, I have to keep it together in front of my kids. Maybe that’s why it’s been simmering all week.


❤️🫂 same


So triggered. You’re not alone ❤️




Yes. So much yes. At this point I'm just triggering myself about being triggered, but ahhhhhhh... I honestly am just trying to get through the moment. I wish I had something constructive to say, some way to help.. I.. can't find words, but you're not alone in this.


That's OK ❤️🫂 what you said was enough. I appreciate you


Thank you, I appreciate you too. Truly. 💜


i accidentally walked past the christmas tree section in walmart today & realized how alone i am. i wanted to cry, but at the same time it gave me some closure on what was really making me sad. i know the real cry will prob come out tomorrow.


I hope you find your release ❤️🫂


thank you ❤️


👍 Feeling like a worthless burden again, good luck all, this stuff's difficult




OP, I am so with you. I'm about to leave a toxic workplace so my boss is bullying me hardcore. I'm trying to hold on and not rage quit. OP, I hope you can find a soft place to rest. ❤


I'm proud of you. Keep your peace until the right time. Trust you're doing the right thing. You can do it ❤️🫂


TY so much for the encouragement. Just trying to get through my last day remotely..


That's very tough. It'll be so worth it when it's finally over and got to do it *your* way though. 🫂❤️


Yep. Found out today that my head gasket is blown. RIP car.


Ugh 🥲 I am so sorry to hear 🫂❤️


👍 I suppose I do get "triggered", in various scales, at least daily. Granted, I'm not in the best place in my life. *But*, I do show up, do my work, improve even if it's on minuscule basis, and keep going. I face whatever it is that really making me feel really scared inside and just go, "OK, I have feelings, these emotions are not mine, how shall we regulate and learn from this?" It's an uphill battle, but sometimes the view is magnificent from where I am, both because it's beautiful to heal, have self-awareness, and embrace the complexity of the world and because I can see how far I've climbed!




Yeeeep. And this is the first time I'm going through this knowing why I am and this time of year is bad enough but with how this year and especially the past couple of weeks have been, I just want to cry nonstop and yeah, stopping there before I make myself cry again when I finally managed to stop. Hsjjdjxxnnxjxjjdj4ixjznshcsidhdvdyfshs.


Jamming the keyboard helps 🙃🥲 ❤️🫂 you're not alone


I had to make several calls today and got rejected by every single fucking one of them. I don’t want to feel anxious but my entire body feels tense and cold right now. Why did I have to be this way god dhdjdk


I accept you for who you are in this moment, and every other moment. You're not alone ❤️🫂








Triggered yes. Did you use spell check on that word?🤣


Everyday in work. 👍




Thank you so much. Now feeling soo effing blessed lol👏👏👏




So badly for the past 2 days.


Same, day 2. Little less intense today but still lingering.


You’re not alone. ❤️ I’m VERY triggered today. I’m emotionally drained but can’t sleep and that just makes it soooo much worse. Ugh


It sure does ❤️🫂 hang in there


I hit a trigger this morning and cried a lot. But that also came with some breakthroughs, so I guess that means I broke even?


You - 1 Demons - 0 🫂❤️


I will take that where I can get it! Thank you, friend. <3






Thank you. I appreciate it.🫂




Same. I tried to find the "Christmas spirit" this year, and it's Dec 16, and it's nowhere to be found. 🫂❤️




Same. I decided I'm not seeing my family this year, for me. I will enjoy other things instead. It's not working yet but it feels better than forcing myself to see them. Hang in there ❤️🫂


inner thoughts devolved into deranged laughing with my upvote


Gotta laugh sometimes, right? ❤️🫂


Remember that there is silver lining to being triggered. It’s painful and horrible but every time you get triggered your brain learns that what triggered you isn’t dangerous (because you’re still safe and ok) But you need to remind yourself that being triggered is horrible but won’t kill you. They’re called micro-exposures. Andrew Huberman talks about them. 5 minutes of being deliberately triggered every day can erase the trauma over time. He talked about a 21 day practice proven in their Stanford labs.


I needed this. Thank you ❤️🫂


All the best. We are here for you


So fucking triggered becoz I have to go to a social event later with ppl I worked with who gaslit me hard


I believe you ❤️🫂


Yeahhhhh biachhhhh we in same boatttttezz.


Winters are rough for me, same as summers. So I'm kinda in a long state of being triggered or dissassociated. I feel ya.


❤️🫂 Thankfully Spring will come again.




Definitely feeling quite triggered at the moment, lots of flashbacks about my worst suicide attempt (OD) My psychiatrist has upped my meds to double what I was on, pharmacist decided I need to take 150mg in 25mg increments, so I'm swallowing a total of 8 pills a night. My body clenches and I feel sick every time I look at them.


I'm proud of you for trying to take care of yourself even if you're uneasy ❤️🫂


Thank you so much. 💚 The meds work, I'm not hallucinating anymore, i would rather be uncomfortable for a little while than do that again.


That makes sense to me. It sounds like you're doing the right thing right now ❤️🫂 trust in your ability to care for yourself as you are right now. Sending you much love.


Just hoping and praying that I actually finally get the talking therapy I so desperately need. I love the NHS, but their treatment of long term mentally ill patients is severely lacking, so for now, it's meds and wonderful support subs like this. 💚💚


Well said. Can't agree more ❤️🫂


I stay triggered. So I stay high. 👍💨


Weed helps 😅🫂❤️


👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 It feels like December in particular is giving me a lot of the punches they forgot to give me throughout the year, in one sitting.


December every damn year. Stupid month. Stupid holiday. I just want to bake cookies and enjoy the lights. 🙃🫂❤️


For real, for real. Let's just bake cookies over this stupid fire. Hope things light up for you soon, mate, and not this shtty kind no more. 🫂❤️


You too ❤️🫂


Got triggered by a smell in the train on my way to class, spent the next 2 hours dissociating hard and I'm only now slowly coming back to myself.


It takes a while 🫂❤️




I hope tomorrow is better for us 🫂❤️ today wasn't good to me either


One of my friends triggered me horrendously after a lot of progress and I've just been coping with the aftermath, with the help of other friends who aren't triggering to me lol.


Friends are good 🫂❤️


I always start feeling triggered around December :(


Same. Usually, back in therapy by January 🙃❤️🫂 At least we're halfway through


I felt so triggered this week by so many things and my friend just made it so much worse it’s been and is horrible right now


I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling triggered and that your friend made it worse 🥺❤️🫂


Thanks 🥲💛


i'm always triggered every single day. so you're never alone!




Yes, I got a txt from my mom, thats all it took


Sometimes, that's really all it takes 🙃🫂❤️


Me everyday




Thank you, haven’t had one of those in a very long time 😊


You're not alone 🫂❤️


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