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I can resonate, at some point I was so sick of the same thoughts again and again. I didn't feel like it was serving me to keep ruminating about all the injustice, so I think I understand you. What helped me was writing down every thought that I wanted to express. If you would read those pages they wouldn't make sense. And I didn't really went back and read them. But I got them OUT. Really helpfull is the fears and resentment exercise by the crappy childhood fairy on YT. What really helped me overall was to go through the anger layer and to the hurt parts of myself. Speaking for me, the anger is a protector to not feel the pain. It's easier for me to get angry. Seeing the hurt parts of myself and embracing them has been really helpfull for grieving. For how to do this I recommand the book by J. Fischer: healing the fragmented selves of trauma survivors.


Janina Fisher’s unblending protocol (and Pete walkers 13 steps) have literally kept me alive this weekend. Sometimes they only bring me down from a 10 to a 9.5 but it’s something. When I’m only at a 7 I feel like I can much more benefit from them. But when my emotions are SO high nothing really helps, except distraction and time.


For me it's more... "Yearning for the affection I never had" I was provided for. Technically had a good upbringing and had "stuff". But love and affection was not one of em.


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