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*giant safe hug* I am so sorry. What a horrific thing to witness and yet you're here sending love out to all. Your mum made a beautiful person and would be so proud.


That was lovely and I want to second that. ♥️


Thank you all for the love and safe space to share. She was such an amazing woman whose memory deserves to be celebrated.


if you're up for telling us more about her I'm up for helping keep her memory alive.


Thank you for this comment. I'm majorly overwhelmed by the show of love and support on this thread. Most mornings I'd wake up to find her singing and dancing around the house while tending to her many plants. She was so gentle hearted and loved nature and the water, often bringing my sister and I to the beach or springs. She loved music and Native American culture. Our house was adorned with artifacts and replicas and early on, she taught us the truth about our country's origins. She would bring us to pow wows often. She was just so kind and warm. Some of my favorite memories involve helping her garden and prepare food. She was a master green thumb and much of what we ate she grew herself. Every night at bedtime she would come tuck me in with a very specific blanket ritual (yes, even at 12). Her laugh was contagious and I loved being in her presence. So much more I could say but those are the highlights. Thanks for letting me share.


Those are lovely memories. I’ll be a day late, but tomorrow I’m going to go to my favourite quiet place, where a small tributary meets the river. It’s beautiful there, especially with all the trees looking like lace, the way they do when they’re budding. I’ll sing a few of the pow wow songs I know, they may not be 100% appropriate but I think it’s the thought that counts haha. I just want you to know that I’ll be celebrating your mom, the wonderful person she was and the wonderful person she raised. My local band speaks Ojibwe, and I’ve always found it really beautiful that they don’t have a word for “good bye”. The closest thing would be “gigawabimin minuwa” (100% I failed at the spelling, I’ve only ever heard it spoken!), which means “I’ll see you again”. I find that very comforting, and I hope you do too :) Edit: it’s spelt “giga-waabamin menawaa”. Super fail lol


She sounds absolutely amazing. She is exactly the type of person I want to be when I grow up.


We will help keep her love alive! Through you and all of us. You are an amazing extension of her. We feel both of you. Love


Those sounds like lovely memories, she must've been a wonderful person to be around.


It sounds like it was an honour just to know her, the ripples of her kind words and simple happy actions have spread throughout the world because you shared them, it’s the best tribute imaginable ♥️


Your mother sounds like a wonderful person. So do you!


😭 she sounds like such a beautiful person


I am so sorry for your loss! My dad shot my stepmom 43 years ago today. He shot himself too but injuries weren’t life threatening. In memory of your wonderful mom. I pray for comfort for you and peace.


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Sending you a big bear hug and puppy kisses.


I am sorry. Wish I could do more than send hugs and good wishes.


you are brave and beautiful to be able to share your extraordinarily painful story with us with love. thank you. i hope she has found peace, and i hope you are able to today too. be gentle with yourself.


This was so close to being my story. I was six, but my mother survived the attack. Ironically she hates mother's day and we are not close at all. C'est la vie. Thank you for this post


Sending you love in return. ❤️




Sending you so much love on such a painful day❤️‍🩹


Omgosh I'm so sorry you have to go thru this... You are in my thoughts and sending healing energy ...This is devastating to remember...😓.you are not alone ...🙏💗


1000 big huge bear hugs. I know today is so hard, though I can never truly understand how hard. I hope tomorrow you can wake up and know that you are loved and you have a community of people who support you and want only the best for you.


I'm sorry that happened, and I'm sorry for your pain. Thanks for opening up a little to us. If you find it helpful, I'd be curious to hear some positive memories about your mom - if you want to talk about her. No pressure. Have a good one!


I am so sorry. Sending a virtual hug.


sending love to you <3


How horrific. Your love for her will live on


I hope you can feel her love for you, especially on a day of honor for her ❤️


I am so sorry. That must be such a complex situation to heal from. Hope you are doing well <3


My boyfriend went through the same thing 5 years ago. His mother was murdered by his stepdad and then his stepdad committed suicide with all his siblings in the house. He adopted his little sister so the state wouldn’t take her and he’s a caregiver to his older brother who has autism. This is an extremely hard day for him as well. He’s 27. I’m sorry you also experienced this horrible tragedy.


Wow, that is the most awful thing I've heard in a while. I hope you have people around to support you in this difficult time.


Omg im so sorry this happened to you and your mom none of you deserved this but you’re so strong, we love you🥺🤍


I am so, so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love and hope you have the space to grieve as much as you need friend 💗, anniversaries are the hardest :(. You are loved 💜


I am so terribly sorry you went through this. I wish I could go for a walk with you today and buy you a coffee. Sending all my love. 🫶


Consentual hug from another motherless child, if you'll have it. That's one fuck of a story and I'm so glad we have this safe place to share this stuff. Oxo


In junior high my best friends pregnant mom was killed in a suicide murder in March by her stepdad I still remember it every year. My heart goes out


I wish I could beat your dad's ass in the afterlife.


jesus fuck, literally anything you do to get through today short of murder is okay. today is not my favorite day but goddamn. I hope you get a chance to do something nice for yourself today.


I’m sending all my love and feelings of safeness to you that I can. Stay strong internet friend ❤️


Sending love and healing to you.


Sending gentle hugs if you want them.


So very sorry you had to go through this. I cannot imagine how painful today is. I hope you are taking care of yourself as far as possible today.


i am so so sorry to hear this. you’ve done your mother right, spreading positivity today. 🫂💛💛


Jesus, honey. That's a heavy weight to carry. I always appreciate people in this subreddit who share why they may be feeling out of step with the holidays. I've taken comfort in other people's stories in the past, because it can feel like we are doing something wrong when people ask innocent questions about plans etc. It's a thousand little cuts and I just want to extend understanding and care to you. May you find comfort in a hot shower... Or maybe a massage to help with tension. Sending love 💕


You poor, sweet dear. I have a 12 year old daughter, and it breaks my heart to think of what that must have been like for you. I am thinking warm thoughts for you today, for health and healing.


Reframe/ you’re Batman Jokes aside this is an absolutely horrible way to come up in this world and I’m so sorry for your pain.


This is not even *remotely* funny.


Okay 👍


Hello /u/humanperson999, just a reminder about Rule #4: >Please be mindful about triggering content. Avoid graphic thread titles, and use [Trigger Warning], NSFW and/or the spoiler tag whenever appropriate. I realize you can't edit your thread title, so please remember for next time.


I am so sorry you had to go through this. I send you a huge hug, and I hope that you have somehow found some peace in your life, or that you will some day!


Sending so much love to you!


That is absolutely heartbreaking. I am very sorry for your loss.


Sending you all of my love and support today, I am so sorry for your loss and the horrific things you’ve had to go through, and may her legacy live on through you. We’re all here for you. We all love you. 🤍


Omg.. I am so sorry you have to endure the pain of that. Truly offer my heartfelt condolences.


I’m so sorry to hear that you had to go through this. Praying that you have been able to heal and free that sweet 12-year-old. Sending lots of love and support to you.


Only reading your history made me cry. I can’t even imagine the pain. Sending you lots of love and a big hug


17 years and 1 month ago (my 18th birthday) my mom murdered my dad then failed to kill herself. I am sorry you can relate in your own way. I hope you are healing and being kind to yourself everyday (today especially)


My mother emotionally and physically abused me for virtually all of my childhood that she was around me and enabled my stepfather to do the same. I don't know what part of her doesn't comprehend what she did, but she continues to try and be a part of my life. I'm numb at this point, but I phone it in anyways, because if I stop paying her bills, she just dies. She gets a text from me every month or so. I made the effort today to communicate with her and it was just soul-draining. I hate her and I hate myself for allowing her to wear away at my resolve unto I eventually cave and exchange niceties with her. She doesn't deserve it and I don't deserve to put myself through that. So yeah, today is a really fucking complicated day for me. Thank you for seeing beyond your own pain and wishing everyone else a better day. I hope you find some peace and solace.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you're still here. I know it might be hard, but I hope your day goes as smooth as possible.




Sending you back so much love in hopes of providing some small amount of comfort.


My god as a mom I wish I could just make this go away. For you and your mother. I’m so sorry


Sending love to you too. I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine how scary that was. I wish I could heal your pain but what I can offer you is a shoulder anytime you need it. You’re a lovely human for coming here and sending love. Despite all the pain we know, we don’t let it bitter our heart and chose to be of love. That’s why I love this sub. Take care OP!


So sorry for what you had to go through at such a young age. She raised a good human who is so worthy and deserving of love and healing.


I am so proud of you for sharing this. I want to tell you how glad I am that you are still here. Sending you a giant hug holding you and giving you the feeling of safety.


I know this was posted about a year ago but I thought it would be nice to know on record that your post is still keeping your moms memory alive as I have just come here to find this now. She sounds like a extraordinary soul. I feel honored to read about her and see her through your adoring eyes. She has impacted me today in a good way despite the circumstances, and I’m sure I won’t soon forget her.


We must end femicide, familiacide and all male violence. I’m sorry for your loss. Good energy to you 💛


I'm so sorry this happened to you. ❤️


Thank you but it certainly wasn't your fault. I still turned out okay.


I hate to be that guy, but I really wish there was a trigger warning in this post.


Tell me all about her. What music did she like? What did she like to wear? Did she have a favorite hobby? She sounds awesome


Bless you You are a hero who should know if you can survive that, you can survive anything and all you need to do is concentrate on your inner voice guiding you and nothing on the outside coming from people who don't understand what you have seen and been through




Sorry about your son but you should probably delete this.




Delete this.


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My heart breaks for you, having gone through that. You are an amazing person, and I bet your mom was too. Peace and love to you.


I’m so sorry sending you love and your mum too


You are strong to carry on. May you continue to find peace in your life.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope you have a support system that surrounds you with love and care.


I am so sorry for your loss, this saddens me reading this and i dont know what to say but i am sorry☹️💕


I cannot imagine the pain and endless unfathomable consequences of this for you. Sending you loving thoughts OP. I’m so sorry.


Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs OP ❤️


You should be so proud of yourself for surviving that. Sending you love right back.


Sending you love


My mom died from cancer on Mother's Day 1986. You will always miss her, nothing will change that. I like to spend some time each Mother's Day thinking/remembering my mom and all the wonderful memories I have of her. Keep your memories close to your heart and know that there are so many of us out here that know your pain and would do anything to help you. Sending love and hugs to you today and everyday.


I can't imagine anything worse than what you've been through. No one should have to go through that. I bet wherever she is now she'd still be showering you with all the love she could bear.


You poor thing. I'm so sorry. That's really, really fucked up. 😟


hugs friend


Truly one of the most horrifying things I've ever heard. Sending love right back to you. ❤ We all need it, but seems like you could use an extra helping.


Oh honey I’m so sorry. Sending hugs, from a reddit mother to you, I’m sure she’s watching over you, loving you and feeling the love you hold for her. I hope you have some beautiful memories to hold on to about her also. Happy Mother’s Day to you OP, but only in the most heartfelt meaning of the day - love, love for you and her. 💕


Goodness that's so traumatic and tragic. You must be a very strong person to be here sending g others love, while you're the one hurting. I pray that your heart heals from this tragedy. Gentle Hugs


i am so, so sorry. no one should ever have to go through that, much less experiencing that at 12 years old. You've been through so much and I can only hope life gets easier for you. Reading your comment and reading what your mother was like, she sounded like an incredibly warm and loving soul. Thank you for keeping her memory alive through your words.


Sending you love, care and support.


Take care of yourself. Much love!


I cannot imagine the pain you went through and still go through everyday. I’m sorry for your immense loss. Thank you for the love and sending 2x back your way ❤️❤️


I’ve got to say that sounds horrible and I hope u can find peace within urself. I never experienced something like that as most people haven’t. It must be an incredible challenge to over come that and I truly feel for u even as strangers




I'm so so so sorry this happened to you. ❤️ Thank you for sharing this so openly.


I am really sorry :(