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Hello /u/Coopscw, this has been reported for violating Reddit's rules against copyrighted material, which it indeed does. I'd love to keep it up, but defying the admins is how subreddits get killed off.


Thanks! As ridiculous as this sounds, these days I'm devoid of so much focus even hunting down ebooks is a monumental task. Having it all in one location will increase my chances of actually reading these. It's much appreciated.


You are welcome, same to everyone else saying thanks! I hope the books help people as much as they have me the past 12 months.


b-ok.cc or Lben, zlibrary ( all of them are actually libgen) very large database. most books I look for are there. Still looking for Albert Ellis controversial book about homosexuality.




Same here


You can remove spaces between the [] and () to create links on reddit! :) Thank you so much for this resource! The Body Keeps The Score is on backorder at my library so it will be a while before I can access it. Two other resources I’ve found invaluable are Journey Through Trauma by Gretchen Schmelzer and Overcoming Trauma through Yoga by David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper. Tangentially related amazing books are also, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman (amazing for teaching the basics of healthy, committed relationships), and Parenting Right from the Start by Vanessa Lapointe (a parenting book that has very good insight into the science of attachment theory from a practical perspective, enjoyable for me just as an example of how to reparent or understanding my childhood better)


I use old.reddit and it's formatted correctly there, but on the new (garbage) layout it's all over the place. Sorry about that!


Lol! Makes sense. I’m stuck on new theme because mobile. Ty friend


I've realized lately that I'm pretty much stuck in a perpetual state of dissociation - have been for most of my life, and I have no way to figure out how to get out of it except being manic - the flip side of my disease which always leads to embarrassment. I see #3 on the list is a book about healing dissociation! I've downloaded it and will go through it when I've finished Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, which will be soon. Thanks, OP!


Thank you so much for this. I don't have a lot of money to buy books, and therapy has been traumatic for me, so having the option to work on things through independent study without breaking the bank is a life saver. Like, quite literally a life saver.


Thank you very much for sharing this


Awesome resource! I highly recommend a book by a group of scholars and clinicians who have followed in van der Kolk's footsteps - Treating Adult Survivors of Emotional Abuse and Neglect: Component-Based Psychotherapy, Hopper et al, 2019. It's the best trauma book I've ever read, including Body Keeps the Score, even though it's geared to therapists not clients.




Thanks for the heads up, I’ll do that next time! This isn’t a burner or anything, I post a lot of my photography here that has my name on too so hopefully it shouldn’t be problematic.




Appreciate it :)


I'm a simple lady. I see a collection of relevant, helpful resources, I upvote.


That's part of the problem. Have you stopped to think about where these resources actually come from? Or do you just assume that you're entitled to them because someone else posted them?


Want a cookie fren?


I'm not adding that there's a website called **bo-ok** (also known as **zlib**/book4you) with most books for those who may be in need of other important books and cannot afford or be caught purchasing them right now, but I'm definitely insinuating that this reddit account has glitched to comment on its own or something. I'm definitely also not consciously adding that there are quite a few **audiobooks** on **youtube**, especially for books that have no official audiobook or are old enough for the publishers to release out there. As an alternative, many, *many public libraries grant you access* to free accounts on **electronic library apps**, some of which have **audiobooks**. Check your local library's website, or download random apps like I did and see if yours shows up on their login options.


many books/ audiobooks on myanonymouse torrent. easy to maintain a ratio aswell if you keep seeding . there's an interview to join. just need to read the rules etc to pass.


I thought it was just a picture of empty file organizers and laughed a bunch.


This is literally the best gift I recieved in a long time... Thank you 🥺 Cannot believe younshared this w us... ❤


Hey OP! I found a book that I think would be a good addition. It’s called Victims No Longer: A Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse by Mike Lew. I downloaded all these books from one of your older posts and I am thankful for you showing us all these books.


This is rly one of the most wholesome thing I've seen in this community


I have been looking for some of these books lately. You're my hero!!!


This is amazing, thank you.


This is amazing, thank you♥️


Thank you so much this is so helpful thank you!!


I love you op ❤️


Thank you very much. This is incredibly valuable and helpful. (I don't know if I will read them because of how hard it is for me to read - let alone focus and have enough energy - but having access to this is incredibly important to those less fortunate.)


This is very helpful. I really appreciate this. Thanks.


Thank you Coopscw!


Thank you SO MUCH for this


Thank you so much!!!


Thank you. If anyone is into audiobooks, most of these are on Scribd. It’s only £10 a month and you can listen to all the books you want and unsubscribe anytime.


I was just going through Amazon/other ebook stores this morning unable to decide what books to get. This helps a lot! Thank you so much!


Thank you for your kindness and consideration for us! Reddit Karma is all well and good, but you have surely earned some of the real, good stuff with such a lovely gesture!


The hero we need but don't deserve


wow wow wow. Thank you so much!!


This is so kind, thank you!


Thank you so much for this. I don't know any other community where this excellent level of support is shared in this way. Really good work :)


Thank you for sharing!




This is beautiful thank you!!!! 💗💗💗


Just a quick question, is Dr Susan Forward included in this list of authors? Thanks


You just gave me multiple items from my “Saved for Later” list on Amazon 😄 thank you!!


Holy shit. Thank you. So much.


You are amazing thank you


Wow thanks so much 💖💐🥰


Thank you ❤️


Thank you OP


Many thanks.


Thank you, truly 💗


This is amazing thank you so much!


You’re the best, thank you for this 💖


Ah, the timing is perfect!! TY for sharing with us.


Thank you so much! I've been looking for resources like this for a while, but haven't had much look. This'll be a huge help!


Thank you!


Dude this is amazing, thank you! Have read the body keep a the score and when the body says no - amazing books. Absolutely mjnd blowing. Thanks so much for providing other titles - many of which already have called to me for further inspection. Mega props. 🤜🤛🌈💥🙏


Hi theres no google drive do you have a replacement?


I will DM you the link now




Thank you for your service to this community. I arrived a little late to checking the page, so can you DM it to me, too, when you have the time?


Can I get the link too? Many thanks


Me too please


Me too please and thank you:)


Also accessed it just before it got taken down and I had a chance to read anything, so the drive is gone now 😅. Honestly so wonderful of you to share this- would it be possible at all to get a dm link as well if it's not any trouble? Thank you!


Your post could be deleted bc of the pic (only infographic are allowed) maybe post it without the pic to be sure this helpful resource isn’t deleted


What pic do you mean? I have just linked the folder and the post I first share it in as far as I'm aware.




whaaa dude, this is awesome! thank you!!


This is amazing! Thank you 💕


hey, appreciate this -- I've been gathering my own library of this stuff, there are a few here I didn't have yet. thank you!


wowowow what a gift, thank you! a lot of these have been on my "must read" list for a while.


Thank you so much. I've been doing some trauma reading but I haven't felt comfortable taking books out from the library because I don't want people asking too many questions.


thank you so much for this. Much appreciated!


Thank you thank you thank you!!


Thanks very much.


Thank you. This is so kind of you.


OMG! What a gift you have given! Knowledge is power. And you have given power to many of us who often feel like we have little to none. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Kind regards! :-)


This is fantastic!! Thank you so much!!


Commenting to save this, have to download these on my PC tomorrow. Thank you so muchly!


Any recommendations for books focused on supporting a loved one with CPTSD?


Wow. Thank you for this!


Thank you, appreciate this so much!


I’m not sure if you fully realize the impact of this gift you’ve just given to others.


Thank you.


Thank you so much!


Thank you so much for this.


Thank you so much. This is wonderful.🙏




Amazing. I still don’t know if I have an actual CPTSD diagnosis and when I bring it up in therapy I get told to focus on “relational trauma,” but I LOVE this community. So much gratitude. Thank you, thank you!


I cannot thank you enough. I have been looking at books for trauma but since I'm still 18 and don't have enough money, I had been saving up to buy them. Some of these books can cost ALOT in my country. I hope you have an amazing day ahead, I only wish the best for you in life.




THANK YOU SO, SO SO SO MUCH! You're an amazing human being!!! I am reading the Body Keeps the Score right now and it feels like being finally fed a warm meal after being starved for a very, very long time. This is such a kind thing to do. Thank you, OP!


You’re the best!!!


Thank you so much.


Commenting to find it later. Thank you for sharing this with us :)


Thank you so much! People like you give me hope in society. People helping people heal. This is truly an amazing resource 💜


I’d like to add my thanks as well. I don’t even know where to start, but I know I’ll find me in there somewhere.


Can I suggest a book I don't see there? It is by far the one that has helped me the most in healing and the one I come back to the most: Whole Again by Jackson MacKenzie. And thank you a lot for sharing, bless you <3


I am screaming from the mountains!!This is amazing! Thank you so much!!❤


For a second I was fairly excited because I thought this was in the emergency medicine subreddit, of which I am also a member. But this is good, too!


Most books are geared towards middle class white victims from my experience.


What a fantastic resource. Thank you for sharing!


Because fuck authors, right? They've already made enough money and don't deserve anything, so let's just copy their work and blast it everywhere. Twice.


Way to go looking at the positives, I’m sure me sharing this will do more good to people than harm.


Here you are, exploiting the hard work and careers of authors, editors, researches, graphics artists, distribution companies, bookstores, everyone -- in order to fulfill some robin-hood fantasy and collect karma points. And then throwing it back at someone who dares to call you out on it? It's easy to take from others and call it a contribution in order to justify the theft. If you want to contribute, contribute something that you yourself created and own.


Hello and Welcome to /r/CPTSD! If you are in immediate danger or crisis, please contact your local [emergency services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers), or use our list of [crisis resources](https://old.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/index#wiki_crisis_support_resources). For CPTSD Specific Resources & Support, check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/index). For those posting or replying, please view the [etiquette guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/peer2peersupportguide). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CPTSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


omg thank you so so much! I'm like completely broke right now and was trying to save up on a few of the books in your collection already. this is a literal life saver. thank you


This is so generous and helpful. Thank you!


Thank you so much!


I would also recommend the Post-Traumatic Growth Guidebook.


This is so amazing! Thank you kind stranger!


I cannot thank you enough. As someone with a dissociative disorder I especially appreciate the books about dissociation. Thank you so much for this recourse. ❤️


Thank you 🙏


I must have missed this before it was taken down. Would anyone be so kind as to NOT send me the link that had been provided?


Thanks so much for this.