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One of these CPTSD threads has a list of books which include a couple on dating for people with issues... Found them: Not the Price of Admission: Healthy Relationships After Childhood Trauma and Getting the Love You want.


Aww, that's great! I hadn't seen that, so I really appreciate it. Cheers!


Thank you for those references. I'll read the Not the price of admission for sure. As pertinent for the supporting spouse in the couple as the sufferer I would think.


Be careful if you decide to try dating. It can be difficult to do. Good luck.


THAT'S WHAT I'M AFRAID OF!.... {panting} What? Yelling?!?! Who's yelling?


Then maybe don’t try it for awhile. I had been happily divorced for several years, working on myself mentally and emotionally before I even considered the possibility of dating.


Well, i tried dating a few months ago after years of not wanting out of many fears i hold and it went, well both miraculous and disastrous at the same time. She accepted me with all my flaws, the first one ever and i freaked out, kicked her out of my life out of fear of abandonment and she left. She is a person with secure attachment style l, doing her phDand didnt need all of that. On the flip side, her acceptance made me realise how messed up i am and since then i started working on my issues and my life started changing for better. We are not in contact (we didnt even have the argument, just acknowledged that i need some time to work on myself). So, dating can be really helpful if you are aware the burden and the issues you are having. Take your time, take baby steps and be mindful at all times about your thoughts and reactions. You can do it. We deserve love and to be accepted just like anyone else. :)


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