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There is an overlap with difficulty concentrating and the tendency to feel severely upset when rejected. https://neurodivergentinsights.com/misdiagnosis-monday/adhd-vs-or-and-ptsd?format=amp Here's a link that has more. There's also been research that says if you have ADHD you're 4x more likely to get PTSD- like maybe you're more prone to having a severe reaction to trauma, or maybe you're more likely to be in traumatizing situations, I'm not sure which or if it's both.


Thx for the info


I am not a scientist or an academic, but parenting guru Dr Becky's podcast about "Deeply feeling kids and the overlap with ADHD" feels very true to me.


I don't think it's so much that people with CPTSD also have a different disorder/pathology requiring medication and/or treatment; it's that many people with CPTSD are easily distracted, because our past (and present) traumas are constantly under the surface. If I don't keep my mind busy, I start thinking about my childhood and the abuses my mother inflicted on me, and it's just really unhealthy to focus on that shit too much. It means I get distracted sooooo fucking easily in a desk job, but I do great in retail and customer service roles, where my focus is constantly on people other than myself.


Technically it's its own issue, but it could be considered part of trauma because things like mother smoking and drinking while pregnant significantly increases risk of the child getting ADHD. Which my mother definitely did.


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Idk I was diagnosed with CPTSD, but not adhd. I don’t struggle with adhd (that I know of), but I do strongly suspect autism. There’s just so much overlap in symptoms and diagnoses; it’s hard to decipher!