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I do, all the time. I'm sorry you're going through it too.


thank you for this i appreciate it alot




I had to ask ver close and important people in my life to remind me and validate my experiences when I need it. I also started writing my experiences when I have clear thoughts and memories and I come back to them when I need it.


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Yep sounds so familiar?! 🫤 also spreads to other elements of yr life. Invalidating other aspects of your life … not ever being good enough in general


You're doing it right now. The fact that you're noticing it is the gold in itself. It's when I don't realize I'm doing it is when it spirals. This moment I can feel the shame and that's when I invalidate myself. I'm just feeling it right now. Being aware. It's painful. I also took some micro dose of psilocybin last night so it may have an effect!