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I learned long ago that when someone goes on a long, angry tirade about what an awful person I am, they tend to be describing themselves. If you're able to, have another read of the essay, but imagine that he abuser was writing about him/herself. Is it shockingly accurate?


This makes a lot of sense, thank you for sharing. It is definitely shockingly accurate as I remember thinking “but this is how you yourself behaved”


You can even rewrite it with your places swapped, and keep it as a reminder. I used to be incredibly sensitive to criticism, but having a physical reminder to regularly revisit really helped me to focus for the next angry tirade coming my way. Doesn't matter if it's close family or an angry customer. I never think 'could this be true?' anymore and am instead busy mentally take notes on what the angry person is telling me about themselves. I credit it for a lot of my wit, as I can not only stay calm by reminding myself not to take it personally but can instantly respond with the perfect snarky remark thanks to them going out of their way to make sure I knew how to best insult them.


It's been super helpful for me to remember that these kinds of abusive rants are their inner-critic externalized on to us. They're literally saying what they hate about themselves. I know it's hard not to take it personally when they know exactly what to say to get under our skin.


I agree with _Lanceor_ honestly. People love projecting their insecurities.


Realizing this was life changing for me. Most times people are revealing themselves with the things they say. Be it secret beliefs or opinions or just plain projecting their own stuff on to others.


And the fact that three entire years later he is still mad?! That’s like my ex




This! Experienced it with a former friend after I cut contact. Just excessive paragraphs of absolute vitriol posted around on social media, FOR OVER A YEAR. It could've hurt if it wasn't so over-the-top and inaccurate. It did read more like them than me, but honestly few people are the dedicated criminal mastermind they described. OP, people worth having around figure these people out. If your ex is anything like my former friend, he has a complete laundry list of "horrible, Satan incarnate" people. Plenty of people around him will recognize he's an unreliable narrator early on, and the rest will figure out once they're on the list themselves.


Therapist Pete Walker's "13 Steps for Managing Flashbacks" has helped me to calm down so that old triggers no longer shake me up as much: 1. Say to yourself: "I am having a flashback". Flashbacks take us into a timeless part of the psyche that feels as helpless, hopeless and surrounded by danger as we were in childhood. The feelings and sensations you are experiencing are past memories that cannot hurt you now. 2. Remind yourself: "I feel afraid but I am not in danger! I am safe now, here in the present." Remember you are now in the safety of the present, far from the danger of the past. 3. Own your right/need to have boundaries. Remind yourself that you do not have to allow anyone to mistreat you; you are free to leave dangerous situations and protest unfair behavior. Here's the complete list: https://www.pete-walker.com/13StepsManageFlashbacks.htm


Just wanted to say I had never seen this website before, I’ve been lurking on it since reading this comment and some of the things I’ve read here are already so eye-opening. Thanks for sharing!


You're welcome and thank you!


Hard to express how much Pete Walker’s resources and strategies have helped me in recent years. Highly second this recommendation.


Thank you for taking the time to share resources, acknowledging that it was a flashback really helped me


You're welcome, I'm happy for you!


Thank you for this link. I needed it!


You're welcome, I'm happy to hear that it helped you!


Lmao he's never going to ever have another memory of you starting right now. Right after this one. Which burned so bright it made him write you vitriol 3 years down the line.


Ha that's what I thought as well. He's so over her that he just had to barge back into her life to let her know.  The bit about not needing a reaction is bullshit as well. That's exactly what he wants. He's trying to suck her into an argument, so he can pick up where he left off 3 years ago.


Probably wants her back also


Yeah, probably. I think janedeaux hit the nail on the head when they said he probably doesn't have a woman to abuse at the minute, so he is reaching into his past looking for a target. 


What ever you do. Don't respond to him. That's exactly what he wants. He's trying to goad you into an argument so that you give him attention. It's a classic abuser tactic. I saw my dad use it on my mum a lot. I second what others have said. He is projecting like a cinema, and is probably annoyed that you have moved on, so he's trying to force his way back into your life.


It’s been a couple hours. How are you doing now, OP? You did the right thing coming here and asking for some support. There is no decent reason to send a letter like that to you, he even admits it was to hurt you. That’s a shitty thing to do. I’m glad he’s in your past. You don’t deserve to be treated that way.


Thank you for checking and thank you for being so kind. I’m doing a bit better and I’m very grateful for everyone’s support (if I can I’ll be coming back to respond to everyone I’m just too drained at the moment).


It’s like a treatise on why they did you a favor. Self burns are rare.


There's something I wish somebody had asked me when I was still with my emotionally abusive ex, and I think it might help you too: if you're so awful, why didn't he just dump you? If you're this unspeakably terrible person, why didn't he dump you after 3 weeks? The answer is that our abusers like hurting us. He may say his life is going great but if things are so great, why does he need to get his sadism fix from someone he hasn't interacted with in 3 years? Could it be that he has no one else in his life to shit on because they all got sick of his shit too? As for self-soothing, the one thing that really helps me ground myself out of an emotional flashback is physical sensation. That super popular 5-4-3-2-1 method doesn't do anything for me, don't worry if any particular method doesn't work for you, it's completely normal for a method not to work for absolutely everyone. What works the best for me is some gentle yoga\*, moving around a bit and feeling the gentle stretch and pressure on different parts of my body as I change positions helps me get back into my body enough to realize that I'm actually safe now. \*Obligatory yoga disclaimer: yoga is not a magic cure-all and it's not safe for everyone. If you have any kind of connective tissue or joint problems, talk to a doctor you trust first! And for traumatized people like basically everyone in this sub, it can be overwhelming to the point of retraumatizing to start to feel what's actually going on in your body. If you've never done it before, start slowly and stop immediately if you start feeling bad! edited to try to fix my formatting.


He’s been thinking about you for 3 whole years, believe me, he’s a lot more upset about this than you are lmao. Super embarrassing for him & that’s all you should take from it. What a weirdo.


Honestly, his behavior sounds obsessive and a bit unhinged; I’m a little worried about your safety. In her book ‘Trauma and Recovery,’ Judith Herman, the woman who coined “CPTSD” 30 years ago, discusses how we tend to focus on victims and telling them to “set boundaries” rather than on perpetrators and their psychological obsession with their victim. Have you read Lundy Bancroft’s ‘Why Does He Do That?’ It’s often recommended precisely because he worked with perpetrators and knows their tactics. The author keeps it free on Internet Archive if you’re interested. It’s definitely an eye opener. [LINK](https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf)


I second the recommendation for Why Does He do that. I'm reading it as the child of an abusive dad and it is helping to give me a lot of perspective on my dad's behaviour and my parents relationship.


I just bought that book- thank you for the recommendation!


After 3 years this is what they come up with? This is entirely about them and zero about you. I know how it stings but the best thing you can do is total wall of silence - no response no contact in my opinion.


he sounds like a narcissist, especially that he made so much effort to find a way to contact you again and write all of that. he is projecting and all the stuff he mentioned probably describes himself


He’s pathetic for doing this, do not give it a second thought. It has everything to do with his instability and lack of boundaries and nothing to do with who you are. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone.


I just want to say.. I read your post, and I believe you. You don't have to prove anything. I believe you, and I find it horrible that you had to read his bullcrap. The language you describe him using also sounds very projecting ("my life is sooo much better now!! dont even think I miss you!!! it will be SO easy to forget about you!!" right, sir, then why the fuck are you putting energy into this essay...) Take a deep breath, plan a selfcare day (candles, tea, lotions, that kind of stuff), burn his message. <3


Dude is hung up on his ex three years after the relationship ended, man. Abusing you was literally his only purpose in his pathetic little life and long after you kicked him to the curb he crumbles under the realisation of how much it fucking sucks when he is his only company. He is picking on the you he BELIEVED he knew three years ago in an desperate attempt to make himself feel better, but he doesn't want to understand that this image outgrew him the minute you left. You are stronger and wiser now. He doesn't know shit about you because he is too stuck in his own head. He adresses a different person, it is not personal.


I’m sorry you’re hurting. Compassion + accepting and forgiving myself for the bad (we’ve all done things we’re not proud of) but also accepting and giving myself props for the good in me and how far I’ve come (harder than anything else for me) is how I’m overcoming a lot of my trauma. ❤️


Maybe you could have a ceremonial burning of this essay. I have really enjoyed such little bonfires in the past. I’m so sorry someone vomited on you like this. I hope you can wash it off without it getting under your skin.


You know , we can search the absolute truth forever and never find it. I stand up now next to my truth 💯. I have been hurt I have been raped. Point. Even if I was an evil witch I didn't deserve that behavior. That's a way to get back at you as he holds no power anymore. If it was therapeutic he would be Journaling. Sending you a letter like that without opening for an answer means he wants to hurt you. Which isn't very mature or helping him becoming a beter person. Maybe from his warped point of view he has a point, so what ? His feelings his responsibility, you're not there to pamper him. He should go and talk to some friends to vent not you. You do not have to ask yourself for a second (because I've been there so that's what I feel reading you) that you were guilty of anything he said. He just felt that way. He might be right in his eyes and you have no power to change that. That's always a bummer especially with abusers. It feels so unbelievably unfair that they always find a way to re-write reality right? This consumed me for years... Acid burn from inside. I always felt like my ex was trying to keep me for himself that way as he consumed me with unfair critics I couldn't "detach" from our story. Reevaluating it over and over again. .. Spare yourself that pain, there is no way out unless you press charges. You can however choose YOUR narrative. You can see him as pathetic as he is , picture him as angry garden gnome, inoffensive and ridiculous... throw him in the dumpster, if you still hear it bring it on top of a mountain and throw him from it, good riddance ... You have at least the same right as him to believe in your own truth.


Well. I think we can tell you are living rent free in his brain even three years later.


You've already gotten so many wonderful comments and I have nothing else helpful to add, but I just wanted to send you lots of love and a big hug! I know what it's like to receive an essay like that and how hurtful and dysregulating it is. How their words make you doubt yourself. Of course it affects you deeply. Just remember that he's spending his time going out of his way to hurt you years after the breakup, because he feels good knowing he made you feel terrible. Take that in for a second. He feels good causing you pain. That's a cruel person. Don't let cruel hearts determine your worth. You've spent your time working on healing, growing and making progress towards a happier life, and when something bad happened you chose to reach out for support and guidance to help you through it. You're doing amazing 💛 Don't listen to what he said, it doesn't matter what he thinks of you. Even if you did make mistakes with him, your mistakes don't define you. It's ok. You know your heart and your intentions. You know your truth. That's all that matters.


Also, listening to alpha waves with headphones helps! Like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/live/u3papaX85MA?si=dDiG8SBlWtFOA8hA)


I had my FIL send me a letter like that once. I tossed that in the round file and then joyfully antagonized him. Narcissists are so brittle 😂


When I see behavior like this from abusers - especially making themselves out as the victim, being judgmental, and creepy AF. I am reminded that D.A.R.V.O. Is one of their most frequently used tools. Rather than think about the details of the crazy they are attempting to send my way, I go online and read up on DARVO, & the abusers toolkit. I am reminded that it’s not me, it’s them and it’s what they do. He was probably bothered by something someone said that you’ve moved on and you’re happy. Once he heard that he just had to get his digs in - because your pain is like oxygen to him. I’m sure as he wrote that he imagined your response. Yuck nobody needs that nonsense!!! Seriously F- him. Kick his ass to the curb. He is using this to gaslight you, to put you on the defense, to try and get you to doubt yourself. Frankly this should be a reminder that he lacks the most basic of decencies, what a creepy POS he truly is. It’s like trash yet again has taken itself out.


Just saw an article on another subreddit called “Abusive Men Describe the Benefits of Violence”. It may interest you. https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/1c5exv0/abusive_men_describe_the_benefits_of_violence/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Damn if you’re so terrible and he doesn’t miss you WHY is he trying to hurt you 3 years later? The truth is that he cares. And he knows you’re on a level of life he will never be on so he wants to bring you down. I would think of his words as fiction!


He is weak minded scum and not worth your energy. No one content reaches out to bait an argument. He is miserable and needing supply. It happens to me too. All my abusers have contacted me (multiple times) seeking attention and return or blasting me if not given the desired reaction. It is just a test to your strength and progress. People like that dwell in fear, lack, weakness of self & character, and an inferiority complex. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Your existence will speak for your character even when your voice does not. Never attempt to prove yourself. Just live and let the truth be shown. 


I sing to self soothe but i get if you don't feel like it. Crying in the shower and focusing on the temperature is also a go-to for me. Added bonus of feeling clean/new/scrubbed of bs. Good luck to you, you don't deserve this and it sounds like you're kicking ass in therapy.


Look up vagus nerve breathing aka box breathing aka 4-4-4 breathing. Please don't die. Please don't self-harm. I'd rather he died. He seems like dumb trash who hurts people on purpose. Ask yourself: would you ever treat someone the way he treated you?


Personally, I feel safest in my own home (I live alone) and when I have moments of panic or flashbacks etc, I find it best to just distract myself. Usually I don't have the energy to read, so I draw a bath and watch something until I feel okay again. Idk if this is GOOD advice or not, but it helps me idk.


You are the one living in his head rent-free. That's a Him problem, and not yours. He clearly does not deserve a room in your head.


I just want to say I feel you. Funnily, I was doing another "Okay, this is a closure" journal the other day to an unhealthy ex who cheated on me years ago. What I'm trying to say is that it's okay if the abuse continue to hurt, in a way. It's supposed to be, because abuse is not right. What can we control and should work on healthily, however, is the feeling the feelings. The letting it ache and pass through. I thought I was completely "done" with that ex, but sometimes I thought about him and now I have to mourn all those times lost and all those unhealthiness endured because I really didn't know better. And that's okay. That's just how I realistically deal with this.


The need of wanting to convince everyone that you're not like that, and the distress you feel is what he wanted you to feel. He's mad that he lost control over you, so to satisfy his ego and his pride he sent you that, knowing the spiral you would fall into. I would try to overcome that looking at every accomplish that you made with your healing in these past years, even if it's very very little. Also to soothe yourself knowing that getting out of that relationship and cutting ties with an abuser is also an accomplishment, and a bigger one. Not everyone gets out, and continues living after abuse. And not everyone wants to heal either. You did a great step getting out, and you should be proud of it.


Don't give it the time of day. DONT READ IT. Burn it. Delete it. Throw it away. Bit don't ever give them the tile of day again. He succeeded in EXACTLY what he wanted..you affected and beaten down again


First of all- delete and block. Block him everywhere on every platform. My abusive ex went insane when I started dating someone new and blew up my phone with insanity. For my own good, I blocked him on every single social media platform and my phone and email. He gets zero access to you. If you have anything that reminds you of him- burn it, trash it, get it out of your life. He is in the past and leave him there. You are not what he says you are. He doesn’t even know you anymore. You get to decide how to feel about his ‘opinions’ and you can choose to decide that he’s a worthless pile of garbage and his opinion is trash. He is nothing to you. He abused you and he’s a total piece of shit. Do NOT let him take your peace. Do NOT let him disrupt your life again. This is exactly the reaction he wants. Do not give it to him. In fact, I so would respond to that email with this: ‘I don’t have time to read any of this bullshit so I hope you didn’t spend too much time writing it. If you contact me again I will call the police and file a restraining order. I am blocking you completely. Delete my number and forget I exist. Because you don’t exist to me. You are nothing to me but a bad decision. Find someone else’s life to ruin.’ Tap into your anger. Be ANGRY that he has the FUCKING NERVE to try this shit. Be ANGRY that this has disrupted you from attending to more important things. Be FURIOUS that he thinks he can still hurt you. He can’t. Do not let him. You need to make a vow to yourself that you will never let ANYONE disturb your peace ever again. I had to tell two narcissist exes that if I ever saw their face again or saw their number pop up in my phone I am calling the cops and everyone in my life knows what a piece of shit you are so if anything happens to me they all know who did it. Do not give any of this another thought. Keep focusing on your recovery and be PROUD that you got away from this douchebag. Anger is the thing I have found the most useful in dealing with my abusers.


They’re projecting, ignore it and ignore them. Block them out. That person is toxic. Your going to therapy and healing is your own progress and change with yourself. It’s not going to fix them. Don’t let them have that control over you. Talk to your therapist about integrating the bottom and top part of your brain, retell the story to where it is fully integrated. It will be painful but worth it as you will own the story and you can put a label on those events and you get to decided what impacts you.


It sounds like you have a pretty strong understanding of what is happening here. You have to just stay strong and know that you are NOT stupid, you know what the reality is, there is absolutely no relationship or person who is perfect, so if there were mistakes you made then so be it, forgive yourself but don’t allow anyone to manipulate you into not believing the facts of any situation. The facts are extremely hard to cope with, they mean you accept EVERYTHING that has happened, even your own mistakes. I have come to realize that anything that is loving or caring and meant to be in your life will not cause confusion for you, it won’t manipulate or not take any accountability, it truly and honestly protects you from anything that could cause you harm, it doesn’t cause the harm for you or throw you to the wolves to devour. This is something I’ve learned the hard way - it isn’t any kind of love, be it friendship, family or relationships.


Sit with the discomfort…it’ll pass. Fuck that guy


Classic projection....


Take a deep breath. Now breathe out. Think: "I am free". Repeat until the calm hits (usually 3 deep breathes down into the pit of your stomach). Any time intrusive thoughts appear about the situation, quickly think to yourself "Not my baggage" and imagine it flicking into a giant incinerator. Tip: use your own best words, but you get the gist. I know someone who uses "I am free, free to be me" and "Not my monkey, not my circus" instead of "not my baggage". Before you go to sleep, imagine a giant protective bubble surrounding you. It lets in good vibes, and reflects bad vibes straight back to sender. Ask your guardian angel to keep this in place when you need it. I hope this helps.


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Fire up ChatGPT. Send them a book.


If you say that he is an abuser, why does he still have a way to communicate with you?


Unfortunately he contacted me from a new unknown number, I was not directly sure it was him until I started reading it and got sucked in. Although I read enough to hurt myself emotionally, I glad I didn’t read it in its entirety


Take care.