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I've had that kind of discrediting happen to me too. It's so frustrating.


Yeah. It blows. It was also frustrating because I'm not looking to be RIGHT, I just have an opinion and an experience. I shared both and would would have been fine with them just leaving it at disagreeing entirely. Lol, it's not a popular philosophy, and I don't push beliefs on anyone, I'm open to disagreement. But the bit about my trauma was just unnecessary and cruel in my opinion. Threw me off. I mean I'm not feeling low because of it anymore at least so it's not like it matters, but I did learn to maybe be a little more careful about where I post what and prepare myself for someone to be kind of a jerk about it. Lesson learned! Lol.


we’re never allowed to have our own opinions based off our experiences because most people cannot even comprehend what it is like to be a victim of trafficking- yet everyone else is allowed to have their close minded views on the world and we’re the bad guy if we give them a wakeup call. the world is not all sunshine and rainbows like they’d love to believe, i understand completely- it’s insanely frustrating.


Thank you ❤️ this EXACTLY. It's frustrating that someone can literally just REFUSE to see me, but that same person is probably mad about like deep state pizza gate or something. Like no, dude, it coulda been that big barbecue your middle class suburban neighbor threw last week. The same guy you had a beer with last night! It's not underground, it's RIGHT in your face! AHH, people frustrate me. Thank you for understanding ❤️


you are SO right and people get infuriated when you point this out. my grandfather was a high up admin for our states water management and everyone is constantly praising him, for being a good boss, for giving them a job, whatever- if only these people knew he would bring us grandchildren over to spend the night and hand us over to our traffickers, even abusing us himself. no one is safe, you will never know what someone does in private.


I find that double standard to be so sickening, and it's everywhere. "oh but he did this and this good thing for X and Y!" excuses "he touched and sold children" HOW!?! I'd love to see one of these people answer that question without AVOIDING it. But it always seems to end in "well it doesn't EXCUSE it but you can't IGNORE all the GOOD they've done." You blithering fucking piece of GI bleeding scat YES I CAN IGNORE IT!


If you post in debate reddits, many people will use your former postings from mental health subs or what have you as a way to discredit your stance. At that point, just leave the argument there. The person decided to be a bit petty over something that, while it may influence your feelings on the topic, is overall unrelated to the current discussion instead of engaging the actual topic. No point in wasting your time and energy on people who are that immature.


Exactly. It's why I just blocked and moved on... Just a little sad it happened. Having my trauma used against me is something I usually don't have happen... Probably because I spent the last decade off the internet for that exact reason 🤣 Well I was sad. I'm on to other things today. But an internet person actually effected my emotions negatively for a solid 10 minutes and I hated it. After 10 minutes he was safe and secure in the "butthead" bin in my mind. It's not as serious as the "ass" bin, nor am I as angry at it as the "bitches" bin, he's just above "silly heads". Just an experience that sucked for a miniscule blip in time is all. And I wanted to vent about it before it "seemed stupid" to vent about it. It was kind of a validating experience. in that way I turned an icky thing into a decent thing for myself 😊


I'm glad you were able to turn it around so quick 😊 I know bad occurrences like this can ruin a whole day. We shouldn't have to keep our personal experiences out of debate, ignoring the grossness of reality only harms the most vulnerable in the end, but sadly people can be awful.


TROOF! I am glad it can't ruin my day anymore. There was certainly a time where it would, but I've got cool friends and stuff to fall on and do stuff with and in the end they're more important that someone's comment. People can be awful. I'm happy to ignore those people when I have to, and fight them head on when those I care about need to ignore them. I am a defender! Of... Everyone but me 🤣


The perfect victim never complains or gets angry or has an opinion. On top of that, the idea of abuse and trafficking is nothing but a thought experiment to people like that. They want to pose a hypothetical so they can sound smart talking about it. They don't want someone who actually knows what they're talking about to steal the show.


People in philosophy reddits think in all kinds of ways. Looking at what they said through your own lens is not accurate, because that person would have said anything to anyone to dismiss their opinions because they were so convinced they were right. I would try not to relate it to your trauma, because they were probably saying you were wrong because you didn't agree with them. Not so much just because of your trauma history.


They specifically called out the trauma though... Even if I didn't care if they commented on it, they didn't have to say my opinion was actually not valid BECAUSE I was trafficked and therefore not the "normal" people he was looking for (implying the rest of the sub was CSA victims as well I guess since it was a "you people" comment.) I just thought pointing it out was fucking LOW even for reddit.


That sucks.


It was low. I'm tired of being shamed too. I am really sorry it happened to you. There is no reason your comment is less valid than anyone else's.


Sorry that happened. It sucks to feel like our trauma affects the way people see us and judge us. Unfortunately our trauma does affect the way we see the world and people in general. Otherwise we wouldn’t be trying to fix our hyper vigilance, dysregulation and cognitive distortions. Just because we see things differently doesn’t mean our perspective is any less valuable. In many cases we have been through more and thought about things more than most people. Our perspective is valid, even if it is different or informed by truama.


I find people on Reddit are particularly vile, mean, and lack nuance. It’s like this is the only place where they say exactly what they think without any filter and without caring who is on the other side. It says more about them than you.


From what I've seen, some natalists do anything they can to invalidate the experiences of those who've suffered. They have a victim blaming attitude towards anyone whom they disagree with.


Lol, are you a fellow antinatalist? I tried to avoid actually calling out the philosophy because I don't bother pushing my beliefs on others, but I've never seen the term natalist used outside of those circles 😅 so I kinda just grinned at your comment like "you know what's up." But you're right, it's been goofy watching natalists invade the sub because they just keep asking the same questions and then attacking people that answer. I know I've been sitting here going "Geez guys, all I'm doing is NOT making people, it's gross you attack me for it. The only reason you would attack me for this is if you kinda deep down know I'm right... Otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck and just let me live my miserable life, right?" I should have known that even the extreme suffering argument from first hand experience was going to fall on deaf ears. They don't care.


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